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Education / Training CZ P-09 Duty BB and pellet pistol: Part 1

CZ P-09 Duty BB and pellet pistol: Part 1

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

CZ P-09 Duty
CZ P-09 BB and pellet pistol closely copies the firearm.

This report covers:

• Introduction to the CZ P-09
• Shoots BBs and pellets
• The year of the airgun
• Big pistol!
• Safety almost ambidextrous
• Trigger
• Summary

Introduction to the CZ P-09
Today, we’ll start looking at the CZ P-09 Duty BB and pellet pistol imported by ASG (Action Sport Games). Edith and I saw this pistol at the 2015 SHOT Show and the folks at ASG were very excited about it. When I researched the firearm, I discovered why. Apparently, the CZ P-09 pistol took the firearm world by storm in 2014. It’s an improved version of the P-07, which was well-received in 2009. The P-09 is a 9mm semiautomatic that holds 19+1 rounds. And it’s a polymer-framed pistol that has an exposed hammer — not something you see that often in these days of striker-fired weapons.

Shoots BBs and pellets
I think I may have mentioned my feelings about the older CZ 75 that became an instant icon not too long ago. I have one of those coming to test for you, as well. But, I think you’re going to enjoy this P-09 a lot. For starters, it shoots both BBs and pellets through a rifled barrel. So, I’ll be putting it to the test when it comes to accuracy. A $90 price tag assures me that if the gun is accurate, we have another significant pellet pistol on our hands. And this one’s made in Japan.

The year of the airgun
ASG is a Danish-based world supplier of airsoft guns. We were told by ASG representatives Bob Collins, Andy Yoshida and Bob Li that 2015 is the year ASG is concentrating on making their mark in the airgun marketplace. They showed us the incredibly realistic Dan Wesson BB revolver I mentioned in the SHOT Show report and hope to test for you later this year.

But they were just as excited about this P-09 that has apparently been as well-received received by airgunners as the firearm was by the powder-burning trade. Edith tells me Pyramyd AIR has had the pistol in inventory for a while, but it’s new to me, so let’s take a look.

Big pistol!
The pistol is big! It has to be, to hold 19 9mm cartridges in the magazine. The pellet gun has two circular 8-round clips on either end of a stick magazine, so it holds 16 BBs or pellets. The BBs are held in the clips by a magnet. The pellets are held by ridges in the sides of the individual ammo chambers. So, it’s possible to load BBs and pellets side-by-side, though I can’t think of a reason why you would. The point is that you don’t need to worry about special dedicated clips. Everything fits!

The pistol is black all over with a metal slide and trigger and a polymer frame. That’s just like the firearm. The slide blows back and cocks the exposed hammer when the gun fires, so there’s a sense of recoil.

The CO2 cartridge fits into a special compartment under the backstrap. It’s not a part of the magazine, so extra magazines are more affordable.

CZ P-09 Duty backstrap off
Stick mag has an 8-round clip on each end. CO2 fits in a separate compartment under the backstrap.

The P-09 firearm comes with small, medium and large backstraps. The pellet/BB pistol comes with the one on the gun and nothing more. I find the gun large in my hand, but not as wide as most double-stack pistols. The sveldt-ness of the CZ 75 lingers in this big pistol.

The air pistol weighs 1.6 lbs., which is just a little less than the 1.85 lbs. of the firearm. Polymer is the reason for the light weight.

The sights are low combat-style with 1 dot in the front post and 2 in the rear. They’re not adjustable, although the rear sight does appear to be mounted in a dovetail. But it’s plastic, and I don’t see any way of snugging it in place if it were to move, so I assume it stays put. The manual doesn’t address sight adjustment.

There’s a Picatinny rail at the front of the frame under the slide. It’s perfect for mounting a laser or flashlight. If this were a firearm, I would definitely mount the laser. Because it’s a pellet gun, I think a compact flashlight might do just as well.

Safety almost ambidextrous
The safety is almost ambidextrous (a switch on either side of the slide), except that there’s a button on the left side only that has to be pushed in to take the safety off. I’m certain the firearm does not have this button, because it forces the shooter to use 2 hands to take off the safety. The Duty is a law enforcement sidearm, and I doubt they would accept anything but one-hand operation.

CZ P-09 Duty safety
The safety is ambidextrous, but the button that unlocks it is found only on the left side of the slide. Push it in to release the safety.

