AirForce 18" Barrel, .22 Cal, Lothar Walther
Caliber:.22 (5.5mm)
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- 18" choked Lothar Walther Barrel
- .22 caliber
- Fits AirForce Talon, Talon SS & Condor guns
- Barrel switch is quick & easy...about 5 minutes!
- Velocities will increase when attached to the Talon SS and decrease when attached to the Condor
- Extremely accurate!
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9 of 9 AirForce 18" Barrel, .22 Cal Reviews
very accurate so far, though much heavier profile than my stock 12"ss barrel (by luck, which is what I wanted)
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing about the product, but the description/ information could be more clear
What Others Should KnowThe barrel I received was an AirForce PN: U1030, .22 caliber "heavy barrel". The barrel measures .6250 (15.88mm) at the muzzle & .3090"od (7.86mm) at the breach end.
Not pictured but INCLUDED is a delrin cap that fits in the end of the receiver tube to finish it off. (like the ones shown on the end of non-SS models.
Information I feel should be included in the description/ image. Hopefully somebody finds this info helpful.
Arrived on time and in great shape from Pyramydair! I cleaned the barrel before installing on my condor. The install is easy! The accuracy is outstanding! Makes for a more compact condor. Very loud without a moderator, Im using a 9 inch talentune moderator which makes the condor very back yard friendly. The condor with the 24 inch barrel is all about power, unless you are using the ring-lock pin valve system, the Velocities will be all over the place. Even at the lower power settings the pellets with the 24 inch barrel will break the sound barrier at 1125fps. The 18 barrel combined with the ring-lock pin valve cap will give you very consistent velocities.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing! Great product. Its like getting a new Airgun, so the price is cheap.
What Others Should KnowMy condor has the new ring lock valve in it. Im also using the ring- lock pin cap kit. With ring-lock cap 1.45, power wheel at 11-16, fill pressure beginning 2100, ending pressure 1800 psi, twenty shots over the chrony graph. Using jsb 18.13gr pellets. Another example; this barrel love the 28.5gr eunjin pellets. The ring -lock pin valve cap 1.66with the power wheel at 12-1, fill pressure of 2700psi down to 2200 will give 25 shoots at an average of 1051fps at 70fpe. Accuracy at 50 and 75 yards is pellet on pellet with those settings on my condor. Everyones mileage will vary, but get lots of pellets, a chrony, and airforce ring-lock pin valve cap system and you will find the best settings for your condor. I love my condors and will continue to experiment. Thanks Pyramydair and airforce for a great product. Happy safe shooting.
Excellent quality, prompt delivery, good packaging.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowThis barrel increases velocity approximately 125 - 150 fps over the 12" .22 cal barrel with a standard flow valve. This is a very cost effective way to boost the performance of your rifle.
Accuracy is great as it should be with any Lothar Walther barrel. Makes my Talon SS shoot like a big bore with extra power and range.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe bushings that come on the barrel are about .01" too big and needed to be turned on a lathe before the barrel would slide in. I'm sure this is just another AirForce quality control issue though.
What Others Should KnowIf you need a little longer range and more power for your Talon SS, while still keeping the gun in a reasonable stock look, then this is the barrel to get.
Finest quality steel, construction, and design. You cannot buy a better barrel anywhere, for any price.
Things I Would Have ChangedAbsolutely nothing. And I DO mean absolutely nothing!
What Others Should KnowMy Talon SS just became an adult! I got this in .22. caliber to extend my usability.
I am VERY satisfied with this purchase. When you can put five shots in one hole at 30 yards, you know the rules of the game just changed in a major way!
Accurate and plenty of power...Lothar Walther brand.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe bushings were too large to fit in the rifle...Not Pyramyd's fault AirForce quality control.
This barrel makes power! I have the talon ss with the 12" barrel and it will push a kodiak 22. Cal pellet 726 f.p.s. The 18" barrel will do the same pellet 842 f.p.s. That's 33 fl.-lbs. Accuracy is about the same if not better. But the range is better. The 12" barrel is accurate to about 55 yards. yes it can shoot beyond that but I'm talking about accuracy. The 18" barrel has the same accuracy but at 80 to 90 yards!
Things I Would Have ChangedAt this point nothing.
What Others Should Knowwith the 18" barrel say goodbye to quiet shooting. but you can get a custom barrel shroud and it will be quieter then the talon ss with it's 12" barrel.
This barrel is constructed with accuracy, and is simply drop in, no special changes is necessary. It dose increase the power of the Talen SS and nothing change with it's appearance.
Things I Would Have ChangedNow, my purpose to mod. the Talent SS, to increase its power. Just like Tom Gaynor's article on Talen, Talen SS and Condor.
What Others Should KnowAirgunner's the Talen SS is for it compact form. this 18" barrel provided your TalonSS more power but retain it's compact nature.
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Mar 23, 2021
By Alexei
The product was rock solid pyramid air fast reliable business thank u guys.