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Part 1

This report covers:

  • Not without problems
  • Barrel
  • Preparing to shoot
  • Load the clip
  • First shot
  • First blood!
  • Tinfoil
  • Three feet
  • SHRED-ER Three feet
  • SHRED-ER Five feet
  • SHRED-ER Seven feet
  • Summary

Wow! I am blessed! Some days the tests are difficult and I have to fight through many things just to get words on the screen. Other days, the test flows like a river. Today was a river day.

Not without problems

That doesn’t mean that everything turned out hunky dory. Not at all. I wondered whether the chronograph would be able to record the velocity because the salt spreads out pretty fast. And my chronograph told me that. I tried three times to get a velocity and each time I got an error code that the second skyscreen hadn’t seen the projectile(s). I could see that the salt turns into a white cloud very close after leaving the muzzle. At 18 inches it looks like smoke moving fast.

So we won’t get any velocity numbers beyond what BUG-A-SALT put in the operating instructions. The SHRED-ER shoots lead pellets at 435 f.p.s. Not that it shoots lead pellets, you understand. It just would if it had a metal barrel that was designed to shoot pellets. But it doesn’t.


Someone asked and as far as I am able to tell, the SHRED-ER barrel is plastic. And at the breech there is a bar that starts breaking up the salt charge the instant it enters the barrel.

SHRED-ER breech
The bar across the SHRED-ER breech breaks up the salt charge.

Preparing to shoot

The SHRED-ER comes to you with the safety on. Take it off before you try to pierce the CO2 cartridge. Otherwise you will be pulling the trigger with nothing happening. Guess how I know.

Put a drop of Crosman Pellgunoil on the tip of each cartridge before you install it in the gun. When the gas starts to flow the oil will be blown into the valve and get on every sealing surface inside. Do this with each cartridge you pierce and your gun should last for years. It is impossible to overoil this airgun. Let’s face it though — this is a mostly plastic airgun and it’s not destined for your estate. 

Shredder powerlet
A drop of Pellgunoil on each new cartridge tip and your SHRED-ER should last a long time.

Load the clip

With the CO2 in the gun and flowing, it’s time to load a clip of salt. The clips have paper on both sides.

Shredder clip back
The back of the SHRED-ER clip has thin paper over all the chambers.

Shredder clip front
Likewise, the front of the SHRED-ER clip is paper-covered. It’s almost like cellophane.

Hunting Guide

First shot

I shot the gun and was surprised by how quiet it is! It’s nothing like shooting a pellet pistol. In fact, I had to break the gun open to look at the clip because I wasn’t certain that anything had come out.

Shredder noise
The SHRED-ER is not loud.

Shredder clip SHOT
The gun was so quiet that I had to look to see if the salt came out.

At this point I wondered where this gun shoots. So I hung up a 10-inch Shoot-N-C target and aimed at the center of the bull from three feet away.

Shredder target
I aimed the SHRED-ER at the Shoot-N-C target with the muzzle three feet away. I used the pistol’s sights and aimed for the center of the bull.

First blood!

What a fortunate thing that was, because I then went into my house to get a roll of tinfoil for targets and a large housefly who has been bothering me for days started buzzing around my head. When he lighted on the white wall above the stove I knew it was time to draw blood. I have shot at this fly many times over the past several days with my other BUG-A-SALT, the 2.0, from as close as 12 inches and he just laughs!

Shredder fly
This big fly has been laughing at me for several days.

I went back to the garage to get the SHRED-ER and when I came back to the kitchen he was still in the same place. I took aim from three feet and squeezed the trigger and the fly disappeared. I have no idea where he went, but whever it was I doubt he went there under his own power! And the wall behind him wasn’t covered with fly guts, either.

When I hit flies with the old 2.0 salt gun I usually see where they go. Sometimes they are killed on the first shot but about half the time it takes a second and possibly a third shot. In just a moment I’m going to show you why with the SHRED-ER this should never happen.

So, while I seldom compare airguns, I’m doing it today. And I have a cool way to demonstrate the power of the new gun.