The mag release button and safety both function, but the slide hold-open lever is simply cast into the gun’s polymer frame. Also, I don’t think this is an air pistol that can be easily disassembled.

The CZ P-09 firearm has a trigger called the Omega trigger system that all the reports praise. The single-action pull runs 3-3.5 lbs, which is the same as my Wilson Combat 1911, and the double-action pull is just 9.5 lbs. I found the air pistol’s trigger to have a little creep in single-stage operation when the gun first came out of the box, but that went away with just a few pulls. I’ll weigh it for you in both modes when I report on velocity in Part 2.

ASG rates the pistol at 492 f.p.s. with .33 gram (5.1-grain) projectiles, which are probably steel BBs. Pyramyd AIR conducted their own tests and found the gun shoots 5.1-grain pellets at 412 f.p.s. and steel BBs that also weigh 5.1 grains at 390 f.p.s. Naturally, I will test several of each for you.

We may have an exciting air pistol to look at here. I read in the reviews that some owners feel this pistol is accurate. It’s been a while since we’ve tested an accurate repeating pellet pistol, and I’m up for another one. Of course, it wouldn’t hurt if it also shot BBs well. We’ll see!

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

78 thoughts on “CZ P-09 Duty BB and pellet pistol: Part 1”

    • The mags look very, very similar to the Daisy Winchester M14 / MP4 mags but there are some differences. From what I can see online I do not believe they will be interchangeable.

      • Those magazines are the same style as the ones for the Beretta PX4 Storm and the Gamo PT85. However the magazines for the PX4 and the PT85 are not interchangeable as far as I know. I would not expect the magazines for the CZ P09 to be interchangeable with any other. You might also compare the length of the P09 magazine with the M14 / MP4 magazines. I think the M14 / MP4 magazines might be longer.

  1. I think it’s high time Japan produced a repeating Co2 pistol, geared towards 425fps with lead pellets and real accuracy. Maybe eschew the firearm look, blowback is fun, but ultimately no help. Been a long time since the Benji 600’s
    It would be great to have something that could match a 2240 for accuracy, power and gas economy yet hold even 8 pellets.

    • Dom,

      I’ll take Japan any day over China! While maybe “taboo” to even think it,…Japan could give the U.K. a real run for their money. Those guys are “NUTS” over quality.

      • Chris, that’s no news! Look what Japanese motorcycles and cars did to our industry, hell even Stateside Harley and Ford only hung on through customer stubborness
        If Japan or even Korea put their minds to making quality spring and gas ram rifles the UK and Germany would have a lot to worry about!

    • Ditto that.Just had a Crossman 600 rebuilt.Accurate and hits like a brick.See no reason to download pistols for the US market.A redesigned clip fed 600 even in 177 with 600 plus gps would be a winner.How about a 1911 blowback clip fed 177 pellet pistol from Japan?The game changer may be the new Sig 226 blowback 177.Coming in March

    • Chris S.,

      I would say bore tolerance is the answer. There was a group of smoothbore shooters in Ohio in the 1850s that shot smoothbores off a bench at 50 and 100 yards. Their goal was to try for the smallest group they could get. Some of the accounts I have read say they got groups of a few inches at long range (100 yards?) this way. They felt a tight-fitting ball was the answer to accuracy with a smoothbore.

      They called these guns smoothbore rifles, by the way.


      • Those firearms in the 1850s were still muzzleloaders, right? “Smoothbore rifle?” Now there’s an oxymoron for you! I can understand the term, “rifled musket” (when barrel rifling was added to musket firearm technology) but, given the progression of firearms advancements, “smoothbore rifle” seems like a backwards naming convention! Maybe smoothbore long arm would’ve been a better term, but why didn’t they just call them muskets?

        • In the British forces of the mid 19th century it was common to use “scratch” rifling whereby a small piece of flint was attached to the brass cleaning brush and rotated in and out.
          Wellington was particularly resistant to rifling and smaller bores, being more of a fan of volley fire and famously saying he “never wants less than a good ounce of lead thrown at a Frenchman”

        • Cal,

          Since language was way more precise in those days I’m pretty sure those men used that term with their tongues in their cheeks. In fact, I think they called it thaqt to draw attentiuon to what they were doing.

