$80 Off
Bear Species EV, Image 1
Bear Species EV, Image 1

Bear Species EV Compound Bow RTH Package, 60lbs

5.011 reviews



$80 Off

Grip Orientation:Right


Upgrades:Fred Bear Camo

Fred Bear Camo


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The Bear Archery Species EV Compound Bow uses upgraded technology to deliver a bow that is more accurate than ever before with a higher let off of 80%. It features speeds up to 320 feet per second for the power needed for maximum hunting performance, as well as an improved single cam system for a consistently steady draw, and KillerWave limb dampeners for less vibration after the shot.

This compound bow has a draw length of 23.5" to 30.5" and is available with a draw weight range of either 45-60 pounds, and the Ready to Hunt Package contains a Whisker Biscuit V arrow rest, a peep sight, a 5-Spot Quiver, a Trophy Ridge 4-pin sight, a D-loop, and a 6" stabilizer, meaning it can be used right out of the box. To get a bow that hits the mark shot after shot, buy the Bear Archery Species EV Compound Bow at Pyramyd AIR now.

Bear Archery Species EV Compound Bow, Ready to Hunt Package

  • 30" axle-to-axle length
  • Max. speed: 320 feet per second
  • KillerWave limb dampeners lower vibration
  • Single cam system for consistently steady draw
  • Draw weight: 45-60 lbs
  • Draw length: 23.5"-30.5"
  • Let-off: 80%
  • Brace height: 6.75"
  • Available with right-hand or left-hand riser
  • Available in Fred Bear Camo, Veil Whitetail Camo, True Timber Strata Camo, Mossy Oak Breakup Country DNA Camo, and Mossy Oak Bottomland Camo
  • Weight of bow: 3.8 lbs.
  • Includes 5-Spot Quiver, peep sight, Trophy Ridge 4-pin sight, Whisker Biscuit V, 6" stabilizer, and D-loop

Bear Species EV compound bow, 5-Spot Quiver, peep sight, Trophy Ridge 4-pin sight, Whisker Biscuit V, 6" stabilizer, and D-loop


Max Velocity
320 fps
Suggested for
3.8 lbs
Front Sights
Rear Sights
Peak Draw Weight
60 lbs
Let Off
80 %
Quiver Capacity
5 rounds
Bow/Crossbow Type
Compound Bow
Sold With Quiver
Axle to Axle Length
30 in
Brace Height
6.75 in
Min Draw Length
23.5 in
Max Draw Length
30.5 in
Max Draw Weight
60 lbs
Min Draw Weight
45 lbs
Draw Length Adjustment
1/2 in

Ballistic & Conversion Calcs

Overall Rating



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10 of 11 Bear Archery Species EV 60lbs Reviews

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Affordable, simple, reliable dependable! You won’t be disappointed!

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Lightweight, smooth, easy to setup, enjoyable to shoot. I'm happy with the purchase and satisfied with the quality. Fast shipping as well. Received it in two days.

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I am 60 and this bow is so smooth. It shoots great

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Have been shooting this bow a few months
and I love it! I made a few adjustments by changing slide to an AAE slippery slide and serving the string and cable where it contacts slide due to excessive wear. Also got a tubeless peep. Other than that used the sight and rest that came with it and it is just awesome. Really love that I solved the string wear issue. I bet I get a couple years out these stock strings now.

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Just received this bow and it is Awesome!!! Shadow Black!!! Chag’s in Metairie LA set it up for me with a tubeless peep aligned it tied it in set my 20 yard pin and I been hitting everything I aim at. Very Quiet Bow. Amazingly easy to shoot. Just look up at full draw to align wheel with string check for level align peep with sight and execute shot. Love the grip but have to get your wrist behind it. V rest so far so good. I got the static stabilizer it is awesome too. Thank you to the entire staff at Bear Archery well done!!!

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Very smooth draw with a generous valley. At full draw if you let up, you have about 1/2" travel before it wants to go. It doesnt lock in but it doesnt want to jerk your arm off either.

Finish isnt the best but you get what you pay for. The bow tuned very easy and Bear's strings have increased in quality. Only complaint is the color of the strings but that is personal preference.

Bow is very quiet at the shot and holds really well especially considering the short ATA. Great bow and I like it more than my Redemption. Only way Bear could have made it better is by using the cam off the Venue.

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I have had a handful of flagship bows over the past several years and decided to get back to basics and buy a more "entry level" bow. I knew Bear made good bows so after considering options, landed on the Species EV. I have been blown away by this bow. It is quiet as most, plenty quick for my uses, draws extremely smooth, and above all, it is very accurate for me. Can't recommend enough for the price. The only thing I will likely be replacing before too long are the string and cable.

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Great shooting very quiet for the price. Can’t wait to get in the field with it

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I've had the bow about 5 weeks now and could not be happier with the bow. It is everything claimed and I'm looking forward to hunting next fall. Great bow, great price.

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I have had a RTH package bow in the past and the items that come on this bow are higher quality than what cam on the past as these components have metal parts rather than purely all plastic. The quiver that comes with this is high quality but is a pain to break in (thats probably a good thing that its so tight). The bow itself is super high quality, sturdy, and great looking to top it off. Little details like the sight coming with a light is a selling point for me because if it has little details like that, the rest of the bow has to be high quality. A couple of my friends have Mathews V3s and they think that this bow is comparable in alot of the most important departments. My only complaint with this bow is that i hate the tubed peep sights but i do understand that they're easier to sell and distribute with components such as this. Other than that, I am beyond happy with my purchase. Excellent job Bear!

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