by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier
This report covers:
- Where BB shops
- The junk table
- Checking out the junk table
- Solving the puzzle
- Let’s get specific
- To un-junkify the image
- Can’t afford Photoshop?
- Watch the brightness of your background
- How about a dark background?
- Dark images
- Confusing listing
- Here is the listing:
- And here is what is shown.
- Summary
Last week several readers had discussions about digital photography and film — discussing which is better. But a knowledge of how to manipulate images in software is a tool for finding hidden gems. Today I want to show you what I mean.
Where BB shops
I watch eBay and Gun Broker for my “finds.” Some of you know this and contact me offline if you see something I might like, or if you think I’m bidding on something and you don’t want to oppose me. I do the same for some of you.
The junk table
But, what if there was a junk table online — a table piled high with garbage that nobody would look at? Or, let me turn that around. If you were at an airgun show and you saw a table piled with what appeared to be old junkers, would you even bother looking at it? You’d better!
Checking out the junk table
The junk table at a gun show or an airgun show is where most of the real finds are! The guns are piled up and doing more damage to each other as they slip and slide around, but there on the bottom you see the barrel of a Quackenbush model 6, 7 or 8 BB gun. It’s under hundreds of other guns — a big (and expensive) Jenga puzzle! At the show you let the dealer get the gun out, but you can’t do that online. Or — can you?
Solving the puzzle
Today I will show you how to solve the Jenga puzzle for yourselves. And, it has everything to do with that photography discussion we had last week!
Let’s get specific
While cruising the halls of eBay I came across this.
1907 M.M. Quackenbush BB gun NY, USA Antique BB gun Man Cave Works Antique Toys
it was accompanied by this picture.
This dealer has done everything he could to make his picture impossible to see. He has skillfully laid a dark gun on a bright white background to fool his camera into stopping down the image, so all you see is a black silhouette instead of a gun.
To un-junkify the image
This is where Photoshop earns its keep! Look what can be done to this poor image by lightening the entire photo and darkening it again, selectively.
It took 20 seconds in Photoshop to get this.
Or you can enlarge the image by turning it to 45 degrees (blog image width is limited to 560 pixels) and you get this.
But this dealer knows he takes poor pictures, so he compensates with some detailed closeups like this.
Oh, goodie! He provides you this detailed shot. It’s as if you are holding the airgun in your hands — in a dark room!
Let’s see what he wants you to see.
This is what he wants you to see.
And, if he thought like a buyer, he might even go the extra mile and really enhance the image!
This is as much as I can do with his photo. Still, how much better is it that the first one?
Can’t afford Photoshop?
Okay, you don’t want to buy Photoshop. I understand. You can still do things to enhance your pictures.
Use a tripod
First, buy a tripod at the next thrift store or garage sale where you see one. Ten bucks will get what you need. Twenty will get you a good one. Yes — even smart phones will attach with the right adaptors. How do you think I take all my movies?
You have seen images that were slightly out of focus when I hand-held the camera. A tripod fixes all of that.
Many digital cameras have software for macro photography. You need a tripod to make it work the best.
Watch the brightness of your background.
A dark subject on a light background sets up what we see in the first image in this report. Yet that is the first thing many people do when taking a picture of an airgun. They plop it on a white sheet, because the software in their brains makes the gun look okay. But the software in their camera isn’t as sophisticated and the gun goes dark.
Instead of the white background, use a darker one. The camera will brighten the entire picture, bringing out the detail of the gun. If you were using film you could overexpose the shot until a dark gun became a medium gray color.
This is an unretouched photograph of a dark gun taken on a light background.
Okay, that didn’t work too well. Let’s try a flash.
Flash doesn’t work too well, either.
How about a dark background?
A dark background brings out more detail on the gun.
None of these pictures was retouched in any software. They are exactly as they came from the camera. The point is, if you do a couple simple things like use a tripod and use the right background for your subject, your pictures will turn out far better.
This is starting to sound like a lesson in picture-taking, when what it really is, is using software to explore and ferret out deals on airguns that are on virtual junk tables because of their poor photography. Lets do some more!
Dark images
Here is a detailed shot of an eBay pellet pistol for sale.
The seller wants at least $500 for this rare pellet pistol. Let’s see what he is really selling.
