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Education / Training RidgeRunner’s Crosman 150: Part Two

RidgeRunner’s Crosman 150: Part Two

Today reader RidgeRunner continues his blog series on his experiences with Part 2 of the Crosman 150 air pistol I gave him. If you’d like to write a guest post for this blog, please email me at blogger@pyramydair.com.

Take it away, RidgeRunner

RidgeRunner’s Crosman 150 – Part Two

Crosman 150
The Crosman 150 I will be sealing.

Quinn’s Crosman 150
RidgeRunner’s Crosman 150: Part 1

This report covers:

  • A couple of “Duh” moments
  • Velocities
  • Low power
  • One more “Duh” moment

A couple of “Duh” moments

I know that at this point it is typical for us to see the velocity test, but I would like to start this off with a couple of “Duh” moments first. My first “Duh” moment is with the trigger/sear spring in the previous reseal section.  I forgot to tell you about my removal of that spring.  You do not have to do such to reseal these, but it will make it a little easier to reassemble this air pistol if you do not have to deal with its tension.

My second “Duh” moment came when I removed the grip/trigger assembly from the gas tube. There is this itty, bitty, teenie, weenie little spring and ball bearing that push down on the safety.  Do not lose these or your safety will flop back and forth at will. OK, back to the show.


Today I took the Crosman 150 I had resealed in Part 1 out to the range to see how she did.  This was several days after I had resealed her so I took a few tryout shots.  I was quite pleased to note that she was still holding CO2 quite fine.

I set up my chrony in front of my bench and proceeded to start shooting over it to see how this air pistol was performing. I decided to start off with something on the light side, so I grabbed a tin of .22-caliber Predator GTO domes which came in around 11.75 grains.  Here is my first string.


That works out to just over 358 FPS.  Not too shabby, but I was kind of surprised by the velocity spread of 15 FPS though.  Quinn’s pistol had seemed a bit more stable to me when I tested it the other day.

For the next test I took it to the other extreme and used the 21.14 grain H&N Baracuda pellet for the velocity test.


That was more like it.  This old gal seemed to like the heavier pellets better.  This time she averaged almost 295 FPS, but only had a spread of 5 FPS instead of 15 FPS.

I know a couple of you folks out there are hoping I will give you a shot count.  Well, too bad.  I was having way too much fun with this air pistol to keep track of how many times I shot it on one of those little CO2 cartridges.  Blake and Quinn arrived here a little later that day and had a grand old time killing off some of the feral soda cans around here.  Taking a WAG, I would have to say this CO2 gun will get at least forty shots per cartridge.

Low power

Something else I wanted to point out is there are two settings for the striker on these air pistols.  I was shooting the velocities on the high setting.  I gave it a try with the Baracudas on the low setting and had a velocity of 213 FPS.  I just may have to see how this old gal does on the low setting.

One more “Duh” moment

Since it was a pretty day, even if it was a little chilly, I was thinking of going ahead and see what kind of groups I could pull off with this air pistol.  The only problem was I had forgotten to grab a screwdriver when I came out to the range.  DUH!

Stock up on Air Gun Ammo


That ends RidgeRunner’s velocity test. It seems like he has successfully resealed the 150. I guess accuracy testing comes next.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

52 thoughts on “RidgeRunner’s Crosman 150: Part Two”

  1. RidgeRunner,

    DAQs have them little “itty, bitty, teenie, weenie little spring and ball bearing that holds the” bolt from flopping around and also on the DAQ pistols since they use the Crosman grip frame!
    I FEEL your PAIN.
    i found mines with a big horseshoe magnet!
    I have since used the big clear Ziploc® bag on my workbench to keep the herding as well as Search & Rescue of small parts to a minimum…well most of the time if i remember.

    It works after disassembly and reassembly…
    BZs all around!


    • shootski,

      There are a number of different size ziploc bags around here. I have them from about one ounce up to one gallon. Being a packrat, I tend to save every single one of these things as I know I am going to have a variety of parts scattered all over the place. I have little bags with little parts inside bigger bags hither, tither and yon.

      • RidgeRunner,

        I was thinking more along the lines of the Ziploc® clothing storage bags; those are measured in hectares or football fields* in the USA.
        Gives you enough room for the entire rifle, a bunch of parts/tools, your hands, and most of your arms. I use the clear because it is not smart to put your head in plastic bags; think of all those murders committed with plastic bags!


        * Is a hectare as big as a football field?
        1 football field is roughly 1 acre. (The exact measurements of football fields vary.) 1 hectare = 2.47 acres. So, 2.47 football fields in 1 hectare.

