BSA Scorpion PCP, Image 1
BSA Scorpion PCP, Image 1

BSA Scorpion PCP Air Rifle

5.04 reviews
1 answered question


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5.04 reviews
1 answered question


Unlike most guns, this one is completely ambidextrous, because you can swap the bolt's position from one side to the other. BSA's barrels are known for being very accurate.
  • BSA Scorpion
  • Precharged pneumatic
  • Single-shot
  • Bolt-action (can be swapped from RH to LH use!)
  • Free-floated barrel
  • Match-grade barrel capped with a muzzlebrake
  • 11mm scope rail
  • Monte Carlo wood stock with checkered grip and forearm
  • Sling swivel studs
  • Quick-disconnect charging
  • 232 bar (3,364 psi) max fill pressure
  • Approx. 25 shots per fill
  • Ideal for taking small game & plinking
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.177 (4.5mm)
Max Velocity
1000 fps
Suggested for
Small game hunting/plinking
Pre-charged pneumatic
7.7 lbs
Max Shots per Fill
11mm dovetail
Front Sights
Rear Sights
Two-stage adjustable
Barrel Length
Overall Length
1 round(s)
Body Type
Ventilated rubber

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4 of 4 BSA Scorpion PCP Air Rifle Reviews

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Simple single shot design, built like a tank, great looking rifle, tons of power after removing the knock off restrictor, very reliable, compact carbine for easy carry and point ability, perfect weight with a reasonable scope mounted, very loud when tuned for high power I like to hear it bark.

I can't think of anything I don't like about the rifles but I wish they would have offered the single shot in.25. I would own all three calibers if they did. Some would say too loud but I like the bark they make when fired and won't be shooting in city limits anyway but they are threaded at the end of the barrel if you remove the muzzlebrake.

I have the Bsa Scorpion single-shot in.177 and.22. I like the rifle so much that I bought twins. Took out the knock off restrictor on both and the.22 now has 12 good shots at 50 ft lbs or an average of 925 fps with 25.4 gr Jsb over 12 shots and the.177 has 20 good shots at 30 ft lbs or an average of about 900 fps with 16.2 Jsb over 20 shots. When I say good shots I mean 3% and under standard deviation. I have only shot them indoors at twenty yards with nice accuracy results but I want to stretch their legs in the future and shoot 50 yards and over. The.177 likes 2675 PSI and the.22 likes 3225 PSI. Puts them in the sweet spot. I paid $500 for the.22 and $380 for the.177 here on Pyramyd Air so I got a good buy on both because regular price is $700-$800. If you want a simple well built no bull crap rifle that is accurate and reliable and easy to use and capable of big power with a little tuning then do yourself a favor and pick one up if you get a chance.

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BSA makes outstanding guns for the money. They make some of the best, if not the best barrels in the industry. The Scorpion is an outstanding rifle - very accurate and hits hard.

I wish it (and all BSA pcp's) was regulated for more consistency shot to shot. This is a minor upgrade to make at the factory but a major one to add to the rifle afterwards. Is it absolutely needed? No. Is it great to have? Yes.

This is perfect for those of us that prefer single shot over multi shot. The BSA loading channel is large enough that you don't feel like you have to "fiddle" to get a pellet loaded.

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Incredible accuracy. Fit and finish like a fine custom firearm. Very high power is attainable with some adjustments. The trigger is a work of art. This BSA air rifle was designed by John Bowkett, the undisputed foremost designer of air rifles in his day. BSA barrels are fully the equal of Lothar Walther and Anschutz.. BSA rifles are known for their ruggedness as wel as incredible accuracy. BSA air rifles are to be cherished as prized possessions.

There is a T10 version that is a 10-shot repeater....but not anywhere near the price this single shot version is selling for. If you can afford $900+, go for the T10 version.

OK, I own the .25 caliber Lonestar, but is is a single shot and very similar to the Scorpion except is has the MMC cocking feature instead of the conventional bolt handle. Other than that and the caliber, they are very similar rifles. BSA rifles must be charged to 232 Bar to get the full number of shots, and power start sto fall off below 200 Bar. Because of this, you MUST get a pump that can supply the pressure such as the BSA pump mades by Hills or and FX pump made in Sweden. A standard SCUBA tank falls a bit short in the pressure department. Your pump should be rated to 250 Bar minimum if you own a BSA air rifle. I chose a BSA air rifle over an FX made in Sweden. Why pay more?

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First rate quality. Floating barrel and BSA's legendary accuracy. Shoulders very well and is a great hunter. I like the adjustable power. Try finding a pcp with this much power for the price. I sure hope Gamo doesn't start skimping on the quality now that they own BSA. Incredibly crisp two stage trigger with lots of adjustments.

Offer a synthetic stock option. Keep the Gamo name and inferior quality separate from BSA. Offer an on board pressure gauge, other than that....nothing.

This gun is loud...not condor loud, but not a backyard shooter. However, it is an incredible long ranger sniper rifle. It has effectively taken small game out to 120 yards (with proper placement).
Gun shoots very well with Kodiaks and 18grain JSB's.

Michael Sep 03, 2019

Does anyone know the ftlbs in .177 from the factory is this a UK legal limit rifle or FAC?

Edith Apr 04, 2011

The Scorpion does not have adjustable power. Please check the owner's manual, which is linked on this page.

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