Here is what can be done in 30 seconds in Photoshop. For $500 you would think the seller would at least do this. But if not it goes on the junk pile and you can do it yourself.
Confusing listing
Sometimes I wonder where these sellers get off with their listings so strange, poor and devoid of information that no one knows what is being sold.
Here is the listing:
“Pellet/Bebe Gun. $115. Condition is New. Shipped with USPS First Class.”
And here is what is shown.
Huh? Let’s see what he is really selling.
Here is what can be done in 30 seconds in Photoshop. Now we know what it is.
He laid his BeBe gun on the floor and didn’t even bother to move around to where it was framed correctly. Now that we know that it’s a Daisy 880 with a scope, let’s see what Pyramyd AIR sells them for. Oh! $60. And this guy wants $25 for shipping, so it isn’t $115 — it’s $140. A little difference there!
What we have learned today is how to peer deeper into those online items that we find listed on the auction sights. This is an advanced tip that can sometimes pay dividends.
A very good article as usual.
As Tom said, not everyone has access to photoshop.
But you can download GIMP.
it’s a FREE download that is cross platform, and will run on Linux, OSX, Windows and other operating systems.
It has the same types of filters and adjustments that Tom used on the photos above.
It may not have all of the features of the actual Adobe Photoshop, but it has more features and capabilities than most users will ever use.
And did I say it was FREE!!!
With GIMP, you can shed a virtual flashlight on the junk table, and find the gems hidden in the darkness…
Gimp is really the answer. It can do most of what ps can.
What Ian said!
Been using GIMP for years, nice program!
It’s very powerful and (like Photo Shop) takes some time to learn to make it sing but mastering a couple of the basic commands for cropping and exposure adjustment doesn’t take long.
…then there is BINDER – an awesome bit of free-ware that is on the to-learn list for this winter.
If I may add a couple tips for those who don’t have Photoshop, if you already have Powerpoint, it has an “edit image” function that will do the above brightness, contrast and sharpness adjustments, and some color manipulations. If you don’t have Powerpoint, try Open Office, which is free. The NIH has free ImageJ software that runs on JAVA on most any system, and there is a related FIJI app that is the same thing.
I use these for lab work, occasionally to see if someone has manipulated their image data. You’d be surprised…
The piece on photography in this bog is very valuable to your readership since most will eventually sell something!
I’ll add the use of more than one light; three properly positioned lights brings you the best result. B&H has tutorials on their site about everything photographic to include lighting and composition. Sometimes something as simple as a tissue (thin) in front of the flash will make the object pop. I will second GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP) and there are lots of how to videos and downloadable tutorials for beginners to advanced and don’t just think photographer think artist and other users of images.
One tip: using image color inversion will often give you a better idea of condition then any other presentation. Why? It is so alien to the minds eye that it doesn’t let your brain smooth things/surfaces out! We really do want to see things better then they are and our brain lets us.
Thanks again B.B.!
Hi all,
I believe BB once mentioned he uses a flashlight during long exposures to bring out detail on the guns he writes about.
—JoeB on Maui
I call that “painting with light”. I dsidn’t invent it I learned it in a photpgrasphy book.
I miss Mac. Many years ago at Roanoke we talked about wildcats, barrel sleeving and photoshop. I was a newbie at digital photography and manipulation. Mac was a pro (National Museum photographer for crying out loud!) He said if I would only learn the lighting tools it would pay rewards for buying and selling. Truer words were never spoken. Mac and I were cut from the same cloth. The main exception is that he never posted a comment on this blog but wrote/provided lots of material for this blog when B.B. was incapacitated.
Don’t know that I have a friend that would do that. I wanna believe I do.
When I was sick I found I have many friends — right here on this blog — friend! 😉
Kind folks came out of the woodwork to donate when you were incapacitated. Memories of the coordinated operation that allowed me to see into the souls of great people still buoys my faith.
Friend Tom, you should know that for every dollar donated by a passionate blog friend of yours, there were at least ten others that expressed their support but couldn’t donate money. I know that many of those emails were forwarded to Edith but in hindsight I should have printed them out and bound them as a book for you. I was too busy with the blog at that time to have that type of foresight though!