          I almost owned such a gun once. It had a Remington barrel that was 1.5 inches across at the muzzle!


  2. Everyone,

    In reference to yesterdays blog, Millett manufactures very nice windage adjustable scope rings in both Weaver and dovetail configurations. They are called Angle-Loc and are available in both steel and aluminum.

    Interesting fact,while doing some research on the net a few weeks ago I discovered that 4% of our states have adopted an official state firearm. Check it out, you will be surprised what they are! What are you waiting for Texas and Alaska?


  3. BB–I called Pyramyd customer service. They told me that the magazines from the Daisy M14 will interchange with the CZ P-09 mags. I have 10 M14 mags and I am waiting for the rest of your tests of this pistol. I have an EAA Witness (copy of a CZ 75) and this might be the co2 copy that I would like to have. Ed

  4. B.B., very interesting read. I’m so hoping this one comes through in the accuracy dept. Also, not what this report is about, but I love the looks of the Gletcher Mosin Nagant M1891 C02 bb “rifle” (I know it’s a smooth bore, but it’s called a rifle). If only they would “finish” the stock (Full length) and stretch the barrel a little. Oh heck, just go a head and rifle the barrel too so it can shoot pellets. Really though, I can’t remember a time that so many different airguns come out at the same time. Maybe they did years ago, I just don’t remember it. Thanks again for testing new products for us! Looking forward to the rest of it! Bradly

    • Bradley,

      While at the SHOT Show I saw a Mosin Nagant rifle with a full-length stock. The problem was, it was in a booth owned by a Taiwan manufacturer who was knocking-off a number of patented airgun designs. I decided not to show it because I had no idea about the legality of that airgun based on the source, so I refrained from mentioning it.

      There is a Mosin Nagant air rifle with a full sized stock in the world. It just hasn’t made it into legitimate distribution channels here in the U.S. yet.

      I just ordered the shorty version to test for you.


      • B.B., Thank You. And Thank You for not showing pics of the knock off gun. If you are not sure of the legality of it, then that was a class act by you for not showing pics of it. Just adds to your credibility to me. Like I said, I don’t like the short stock, probably would not get one because of it. But surely they will bring out a “full” size one or someone will have a stock for it. I liked your Hakim and I know I will not be able to buy one easily, but this, in full size, could do the trick for me! Daisy makes a training rifle (1903 drill rifle) that doesn’t shoot anything. I’ve asked them if they’d consider making it shoot (even if just bb’s from a spring piston like Red Ryder/499) but I never get an answer. Thanks again, Bradly

        • bradly,

          Thanks for your comment on Daisy. I’m aware of their 1903 drill rifle.

          Many years ago (2003) I visited Daisy and toured their underground plant in Neosho, Mo. When I talked to them at the end of the tour I asked them why they didn’t being out a remake of the first model wire stock Daisy. I told them that someone had made a non-firing replica that he sold for $450 and yo9u couldn’t get one anymore. People love stuff like that. I told them that if they made a working wire stock they could sell it for $500 and people would flock to buy them.

          A few years later they did just that. I own one. And they sold for less than $500.

          Some of these companies are sitting on gold mines from their past and just can’t see it!


  5. in regards to the B3 scope question yesterday, my b3 came with half of the rear sight broken off at the notch, but enough remaining that I could get a repeatable sight picture. I got such good groups at 10 and 20 yards that I thought it deserved a scope. Anyone know of a place to get parts for these guns?

    • Brent,

      Check out Archer Airguns for Chinese air rifle parts, they may have exact replacement parts for your rifle. I am not familiar with your particular rifle but have an old Chinese TS45 side lever which falls into the same category as yours, very accurate with crappy sights. My rear sight is very similar to that used on an SKS rifle, the problem is that it was spot welded to the compression tube (receiver) off center so that any change in elevation gives you an automatic change in windage. Hopefully yours is screwed on and can be readily replaced, don’t know.

      My rifle has no provision to mount a scope, (no dovetail), if yours has one, you may have to use a cantilever (offset) mount in conjunction with a compact scope such as a Leapers Bugbuster to obtain the natural, proper eye relief and the loading port is readily accessible. UTG (Leapers) and BKL both have these mounts and PA carries them. Good luck!


