AK47 Kalashnikov Tactical, Image 1
AK47 Kalashnikov Tactical, Image 1

AK47 Kalashnikov Tactical AEG Rifle

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The Kalashnikov AK47 is one of the most iconic semi/full automatic rifles of the 20th century. The airsoft version by Cybergun is a faithful replica right down to the sleek body style and trademark logos. The gun features a foldable stock for maximum comfort and easy carrying in the battlefield, A Weaver/Picatinny tactical rail for mounting optional shooting accessories and a shot velocity of 380 fps (using .20g BBs). This gun has full metal gears & gearbox and an adjustable hop-up unit that lets you dial in outstanding accuracy for faraway battlefield targets. This gun is a solid addition to the armory of any hardcore airsoft enthusiast!
  • Semi & full automatic
  • Durable steel gears
  • Metal front section & bolt cover
  • Foldable vertical grip
  • Nylon fiber foldable stock
  • Adjustable front & rear sights
  • High-capacity magazine
  • Adjustable spin up accuracy system
  • Battery/Charger not included


  • Velocity: 351 fps with 0.2g BBs
  • Power Range: 66 yards
  • 550 rd standard rifle magazine or 2500 rd drum magazine
  • Length: 2.30 feet, 3.05 feet with stock extended
  • Weight: 6.8 lbs
  • Accuracy: 50/25 (You can hit a quarter from 50 feet with .20g bbs)
  • Shooting System: spin up system
  • Color: black
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Max Velocity
380 fps
Suggested for
6.8 lbs
Fixed/adj. power
Rear Sights
Smooth bore
Overall Length
550 round(s)
Body Type
Metal/ABS plastic
Hop Up

Ballistic & Conversion Calcs

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10 of 32 Cybergun AK47 Reviews

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realistic weight pic rails good power and accuracy

battery is very tight fit dont like the way the wires have to be stuffed in , a lot of sharp edges , i hope it lasts.

l got an aftermarket battery but the leads are too long to stuff in the compartment i will try to modify to fit . i have an aftermarket battery for my hk416 and it really improved the performance. i think these included batterys are meant to be upgraded just like the cheap scopes you get with a lot of guns

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Holding the trigger on this and emptying the 550 round mag is very fun. The feel of this gun is great, very solid. I can easily compete against others using superior weaponry. Having this thing in my hands makes me feel confident. I put about 20,000 bb's through this gun and it is still awesome. GREAT FOR THE PRICE.

The 2 mag's that come with this are not the best. You will find yourself sitting behind cover frantically winding the magazine to get it to shoot. Do yourself a favor and get some flash magazines. The strap that comes with this gun is TRASH!!!! Do not use it, it has popped off this gun twice already. Luckily i caught it both times. This gun is heavy, get yourself a good strap. The Stock on the gun isn't great, it wobbles and doesn't lock. I would remove it altogether but I occasionally use it while I lay prone. All of these things aren't the best, I just considered the 2 mags and strap it came with a free gift and I didn't care since most guns don't come with either.

The battery is a tight fit in the top of the gun but I don't mind. You will get the hang of getting it in. Get a battery case and 7.4 lipo if you want to solve the problem down the road.

This gun is great for the price. It comes with a strap (put it in trash), 2 hi-cap MAG's, 8.4volt battery, winding tool, dejammer, charger, and folding foregrip. That is a lot of stuff for only $150, great price for sure!

Max Oct 10, 2021

There's 2 things i'm wondering about this gun. 1 is the orange tip on the front removable and 2 what do you mean by winding the mag?

Beau Dec 26, 2019

Almost 2 years later and this thing is STILL a powerhouse. I just hold the trigger while winding the hicap mag, emptying all 600 bbs on one long trigger pull. I keep people with crazy expensive guns pinned down with this beast. I have bought multiple guns since this gun but I let all my guest use this as thier first gun. They LOVE it and often get the most kills of the day. I stripped this thing down, took off the stock, removed the hidden metal bar it had in it to just add weight, slapped on a 7.4 Lipo batter that attaches to the side rails. This thing is super fun. The original mags and battery STILL WORK GREAT on this gun!!!! I replaced the rubber bucking from overuse but that's what happens when you hold a trigger for 2 years straight.

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Love it all the way around. It feels great,shoots amazing.

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This is an incredible airsoft gun! It is very accurate, really cool looking, super versatile (great at long range encounters and closer battling with foldable stock) and has a huge magazine capacity (not to mention a second free magazine).

The battery is difficult to fit into the gun and requires several attempts of repositioning to make it fit and get the cover in place. However, my other AEG of a different brand has the same issue.

This is an excellent airsoft gun for the price and everyone I play airsoft with is jealous! It is a little long and heavy for my 13 year old son to use and in a price range that is higher for beginners, so keep that in mind. Otherwise, you should consider getting this gun.

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Extremely rugged! Mostly metal body with folding stock. Averages around 345 FPS which is perfect for squirmish's (as long as you're dressed appropriately). Fairly accurate, especially with .2g pellets.

I'm not a fan of the "spin up system" associated with the clip that comes with the rifle but it works well. This is the only thing I would change on this rifle, not knowing what other alternatives are out there.

You'll want a backup pistol or rifle to have during reloads as the spinner on the clip can be time consuming to use to load your weapon, especially if wearing gloves, in close squirmish battles.
This is a fairly heavy rifle - GREAT for teens and adults. Kids under 13 will have to like heavy weapons if they want to lug this thing around - my 10yo and 11yo think it's too heavy and awkward even with the folding stock. As an adult, I love it myself and am VERY impressed with it's design and durability, especially for the price!

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Mine shoots 400 fps, hop-up easy to adjust, longer inner barrel than an M4 makes it more accurate. CYMA (the company that makes this) have an entire line of ak's called the cm028 series, including two with full stocks and one with a retractable crane stock. makes an

I wish the battery could be rear wired to the stock, but obviously in this model there's nowhere to put it.

CYMA (the company that makes this) have an entire line of ak's called the cm028 series, including two with full stocks and one with a retractable crane stock. All use the same internals as this one, and all are great guns!

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A better battery system.

I got a lemon straight out of the box

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Pretty cool rifle, accurate and good rate of fire. It is pretty well made, lots of metal and the composit is nicely cast and fitted well.

The battery compartment is tricky to use, it's a real tight fit so take your time when you insert the battery make sure the wires are properly inserted into the front before you attempt to put the cover on. It will go in no problem if you take your time inserting it.

Get lots of bb's your gonna need em. This gun is addictive and great fun to shoot. I got the 1600 mah battery seems to last to last a little longer than the 1100 mah. Try one you won't regret it.

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The fps and accuracy are really nice and i like the ammount of ammo the high caps hold. The folding stock and grip are really nice as well but given a choice i would have chose an adjustable stock instead. I think that the high proformance and nice accessories are great but in order to keep the price low the build quality and materials used arent top notch.

I would have added more metal parts and made it a little less wiggly

Great proformance for price. Great if you arent looking to spend a fortune

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Everytheng in this gun is metal and polymer (i thich heavy durrable plastic)

I would give the battery a little more room but other wise its perfect

If your looking for a long range high FPS gun, this is it.

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