5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
By Sean from USA on 2016-07-30 16:04:00
This thing is an absolute beast! It. It basically seems like an upgraded 2100 which has been the benchmark of pump air guns for about 70 years, so calling it a Legacy is appropriate. And it's warranted, first thing I noticed was how hefty it is, has good weight to it, feels so solidly constructed, a very stable platform. When I began to pump it I could feel the power it stored, by about 6 or 7 pumps it began to be not so easy, and the pump stock it very sturdy. It came with a 4x12mm Crosman scope which is nice, I upgraded the a 4x32mm which is awesome as it gives you a much better field and the ability to see in low light situations. The BB loader is a cap in the butt that clicks completely off which I don't like so much, I remember some of my friends lost the cap and had duct tape on the butt. It has a spring loaded BB magazine as well, but personally I'm going to forget about BB's with this gun, I have a Pumpmaster for BB's. With it's rifled barrell, great and variable power and tuned in scope I will only be shooting pellets with this puppy. For the price this gun is a tremendous value, sturdy, accurate, variable, and durable as hell, will last forever, you're grand kids could shoot this gun with minimal maintenence. The Classic 2100 upgrade 2.0, in black. Nice gun.
Things I would have changed:Not much, maybe the BB load point if you're shooting BB's
What others should know:Durable as hell, you can beat this thing to a pulp and it will still work, and work well. The 4x12 scope it comes with is like and empty toilet paper roll, for a few bucks more get a decent scope. This is no repeater, multiple pumps take time and are loud, loading the breach with the pellet arranged properly can be difficult, but with a pen loader it became very quick and easy. But if you're good and sneaky one shot, one kill is all it takes, and this gun will deliver.
1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0
3.0 3.0
By Airgun Papa from USA on 2017-07-30 15:49:38
The power rating is only slightly more than the 2100 classic, but I still like the increase. I would like the cost savings if this were a quality rifle. However, the bosses on the right side of the rifle where the receiver screws are supposed to hold the halves together, were found to be split or broken off as it came from the factory box and the joint between the two haves was noticeably too wide from the start.
Things I would have changed:Well, if you eliminate the plastic receiver and go with metal you pretty much have a return to the 2100 Classic. So if I were Crosman I would dump this product and simply put the improvements (aluminum one piece pump rod, and new valve) into the 2100 Classic. Then you would have all the improvements in a rifle that will last. I would also bring back the 2200 Magnum .22 caliber version.
What others should know:I bought both this Legacy 1000 and a new 2100 Classic to compare them. The new receivers on the 2100 classic are far better than the former ones as they do not have the crude mould seams that the older ones had. The new ones are totally smooth and very attractive. Save the frustration and put the extra $10 to $12 into the model 2100 and leave this plastic offering alone. I am not returning my Legacy 1000 but instead putting its parts into a metal receiver from a 2100. Everything fits and is interchangeable. I had to give it an accuracy rating to submit the review so I just gave the Legacy 1000 a 3 star rating in this category even though it never was able to be used.
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5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Great gun. Accurate and very powerful! Shot through 8 pieces of cardboard with a bb! People complained on here, but I really like it and it is very durable and heavy weight.
Things I would have changed:Pumping is a bit hard.
What others should know:Better with scope
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
the fiber optics. trigger ok. accurate. fun little plinker. bb mag is nice. the reservoir holds a lot.
Things I would have changed:not much, got what i paid for
What others should know:it lives on bb's. several thousand through it so far. the only trouble was the barrel band cracked after thousands of rounds. still shoots great.
3.0 3.0
2.0 2.0
3.0 3.0
Verified Purchase
large bb resevervoir , fairly accurate , able to put on safe at any time , able to pump without cocking , fiber optic sights
Things I would have changed:pellet loading is horrible , need a mag system like m417
What others should know:feels very toy like , lots of flex while pumping , daisy 901 is way better gun imho
4.0 4.0
3.0 3.0
4.0 4.0
Accurate with lead pellets like Crosman Premier Hollow Points and Meisterkugeln 7.0 gr wadcutters.