  6. Last Wednesday, a friend that comes to a local spot that day to play chess, brought his Gamo PT-85 along. We had talked about, if he brought it, he could follow me over to my place, and I would help him with it. It’s his first aif gun, and he had more questions than answers after looking at the manual. I showed him how to load the CO2 cartridges, with a drop of oil, into the gun. It had open sights, but came with a dot scope mounted, and a laser, and a flashlight. We got the gun and dot scope zero’d in. It was a pretty good shooter. Seems like the CO2 pooped out after aboiut 40 shots. It also had a barell extension.

      • Not sure about the rifling, as we didn’t remove the barell extension to look at it. It did, however, come a bit loose a couple of times, so I mentioned to him he should check for that and retighten periodically. We used his Gamo pellets, and we tried a couple of my Crosman pellets. His PT-85 liked the Gamo pellets the best. I got him and his airgun nicely sighted in at about 20 feet. The dot scope that came with his gun I liked a lot, as the dot is prett small. One thing I don’t like is dot scopes with big dots, as they can cover your whole target.

    • Jon,

      That’s how my brother’s name is spelled… don’t see it often….Really cool that you got to help someone out like that. We should all be so lucky. Way to go!

  7. B.B., the button on the safety looks suspiciously like the button on the Daisy Winchester Model 11 safety, a pistol that also hails from Japan, as does the Gamo PT-85. Apparently the CZ P-07 hails from Taiwan and has the same awful safety the Gamo PT-85 and PT-25 have (as does the Beretta PX4 Storm, also of Japan origin). I think the Colt Commander and its siblings with the working grip safety is much better.
    I hope this CZ P-09 has a better magazine keeper (er, lock). I had read about the problem and I pressed the magazine drop even when I was inserting the magazine, hoping to keep pressure off it. Shooting the pistol puts pressure on the keeper. My magazine appears to be fine but the keeper weakened and the magazine will not lock into place. Having no slide lock and happily working in single action I can waste all of the co2 cartridges I want to while playing perp vs. home defender (or some such). But full co2 cartridges cost a bit more than I am willing to waste. Lastly, it appears they added magnets to the magazine, else the BB’s would fall out before you could insert the magazine. ~ken

  8. I like the double end magazine. Interesting idea, and while I do not know for sure, unique to this air pistol. The Beretta 92FS has 8 round rotary clips and just as easy to change. I do suppose that the double end clip would give the “feel” of loading a new mag. though.

      • Gunfunn1,

        Yep……Been there, done that. First thing I did as a matter of fact. Dumped the old “save” and saved the updated blog.

        I do hope B.B. at least addresses some of this on his future scope reports. But,..that might be a little more than what he would care to address in a “basic” article.

        In Buldawgs link, the author mentioned that some scope might get “stuck” at full up/out while checking full turret range. I’m REAL leary on trying it again, though the elevation was fine, and both where turned with the same amount of delicate care.

        While I still need to review the latest info.,….if I could not do the “mirror” bit within a few clicks, I think I would stop. And, while I could do this on the rifle, the adjustments required to do the “mirror” would throw off my current sighting. At that point, I would re- adjust for point of impact, and possibly end up back to where I started, BEFORE the mirror bit.

        It would seem that windage adjustable mounts are the only way to go for the “left, on, right” windage issue at different yardages. Short of the action on a Bridgeport.

        Really, I need to get outside to at least 30yds. for a sight in and then do 20, 40, 50 before I make the next move. At least on the fully adj. rings anyways. They would be worth the $$$ if they do the trick.

        • Chris, USA
          Here’s another way to look at it.

          Maybe there is more to mounting a scope than the basics.

          After all ain’t the scope making the gun perform. Why would you only do part of the scope installation and then find you have a problem and start all over.

          The more things that are known to go wrong can help a person not make that mistake.

          So to me I think basic is out of the question when it comes to scopes.

          Why do snipers take doping their scope so seriously. They know from previous engagements that the logs they kept can be used in a similar situation.

          I guess a scope could be basically put on a gun and used. But like someone said before. Why use a ok pellet to shoot with if you know another is very good.

          I want to shoot a accurate gun no matter what.