Remember when I wanted to see how accurate the Marksman rubber band guns were and I used tinfoil targets? I’ve been thinking of them for this gun. And I think you will agree, they do show more than just the pattern. They also show the power. Let’s look.

Three feet

I have long used three feet as the maximum range of my BUG-A-SALT 2.0. So that’s where I started this test. I drew a bug shape on the dull side of the foil and shot at it with the 2.0 first. The first shot was using the sights, which I almost never do. But it’s nice to know they are right on.

Shredder 2 three feet
I shot at the black bug shape from three feet (from the muzzle) with the BUG-A-SALT 2.0, using the built-in sights. That gun is loaded with coarse sea salt, so many of the dimples are large. But you can also see several smaller dimples made by finer salt. The bug target has one large dent on the left side. This “bug” would have at least felt the sting of the salt, if he was not eliminated.

SHRED-ER Three feet

Next I shot the SHRED-ER from three feet at the same kind of tinfoil target. This time the entire target was hammered into a deep depression by the salt.

Shredder three feet
Cowabunga! No fly could escape that! It doesn’t show here but the center of the pattern is about an inch below the surface of the foil.

SHRED-ER Five feet

Okay, the 2.0 is out of the running and is probably going to be retired after a long run of faithful service. I got me a SHRED-ER now, and it lives up to its name.

At 5 feet from the target the pattern expanded to around 6 inches, but the center is still very dense with salt dimples.

Shredder five feet
At 5 feet from the muzzle the SHRED-ER patten expanded but the center remained dense. At this range the tinfoil was not hammered into a depression.

SHRED-ER Seven feet

The last test I did was at 7 feet from the muzzle. The center of the pattern was starting to open up. What I caught on the tinfoil was about 8 inches by 8 inches, but it looks like salt went even wider than that.

Shredder seven feet
At seven feet from the muzzle the SHRED-ER pattern is opening up. 

However, when I enlarge this photo, we see that the target I intended shooting still got hit at least 4 times.

Shredder target detail
Even at 7 feet the intended target was hit at least 4 times.


This bug gun is fun! It’s quiet, It really does what they say and it hits where it’s aimed. Sure I have to take the CO2 out at the end of the day, but until then, bugs beware!

As for loading the salt clips, I will probably try to do it for you guys, but as for me, I’m using store-boughten ammo!

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

74 thoughts on “BUG-A-SALT SHRED-ER: Part 2”

  1. B.B.,

    Buying store bought ammo makes sense especially if you can reload those clips with pellets and use it in a regular Vigilante. Would that be possible?


    PS: Last sentence of article: “As for loading the salt clips, I will probably try to do it for you guys, but as for me, I’m using store-boughten (bought) ammo!”

  2. Hey B.B.,

    Looks like it works really well!
    Looking forward to reports about the competition.
    You may likely be correct about the purpose of the bar at the barrel start; but could it be to stop folks from loading other types of ammo?
    A CHANGE may be needed In:
    Someone asked and as far as I am able to tell, the SHRED-ER barrel is plastic. And at the breech there is a bar that starts breaking up the salt change (charge) the instant it enters the barrel.”

    Have a neighbor who doesn’t clean up after his dog uses the yard to do his business and the flys are a still a problem until they find our flytraps! This might just be the solution to sitting down to eat breakfast or lunch on the patio!


  3. BB
    I still have not got a chance to shoot mine. Been a busy couple weeks for me.

    And very nice patterns and at nice distances. I think 7 feet is great. Also liked that it patterned on the shoot n see target. I have some shoot n see targets. I want to try one at the 7 feet and see if it will work on the shoot n see target.

    And I was thinking how many shots does it get from 1 Co2 cartridge. I imagine somewhere around 40 to 60 shots out of a cartridge like a pellet or bb pistol usually does. Sounds to me like I’ll be waisting a cartridge when I’m done for the day. I don’t think I’ll take 60 shots or even 40 in a day. Maybe I will. But I doubt it.

    And glad that it’s not too loud. And glad your gun hit on target. They do say the sight is adjustable though which is nice.

    And one more thing. My Shred er has a steel barrel and it is a smooth bore. There is absolutely no rifling in the barrel. The outer part of the barrel that is yellow houses the metal smooth bore barrel.