Things I would have changed:Make it easier to pump. Make it easier to cock.
What others should know:From a rest, with BBs the best I could do was 2 and half inch groups from 30 feet. With pellets quarter inch five shot groups. This gun beats you up over time. It is an effort to pump. My fingers got numb from cocking the gun after awhile. There are better multi pump options available. Crosman M4-177 or Daisy 880. Both are fun to shoot and accurate.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Verified Purchase
Very light rifle ... Accurate and Fun to plink with !!!
Things I would have changed:Nothing
What others should know:Great rifle
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Very high quality, especially for price. Good accuracy even with kit scope. Light weight is great for small shooters like me, but gun still feels very durable.
Things I would have changed:Pumping action is firm. Agree with other reviews that pellets are hard to load; highly recommend Crosman brand pellet loader (which works pretty well).
What others should know:Powerful and lightweight beginner or everyday gun.
4.0 4.0
4.0 4.0
4.0 4.0
Good price . Excellent build quality . Good weight and handling . Accurate with iron sights (didn't try scope)
Things I would have changed:Easier loading! In my opinion, this airgun was designed to shoot BBs, with pellets a secondary option. Loading it with individual pellets isn't impossible, but it's more difficult than with any other .177 caliber variable pump pneumatic air rifle or pistol I own (and as far as I know, I have all but maybe two or three of any I've found online in about twenty years). After nearly two weeks of regular use, I still am unable to reliably load & shoot one pellet. I can slide-push a pellet to a spot where it rolls into the breech aligned correctly ~65% of the time, vs ~95% with my other airguns, with a tweezer needed to remove and reload backwards-facing and other mis-aligned pellets. When target shooting, I often end up using a tweezer for every pellet. This would be worse outdoors. If it did happen outside, I have a tweezer in my pocket knife that could help, but in my opinion, it just should be simpler. This is the first and only airgun I've ever purchased for which I have this complaint.
What others should know:The Legacy 1000 is accurate. The front sight is fixed but functional. The adjustable rear sight is of low quality but also functional, pretty much the same as that on other entry-level airguns. Surprisingly (to me), the rifle I received is less powerful than my Winchester 1977xs (about the same as Daisy 880), so it's more difficult to pump than it should be, IMO. I have no chronograph, but each rifle, with Gamo Magnum pellets, was fired four times into four targets across the same 25 slice cardboard trap, the Winchester 1977xs with 3, 6, 9 & 10 pumps & the Crosman with 3, 6, 9 & 12 pumps. The 1977xs shot further in with 3 pumps and through all 25 slices with 6 pumps (went through the 25th but stuck in place), 9 pumps & 10 pumps, while the Legacy 1000 penetrated less with 3 & 6 pumps and through all twenty five only with 9 & 12. The 1977xs pumps up much easier but shoots a good bit harder than my Legacy 1000, so pumping should be as easy or easier or the speed much higher (again, IMO).
By Evelyn Y from USA on 2022-04-27 |
3.0 3.0
3.0 3.0
3.0 3.0
Easy to charge . Decent trigger . Good weight . Nice looking . Generally comparable to other entry-level airguns in price and performance
Things I would have changed:Very difficult to load. Rear sight assembly is awful: to achieve accuracy, mine ended up as high as it could go and so far to the right it was awkward to center the front 'square' in the rear cutout. I read a lot about exceptional power and accuracy in the reviews (my main reason for purchase), but it seemed no more powerful than my other variable pumpers (Crosman, Winchester, Daisy, Umarex and Benjamin). This cost a bit more than my Winchester 1977XS a few months ago, but I discovered I like the 77XS far more. The 77XS seems just as powerful, is just as easy to pump up and the sights allow me to be MUCH more accurate. The worst was loading pellets. A full half of everything I dropped in the feeder ended up backwards or needing adjustment. Unlike every other pumper I own, I could not 'place' pellets in the breech, they had to be dropped. Eventually resorted to tweezers for EVERY pellet! I expected this to surpass my 77XS in performance, so I was very disappointed. Returned for refund.
