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Education / Training The RWS Diana 75 10-meter target rifle – Part 1

The RWS Diana 75 10-meter target rifle – Part 1

by B.B. Pelletier

I’ll be having another outpatient procedure today and will be gone most of the afternoon. I’d like to ask the regular blog readers if they’d help out answering questions from the new people. Edith will be with me in the hospital and will have her computer and also help out with answers if needed.

Photos and testing by Earl “Mac” McDonald.

Readers who have been with us for several months know that my friend Earl “Mac” McDonald has been helping me test airguns while I recover from my hospitalization. Well, Mac is an airgunner, too, and he has a nice collection of fine vintage guns that he would like to share with all of us. So, while we were on the way to the Roanoke airgun show, we discussed the possibility of his testing some of his guns that may not be well-known among airgunners today.

I asked him to test his RWS Diana model 72, which is a youth target rifle based on the Diana model 6 recoilless target pistol. But when he went to test it for velocity, he discovered that the seal had dry-rotted, a common failure of all recoilless Diana target spring-piston guns. So, that one will have to go back to Umarex USA, which is also RWS USA, for repairs. We’ll eventually test it for you, but in the meantime, I asked Mac to test his full-sized Diana 75.

The RWS Diana 75 target rifle (right) is a normal-sized target rifle. The little model 72 next to it is a youth target rifle based on the model 6 target pistol.

The 75 is the last recoilless spring-piston target rifle made by Diana. Like all the other guns, it uses the GISS system in which the primary piston is countered by another piston of similar weight that moves in the opposite direction. The second piston does not compress air, but it’s timed so the forward thrust of the true piston is cancelled.

Do you get confused between the names RWS and Diana? Diana is the German maker of the guns and RWS is a separate and very large German company that’s the exporter.

The first four target rifles made by Diana were all breakbarrels. The models 60 and 64 were conventional breakbarrels, and the model 65 and 66 were the final versions that incorporated a barrel latch. Target shooters were no different in the 1960s than they are today, and they felt uncomfortable about using a breakbarrel for competition. They reasoned that the barrel could not possibly lock up in the same place every time. Of course, it does, and those rifles are just as accurate, and breakbarrels simply had to give way.

Diana 75
The first fixed-barrel Diana target rifle was the model number 75. It was produced in several different model variations from 1977 until sometime early in the 21st century. It’s now discontinued. When it was initially introduced, I believe Beeman referred to it as their model 400 for a brief time.

What is this Original?
The rifle Mac owns is a very early model 75. He says it is dated 1979 or possibly 1978. Date stamps on Diana rifles are usually found on the left rear of the spring tube, just above the stock line. However, you can tell that Mac’s rifle is early because of the name Original stamped on the spring tube. Diana designs and tooling were acquired by the United Kingdom as war reparations for World War II, and the Milbro company in Scotland began producing Diana spring rifles soon after the war ended. To avoid the obvious confusion this engendered, the German Diana company stamped Original on their guns. That lasted as long as Milbro continued to produce Dianas, which ended in 1982. Diana repurchased their name from Milbro in 1984 and dropped the Original name from the guns they made.

German-made Diana guns had the name Original stamped on them during the 1960s and into the ’80s, when Milbro of Scotland also made Dianas.

This is a big, heavy air rifle. It weighs about 11 lbs., depending on the weight of the walnut stock, and is 43.5 inches overall. The length of pull is 14 inches, which is quite long for a target rifle. As you see in the first photo, Mac’s gun has three holes in the forearm, and there are a matching set on the other side. They don’t go all the way through the forearm and are just there for decoration, however this design was not received well by shooters and was soon replaced with a solid forearm.

Unlike many other sidelevers, the model 75 has no latch to lock the sidelever in place. Instead it uses an over-center geometry with a connecting rod that contains a short spring. Similar to the models 48/52 and 54 that followed, this is a positive way of locking the lever to the side of the rifle without any latching mechanism.

Push the sidelever toward the stock and the spring in the end of the connecting rod puts tension on the lever, holding it fast to the rifle’s side.