Edith told me many stories about the support she received asnd I was very greatful. It startyed whwn I was scheduled to be released ffom the hospital. She cam and asked me what sort of gift I wanted. I was flabbegasted!
Then a separate gift arrived from you. flabbergasted all over again.:)
People don’t train cats. Cats train people.
You can train a donkey to do what you want with the right incentives (like carrots). As my note said in the enclosed gift it was a carrot to get you back with the living.
ps-you’re still my favorite male donkey.
I bought a macro and wide angle lense set that clips on a tablet or phone. Still not as good as a real camera but does give a good range for my tablet. They run from about $10 on up. I paid $40 for mine. Not sure if it is better than the ones for half the price. I have not used it much but it seems to be a good lense. It is definately better than digital zooming.
There is a picture in the customer photos section of P/A’s Schofield nickel revolver that appears to be made with multiple lighting and it is really good. Three pistols in the photo and it looks like the work of Dennis Adler.
I like to use the setting sun as light. Bright but not too much. My customer pictures in the K98 Springer and M1 Carbine are two good examples. Not so much direct sun but sometimes the angle of the direct sun can work out well when it mixes with the atmosphere to tint things.
I always send the picture to myself and save it then use the edit and create option offered with Windows 10 to enhance it. Wonderful options and results.
BB, looks like your blued and engraved Colt SAA has faded from the original deep blue finish as mine have. Never got an answer from anybody as to what exactly they did to achieve the blued finish and why it fades.
Hope 73 is a good experience 😉
Bob M
It almost sounds like I should do a blog on photography. I was trying to do something else today.
LOL! I think you accomplished what you set out to do, but as usual this crowd goes its own way sometimes. Not many here state they are collectors and few are willing to dig through the “junk pile” looking for the “gem”.
I have been known to do such with real face time. But I am a tactile kinda guy. I am also as you have stated, an “eclectic” collector. The “collector value” means nothing to me. I will not pay it. It is usually subjective anyway.
I am going to shoot it, or if it is not shootable, I am going to fix it and make it shootable. You can get some awesome deals that way.
Do not get me wrong, please do another blog on photography. Being able to enhance others’ photos to see what is there is a most valuable tool. More tips is good. 🙂
As usual, my ramblings can be just that. I hope you find some meaning in this mess.
Check out HAM. Better get that Origin instead of just thinking about it. “WOW”!!!,… I think was the general takeaway from the report.
I have been following along on this air rifle. It does not sound too bad from the various reports I have heard. Does that fancy pressure thingy work? We shall see. One problem I have is I do not need another hand pump. I have two. If I could get just the air rifle, I would go for it.
From the report, the “fancy pressure thingy” seems to work exceptionally well. The graphs are a no brainer.
As for the pump/gun package,… they had better break that up! Like you,… I have no need for one (or another one,… in your case). Both options are fine, but not JUST the combo. It is just a pre-charged gas/air piston in opposition the main chamber. Pretty simple really. I am actually surprised that it worked that well. I imagine that it is borrowed from industrial applications. ?
From the report, they might be trying for the Wally World crowd. ? Not sure on what that would turn out like in the end. First PCP to hit the Wally crowd.
Of course, the accuracy and reliability has to be there in the end. Time will tell on that.
At any rate, I like to see innovation and this looks to have it,.. with proven #’s.
It was not too long ago that Umarex introduced the “Stop Shocks” system on one of their sproingers. Well…
This may work, or it will not. I am willing to give it a try, most especially since I know I can replace it with a plug and foster fitting if it is a dud gizmo. I just do not need another hand pump. You on the other hand should seriously consider it. They can be handy and are very portable.
Go to Umarex airguns on YouTube. They have a shooting review. Is it as good as your Maximus?
I did look at a few videos. Not the best review jobs. As for the Maximus,.. it will do 10mm at 30 yards and hold 1″ at 50 yards if I am doing my part.
As you know, I did put in the HUMA regulator. I got it for pesting at 30 yards and under and it is minute of squirrel head every time. 3000 fill and an easy 30 solid shots with minimal spread. I have never tested it past 30 shots and rarely shoot it at paper. It is just my grab and go pester.
