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5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Things I would have changed:nothing
What others should know:had my air rifle 14 years before it stopped working. was a gift from my late grandfather so i was sad until i got this kit from PA. Gun works perfect again.
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
this is the perfect kit too make the benjamin shoot like have too strip the gun all the way down too intall the kit, with a little patince it is all worth it!!
Things I would have changed:the kit needs the right o-ring for the cocking bolt
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Exactly as advertised. Very easy to install with instructions. Fixed my Benjamin that wouldn't hold pressure at all. Now it works great. A great kit that contains all the parts you will need.
Things I would have changed:Shipping is a bit expensive.
What others should know:Make sure you have proper oil to put on the new parts when you reassemble.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
It fixed my gun pretty good.
Things I would have changed:Nothing.
What others should know:Most difficult part was removing the two pins in front of the rifle.
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
I have a old Benjamin Sheridan 392PA 22cal. and was looking for a seal kit. found one at amazon for $34.00 . Looked at Pyramyd Air for $15.95 and ordered it got it a week later install most of the parts started shooting that same day. The rifle is working great!
Things I would have changed:add o-ring for 22cal. for the bolt!
What others should know:the older guns you have to take the trigger off to get to the 3rd. screw to take the back of the gun off. It is under the trigger.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Great customer service. Parts fit perfectly and restored the gun to like new performance.
Things I would have changed:It would have been helpful if the kit came with rifle dis-assembly instructions that warned you about the 3 really small screws that had to be removed and reinstalled.
What others should know:Don't ever put oil in the pump as the rubber piston will get hard and lose compression. Use silicone grease during refurbishment that will not affect the rubber seal mechanical properties.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Easy to install comes with all the seals got it quick and at a fair price saved my 392 takes about 1 hour to install
Things I would have changed:Include a punch for the front pins as my air valve had to come out the front and also include the spring inside the air valve. Instructions could be better but if you have common sense and a few tools it's easy. Maby offer a hopup kit with heavy duty seals for more pumps
What others should know:Easy to install make shure to use plenty of oil if your gun lost its punch get this kit!!!
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Contains all the parts needed and a nice step by guide with a diagram for an easy install.
Things I would have changed:Nothing.
What others should know:After 14 years of being staged beside my garage door ready for the next wave of pigeon attacks. There is no climate control in my Arizona garage so it's a wonder the seals lasted as long as they did. It took about 30 minutes to install and my old Benjamin-Sheridan 397pa is ready for another 14 years.
4.0 4.0
3.0 3.0
kit was easy too install gun shoots like new !
Things I would have changed:the kit should come with new springs for complete rebuild.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Kit contained all parts needed to do job, and illustrated parts diagram makes it easy to determine what goes where if you didnt already know.
Things I would have changed:Keep more inventory so parts are not on back order so often.
What others should know:If your C9 is shooting weak, try this kit. This kit along with cleaning and lube made gun shoot like new again.
4.0 4.0
4.0 4.0
it had all the seals I needed, except the bolt seal was wrong size. Although the item description did not mention it came with a bolt seal.
Things I would have changed:whish it came with a new seat stem spring, mine was pretty rusty from years previous miss use. Like to see a better price. After I found crosman sells complete valve for just a few dollars more.
What others should know:make sure the inside chamber has no burrs before installing.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Got my Benjamin 397 fixed. Had a gunsmith install the kit since It was kind of difficult to remove the rolling pins that hold the retention cap. Did not want to take the risk of damaging it. This kit works and I commend Crosman for providing this maintenance kit. Just gives you the confidence in buying their guns
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
Decent price, greatly improved performance, ease of installation.
What others should know:The instructions with mine were completely adequate, with the only confusion arising from the difference between early and post-1995 models. The picture was very large, with well labeled parts. I'm very glad I installed it. The two pins are a bit difficult to get out, but the right sized punch did the trick.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Pretty easy to install, even with the poor instructions. Completely transformed the power of the gun - its like a brand new one again.
Things I would have changed:Getting the two pins out from the muzzle end was not easy (had to punch them out and smooth off the burred edges to reinstall them again). Would include two new replacement pins in the kit.
What others should know:Not difficult - but give yourself a couple of hours to get this done.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Identifing which kit I needed was simple thanks to the online discriptions. The kit had everything needed to repair the air rifle. The price of the kit was reasonable.
Things I would have changed:The included instruction sheet, while adequate, begs to be improved with a larger clearer diagram. Shpping charges were excessive (UPS about $9.00) - this kit could have been mailed in an envelope for under $1.00.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Easy to install
Things I would have changed:would include bolt o-ring for both .177 and .20 cal. Also would include small amount of pellgunoil, as it's the best time to apply when gun is disassembled.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
I works perfect, just like the original parts, I've installed it for my benjamin 392.
Things I would have changed:none
What others should know:easy to install.
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
Rebuild parts for Sheridan and Benjamin pump rifles, indentical to original parts. I took my Sheridan (which had been overpumped repeatedly by a friend whom I loaned it to) apart and had it operating again in less than an hour.
Things I would have changed:The instructions included with these parts are very poor, tiny and grainy print, with little actual instruction to anyone whom had never taken one of these rifles apart before. Fortunately for me, I am very familiar with the assembly and disassembly of these rifles, so it didn't affect me much, but for folks trying to repair one of these guns for the first time, the lack of good instructions would be very frustrating.
What others should know:Don't be afraid of tackling a repair on these rifles, they are incredibly simple to work on.
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By Daniel
Works great and was easy if you have any mechanical inclination or ability
Things I would have changed:nothing
What others should know:It is important to install it in a clean work area and keep all dirt a debris out of the air guns tube, pump, and valve. Use the opportunity to inspect all moving parts for burrs or sharp worn edges. Oil with proper lube as you put it back together and you will be pleased with the outcome. :)