  2. “This old gal seemed to like the heavier pellets better.”

    Yes, I would say so; this old gal got a 20% increase in power with those 21-grain pellets…nice! 🙂
    Looking forward to the accuracy testing,

  3. RR,
    Kind of late in the game and I realize you had limited time, but that old gal could use a face lift. A baked-on paint job perhaps, but that would require a disassembly.
    Anybody have good luck covering an entire pistol with cold bluing? I’ve done touch up with it but never checked up on it over time or used it enough to determine its durability. I believe it requires multiple coats to get an even finish.

    • I have used it before. It is not as durable as hot bluing but is a whole lot easier and safer to use. As for the coating, it depends on the grade of steel and the finish of the steel. The harder the steel and the smoother the steel, the more difficult to finish.

      As for the aluminum or pot metal parts, I use a spray on epoxy paint. It is the precursor of cerakote. It dries to the touch pretty quickly but takes a few days to fully cure. It is pretty tough stuff.

      It is really not too late in the game to give this “old gal” a facelift. These things are easy to work on. It is simple to take these things apart and put them back together. Giving this “old gal” a facelift is under consideration.

  4. Recently I have experienced a rather strange phenomenon. I am just crazy about that word. I have been wanting to use it for some… Sorry, my ADHD is showing.

    I have had emails concerning comments or questions from some of you folks, but when I click on them it just takes me to the title of the blog, but I cannot find the comment or question. I suspect that the author has deleted the said entry. Ah well.

    There was one concerning “slugs”. I do hate calling them that. They are really cast bullets, but I guess the anti-gunners get bent when they hear that word.

    Anyway, I have very little experience with “slugs”. I am certain that there will come a day when I am far more knowledgeable concerning these, but at present I am largely ignorant on this subject.

  5. Thanks for the report. It appears your reseal work was successful. Personally, I like the worn look of the metal. Sort of like antique furniture, it gives character. The grip looks great, how does it feel when you are shooting the pistol? Looking forward to the accuracy testing report!

    • Elmer,

      I kind of like the worn look also. Like me, it looks used and abused.

      I cannot say I am a big fan of the grips as I have a rather large paw that this grip does not quite fit right. If I could get my Corcoran target grips to fit this pistol, I would change them over.

  6. Enjoying the series RR!

    I’m not a “pistoler” (meaning that I have to be very close to a pop can to hit it constantly) but they are fun 😉

    The winter indoor range qualifies as “very close” (an honest 10 meters) so this is the time of year that my pistols see the most use.


    These are on the shooting table and see daily (sometimes hourly) use while there’s snow on the ground…

  7. RidgeRunner,

    “I know a couple of you folks out there are hoping I will give you a shot count. Well, too bad. I was having way too much fun with this air pistol to keep track . . . .”

    Good for you! I chuckled out loud when I read that.

    I tend to agree with those who like the naturally worn look. While I like the looks of this grip in general, I think that worn, matte wood in plain brown would look cool, especially with an indistinct, not fancy, grain. Guitarists have a saying: “Why do old, beat-up guitars sound better than old guitars in really great shape? The beat up ones got played more all along because they sound better, which is how they got beat up.”

    For example, to me the best looking 1911s are those with a lot of wear on the edges and very worn grips.


    • Michael,

      I have to agree with you. As an aficionado (yeah right) of the “old gals”, the well-worn ones are usually the better shooters as they were picked up and shot the most.

  8. Hook, line and sinker! Y’all are hooked!!
    Y’all also forgot to mention the gratifying report. Also you can hear when ya get low on c02.
    And remember to shoot (dry fire) the co2 down nothing so it is possible to remove cap by hand only! Never use players to remove the cap,

    • RR, along the lines of Breeze’s comments, is there a away to release the remaining CO² in the 150? The Mark I and IIs do; you just pull back on the cocking knobs (the opposite direction from cocking). Then you can then unscrew the CO² cap easily.

      • The co2 reservoir needs to be empty. Completely empty!
        Or the reservoir cap can not be unscrewed! Even with p,it’s it will be extremely difficult.
        So…to exhaust all remaining co2 after there is to little gas to push a pellet out the bore…..cock the gun and shoot…repete until you hear the remaining gas expel on its own.
        This is the ONLY way to do it!!!!!

      • RG,

        Breeze is right when it comes to these 150s. You do need to just about shoot all the CO2 out of them before you can even think to unscrew the cap. Just so you know, I have done the accuracy test and I took ninety shots and still have gas in this thing. These things are very miserly with CO2. They sure are fun to shoot also.

