Benjamin Air Tank,, Image 1
Benjamin Air Tank,, Image 1

Benjamin Air Tank, 2000 psi Output

4.012 reviews
2 answered questions


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4.012 reviews
2 answered questions


  • Benjamin air tank
  • Designed for high-pressure air up to 3000 psi
  • Regulated to 2000 psi output (specifically for the Benjamin Discovery & Crosman Challenger)
  • 72 cubic inches
  • Fills a 2000 psi rifle 6 to 8 times from one tankful
  • To fill the Discovery or Challenger, you'll also need FAH002 (Dual Fuel adapter)
  • Do not use this tank with paintball guns
  • Includes male quick-disconnect coupling (can be filled with the Benjamin hand pump)
  • 4.5" outside dia., 11.5" long, 4.40 lbs.

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Pumping this tank up with a hill pump is not bad at all. Beats pumping my discovery at the range. It is light enough to carry in a backpack while hunting. This tank makes shooting much more enjoyable! I pump it while watching television, it takes about 320 pumps from 2k to 3k psi. So in about 3 hours you have it charged enough to fill your discovery 8 times. The reason I wrote this review was to offer information I attempted to find online that was not available! Pumping the first time from 0 to 3k was a job, maintaining isn't bad at all. If you use the benjamin pump it takes much longer to pump, it took me a week to pump from 0 to 3k with that pump. And 4 evenings to maintain. The hill pump is way faster.

Nothing, unless they sold a version that pumped itself while I shot!

If you own a discovery you should definitely invest in this tank and a hill pump. If you don't shoot much, you will not benefit from it. If you shoot a lot, and hunt this tank is a must have. Even if you use a scuba tank to fill your guns, this tank is much more convenient to carry.

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This is a replacement tank for me, now I have a spare tank.

Nothing. It does what it's designed to do.

Mine was dated June 2013,so I have 4.5 years before I need to Hydro it. I purchased it in November of 2013.

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It does exactly what we needed it to do, which is fill the disco 22, and not worry about the kids overfilling. I waited for a sale that allowed for the combining purchases to get free shipping


The bottle will not become obsolete in 15 to 20 years like carbon fiber tanks.

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It just perfect with my discovery and works great. thanks to pyramydair again!


you should get this if you have a discovery and good price.

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The tank came to me with an expired hydro test date. When I contacted customer service I was treated rudely. Will not be doing business with pyramid again.

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sale 87.99, great deal! air hog sale the regulator for 65.00 3000 psi input / 1000 to 2000 psi Regulated Output = $65.00

nothing, works great on airforce with co2 adapter!or straight connect to marauder like i do sometimes, meaning dont disconnect leave it connected on bipod for some fun shootings! the maruader is regulated to 2000psi anyway so it is perfect!

if it still on sale when you read this? buy the freaking thing!

for those who gave bad them, all due to users error, prodcut does what it says!

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Nice size and paint

DOES NOT take 3,000 psi..!!, last night it blew out all the 3,000 psi's.

Only works with the Discovery, not the Marauder because it only outputs 2,000 psi.

Brent Feb 08, 2014

It never says SQUAT about ever being used for the Marauder you guys, read a little bit more carefully!

Edith Feb 06, 2013

Frank--The Marauder is set at the factory for 2,500 psi, but the owner can change it to 2,000 psi. Therefore, this tank will work if you set your Marauder to 2,000 psi. In fact, we have this statement on the Benjamin Marauder air rifle description: "Uses compressed air (up to 3,000 psi) OR bulk-fill CO2 (gun comes adjusted for 2,500 psi air fill; to fill to 3,000 psi, make required adjustments as stated in the owner's manual) To use CO2, the gun should be adjusted for 2,000 psi."

Frank Feb 04, 2013

why in the description says " specifically for the Benjamin Discovery & Marauder and the Crosman Challenger" if dont do the job whit the Marauder..this is actionable as false advertising

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Just what expected..!!

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Bigger bottle, Lower price

This only goes up to 2000 pounds not 3000 pounds output so it really is useless for the Marauder wich says to re-fill at 2000 pounds back up to 2900 pounds. If you really want value for your money you can buy used scuba tanks at scuba shops for around $100 and get 10 times the amount of fill-ups

Robby Jan 11, 2011

Try sticking a scuba tank in your back pack for a days hunting..I guess no one understands the point of this tank is to carry in the field cuz its small!

Terry "USELESS" Aug 15, 2010

Who twisted your arm to purchase this tank? It clearly stated that it's REGULATED output was 2,000psi. Instead of POSTING a negative review {which makes you L@@K foolish} take the time to read the "About this product" information. You'll spend your money better. Terry in Mississippi

Terry "USELESS" Aug 15, 2010

Who forced you to make the Purchase? Instructions were very clear as to the REGULATED air output of 2000psi. Don't get mad, just take the time to read. You'll spend your money like an older wiser person.

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~6 fills per tank. On my disco that is 35 full power shots before I notice drop off at 45yds. So, roughly 200 shots to a $5 fill of this tank.

The first one I got was defective, the fill valve leaked and didn't seat right. Pyramyd was great help on the return.

Invest in a scuba tank if you have a place that will fill them around you. The shop near me sells new tanks for the same price as this one, should have gotten one and a scuba fill adapter. Would have cost the same but would have a ton more fills at a cheaper bulk cost.

Robby Jan 11, 2011

At $160 its cheap compared to my CF 4500 psi piglet an my 4500 88 cu ft CF air hog tanks At $1,300 I would like to go out hunting with you people and see you with your SCUBA tanks strapped to your backs I'll take this one any day over carrying a scuba hunting! Its made to carry NOT to be heavy & fill ur gun 50 times!

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