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Air Guns Don’t be a dinosaur…like me!

Don’t be a dinosaur…like me!

This report covers:

  • High horse
  • Can’t load pellets singly
  • Oh, NO!
  • Could it be?
  • By the way…

This report is about some new airgun designs that are coming out these days and how we old-timers are sitting on the sidelines saying, “I remember the good old days.” Well, guys, when we were back in ‘the good old days’ they weren’t the good old days and there were a bunch of old guys sitting around remembering things we never heard of from their ‘good old days.’!

High horse

Hey BB, what put you on your high horse today? Well, it was a press release from Crosman about their new .22-caliber Vantage Plus breakbarrel repeater. I was all set to start criticizing the entire concept of repeating breakbarrels when it dawned on me that my brother-in-law Bob, shoots one and likes it — a LOT!

Bob says he likes loading all ten pellets into the magazine of his Umarex Synergis at one time so he doesn’t have to fumble around loading a pellet each time the rifle is cocked. Okay — I get that. But do these contraptions have any chance of being accurate?

Ooops! I guess I showed that the Synergis can be accurate in my 4-Part report on the Synergis that was done in 2019. Okay, so a breakbarrel repeater can be accurate. But can a rotary magazine that moves with the barrel when it is broken for cocking be reliable? Surely they will jam sometimes? Ooops again. When I tested the Gamo Swarm Bone Collector Gen 3i multi-shot rifle recently there wasn’t a mis-feed in the entire test. And don’t call me Shirley.

Can’t load pellets singly

But the Gamo Swarm Bone Collector (+ lots more words) couldn’t be singly loaded! Ah HA! There is the Achille’s heel in the design of the breakbarrel repeater. You can’t load just a single pellet into the breech. You have to go with whatever is still in the magazine. So if, instead of a soft squirrel an armored armadillo suddenly pops into view you have to use that hollowpoint that you loaded in the magazine because it works on the fur critter.

Oh, NO!

What’s this? Crosman has made the .22-caliber Vantage Plus a 6-shot repeating breakbarrel springer THAT CAN ALSO BE LOADED SINGLY!!! What are they trying to do — put BB Pelletier out of a job? Look at what Crosman says about the rifle

Well, phooey! The next thing you know somebody will market a $500 precharged rifle that can change calibers in minutes. Yeah — I know. It’s the Air Venturi Avenge-X. And it gets lots of shots. And the power is adjustable. And it is dead-nuts accurate. Shut-up — I’m about to pounce on a leaf-eater. Remember what I am.

Could it be?

Could THESE be the good old days? Are we in the golden age of airgunning right now? It could be.

Stock up on Air Gun Ammo

By the way…

… in case you didn’t notice, what I just did was announce a new breakbarrel repeater. I did so because it has many of the features we have talked about in this blog — the features we say we want. And this one isn’t that expensive. Crosman says it’s just $140. Is it accurate? Who knows? I might have to test it.

This one isn’t available from Pyramyd AIR just yet. Crosman is selling it direct. So I’ll have to wait until they ship to dealers. But anyway, guys — NEW TOYS!

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

25 thoughts on “Don’t be a dinosaur…like me!”

  1. “Don’t be a dinosaur…like me!”

    Too late, BB; I’m already there! 😉

    *shakes his cane at you* “By cracky, back in MY day we didn’t have all these new-fangled dodads!” —dave

  2. Ya young whipper snappers! Do you really think this ol’ geezer ain’t paying you no mind? If USPS would just get their act together, I will have one of those Gamo yadayadayadas here at RRHFWA to play with some. I will also have a BSA R10 to give some dancing lessons to if Oops, I mean UPS will also get their act together. Now, that new air rifle from TCFKAC sounds right intriguing to me.

    It is true that quite a few of the “old gals” have taken up residence at RRHFWA, but every once in a while, one of the younger kids will stop by for a short visit. It is true that they usually end up moving on to a new home, but that does not mean this old, fat, bald-headed geezer does not know what the young’uns are about.