Like many sidelevers, the model 75 has a sliding compression chamber. However, unlike any other rifle with that feature, the 75 has a solid floor beneath the breech that prevents a dropped pellet from getting lost, the way they always do in other guns with sliding chambers. This floor moves with the sliding chamber, and it fits under the barrel when the chamber is all the way forward.

When the sliding compression chamber is pulled back to cock the rifle, there’s a solid floor beneath the breech. A dropped pellet has nowhere to go.

The stock is rather unique in a couple of ways. First, it has an accessory rail in the forearm. While those are commonplace today, they weren’t when the model 75 was new. And, the second unique feature about the stock is found at the butt. The butt has a definite cast or angle to it that situates the cheekpiece properly against the shooter’s cheek.

An accessory rail was uncommon when the model 75 was new. Today, they’re found on all 10-meter rifles.

The butt curves into the shoulder, making the cheekpiece fit the face much better. Definitely a right-hand-only model!

The 75 was no powerhouse, even in its day. Expect velocities of normal target pellets in the high 500s. In report 2, I’ll report all velocities Mac obtained. As easy as it shoots, the 75 is even easier to cock. Mac measured just 11 lbs., 7 oz. needed to pull the lever back all the way.

Mac had one more thing to say about this rifle. He had forgotten how light the trigger was set. His gauge recorded a pull weight of only 5.2 oz. (147 grams) needed to trip the sear. While even that much sounds heavy compared to what they do today (there’s no bottom pull weight for a 10-meter rifle, so some guns have triggers that only need 20 grams of pressure to fire), it’s extremely light compared to the 3 to 5 lbs. of pull we’re used to on a sporting rifle. Many shooters will set it off just getting their finger on the trigger blade, the first few times.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

87 thoughts on “The RWS Diana 75 10-meter target rifle – Part 1”

  1. I’ll also add that Mac’s Diana 75 is a pristine example that was recently resealed so is a wonderful testbed for a fine 10 meter gun. He also has the original box with styrofoam insert. Rare.

    I remember several years ago shouldering Mike’s 75 at my hosted airgun shoot. Finest trigger I’ver ever pulled. Will never forget that experience. I’m sure it’s common but Diana offered (and maybe included) several canted spacers that afforded shooters a “custom” fit for the buttplate. Nice touch.


  2. B.B.,

    All the best with your upcoming procedure. Lets hope you stand up longer, stronger and sraighter thereafter! 😀

    Wow, that’s a much nicer looking pull rod than on my RWS Diana 54, where the flexing of the rod provides the ‘snap’ that keeps it tight to the side. The slightest misadjustment in the length, or a tiny error of haste in not depressing the release lever enough when returning the lever after cocking and– chaching!– Umarex just sold another pull rod. :-\

    The lever assembly on the 75 looks much sturdier than on the 54. Any chance they’re the same size and I can retrofit that pull rod to the lever of my 54?


  3. Good luck with you procedure BB, and let’s hope that the “out” in out patient means you can stay OUT of those darn places as much as possible!

    Brian in Idaho

    • Brian,

      This procedure is to get me ready for the big operation in another week. In that one they are going to slice off the bad part of my pancreas and sew it up. I should be able to get rid of the drain in my side after that.

      So I view today as a good thing, even though I know it has an unpleasant side.


  4. Good luck today BB.
    That is a thoughtful touch putting a floor in the breach of the Diana.
    More than once I have ‘Lost’ a pellet in my B3 side lever and ended up doing the ‘Shaker maker’ to get it out.
    Thanks for your response to my question about a gas spring replacement as well.
    All the best mate.

    • DaveUK

      My thoughts exactly. My TX-200 weighs 10 and a half pounds at least (I don’t know what that converts to in stone) and it is a bit nerve wracking to shake it with one hand while trying to catch the pellet with the other. Now that I think about it, risking dropping the rifle, and scope, to recover a pellet that costs me less than two cents is ridiculous.( I dont know what two cents converts two in pounds or pence or quid or whatever the hell you guys call it ) I won’t be doing that anymore. A ‘floor’ is a thoughtful touch.