  9. “The only problem was I had forgotten to grab a screwdriver…”

    Was that for the CO2 reservoir cap? I’m thinking of the slotted cap on my 2300t. I’ve see/heard that some shooters crank the cap down hard, thinking that’s how the CO2 capsule is punctured. Does the 150 require more than hand tightening to seal the tube?

    • Remarq,

      No. I have just tightened the cap down with my fingers. The way you puncture the CO2 is by shooting it one time. It has an o-ring that seals the cap nicely. If you look at the pictures in the first blog where I reseal it, you will see a black, pointy thing that goes inside the valve. This is what punctures the cartridge.

  10. RR,
    So, which takes more time? Creating the guest post or responding to all the blog comments?
    Job security for BB. Unexpected consequence of a guest post? Never gave it much thought before.
    Probably depends on how many pictures you include.

    Rest assured, the rest of us appreciate it and you all move into the ranks of a well-respected Air Gunners.

    BB, how about some kind of reward for posting a blog, like a gold star after your name for each or even better …
    A Bullseye Buck or two for supporting PyramydAirs Blog !

    • Bob,
      I am slow at writing a blog, I have a bad memory so each paragraph takes research into my backup information. The blogs I have written for this site have well over 40 hours of data collection and presentation. My responses take a small fraction of the report preparation time.

      Obviously B.B. turns them out much faster ie: five a week. His response would be very informative.

      I am against paying guest bloggers their incentive should come from their desire to add to the airgunner information provided by this site.


      • Benji-Don,

        what a comment! 🙂

        I too, am a slow writer. I actually think of myself as a slow everything… 🙂

        Anyway, I repeatedly tweak and re-write what I want to say. If I don’t control this, it ends with me giving up. Therefore I have to post before I’m happy with what I’ve written.
        Which, afterwards, leaves me dissatisfied, frustrated and a little bit exhausted too.

        So, me and a lengthy essay, ie of guest blog magnitude? Erm, I have yet to see a ‘gold star’, ‘Bullseye Buck’ or similar that could make me. 🙂

    • Bob M,

      I am a procrastinator. It can take me weeks to right a blog. The actual time of writing and picture taking is not much, but before you see it many weeks and sometimes months will have passed. How long have you guys been waiting for me to write about my 1906 BSA? I have the pictures. I have just not put it all down in words.

      Have you read anything about my “new” Talon SS or my “new” Armada? I have not even shot them yet. I have had the Armada since October and the Talon SS since last October. I have not written anything about my Texan LSS which came to stay at RRHFWA this past year. I have shot it some though.

      Hi, my name is RidgeRunner. I am a procrastinator.

  11. Benji-Don,
    Not really thinking of it as pay. That would lead to havoc. More of a token way of saying ‘Thank You’ for contributing. Surely not enough to be considered compensation, or worth the trouble. I do agree with you though.
    Trying to find 40 hours of free time would take me weeks and deters me. Can’t imagine all the rereads I would experience. This Blog is a resting period for me.

    • Bob M,

      Other blogs have compensated me financially. I guess it is nice, but I would much rather pass on what I have experienced and interact with this bunch. Besides, BB does indeed compensate me in different and to me more meaningful ways.

      Should PA reward me? Well, I guess that would be nice but this way I only feel obligated to please you folks and BB, not some corporate thing. I am telling you folks of my experiences. I do not have to sugar coat in any way to please “the man”.

      I am just blessed to have a place where I can do such and a bunch of folks who tolerate what I have to say.

  12. Here we are on Sunday evening. As many of you know, I am one who is most interested in how it was done before. I have not expressed much interest in how it is done now as it is mostly just a repeat of how it was done before.

    Despite this, I am interested in how it is done now, if for no other reason than to compare how it was done previously. No, you are not likely to find an airgun made by Wang Po Industries here at RRHFWA unless someone decides to just send it to me. It will also not likely stay here long.

    I am curious as to whether they have developed some new way of doing something that was overlooked previously. So far, all I have seen is how they do things cheaper. With the use of slave labor and government subsidized material, it is amazing how much cheaper you can sell some product.

    With the inflationary rise of everything, this will most definitely curtail the various acquisitions of RRHFWA, but fear not. I have more airguns than I can possibly shoot in a reasonable lifetime. I have at least three I have not had the opportunity to shoot at all. Yes, it is my intention to burden you with reading about each and every one of them.

    I do hope that you will survive all of this. If you do not, it will not matter to you.

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