Benjamin 392 pump air rifle
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- Shop related categories: pellet guns, pellet rifles
This air rifle has no scope rail or dovetail. If you buy one of the scopes or dot sights listed in the accessories link, you will need either the Crosman 3/8" Intermount or the Air Venturi Weaver/Picatinny Intermount.
An American classic! The Benjamin 392 .22 cal. rifle is a multi-pump pneumatic. The hardwood Monte Carlo stock is sleek and lightweight. The rifled brass barrel is finished in black and sends pellets out the muzzle up to 685 fps. You can vary the velocity by the number of pumps (up to 8). The 392 has the power and accuracy to take small game and pests, but you'll find yourself picking up this rifle every time you want to plink or shoot spinners.
Although this gun has been made for decades, the manufacturer continues to put extra fine details in the rifle, such as a swelling in the forearm to make it easier to pump and a fully adjustable rear sight. You can put a scope on the 392, but you'll want to use the B272 intermount to do that.

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10 of 188 Benjamin 392 pump air rifle Reviews
Like how light weight it is compared to a nitro piston. Have wanted something with open sights that are not plastic for a while. It is usable for a lefty because it is not shouldered when the bolt is operated. This is intended to be a working rifle and not for plinking for hours. It is easy to drop the .22 pellet into the large chamber.
Things I Would Have ChangedThat Monti Carlo stock is too high for me to line up the sights unless I rotate the stock 45 degrees, nearly horizontal, to get my face low enough. I came close to selling it an hour after I unboxed it. I placed a 1/16" shim above the trigger group which lowered the cheek piece nearly 1/2". Now I can use the iron sights. I don't understand how this design survived so many decades. I can just about rub the finish off the stock by hand and it looks like a piece of sanded pine. After a few hours I can see bare wood in spots. A coat of finish shouldn't be too expensive for Benjamin. Fiber optic sights would be wonderful, for me the black front sight is invisible indoors. I have not been able to take it outdoors during the day yet to see how the iron looks.
What Others Should KnowOut of the box it is hard to pump it more than twice. It has to be braced to get past three pumps. After 20 shots it is still difficult to get past three and eight pumps are nearly impossible. Pellgun oil has not made a difference. I am hoping that it smooths out. There is definitely paint in the barrel that I will have to take care of once I can shoot it beyond 10 feet to check the sights and accuracy.
The pumps determines how far it goes
This gun has a good solid feel. Shoots straight and hits hard at 8 pumps. That said it's great that you can use less pumps to power down for back yard use.
Things I Would Have ChangedSights could be better. Maybe fiber optic. Time for at least a little modernizing after all these years.
What Others Should KnowI have co2 and single cock air guns. The 392 is my favorite for ease of use and being ready to go with just a few pumps.
Great to leave in your vehical for impromptu plinking.
Benjamin! Enough said!
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
I purchased mine a a backyard pest eradicator. After receiving it, I cleaned the barrel and lubed all the recommended points. Took it to my backyard for sighting in. The factory iron sights are probably OK for younger eyes, however, new I'd need some help on that and included the Williams sight in my purchase and it was installed for first round of tests. I was impressed with the weight and balance, pumping get more strenuous as you increase the the pump count. I tried 3 different .22 pellets. Crossman Premier, Crossman domed - 14.3gr and RWS Superdome 14.5gr. All of them performed very well at 30 yards and more that exceeded my expectations. 8 pumps showed more variation than 4&5 pump range so I stuck with the 4-5 pump groupings Crossmans quarter size 5 shot groups and RWS were nickle size groups. While testing; one of my backyard terrors (grey tree squirrel) wandered into test range. Able to place a shot between left and eye & ear for immediate dispatch. Recommended.
Things I Would Have ChangedLittle loud - OK for my country area though.
What Others Should KnowStill the best pumper since my childhood to now. Made me feel younger & good upper body exercise.
nice and light easy to shoot
Things I Would Have Changedback sights not very good
What Others Should Knowget Williams peep with this gun no need for the gym after pumping this gun after 4 pumps
solid feel.
What Others Should Know56 yr old male. I got a Benjamin just like this when I was 8 or 9...that gun ran flawlessly for 40+ years!!!!!! Super accurate and powerful. The seals finally gave out on the old one....I purchased a NEW one and it was pretty nice...a little larger in size than the old one. On the new gun the seals gave out after 11 MONTHS!!!!!! MAJOR DISAPPOINTMENT!!!! WTH? FAIL!!! FAIL!!! FAIL!!!!..
Solid construction. Proven design My 3rd Rifle now. My oldest is over 50 years old and is a Sheridan blue streek. My second was a silver streak in .117 About 15 years old. My latest is in .22. Love it ... I also have the pump up pistol in .22. No CO2. Or precharging. Adjusting the pumps for your specific shot
Things I Would Have ChangedI would include the scope mount with a rifle purchase
Works like old one from 1950's.
Things I Would Have ChangedOpen sights suck on the weapon. Neither straight military sights nor "old" just fine sight of 1950's. Highly recommend the peep sight be purchased with it.
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Jun 12, 2020
By Andrew
Solid, very accurate, affordable pest controller. I use it to thin the starlings, squirrels, and eurasion collared pigeons that flock to my feeders. If I do my part, it does the job. Reasonable noise, nickel sized groups at 12 yards. I use JSB Heavy Diablos.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe trigger is a bit heavy. It was a bit rough when new, smoothing after a couple hundred shots. Not a serious issue.
What Others Should KnowWhen you mount a scope, the scope is very high(almost 3 inches) above the bore, which causes elevation issues as your range changes. I have it sighted in for exactly 12 yards, and five yards on either side I need to adjust the hold