      What spring are you monkeying with? It isn’t the HW99 is it? Leave that baby alone. My HW50S (same rifle) shoots more smoothly with every pellet. It was actually kind of harsh at first. Not now. I should shoot it more, but the problem is I have too many bloody rifles at this point. It’s all that Pelletier guy’s fault. He got me into this. God bless him.

      Good news! I managed to scratch the stock already! Isn’t that awesome? Stupid clumsy oaf. I shouldn’t be able to own anything nicer than a Red Ryder with my propensity to ruin things. Oh, well. It’s water down the drain at this point. Now I can turn my attention to rifles I haven’t damaged yet.

      Cheers mate.

  5. BB

    It was very useful to see the two rifles next to each other to get a sense of the scale. I have to say, the 72 looks just adorable when posed next to the 75. Looking forward to that report from Mac.

  6. I’ve owned an FWB 300S, an Anschutz 250, and I recently acquired a Diana 66. Of the three different approaches to recoil in a spring rifle, the Giss system is superior, in my opinion. The sliding action of the FWB can be distracting when the sight moves with the shot, and while the oil-filled damper in the Anschutz is very effective, the gun is not 100% recoil-less. But the Diana shoots absolutely dead. I am awaiting a rebuild of a Walther LGR, so I will be able to compare an SSP with the Giss system.

    These old 10M guns are truly works of gunsmithing art. Every serious airgun shooter should have at least one. (And good luck KEEPING it at one.)

    • Hi Jim,

      I’m going to guess that the LGR SSP will be your favorite. By coincidence, I have an LGR U that will be back home on Tuesday after being resealed by CC. One week turnaround. Now shooting to specs. Very impressed with their service.

      Do you mind sharing who you chose to do your rebuild?


      • My LGR went to CC as well. Turns out it needed considerably more than a simple re-seal. It had a scored cylinder and needed a new piston as well. So I’m waiting on payment from another sale before I can “get it out of hock.” The repair is a little more than I had planned on. I’m not too disappointed, since I bought the gun for $75. The good news is that once its done, it should be good for at least the rest of my lifetime.

  7. Now this is what puts my salivary glands into action. It’s amazing the size difference of the youth model when compared side-by-side.

    Curious that the stock design (holes) was not accepted by shooters and then the Crosman Challenger come out with that design. Was it just a aesthetic dislike of did the holes interfere with shooting?

  8. This is killing me!! I waited for almost a year for a Marauder Carbine to come out and the pistol with shoulder grip just got released for sale for $30.90 delivered. That’s one of the first 75 made!! And I just couldn’t put it on my card because I’m pretty far into that card. Ahhh! I’m just going to have to wait until I have the $, like I said I would do in the beginning. CRAP!


    ps I did print out the order form with info all filled out and ready to click the final button!!

    • Ya, got my Crosman email yesterday too, got out my “plastic money folder”… Visa?..nope, M/C?.. nope, AAA Towing Card?…maybe?

      Guess I’ll wait for S/N 300 or >

      Too many great new guns and not enough $$$

      Gotta go, calling Obama about the Airgun Stimulus Act of 2011

      • Ha! That’s what we need! I actually watched the clock tick down on Crosman website for this to go on sale. I’m still feeling ill missing an opportunity like this. The first 75 will be (probably have been by now) sold starting today and in mid Dec the remaining 25 are to be released. That’s how I understand it anyway. I’m pretty sure I would’ve gotten divorced had I made the purchase.


  9. First: all the best with todays procedure and you’ll be in my prayers for the upcoming surgery.
    Second: I’ll send my mailing address and you can send me the Diana 75 at your convenience. By Christmas would be great 😉 😉

  10. Did anyone notice that the stock for the new Marauder pistol looks exactly like the the one for the Crosman 1399? Coincidence?

    Does anyone have the pistol stock for the 1399? I assume you have to remove the existing grips and not just clamp onto the existing ones.


      • From the picture of the pistol, the lower frame & trigger housing also looks like a 2240 / 1399 clone? Sure hope that the description of the “Marauder Type Trigger” on the website means that the whole trigger system is better than a 2240?

