Benjamin & Sheridan, Image 1
Benjamin & Sheridan, Image 1

Benjamin & Sheridan Repair Kit, Fits Some Post-1995 Multi-Pumps w/Cartridge Valve

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Repair kit fits these multi-pump guns made after 1995 & they have a compression tube that slides out of the assembly & does not need a special tool (has a cartridge valve & the valve is NOT soldered). It may be necessary to push out the assembly from the front of the tube: Benjamin 397 & 392 guns as well as Sheridan C9 (Silver Streak) & CB9 (Blue Streak). To determine if this kit is for you:
  • Remove the screw in front of triggerguard to remove rear part of the stock
  • Remove the pins or screws that hold the retention cap at the rear of the receiver
  • Remove the guide pin, spring & hammer to reveal the compression tube
  • If the brass compression tube comes out in one piece, then this is the kit you need
  • If your gun has a rounded square hole with a valve stem sticking up through it, then you need the other repair kit (CR/Repairkit)
See full schematics for the products this part fits:


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10 of 58 Benjamin & Sheridan Repair Kit Reviews

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I'm not a gunsmith, but was able to install these parts myself. Worst part of the install was extracting the roll pins that secure the pump mechanism. My old 397 now works like new.

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easy fix for an old air rifle

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Couldn't be easier to change out the hard, 30 year old, almost galvanized o-ring seals on the cartridge (392, newer). Follow the instructions included and you'll be shooting again in no time.

The instructions should give you a list of the parts included, especially the mystery little tiny o-ring included so you know it is for the firing pin assembly.

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everything there to refresh your air gun

Better more legible instructions

I got this kit to repair a Benjamin-Sheridan H9A Series pellet pistol. It has all the seals you need. The Teflon piece was longer than the original, i think it's for another model. I put the old one back in as it was not worn, but could easily be cut down to length. The pistol works just as i remember it back in 1998.

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I purchased this product and it was delivered promptly. I had one question about the tiny o-ring and the tech staff at Pyramid Air gave me a quick response to confirm my thoughts on the o ring. This rebuild kit was very easy to install, a set of o- ring picks are very helpful for removing and installing the tiny o- ring on the bolt. I purchase a set of picks for less than $4.00 at a discount hardware store. Once the kit was installed it brought the power back to my Sheridan 392 to original or better

Directions should be clear as to where the very small o-ring goes, This is not mentioned in the directions.

Great support staff, quick delivery.

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Great rebuild kit, brought my aging benjamin back to life. But the bolt seal in the kit was for a 22 cal. and not a 177 that was needed for my rifle. Thankfully my old seal was still good. The new kit did not include the correct seal but still a good kit.

Great kit just did not come with the correct bolt o ring for a 177 cal.

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Just as advertised, all parts fit nice.

Have Ben/Sher mod 397P .177 cal

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Web site was very helpful in how to find out which repair kit I needed for my Sheridan.

Better schematic, as in, larger print. Needs a better way to determine which O ring goes where. Add in the description that if you are not a handy or good mechanic, this is a challenging repair.

Rifle now works like new.

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This fixed my .20 Silver Streak. It was leaking and the pellet would move through the barrel after chambering. I noticed the tip of the pellet right at the muzzel! While pumping I could hear the air escaping and the rifle would not reach a good pressure. The O-rings were flat and the one in the middle of the cartridge (near threads) was hard and fell apart. Now it shoots like new! Each pump is solid. Note: you also get the very small O-ring located on the bolt. I took that apart to make it easier to replace it.

The instructions need to be cleaned up. Also add the replacement of the small O-ring on the bolt. Remove small bolt cover plate (2 screws PN), rotate bolt to expose small Allen bolt and remove. Withdraw bolt from chamber. Replace the small O-ring at the end of the bolt shaft where it contacts the pellet.

Get some good air gun grease for lightly lubing O-rings, seals and chamber threads. Make sure it is okay for O-rings.

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Exact fitting parts.


I used it to rebuild the valve on my 13 year old Benjamin 392. Seem to work better than the original when I first got it 13 years ago. Less pumping. more psi. Originally when the rifle was new it would take 3 pumps to get the pellet going at lowest fps. Max was 8 pumps, any more pumps were wasted effort. After the rebuild, it will work with 1 pump for low and can go up to 10 for high.

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