Yes, maybe you can pull out the guts, fit it with an end cap and fill Foster and have extra air capacity,… maybe? By the HAM charts, the opposing piston system seems to do exactly what it is supposed to. Note the PSI for the same # of pumps too. That is where it really shines,…. along with the tight spread while shooting down,… along with the longer shot string.
I am sure we will see more on the Origin coming along very soon.
I am certain. I guess my question is are they really better than the Maximus or the Avenger. I question that. I guess BB needs to have PA send him an Origin to test out and then we can compare.
Actually, he does not even need to do that. Just go to Part 8 of his Avenger report. I do not think the Maximus or the Origin can do that.
Does that fancy pressure thingy work?
Actually not!
I have seen a great number of these THINGIES used on lots of shipboard and aircraft applications where a failure would likely prove catastrophic! So the only question is how good is this particular design and how good is the choice of materials and manufacture.
Also this one is not GLOWIE for sure!
LOL! No, the concept is far from new and if applied correctly works fine. Has Umarex done it correctly and of good enough quality? We will see. Shock absorbers are not new either. I also recall that Umarex liked putting trigger safeties backwards. They really do not have a great track record with me.
As I said, I am willing to give it a try if I can get just the air rifle at a fair price. I do find it kind of strange that they can afford to use a gas spring in this “pressure thingy” instead of using a regulator. Of course there is no way they can patent a regulator.
Once upon a time Wayne (Wacky Wayne) and I hounded you for a blog on photography. You did a great series on how to use a digital camera that I still refer to today (see link below). Maybe an update using a phone with a camera is in order but the quintessential blog on using a digital camera you’ve already done.
While on the mobile device subject, modern Apple devices and Android devices both have built in ways to modify, enhance, and change lighting, color, and other aspects of the photos on your device.
Going along with the FREE software that does the same things as expensive PAID software, I think OPEN OFFICE was mentioned earlier, and does the same things as Microsoft Office, as does LIBRE OFFICE, both are free, and can read and write Microsoft office files, and it can also save them under their own proprietary file types.
LIBRE OFFICE is also cross platform compatible with Windows and OSX, so if you run Mac and Windows you can use the same program.
A good article. I am not much of a picture taker, despite having a nice smart phone now,… but the few I do take could be better (I think?). The phone has some basic edit features that can make a difference. I have heard of the GIMP program on several blogs and finally saved the link for later review. It is really just something that I need to learn more about and put into practice. I run Windows 10 with no added (bought) programs.
Sure, do a blog on the finer points of taking pictures. Remember though,… what is everyday lingo and knowledge for some people,.. is like Greek to someone like me.
Taking a pic, on phone edit?, save, send to e-mail on laptop, edit further?, save,… find later, link into a blog or other format, etc.,…….. all seems like a bit of hassle to me. I have done it, but find it more stressful than anything else. But again,.. that falls back to me/on me to do it more and learn more. 🙁
Edit: Sizing restrictions, and having to edit that on some sites,….. adds to the frustration too
Yes, please do a photography blog sometime. Today’s subject was very important advice, too. We don’t hear the term ‘Buying a pig in a poke’ very often, anymore. Yet, that’s what comes to mind when I peruse the online sale sites. Whether willful or not, some sellers make it difficult for buyers to make an informed buying decision.
Like RR, not a collector, so I have very few of those ‘gotta have it’ impulses to fill a particular spot. Just like a good value for my shooters. Which brings me to that Daisy 880. I know from experience that that is how the refurbished guns are packaged. They usually retail for $25, not $60. That seller was making a ‘very’ good return on his investment.
Good morning!
Been into photography for quite a while (remember Ansel Adams and the Zone System?).
The thing with the built in exposure meters is that they expect that they are taking a picture of an “average ” scene which is “18% gray” …about the same reflectance as human skin.
So, unless you tell it different (with the exposure compensation controls) the camera will set shutter and speed to render the scene to 18% gray. For example, if you would take picture of a white rabbit on a bright snow bank or a black cat in a dark coal mine the camera would (try) to make a gray image.
The exposure can be set to render the picture properly but rather than mess with the controls it is easier to use a suitable background (18% gray ) and the image should turn out okay as long as the range of light (from the bright highlights to the dark shadows ) is within the camera’s capabilities to record – that’s usually not a problem unless the picture is taken in very bright light. I use a medium (pastel) mauve blanket as a non-reflective background and a couple of floodlights for most of my pictures.