        • Yes. That’s just one of the cool things about this pistol. Crosman one upped the custom triggers that they put on their 2300 & 2400’s customs. It’ supposed to be the Marauder trigger on a 22XX grip frame.


  11. Not sure that I follow the sentence logic here: “They reasoned that the barrel could not possibly lock up in the same place every time. Of course, it does, and those rifles are just as accurate, and breakbarrels simply had to give way.” But I do see the point that breakbarrels can be as accurate as fixed geometry. This seems very unintuitive to me, but I’ll take your word for it.

    Nice to see a sidelever on the RWS 75. Otherwise, it looks exactly like my Anschutz 1907. One of the reasons I bought that gun is so that I could possess all target and high quality guns, so I figure that I own this one too. I wish I could measure the trigger on my Anschutz which is extremely light. You figure somewhere, sometime, someone had to blow a match by releasing a trigger prematurely on these guns.

    Kid Again, I know the feeling about restraining yourself. See, airgunning can teach you fiscal discipline….

    Chuck, a fellow prospective reloader, eh? I agree on the subject of fire prevention that the fact that powder fires burn too fast to react to is cold comfort although I’m sure it’s true. As with any self-defense, prevention is key. Reading carefully through my Lyman reloading manual, I see that primers can “dust” meaning that they will leave trace residues of their explosive material. After building up, they can become a fire hazard. So regardless of how scrupulous your procedures are, you want to make sure to wipe down everything on a regular basis.

    I’ve uncovered quite a story of corruption. S.L.A. Marshall, the army’s chief historian for many years who reformulated basic infantry doctrine with his claims about low firing rates was apparently a fraud and a pathological liar. All of his claims about extensive infantry interviews for his studies were completely fabricated and many veterans whom he cited were infuriated at the way he represented them. How does someone like this rise to a high position in a bureaucracy with so many resources and regulations which could produce such a work of precision as the M1 Garand? I can’t think of any story of corrupt big government that has astonished me quite like this. If this guy has any complaints about the 1911, it must be the most fabulous pistol that ever existed.

    Mike, I’ll bet that the high rates of fire in the Vietnam War were due also to the M-16s with their lighter ammo (hence heavier combat loads) and full-auto selection. Incidentally, studies rebutting Marshall claim that troops in combat actually fire to excess, spraying the area without hitting anything and wasting their ammo. If this were true the M-16 design would be aggravating the problem rather than solving it.


      • Oops, sorry KA, I forgot to add the 🙂 after that snide remark of mine.

        Good news America, FedEx just delivered Mr. T’s mail-order Russian bride, Natasha (IZH-46M), she’s back from the hospital and fit as a Balalaika (that’s not a fiddle but at least it’s a stringed instrument). I call this great service from our beloved PA service department. As best I can tell from the work order they (meaning an expert named Gene Salvino) replaced the dead bolt lever, lubed the trigger parts and cleaned and lubed the main valve assy. Great job Gene! She shoots like a dream now. Gene got the repair order on the 15th and I got Natasha back on the 19th. How’s that for service? Now I can get back to working on Natasha’s Walnut grips.

    • Matt61,

      A trigger guage is the easiest way to measure your trigger pull on your Anschutz.

      If you don’t own a trigger guage use an old method. Tie a string to your trigger and put a loop at the other end of the string. Stand the gun on its butt. Get small weights (bell sinkers used in fishing is good for this) and weigh each one. Add the weights to the end of the string one at a time until the trigger releases. Add up the weights and you’ll have a close approximation of your trigger pull weight. You can use an opened paper clip as an easy way to attach multiple weights to the end of the string.


    • Matt,

      Thanks for the comments on SLA Marshall. I took some time to dig up a little more material about the controversy as well as about Marshall himself. You should read http://www.journal.forces.gc.ca/vo9/no4/doc/18-grossman-eng.pdf before making up your mind and condemning the man. Frankly, I think that the basic Marshall thesis that in any one incident on any one day only 25% or less of the soldiers in an infantry unit fired their weapons effectively is reasonable. And I think most armies of the world would agree that in WW1 and WW2 the fire ratio was small.