    Oh and forgot. Did you put the clip in with the arrows lined up. It says to do that to see what shot your on as its rotating around as you shoot.

    • GF1,

      I reckon it gets around 50 shots or so from a cartridge. I did dump the CO2 cartridge at the end of the day, as the instructions say.

      So the barrel is really steel? I wondered about that. I looked inside from both ends but couldn’t see any steel.

      I discovered the arrows after the test was over. Oh, well. 😉


      • BB
        I broke the gun open like how you load a clip. I then took the breech end of the barrel and held it up towards the sun light and looked in the muzzle end. Was able to see in it pretty good.

  4. BB,

    I’m not sure I understand this part:

    “The SHRED-ER comes to you with the safety on. Take it off before you try to pierce the CO2 cartridge. Otherwise you will be pulling the trigger with nothing happening. Guess how I know.”

    So, what exactly happens if you pierce the cartridge with the safety on? Will all the gas blow out? Will it be impossible to turn off the safety until you remove the cartridge?


    • Stephan,

      What happens is you can cock the hammer and fire the gun both single and double action and nothing happens. The safety has to be off before it will discharge gas.


    • Stephan
      Like BB said. The reason the gun won’t release gas is because the safety passes in front of the hammer and the hammer can’t go forward enough the hit the valve stem.

      I like the way the safety works. Might be good for a firearm even.

  5. Fun report, fun de-buggin’ tool, works as advertised or mostly so. The big turn-off for FM is having to waste a possibly almost full gas cartridge after a shooting session if it cannot be left in the revolver. Maybe one can plan the hunt so as to keep on hunting until you’ve spent a full cartridge on the beasties.

    • Deck,

      8-grammers are usually just as expensive as 12-grammers. Since the gun is mostly plastic and since they go out of their way to tell you to remove the cartridge, I’m doing it.


  6. B.B.,


    I was all ready not to like this version of the bug destroyer, but wow, you have shown that it can shoot! Especially nice about it is that it appears to be more potentially effective at 7 feet than at 3 feet. Flies here in the Chicago area tend to take off if one gets too close to them (that’s true with people, too).

    Now if it would just turn out that the cyinders can easily be resealed with extra light paper tape or blue masking tape . . .


    • Looking at the photos BB posted, I’d be tempted to use kitchen waxed paper and a smidge of heat (maybe a double-boiler-type arrangement, but not actually at the boil, or a hair dryer.) The trick is to get enough heat to get the wax to adhere to the plastic, without distorting the cylinder.

      Then proceed as follows:
      Put the wax paper on one side, paper side up.
      Heat until the wax adheres.
      Remove from double boiler and let cool
      Fill the chambers and strike off level. (so the paper isn’t trying to stick to salt on the cylinder face)
      Place paper on the open side and transfer (carefully) to the boiler.
      Heat again until the wax has adhered. This will be the tricky bit, as the first-side paper may want to delaminate or possibly stick to the inside of the double boiler. Cutting the paper oversize and using some sort of fixture might mitigate this.

      Remove from heat, allow to cool.
      Trim the inner and outer circles and done.

      Alternately, with a fixture of some kind, a hair dryer or heat gun might be an easier method because you can apply heat to one side at a time. . . . as long as you can keep the paper from blowing away.

  7. Thanks, B.B.!
    I am VERY encouraged by your results here; this looks like the perfect thing to get rid of the wasps and carpenter bees that are plaguing the carport area. I can get them with the Sheridan IF they land, but sometimes not even then, as I need to get within a foot, so sometimes they take off when I get that close; but I can easily get within 5 feet of them while they are in the air, so this looks like it will be the perfect solution. =>
    Thanks again!
    Take care & God bless,

  8. Hi all, I
    Dave’s phrase “while they are in the air” caused a brilliant flash of inspiration. Instead of wasting the remains of the CO2 after your latest bug safari, make a mini catapult. It can be as simple as a plastic spoon and some Popsicle sticks. Then enjoy a session of (ultra) mini skeet. Paper (or foil) wads would make good targets; but putting a tiny bit of powdered chalk from a chalk line in tissue would be more realistic.
    Here’s a link for a few ideas.