What others should know:I'll never complain about loading pellets in my other air rifles again! ;-) I put out about 300 shots today, using a tweezer for every pellet in the Legacy 1000 and putting pellets in my 77XS with my fingers. I muffed ONE pellet in the 77XS and had to adjust it with tweezers, compared to every pellet in the Legacy. Pumping already uses up enough time between shots, so the extra time to load the Crosman is a huge drawback. It was no more accurate than my other air rifles, and I didn't much care for the front sight fiber-optic in the large plastic square. I found it much easier to aim and be accurate with my 77XS than with this rifle, even after many hundreds of rounds and a week of practice. The trigger was slightly better than that on the Winchester, which I fully expected to be replaced as my best .177 plinker/shooter by this air rifle. Not even close -- I like the Winchester much more. Better than Daisy, Umarex and Crosman, close but not quite equal to 77XS. Good but not quite great.
By FREDERICK D. from USA on 2023-09-23 |
By Bubba from USA on 2022-08-13 |
By Evelyn Y from USA on 2021-11-26 |
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
nice , powerful
Things I would have changed:more metal
What others should know:hard to beat for the price
1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0
Nothing. Assembled in USA with junk chinese parts.
Things I would have changed:EVERYTHING!!
What others should know:Don't buy this piece of junk.
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
I like that it's a pump rifle and holds alot of bb's. Light weight, so pretty much anyone can take it anywhere.
Things I would have changed:I don't like the front sight tip. I prefer it just black tip.
What others should know:I really enjoy the selection this company offers and delivery is quick. I strongly recommend this company to everyone!
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Incredibly easy to use, super powerful, very accurate.
Things I would have changed:Pump action can take a lot out of you, but its worth it!
What others should know:The pump action can wear you out, but the power your projectiles will receive is well worth the effort! Awesome weapon! Thank you Crosman!
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Inexpensive and accurate.
Things I would have changed:Wood instead of plastic.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
This Legacy has approximately 200 pellets thru it, and has made a 1-3/8" group at 10 yds using JSB Match Exact 7.33 gr, and the iron sights. The shot sound is backyard friendly at 10 pumps, 510 fps, which produced the best accuracy. 4.23 fpe. The sights are plenty sufficient, with elevation and windage adjustability. On the 10th pump the effort is around an easy15 lbs, the lever being a long 10- 3/4". The pump should receive Pellgun oil often enough to feel the lubrication during pumping. The single-stage .steel. trigger is excellent- around a few pounds pull and smooth if we'll lubed. The stock is substantial in strength. The cross-bolt safety is in the right place, but makes an audible click when positioned, even if slowly using a thumb and finger. The rifle is somewhat muzzle heavy, but the gun is so light overall it puts some weight where it's needed when aiming. Cocking the bolt back isn't the easiest, but shouldn't be a problem. It's a fine and recommended gun for the price
Things I would have changed:Bigger loading opening. Smooth the safety cam.
What others should know:The open sights allow getting on target quickly. Carry or mount a soft poker for aligning the pellet in the chamber. Lube it a lot.
It's price is low and it's performance is fine.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
I freely admit that this was a nostalgia purchase, but it was on sale and what can I say? Plus, its rated for two more pumps - 12 instead of 10.
Things I would have changed:Well, it's all plastic, and I always consider wood nicer, but at this price point, I'm not complaining. I would like to see the buttstock filled with an expanding foam so that hollow sound disappears.
What others should know:Good beginning gun for kids. Variable pressure available so it can be used in a basement with minimum pumps.
Loading port is difficult for big fingers. I solved that by using lead round ball ammo (Gamo). Its sized to take the rifling so the magnet isn't needed. Just drop one in the port and close the bolt.