      But look carefully at what Marshall did not say. He did not say that the soldiers were cowards. He did not say that the non-firing personnel were the same, incident after incident. And, of course, Marshall’s books led to doctrinal change in the US Army and particularly to the conditioning of recruits to be able to kill. The majority of senior officers in the Army would not agree that Marshall was a fraud. Given some of the problems some of our vets have had when they returned from combat, the problems that led to violence, to depression, and to suicide, it may even be the case that we have pushed those men and women too hard in training and have lowered the barrier against killing so far that when they return to a non-combat situation the inhibitions against killing do not return.

      Some of the dust from primers is probably lead azide. Gotta be really careful with that stuff; it’s what causes lead poisoning on ranges.

  12. It sure shares a lot of features with the even more mind-blowing Feinwerkbau 300S, which has a single piston but in the ultimate vindication of the “artillery hold”, the whole ACTION slides back to cancel out the recoil! The action is set back forward on its rails when you cock it. Many records were set, and medals won, with this gun. It’s a neat gun, heavy and a bit underpowered but ACCURATE and QUIET.

    RWS/Dynamit Nobel is a big pellet and ammo company in Europe. They’re something like our Remington/Du Pont here.

    PS – no 70th anniversary Red Ryder for me, the Pyramid reviews show the lever is plastic, a deal-breaker for me. At least if you want one, it’s about $10 cheaper from Pyramyd than Wal’s.

    • Flobert,

      You say a review states that it’s plastic? As I write this on Sunday, 11/21, 11:23 am Central, there are no reviews yet for the 70th Anni RR guns. Here are the links for the three 70th Anni RR guns Pyramyd AIR sells:



      • Edith and Flobert,

        Of course the Red Ryder lever is plastic. They have been plastic for over a decade now and they are all working just fine. This is a non-issue with Daisy buyers anymore.

        My 499B lever is plastic and I bought that gun 15 years ago.


  13. B.B. and Mac

    A very, very, very nice rifle indeed. There are a few of them in posession here, and all are higly valued.
    I’ve shot this type and I can say – it is THE machine. It has an excellent performance on 25 m range, 5 pellens equaled 3 holes forming a “cloverleaf” I guess no more than two pellet diameters wide. However it’s not a powerhouse by any means and 50 m shots even in a closed range are sort of tricky as pellet looses too much speed and makes a pronounced “rainbow”. Anyway, this rifle wasn’t built for that.
    Seals are real troble. I helped to fix that 75, so I know how it looks like. They turn into something like rubber sand and slush, fouling cylinder, but new ones can be ordered or easily turned from PU on a lathe (those seem to be almost “immortal”). Just clean cylinder thoroughly and be very meticulous on reassembly 😉


  14. First I hope your procedure went well BB.

    To CJr and Kid Again I feel your pain about the Marauder Pistol. I’d give quite a few of my airguns to own one, sadly as opposed to you guys, I’ll probably never be able to get one as it’ll probably be considered prohibited here like it’s bigger rifle brother. To learn more details about the marauder pistol/carbine go take a look at the blog page on crosman website there’s a review by pro staffer Jim Chapman where he gets into great details about the gun.

    There’s a guy here who apparently has great contact in Russia last week he sold 3 very nice Makarov MP654K (not the Umarex version the real Russian one made with the firearm parts) and this week he’s selling great looking AK-47’s CO2 bb guns, again made with parts from the firearm at the izhmash factory (google it) but at 500$… for a bb gun… it’s just too expensive.
    You gotta love a factory like that that makes many great firearms and other weapons : guided projectile, competition rifle, aircraft canon you name it, they make it BUT they also make tools, tooling equipment, cars and motorcycles… if it’s made of metal they seem to make it, that factory must be gigantic.



  15. BB,

    Or any one else for that matter. Does anyone have any experience with Mountain Air custom airguns?

    These are based on the 2XXX series guns.

