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Archery Seek the Best Cover

Seek the Best Cover  

camouflaged hunter stationed behind hunting blind.
Do I look like a tree? Am I concealed by color?

There are so many varieties of terrain across the world. And as far as I know there is no person out there whose skin or clothes naturally blends in or adapts to their surroundings like a chameleon’s would. As I consider possible hunting opportunities that require traveling, I wonder, “How important is it to match each type of terrain to accomplish the most favored outcome, a harvest? When do you think camouflage become a thing anyway?

Camouflage Saved Lives

I did some digging to answer my own question, and what I found is that the military used it first. It saved lives and assisted in taking some as well, it was created for a pretty serious situation. Camouflage has been crucial to survival for soldiers, and there’s no doubt about that! Ask Rambo, he knows all about blending in. 

Do Colors Draw Attention?

In a hunting situation, you could argue that it may accomplish the same goal but there is an even larger part the hunter plays in this situation. Most animals see movement, the color of a thing doesn’t necessarily draw their attention. They’re not as distracted as we are, so pay attention. The camouflage or disguise may serve as more of a “blankie” for the hunter. If you struggle with staying still, you may need to invest in an Allen Vanish Stake-Out Blind, no, it doesn’t really make you vanish…smh.

Stock up on Broadheads

Have we veered from the original purpose of blending in for the sake of success? Has the hunt for camo become more of a fashion statement rather than a necessity? While you think about how you’d like to answer, I’ll share my thoughts on it. 

Mr. and Mrs. Jones

Have you ever met the Jones? I haven’t either but, I hear they’ve got the best of the best of everything! When someone else has the best of everything, doesn’t it make you want it too? Like when little Jones got the Ten Point Nitro 505 Xero Crossbow for his birthday and the next thing you know, you’re online looking at it wanting to add it to your cart. It’s okay, we’re being honest here. I’m not saying you shouldn’t get the Ten Point Nitro 505 Xero Crossbow, all I’m saying is get it because you want it, not because someone else has it. 

person holding red and black plaid fabric.
That’s what they wore? Concealed by plaid?

What did a hunter wear before civilian camouflage became a thing? They had a few choices, everyday clothes, military camouflage, or plaid woolen suits (which were most of the time bright orange or reddish) Imagine that! I also have the same choices, I can wear my everyday clothes, military camo, or well, nope I don’t have a woolen plaid suit. Do you have one? I hear your disappointment. 

Trebark by Jim Crumley

Did you know the other option was added in the early 1970s by a guy named Jim Crumley, he called it Trebark, what a natural name! Not long after the first civilian camo was made available, competition showed up in the 1980s RealTree and Mossy Oak. I know y’all are familiar with that, even if you are one who wears your everyday clothes to hunt in. Here’s an example this is Mossy Oak on the Bear Species EV Compound Bow. That’s right about forty years later Mossy Oak is still helping to conceal by color, but not just you, the hunter, it’s for your equipment too. 

I’ll ask you a question, is the color the deciding factor on your hunting equipment? If it’s dressed in camouflage does it make it more desirable or if you’re dressed in camouflage does it make you more desirable? The answer is yes, if you’re a professional hunter, then you’ll look the part. If you’re not a professional hunter and aren’t dressing to impress the game or the tree bark. Do you really need the best camo or do you need camo? 

This is where you share your opinion with the rest of us. I want to be able to recognize my readers if I ever meet you in the woods. Will you be the one wearing the blue jeans and old torn comfortable t-shirt or will you be the one army crawling on the ground covered from head to toe in RealTree? No judgement coming from the Bow Bully, I’m just curious.

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The Bow Bully
The Bow Bully discusses a variety of archery topics and offers tips, advice and the occasional nudge to make you a better bowhunter. With years of experience, and an attitude to match, you'll find the Bully has something to offer both beginners and seasoned hunters.

4 thoughts on “Seek the Best Cover  ”

  1. TBB,

    Remember that you asked 😉

    When I started deer hunting red/black wool plaid was the thing. I wore green/black plaid, not to be different, but because green always looks green and red looks brown in low light levels… not a good idea early morning or late evening when there’s a bunch of armed guys ready to shoot at any dark thing that moves.

    My criteria for hunting clothing is warm, comfortable and quiet. Color doesn’t mean much as far as deer are concerned as long as there’s a big enough difference in value (contrast) between boot and pants, pants and coat, coat and hat. The idea is (like camo) to break the human shape up. A disembodied white face will spook deer quick, so a scarf or tall collar and low hat were worn as well as gloves.

    IMHO, most of today’s camo is designed to impress people. It’s too detailed and lacks enough contrast to be effective. It looks good at close range but at longer distances the details are lost and deer will see you as a human-shaped object. Take a picture of the camo and view it as a gray-scale image to see it as deer do. In most instances the subtle tan, brown, gray and greens colors will of similar value and do little to break up your outline. The small dark markings that look so cool up close disappear a couple of yards away. A high contrast large random pattern is needed to break up a shape.

    I don’t understand camo for people… People dress their kids in camo and send them out side to play on the street. An attractive woman wears camo to break up her profile. They sell camo knives and wallets to make them easier to loose. …smart eh?

    Each to their own.

    I’ve seen many people wearing camo outfits in a hunting environment. Unless the camo is a close match to the background (tre-bark in front of a large tree) it will stand out and a clown suit will do a better job of hiding you from deer.


    • Hey there Vana2 (Hank),

      I did ask, and I thank you for answering. Though I do like camo, the warm, comfortable and quiet are most important, especially quiet. Some of the hunting clothes today have hunters mimicking a walking trash bag, not ideal at all.

      So we agree, it has become more of a fashion statement, and the more expensive your clown suit is, the “better” hunter you are.

      Maybe I’ll get me a clown suit and see what the game think of me then…Thanks for the laugh!


  2. TBB,

    What Vana2 said!


    With different hunter education/discipline/methods most Europeans wear tweeds, greens, browns, and khakis. Mostly to have that hunter look of tradition.

    Personally i do urban controlled culling at night in restricted and controlled bounds so clothing colors don’t matter at all. Wind direction awareness, silhouette elimination, silence, and movement mitigation are the keys to the night hunt; come to think about it that works in the daytime too.
    You can have all the CAMO or Clown Suit you want…but bang your truck door at the trailhead and you won’t see nothing all morning.


    PS: WHITE works good in the snow.

    • Shootski,

      Yes Vana2 has some great points and so do you. Thank you for adding to the blog, skill is still needed for hunting, the clothes don’t make the hunter.


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