By cherokeesteve from USA on 2019-03-26 |
3.0 3.0
3.0 3.0
4.0 4.0
I'm very familiar of the 2100/AM77 so no surprises with Legacy 1000. I like the look, size, weight of the rifle and with this one the accuracy right out of the box (after looking it over, making sure all is secure, bbl cleaned, etc.) after adjusted the sights and soon mounting a 3 MOA dot size red-dot sight. I am getting a cluster of several shots at 50' that are slightly bigger than a navy bean. I like accuracy.
Things I would have changed:I would try to get way closer to that 10 FPE mark at max (12 pumps) if I were making a point, a big deal of it in advertising. The one I got even after a tiny amount of proper oiling with the correct oil (silicone AG oil) only achieved 8.4 FPE on 12 pumps with 8.64 grain 4.52 mm H & N FTT pellets. I tested a number of pellets several times. One time several years ago I had a unmodded new out of the box Remington AM77 that actually did produce 10 FPE on 10 pumps - to be exact 10.4 FPE and that was with CPLs 7.9 grain. So it is possible without mods/tuning. Just quality control rather than luck will get a 10 FPE or so gun into many buyers hands.
What others should know:Don't be afraid of plastic. Don't hold pistol grip of shoulder stock to pump - especially to several or 12 max pumps. Don't do that super fast wild little
boy style pumping. Even with compact scope or red-dot sight you can still grab in that area and with other hand do smooth full pump strokes all the way out and all the way back to compression tube. So many cheat like push ups and don't get air in on a stroke or 2. To heck with BBs - use those in your Red Ryder! Easy on the oil/lube and in the right locations. With a little practice loading will become much easier (pellets). Don't leave this gun out in the Sun on a table or whatever all day! Store with a couple of pumps in gun - but not cocked nor loaded.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Variable power is great.
Things I would have changed:Loading of pellets is awkward. It's hard to get them in oriented the right way.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
Price is very reasonable. 8-pumps is all you need instead of the 10 or 12 that other rifles require. Velocity is very good and the fiber optic sights are decent.
Things I would have changed:It would be great is the stock was adjustable or had an option of two interchangeable lengths so adults and kids can share with comfort.
What others should know:We have a chronograph. With the Crosman Premier HP pellet and the chrono 10-feet from the muzzle we get 812 fps with 8-pumps, 634 fps with 5-pumps and 485 fps with 3 pumps. My two 12-year old boys can pump this themselves but struggle with pump # 7 and #8 when they pump that much. We have a 4X20 scope on it. The rifle shoots nickel sized groups at 15-yards with 5-pumps. At 25 yards it really does best with 8-pumps and will group about 1.25". While some may think this is a little light on Ft/lbs for rabbit hunting, we have taken many out to 25 yard with head shots. We keep the squirrel shooting to 15 (maybe 20) yards max because the groups open too much for a consistent head shot on a squirrel further out. The rifle is very quiet, the noise from pumping is louder than the report. We've shot over 500 pellets in 9 months and it still works very consistently. We have not tried BB's.
By Joe from USA on 2019-12-19 |
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
love this rifle I put a leapers accushot mount + good scope an this thing shoots way better than expected
Things I would have changed:too soon hav to shoot it more
What others should know:being something new hav to see how long it last without a problem
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By Steven
I known the receiver is plastic but it's surprisingly sturdy. It has good power. Basically it is as as strong as the older 2100 classic. It is a lot of gun for the money.
Things I would have changed:For the money not much. Would be nice if it came in wood grain. Also a .22 version would be nice.
What others should know:When you first start shooting you will be disappointed in the accuracy. You will need to clean the barrel and shoot it frequently. It took about 100 pellets and 3-4 good cleanings to get the gun to start shooting accurately. Once I got the break in period done it shoots one ragged hole at 10 yards. Best pellets I have found has been 10.3 FX.