    I have an opportunity to trade for a MA custom gun based on a 2300S gun. It has a BSA scope, BKL mounts, Ricks grips, Muzzle Mack stock and Rick from Mich. LDC. The guy wants a .22 pcp and would take my Discovery with a tech force 2 X 7 X 32 scope in trade.

    My question is the MA gun worth the same or more than the Discovery. Since I have recently acquired a Sumatra 2500 carbine and no longer shoot the Disco it is expendable.

    So is this a good trade in your opinion?


    Posted this by mistake in yesterday’s blog.

    • pcp4me,

      That sounds like a nicely modified gun you’re looking at. Off the top of my head I would say that 22XX has about $250 – $300 on top of it’s $100+ price tag. The Disco is, what, $300? If you’re looking for a nice co2 carbine and can get one even steven in trade with a rifle you don’t use I’d say you should be good.

      If only Crosman would take my Gamo CFX in trade for the Mrod pistol…


      • KidAgain,

        This is a modded 2300S which PA shows at $250. I know the stock goes for $125 on the web site and the Ricks grips are $70. Not sure what model the BSA scope is but it looks in pics to be a variable power AO scope. BSA web shows a 2 X 7 airgun for $65 and I would bet that is what is on there. BKL mounts are $20 Not sure about the cost of the rest of the stuff but I know similar items go from $75 – $150 on the web.

        So yeah looks to be between $300 – $400 add on plus the $250 cost of original gun. Wow! He put a lot of money into that and could have probably done just as well to leave it stock and put a scope on it.

        I paid $279 for the Disco and $59 for the TF scope. No rings as he wants to use his own. Since I am not using the Disco because I like the Sumatra so much better and I have always wanted one of those heavily modded guns it seems a good fit for me.

        Here is the url for the pics: http://www.network54.com/Forum/79574/thread/1290129815/WTT+Mountain+Air+Custom+2300S

        Sure is one nice looking gun.

          • Yeah the deal is done. Shipped him the Disco today. Could not pass on that one as it is a really nice looking gun and should be right down my alley for plinking and inexpensive target fun.

            Double bonus here as I have been wanting a 2300S pistol for a while and by removing the stock and replacing the scope with my 2X ler pistol scope can do that too!

            Thanks to all for the feedback!

            • pcp4me,

              Good deal, glad you moved on that. I’m ordering a 2300 from the custom shop for just under $100 with the shoulder grips, and 14″ bbl, nothing more. I will add a Center Point compact scope ($100), and some rings ($30), RJ Machine riser breech ($100), full length TKO shroud ($100). That’s $430 with stock power valve.

              I think you got a smokin’ deal.


        • What are you waiting for?
          You’re wondering if you should trade something worth more money that you always wanted vs something worth less that you no longer use???
          Jump on it!


    • shaky,

      They plan to cut off just the tail of my pancreas, which is where the hole is located. And the surgeon told me people are living normal lives with just 10 percent of their pancreas, so I guess it will be okay. I don’t know how much I’ve already lost from the pancreatitus, but I think I’ll probably have at least 50 percent or more after the operation. And I won’t have a drain in my side any longer!

      By the way, once I got off the TPN IV feeding my insulin level went back to normal again. So I’m not a diabetic like they thought.



  16. Tried something yesterday….

    When Mac tested the 97K for B.B.’ he commented that the rifle shot very well straight off of the shooting bag.
    I tried this and found that it will indeed shoot very well right off a shooting bag filled with sand. Remington brand from WM I think…without looking.
    Same poi as if shot from my hand. Bag and hand position both with this rifle are just behind the cocking slot in the stock.

    I was busting the tiny crabapples again. A hit too near dead center explodes them. Nicking them with a hit far enough off center blows away part of the target. Now what’s left is a smaller target. If you get down to 1/4 or 1/3 of one of these little buggers left, they get very tough to hit. The largest are only about 1/2″ to start with.

    A few starlings were brave enough to start coming in last week. The 97, Titan, and TSS all took a toll that convinced the few survivors to stay away. They will be back with all their friends when the cold and snow make them desperate enough.