  9. Well here is what ole Gunfun1 is going to do to his Shred er. Then I won’t have to worry about waisting Co2 cartridges.

    Going to use some of this stuff on my Shred er. Got it on my Steel Storm and Daisy 74 and among other 12 gram Co2 guns.

    There is a little modifying that needs done here on this part on some guns but easy to do ifyou have access to a lathe.

    Oh and yes I leave them in the guns. I have several of them. And a note if you take them out its just like leaving a 12 gram co2 cartridge in the gun and removing it after a while. The seal will take a set or form to the adapter. So you will have to replace the seal. In this case you pick a gun and dedicate it to the HPA adapter and leave it in the gun and you just swap out the hose and adapter and bottle to different guns with the Foster fitting quick disconnect.

  10. Personally I wouldn’t be too concerned with leaving a co2 capsule in for a few days. Done it with the 357/Vigilante on several occasions with no ill effects.
    It would be great to be able to just buy the barrel and repurpose the pellet shooter as no doubt we’ll be screwed over on price for these in the UK (like everything).
    Love the idea of mini skeet. Hope we’ll see it at the Olympics one day

  11. Hey everybody thought I would just mention.

    Was checking out some of my saved favorite pellets I use on the PA site. I see they have a 8 tin limit on certain pellets. And what’s funny is they are the pellets I use that always produce good results.

    Well it looks like another way to find a better pellet for your gun instead of reading reviews and such..

    I wonder if PA is just putting the limit on certain pellets or they just don’t have all the pellets done yet for the 8 tin limit throughout the website.

    • Half,

      Nope. But I know this thing will at least shoot holes inn their wings so they drop if it doesn’t kill them. Then you just stomp them.


      • BB

        LOL I guess, in my head, I was automatically applying hunting ethics to the pursuit, which obviously doesn’t need to be a factor in this case, and thinking one shot clean and humane kill. Funny what habit will do to ya.


  12. To anyone worried about the cartridge seal taking a set, BB’s transmission seal conditioner will sometimes fix the problem, should you develop a leak. If that doesn’t work, the seals are only $1.15 each from Crosman. They seem to have a flat $4.00 shipping fee in the US, so you’d want to get 5 or 6 to make the postage work out better. Once you have the seals, the repair only requires removing both grips and a spanner ring. You can fabricate the tool you’ll need from an old socket. Once you’re set up for it, the repair is easy enough that I’d be willing to risk leaving the cartridge in a few days to use up the CO2. The original seal can be flipped over to the other side for the first repair and I think that just tightening the piercing screw just enough to do its job will leave a shallower depression in the seal and make it less likely to take a set.


  13. Half,

    I looked at the Vigilante page on the PA site and it sure looks like the 10 round .177 clip just in yellow.
    I think as far as carpenter bees it will be no problem taking off their weakest part which are the wings. You might need to step on them as a Coup de Grace!


  14. OK, my 2 cents one reloading the magazines…

    For fly tying we use a sticky wax (it is called “Dubbing Wax”) to help when spinning fur onto a thread to make a fuzzy body on the fly.

    I would suggest sticking a layer of “tissue paper” to the magazine with the dubbing wax, filling with salt and capping with more tissue.

    The advantage of using dubbing wax is that it holds well but can be removed with hot soapy water.

    I make my own dubbing wax by mixing paraffin wax, bee’s wax (toilet bowl sealing wax) and pine sap to get the consistency and tackiness I want.

    Guess that for reloading Shred-er magazines plain old toilet bowl sealing wax would work just fine.


  15. Well everybody got something to say.

    I said the Shred er had a metal barrel. I looked at it through the sun light. And was convinced it had a metal barrel.

    Today I took the barrel out. Pretty simple actually. I took the 2 phillip screws out and it all comes out very easily. (see the attached picture)

    Well ole Gunfun1 is totally wrong. The Shred er does have a plastic barrel.

    But on the bright side I’m guessing one of the metal bb or pellet barrels could be installed if wanted. More durable? But maybe a metal barrel would rust.

    So for all sorry about the mis information.