          • And how much are you willing to pay for said scope…

            To put things in perspective — I tend to “underbuy” my scopes; “wisdom” says one should pay as much for the scope as they do for the (firearm) rifle. I tend to run more like 50%… {and I lament that I can’t find a parallax adjustable scope for my new lever action — the 3-9X I bought apparently has a parallax set for 150 yards, but my examination of the .44Mag has me with a 75 yard second zero [if the rifle get 1600fps, the first zero is then at 25 yards]}

    • Maybe I will try READING the comments next time BEFORE commenting. From reading the comments, there does appear to be same or similar mags. as shown here.

      The idea is pretty cool though.

  9. Unbelievable, my new gun obsession almost. The P-07/9 are interesting guns but my attention is on the CZ75, the flagship of the company’s handgun line. B.B. where did I miss your comments on this pistol? And how did it become an instant icon? I thought that it was the most widely used handgun in the world since it was created 40 years ago, but it is just not well-known in the U.S. The one I’m interested in is the CZ75 SP-01 which looks to be a combination of the 75 with the P models.

    And what is the deal with the Omega trigger system? The only complaints I hear about the CZ pistols are their triggers which are supposed to break in over time. The Omega is described as simpler and more robust. Does that mean cheaper or better?

    And what exactly are the benefits of striker fired pistols over hammer fired? Someone told me that they are intrinsically simpler, and perhaps they allow different kinds of safety mechanisms. However, hammer-fired guns such as the 1911 and the Walther P-38 can be so reliable I wonder if there is a difference. Both the BAR and the M1 Garand were quite complicated but they worked so well who cares?


  10. B.B.,

    Something I have been wanting to ask,…If I were wanting to e-mail someone directly, would you OR could you act as a “go between” between the two parties,…assuming both gave there consent?

    I assume, again, that you see the poster’s e-mail address.

    OR,…would both parties have to “put it out there” in a comment?

    Just curious. I rarely ever e-mail and never text. I just wondered how/if it could be done.

  11. Bulleye suggestions,…..

    Check out 3/4″ yard sale dots at Wally World. Found in the office supply section. They have run out as of late, so I opted for for ring binder re-inforcement stickers that re-inforce the the holes found in normal 3 ring notebook paper. Both come in neon color. They are cool and fun to use. Dot the center, or draw crosshairs, or whatever suits your fancy.

  12. BB
    I knew that it could be done! Airsoft companies CAN make rifled barrels (or guns with rifled barrels)! My old rifled barrel Gamo P23 is a shooter and a keeper (though not airsoft made. I hope this CZ shoots. I do wish that those other airsoft manufacturers would retro fit the Lugar, the Broomstick Mauser and the Colt SAA with rifled barrels or leave those classics alone. Three cheers to ASG!!!

    Also, you mentioned that a Taiwan company may be making an illegal copy of the Mosin Nagant, Is there still a patent on that old a firearm?

    • Ton,

      No, the Nagant has been around long enough to be in the public domain. But this company was obviously knocking off other gun designs that are protected, so ANYTHING they handle is suspect.

      They may be making a design that another company is making and somehow infringing on that business. When a company has dirty hands, nothing they do is safe.


  13. B.B..

    I was cruising the net yesterday and stumbled across an airgun Manufacturer named JSC Anics Group. They build a series of CO2 pellet repeaters prefixed by the name Skif. These handguns are loaded and fed by a conveyor “belt” type magazine which holds 28 pellets. All shooting statistics seem to be in line with what we have come to expect from CO2 repeaters. I believe they are made in Russia. Do you know anything about these guns? Look very interesting to me.


    • G&G,

      I know a LOT about Anics and the Skiff gun. Read this:


      You din’t want a Skif, unless its just for the curiosity of it. That is one of the least accurate guns I ever tested!

      Anics made BB pistols that exceeded 500 f.p.s. I had a BB come back from 10 meters and bust my lip open! They used to have a firing range inside the SHOT Show. It was one of the last pellet/BB gun ganges the show permitted.


  14. Interesting but I need to wait for Michigan to get it in gear and change the air gun laws before I can just order one. I’m not about to go through background checks and getting pistol permits for a bb gun. Lansing is currently working on deregulating our archaic democrat gun paranoia rules.

  15. Would be nice to see some pistols made for the US market setup to their full velocity potential. A pistol like this pushing a pellet at 550- 600 fps, would be a nice alternative to the getting expensive and hard to find 22lr ammunition. Would be nice to see a hard hitting pistol like the Crossman 600 again

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