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Code of Silence, Image 1

Code of Silence Zone 7 - Dialed In Parka, XXL, S-18 CAMO

5.04 reviews


Clothing Size:XXL

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  • 100 Grams of QuietLoft and Windsulation
  • Windseal-TC3 for Windproof Protection
  • Zippered chest pockets
  • Three piece drawstring peripheral vision hood
  • Harness Vent in Upper Back
  • Articulated sleeves for functional fit
  • Berber-Wool Main Shell
  • 3X-Tricot Lining Throughout
Zone 7- Dialed In Parka
Extending Zone7 versatility into a feature-packed cold weather option.

The Zone7 Dialed In Parka is custom-made for the versatile hunter that adapts to varying conditions. This parka is truly the ultimate shell. Made exclusively from revolutionary Berber-Wool, this parka is dead quiet, exceptionally warm, and provides our famous level of concealment. The combination of our WindSeal-TC3 internal barrier, 3X-Tricot lining, and 100 grams of QuietLoft Insulation in the body and Windsulation makes this parka ideal for the peak of the rut climates. Features include a three-piece drawstring peripheral vision hood, safety harness vent in the upper back, articulated sleeves, drawcords at the mid back and lower hem, side hand warmer pockets with internal cuff, dual upper zippered chest pockets, and exclusive "Fleece-Flex" cuff.
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3.75 lbs
Temperature Rating Clothing Max
40 F
Temperature Rating Clothing Min
0 F
Torso Length
31.5 in
Sleeve Length
37.5 in
Code of Silence

Our Story

Code of Silence™ is a unique and extremely capable developer of highly functional and innovative hunting gear. While we have over 50 very successful combined years of experience in developing outdoor products, we are just getting started with our new revolutionary lines. We firmly believe that outdoor products should be “enablers” to create added efficiency for the hunter and thus, improved success in the field. We are some of the most authentic, real, passionate, driven, and down to earth guys and gals you will ever meet. At Code of Silence, our mission is to provide serious bowhunters with the most advanced and effective hunting apparel available. Our priority is to enhance your hunting experience by offering products that seamlessly blend into natural surroundings, remain silent in all conditions, and provide superior warmth and comfort. We commit to you that our new lines and products will deliver on “new ways to go afield” and will always provide an incredible value to the outdoor community.

Revolutionary Concealment

Revolutionary Concealment

Our unique S-18™ Camo pattern with Neutral-LR™ Technology is designed to mimic nature in all aspects including nature's natural light absorbencies, allowing you to blend in better. We use highly textured fabrics that are jacquard knitted, making them less reflective and more effective in the field.

Extreme Silence

Extreme Silence and Berber-Wool

Our gear is constructed with the quietest materials on the market. By avoiding laminated fabrics internally, we ensure that our products remain silent, even in the coldest conditions. Our Berber-Wool™ is a unique wool based high pile fabric that is extremely quiet, extremely warm and also mimics nature by absorbing light compared to other commonly used hunting garments.

Superior Warmth

Superior Warmth

Our apparel is made with high-quality fabrics and unique design construction that provide the perfect balance of breathability and extreme warmth. We prioritize your comfort, ensuring you stay warm and functional, no matter the conditions. Technologies include Windseal TC-3 for windproof protection, and proprietary insulations including Windsulation and QuietLoft for superior warmth.

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4 of 4 Code of Silence Zone 7 Reviews

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Love the pockets

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This park worn in combination with the bib checked all the boxes. Warmth and silence is what I was looking for and I got it finally. I like this product so much I got the bag and gloves.. I found myself needing to shuffle around a little bit to get a better position and the doe never heard me.

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I love it !its Comfortable and warm

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Best parka i own. dead quite, windproof and warm.

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