          • GF,

            I’m thinking about modding some Crosman 357 cylinders to shoot salt, maybe by using Scotch Tape, maybe by using water to solidify the salt, maybe some other way, but if the SHRED-ER is a larger caliber than the 357 (.177), and that’s why it’s so effective, then it may not work well enough in the smaller caliber and you could save me some time and effort by telling me up front. I know you’re supposed to be a machinist, if I remember correctly, and I expected that you could tell at a glance if it was significantly larger than a BB, since you had the barrel out. If you want to keep it a secret, I respect your right to do that too.



          • GF1,

            Thanks, that’s great news. If the barrel is .177 and the cylinders look to be yellow versions of the Vig cylinders, as Shootski believes, all I need do is figure how to load with salt.


      • GF1,

        The local Mom and Pop hardware carries stainless, steel and brass thin wall tubing of different sizes. It is all in a rack with other pre-cut stuff. There might be an advantage to removing the bar and adding the metal barrel. Heck, just removing the bar might get a tighter pattern since the wad is not getting all busted up right at the get go.


        • Chris USA,
          Somebody said their flies where more paranoid than regular flies and they can’t get too close. A couple of lengths of the tubing you’re talking about could be chocked to different diameters to give varying patterns, depending on the courage level of the bugs your dealing with. What cha think? LOL


          • Half,

            The tubing could be extended (longer). The end of the tube could be smashed a bit to create a flatter fan pattern. Choked sure. Opened up like an old blunderbuss. 🙂


        • Chris
          I’m leaving my gun as is. Especially that bar with how my salt load turned out. It actually turns into a solid pellet if I take piece of wood dowel rod and gently push the salt out of the clip.

          So that bar helps break up the Salt load. I think with out the bar my solid load might not break up and might come out solid like a pellet.

          And I could replace the plastic tube with metal. But don’t see no reason to right now. Maybe later on if the barrel shows wear.

  16. BB
    I messed with the Shred er today. Tried some different loading techniques with the clips.

    Found that one way works the best and it even shoots at a farther distance with a good solid pattern.

    It is Ade C’s idea.

    I put masking tape across the front side of the yellow clip because its the flat side and used my finger nail and rubbed it across the holes to make sure the tape was sealed good.

    And a note. You have to take the black center piece out of the clip because it shrinks with heat and won’t load in the gun. It is simple to do. It pushes right out with a small flat head screwdriver.

    Next step is fill the holes with salt then wipe off the excess salt. Then I put some water in each hole then used my heat gun to dry the water out. It only takes about 30 seconds. Then I flip the clip over and take the tape off then heat that side for about 30 seconds.

    You might have to take your finger and wipe off the excess salt. Then insert the black piece back in the yellow clip.

    That’s it then your ready to shoot.

    • GF1,
      I tried this today. It does seem to work pretty well. I’m wondering about the durability of the loads, tho. Say you wanted to pack this up to shoot flies on a camping trip. Would this method hold in the loads after being exposed to bumping, jostling, and vibration? I think in this case I would go back to my (borrowed) idea of using Scotch Magic tape that I mentioned to BB. I fired off the remainder of magazine with that type of reload and it seems much more durable. Also, just as effective. There’s the extra step of pulling off the scotch tape but that’s pretty easy and quick to do with tweezers.
      Back to the water/heat method, I found as soon as I added the water the load shrank up. I’m using kosher salt here. I’ll look for something to tamp the load down with next time so as not to lose payload.

      • Larry
        I tried tapping the clip on my work table on the front and back side of the clip and on the side of the clip in several places. The salt stayed in place.

        And yep after I put the water in I had to add some extra salt then I just brushed the excess off then applied the heat.

        Why I think it shoots harder is there is no paper or tape over the hole. The air charge hits the salt directly giving a little more power.

  17. BB, GF1, or anyone else:
    Any progress or innovations on reloads, and also keeping the CO2 cart in the pistol?

    Looking forward to getting one of these, but the removing of the cartridge after every session, and having to buy pre-loaded ammo, are two big turnoffs.

    I have used the Bug Blaster addon for the Crosman 7760, and that guy worked great, but thought this might be a less alarming looking option for around the house when neighbors are about.

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