  3. If you remember I picked up a BM8 and a Crosman Magfire Ultra. Both had less than desirable triggers and combined with my less than desirable stability, I could never be sure when the rifles would fire.
    The latter is probably a problem with most springers for me. PCP’s and multi-pumps not so much. Most seem to have better trigger action. Not to mention a less violent shooting experience.

    I believe, if any air rifle deserves a predictable trigger pull, it’s a Springer. You need to know when to anticipate and react to the recoil.
    And I really liked everything else about the Ultra. Perhaps I can do something about it someday, Hope so!

    Just get a tweezer that is spring loaded closed to simplify single shot loading

    • Dang, now I see i need some of these. Hard to believe a tool & gear junky could live so long without them. Seriously, I’m going to order at least 4 pairs: toolshed toolbox, truck toolbox, kitchen whatnot tool drawer, gunroom toolbox. Kind of like small vice grip pliers or dental picks – they are useful to have at hand wherever you might be tinkering at something.

  4. Well, of course this report peaked my curiosity and so I had to visit the Crosman website. They do show a short video of how it works. Yes, it is only $140. It is a gas piston power plant. And that price includes a scope. I think that there will be a lot of interest in this new rifle.

  5. As Siraniko pointed out, if they use there old, sorry trigger in this new sproinger of theirs, this will be another ho-hum product. The price of this new sproinger of theirs does suggest such. I do hope Ed has had some influence on this.

    P.S. I am with tomek. I prefer machined steel and walnut.
    “Hi, my name is RidgeRunner. I am a Dinosaur.”
    “Hi RidgeRunner.”

    • Call FM Sinclair Dino – not Shirley. He prefers Old-Tech-and-Look, but won’t turn down a little New Tech if it increases enjoyment of the vintage one, within reason.

  6. Another dinosaur speaks…
    I guess yall need to be a dinosaur to remember the Haenel IV, made in the 1930’s, a break barrel had a rotary magazine over the breech.
    I remember at an old Roanoke airgun show, Don R. , an advanced collector, had one on his table that every one was drooling over.
    So…what was old…is now new again!

  7. B.B.

    I’m not sure that the 21st Century has brought in anything new that was really helpful.
    While others may like wallowing in the darkside, I prefer to bask in the light!
    Call me a dinosaur, just remember that I am not extinct…not yet anyway.


  8. I like the idea of a repeating break barrel. But I do wish a “upper quality” repeater would be produced (think Weihrauch HW30 or so). Also the Crosman does offer single shot, but only holds six shots where as the others hold more. Oh and with Crosman there is an extra step as you have to index the magazine yourself (turn the magazine for each shot). Not saying it’s not as good, but differences to be aware of.


  9. Checked out the Vantage Plus online. Best I can say about the stock is it appears to be very ergonomic.
    At least we have lots to choose from these days.

    Looks like they took two steps backward and used the KISS design principle for the new magazine.

    They may have rushed when they designed the self-rotating one in my Mag Fire Ultra. It’s not foolproof and requires care when cycling it to avoid jams and possible damage, my opinion.
    There is too much leverage breaking the barrel open and closed for the plastic mag to survive any misalignment situation. But it sure is nice when it all comes together and operates as intended…Loaded and used according to their instruction manual.
    They claim failure to follow those instructions is the cause of most magazine problems.
    The stock design on the Ultra is perfect for a modern break barrel. Just feels right in your hands for a big rifle and I am going to assume the Vantage Plus is the same if not better.

    I believe I may be a Dinosaur as well. Don’t really know what the younger generation is looking for these days. As far as looks go anyway.

  10. It doesn’t look like the mag is removable on the Vantage Plus. Can’t find the manual on Crosman’s website…yet. I’ll bet there are seals front and back. I would imagine rounded pellets would work best to make the jump from mag to barrel.

    I never liked the idea of a safety inside the trigger guard, but I have never shot a gun with one like that, either. If it is the same trigger as on the earlier Vantage, it would seem that it will only be adjustable for the second stage pull distance. Oh well, it is not marketed as a target or plinking gun, more for hunting, it seems. Still should make the first shot count!

    As for a non-removable 6 shot mag, there is always the 10+ shot pellet pen. If only P.A. would bring back the retractable lanyard…. Hint, hint, P.A!

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