Hope this is of interest.
If doing an article on photography, maybe consider making it more from a smart phone perspective. I doubt many people even own a dedicated camera anymore with smart phones doing so good of a job. A camera may have more adjustable controls than a smart phone may have,… so the actual task of taking the photo (when considering lighting, controls, adjustments, etc.) may differ.
I think that is a good idea.
It’s amazing how quickly the camera technology has shrunken down; the fancy recent smart phone cameras are capable of absolutely stunning quality and boast an impressive number of adjustable controls. I have an older model smartphone, but it still offers a respectable level of picture quality. What is equally amazing is the multitude of apps available nowadays capable of performing many of the features that used to be reserved for expensive software. Photo editing apps available in the app store for relatively little, or even the phone’s built in features, are increasingly capable of performing functions that once would have cost as much or more than the camera itself!
Yes, it is amazing. This is my first smart phone, so I am still figuring stuff out. I had a flipper before and that was just fine for me. It would take a pic. I switched plans and could get a new phone and data for what I was paying before,… so I did it. More than I need though. I am not real tech oriented and not really concerned with keeping up with the latest and greatest gadgetry,… but I do ok.
Chris, I second your request for using smart phone photo tips! My phone may be smart but I am a little on the dumb side and don’t use it very effectively. I am getting ready to sell my Condor SS and I would like to be able to put together an effective ad. I have never done well with it in the past.
A very good article
air rifle with scope
I like a dedicated camera that will do a lot more than I could ask for. I find that cameras that are too simple just don’t do what I want.
Editing software sure helps a lot, but it can’t fix everything that a camera falls short on.
You are absolutely correct. Taking a photo with a good camera by a good photographer with manual settings is going to be better than with the auto setting.
I somehow put Kate’s iPad on a mode “live photo” that takes a short video and then extracts a single photo. It took me a while to figure out why my pictures were not crisp. That may be good for action shots but not for still shots from what I can tell.
I have some software that will clip out a frame of a video and save it as a jpg file. Problem is that video files are lower resolution. You get a low res jpg file (small file) for the pic.
There are other problems like where the “video” is focused . If it is running on “area” focus, almost nothing will be focused right. Often you need “spot” focus .
Yep, it would be nice if you could control the size of the spot focus. But that makes a big difference. I did not pay attention and may have been on area focus. But the resolution is what it is once the photo is taken.
I don’t know what the difference in pixels between a photo and each frame in the live photo. I would think the live photo is lower resolution.
You can clip a pic out of a video and load it up on the computer. Then query “properties” you find out just how large or small that jpg image really is.
You also have to watch out for “compression” , Particularly if you re-size. Once you squish out the data, it is gone.
I guess I am an old dog. Kate’s iPad stores in a newer format, unless I turn it off so its not in jpg. I haven’t spent the time to check out the Apple software enough to even see what the resolution is. In the end I zoom in on two photos to see which one has the detail I need there are too many factors for me to sleuth them out. It would be different if I could remember the details from day to day. I have never had a good memory. I am better at remembering processes but not the details. I think it all stems from a fall in 1964 trying to perform a gymnastics move from the Olympics off the top of a swing set at the neighbors. I cracked my head on the ground and lost my memory for three days. My memory slowly came back. I don’t think it came back all the way.
You are correct on the properties check. I am curious how the live photo takes eack frame. I tried to look it up but gave up. I am sure the answer is out there.
One thing about digital. It don’t cost for film or processing. Shoot all you want for the same price.
Figuring out what the camera sees compared to what you see takes a bit of practice. Takes some thinking unless you just want fast and dirty. I do the fast and dirty a lot (auto mode).
My Nikon does movies 1920×1080 at highest resolution, and 1280×720 for most of the rest. (from the manual).
My wife uses her cell phone (Apple) and puts everything in the clouds. I don’t much know or care how her phone works. Got too many different video file types already.
asf, avi, mov, mp4, maybe a couple more.