  17. FT shooters….

    I was beating up my Gamo tree rat this morning and it was dropping with surface hits that should have not done anything. The bad hits caused it to drop in slow motion.

    I think what is happening is that it is not tied down good enough and it is bouncing.

    Am considering bolting it to a piece of board and cranking the board down with a couple screw in dog chain anchors. Does this sound like a fair assesment and solution?


  18. Morning B.B.,

    Glad to see that you’re up and around! Have a wonderful day. This is shaping up into a dad and kids day. Always a good thing cause the wing feathers are about done growing.


  19. It’s been awhile since I’ve been on, but I’m still here.
    Anyone interested, Plano makes a decent inexpensive storage case for rifles. I purchased a double rifle case even though I only have what might be a considered a 2240 converted to mini-carbine with scope and shoulder stock. I have room to store pellet tins, CO2 cartridges, original grips, and original barrel. So mainly I have everything in one place.
    I’ll leave off with a quote as usual: 🙂

    I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong.
    Abraham Lincoln


    • rikib, the plano cases are sturdy and good for car transport. But as soon as I picked one up from the baggage claim at the airport with all of the latches popped open, that was it. (The padlocks kept it more or less shut.) Totally unacceptable for flying my Anschutz. I got a Vanguard double rifle case for about 100 bucks and it has worked fine.


  20. I have a question(i allways have 🙂 ) regarding Diana 75 -was the best solution for competition rifle to have side way cocking and can this mess up ballance of entire gun (one side heavier) ?

  21. Time for an off topic? I was reading the gun ads in today’s newspaper and being an absolute ignorunt I got to wondering about the hook that sticks out on the bottom of trigger guards. I think they only appear on black powder or muzzle loader guns not sure which or both? What’s the purpose of that “hook”? Is that a cocking lever? The specific gun (not that it matters) is a 50 caliber 209 primer ignition Omega by Thompson Center.

  22. rikib,
    I use cheap gun cases, too. When I do, and if I don’t think I’ll be shooting the gun for a while, I’ll slip it inside a silicon sock before puting it in the gun case in the hopes of reducing oxidation. I think it’s working. I know we have gone round and round on this long term storage issue before but I never came away with the feeling of a reasonable method, if there ever was one. I sense a few hairs up on end already.

  23. Whew! Thanks for clearing that up, BB. I thought you were enticing me to get into those vintage beauties. And it wouldn’t take much, just a little money here and there, a few missed meals, you know.

    • A.R. Tinkerer,

      This is an easier and more common surgical procedure than what they were originally planning to do.

      We’ll provide additional details next Friday.


  24. B.B., I believe and hope that Friday’s procedure went well and the same for the upcoming one.

    The other day, I was dry-firing my M1 Garand inside on a rainy day. I was feeling the balance, admiring the finished walnut stock, hearing the action slam shut and watching the sights come up naturally on the target, and I believe that I fell in love with an inanimate object!? How very strange.


  25. Im just curious as to wether the 75 could be taken up in power to 11.5ftlb without loosing its sweetness and accuracy,theres a few of them for sale here in the uk both 75 and 66 for about £250
    with( sites) and all, nobody wants them, not powerful enough for hunter field target comps,hence my question,cos they would be deathly accurate and win hands down in the spring catagory.

  26. Hello again
    thanks for your reply,
    yes im sure your right as in the field target comps theres alot of tx’s mostly hc version,people here are keen on weinrach hw 97k and hw80 sa well.
    I have 2 air arms pro elites a .177 and .22 they dont make them anymore stopped about 15years ago
    these are superb breakbarrell rifles.At the moment im shooting with my feinwerkbau 127 sport.22
    its had a tune kit,but because of the 12ft lb rule it shoots about 600feet per second. a FWB 124 sport
    would be better as its .177 but they are not easy to get hold of one here.
    thanks for answering my question

  27. Hi, have a model 72. Used to use it when I was younger. Now, I want my kids to use it but the problem is that I need to replace the compression seals. Where can I get parts for it? Thank you very much

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