In addition to GIMP, I found a program a bit simpler to use – It’s another open-source photo software program that does everything that I need and I found it to be a bit more intuitive to use than GIMP. It’s also not as powerful but if you’re not going to add objects to a photo that you create from scratch, will serve. As for learning how to use either program, youtube to the rescue. Plenty of basic and advanced tutorials to help out. And as the saying goes, “the best things in life are free”!
Fred formerly of the DPRoNJ now happily in GA
You make good points. Lack of movement and lighting are critical to a good picture. Most phones and tablets will do good with a tripod and diffused lighting. I used to be into photography in the early 70’s. I traded our mahogany dining room table for a large zoom lense. That did not go too well. I have forgot most of what I knew in photography so I just keep it simple.
You have discussed photography often in parts of your reports. Here is a detailed one on photographing airguns that I need to read more often.
And a previous 5 part report earlier:
The digital world has something new on photos coming out all the time, I don’t try to keep up with the latest just keep up enough, whatever that means. You really help in talking about the basics to getting a good photo that shows what you want to get across. Taking a good photo takes some planning and setup. If I get lazy photoshop can help quite a bit. I rely on photoshop more than I should, I should spend a little more time taking the photo.
This blog post was so timely. I’m planning to sell several guns, both air and powder powered.
I’m a fish out of water. All of the camera and darkroom skills that I learned years ago are now digital. My darkroom is now an ensuite bath and my 4″x5″ Speed Graphic camera is a dim memory. Actually I wouldn’t want to pay for film for the Speed Graphic at today’s prices.
I’ve sold a number of items on eBay. In all cases it seems that I made the cardinal error of placing all of the items on my white desktop studio. Lighting was bright and even but the white, white background did not produce the best photo.
A couple of days ago I experienced what you pointed out today. I bought a Crosman 120 and was looking for information and a part for it. I was in a hurry to send photos of it so I placed the 120 on our dining room table, on a dark red table cloth. The detail in the photos was so good. I’m using my “travel camera” a small Panasonic Lumix that has a Macro setting. The dark background made the photo. I was pleased but didn’t make the connection until today’s blog.
I think that I’m going to raid my wife’s quilting fabric stash for a better “floor” for my desktop studio. Maybe reduce the light level as well.
I’m going to have to pay more attention to photography. At one time I could “eyeball” exposures and then make adjustments in the processing and printing. Not so now. New tools> new learning.
For Android, I have found a surprisingly good free app for photo editing. Photo Editor by dev.macgyver.
I use Photoshop on the desktop computer but Photo Editor on my phone. There’s not much instruction but you can use LEVELS to adjust brightness, gamma, white & black levels.
Under EFFECT, there’s color balance, color/saturation/temperature, unsharp mask (an unlikely name for highly adjustable sharpening), and I’m just getting started with the features.
In the Google Play store, there are many many ‘photo editors’. Look for this icon:
I wish I had read this report BEFORE I took the picture below! =)~
Yes, the black gun on a white countertop was not the best…and fortunately, my wife was asleep when I took this shot, as she would not be cool with putting guns up on the food prep area…however, the rifle was clean, I swear!
Anyway, I was pulling this target down to throw it away, but I wanted to take a quick snapshot for you. I was in a rush between farm jobs, and I only had a few minutes to check the sighting on this rifle after swapping out the scope mounts. Just as Gunfun1 had told me, these CCI .22 Quiet rounds ARE accurate…if fired from an accurate rifle.
I banged off 3 quick shots at 15 yards, which made one ragged hole; then I shot 3 more at the 39 yard target (off a rest, of course). At 15 yards, they are set to shoot about 1/2″ high; I could see through the scope that they did not drop too much at 40 yards, and that the group looked “pretty good.” I didn’t have time to move targets or shoot more, as I had tons of prep work to do before the re-roofing crew got here yesterday. But last night, as I took this target down, I figured I should shoot a quick pic in case you decide to add this ammo to your test batch if you ever do another report on CB caps versus air rifles. CCI does make another round, CCI Quiet semi auto, but it is not that quiet. This is the only other round, besides their CCI CB Long round, that I would consider to be in the “airgun quiet” category. And since I have to pass a hearing test every year in order to maintain my flight line badge and keep my job, I am all about quiet shooting…which is one more reason to love airguns. =>
Thanking you for all you do,