Evanix Rainstorm II PCP Air Rifle
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Single-shot rifles are fun and have their place, but if you like to hunt...a repeater definitely has its advantages. Quick followup shots are nice to have without requiring you to open a pellet tin, pull out a round, close the tin, and then cock and load your rifle. How much better is it to have extra rounds waiting so you can dispatch animals quickly?
Hunting small game such as cottontails, squirrels, rats, mice, nutria (coypu) and pest birds means you're often faced with more than one critter. Having several shots available from your Rainstorm II will go a long way toward eradicating groups of pesky, destructive varmints!
- Shop related categories: pellet guns, pellet rifles
Evanix Rainstorm II PCP Air Rifle
- Precharged pneumatic (PCP)
- Shrouded barrel
- 12rds/.177, 10rds/.22, 9rds/.25, 7rds/.30, 6rds/9mm
- Sidelever cocking
- Adjustable buttpad (vertically)
- Ambidextrous sepatia (Indonesian walnut) stock
- Unique checkering on the forearm & pistol grip
- Built-in manometer (air pressure gauge)
- 2-stage adjustable trigger
- Approx. 2.20- to 3.00-lb. trigger-pull
- Manual safety
- 11mm dovetail (no open sights)
- 3000 psi fill
- .177 cal.=26 shots/fill, .22 cal.=22 shots/fill, .25 cal.=20 shots/fill, 9mm=14 shots/fill
- Includes a 1/8" BSPP probe with male threads and 2 magazines
The Rainstorm II rifle uses the the same circular clip as the Evanix Speed and Conquest air rifles and the Max bullpup.
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10 of 56 Evanix Rainstorm II PCP Air Rifle Reviews
Great classic looking gun. Has great power and is short and easy to aim. Accurate out to 75 yards. Will be great for predator hunting.
Things I Would Have ChangedWish I wouldn't have waited so long to get one.
What Others Should KnowDefinitely worth it.
The looks and the power, accuracy
Things I Would Have ChangedOffer a synthetic stock. Regulate the thing! Add a better quality rotary mag.
What Others Should KnowThis review is after having the .22 cal gun for around 4 years. Still shoots great and I haven't done one single thing to it except grab it once in a while and shoot it. Surprisingly reliable..I added a Altaros reg and lapped the barrel and polished up the internals upon purchase. It likes around 40 Foot pounds.These guns are set up smoking fast out of the box. They need to be calmed down a bit. No problem at all killing squirrels at 70 yards with it. I saw my son knock one out of a tree farther than that. I love mine. I also have a Blizzard. It's set up the same way and shoots great too.Just don't expect them to perform like mine out of the box. They're still not an FX, AirArms or Airforce, but all in all they're pretty dang good guns "If you like tinkering " The rotary mags aren't the greatest . I've had some trouble with them jumping past pellets and they're too narrow to accept the newer style slugs. But hey, for a sub $700 gun I'd buy one again...
Very nice rifle......BUT !!!!!!
Things I Would Have ChangedThe bolt to barrel fit is way off!!! the .22 .25 .30 .357 ALL have this flaw. with the bolt closed and no mag in shine a light at the bolt/barrel interface and the look down muzzle end of gun and you will see a large gap of light around bolt fit !!!. It is NOT o-ring fit problem. There is NO parts here stateside to fix these . I had to make New oversized bolts to fix ALL my 6 rifles . PA does not have the machines to fix this problem as We do. Stay away for awhile untill this problem has been fixed at factory. Don't say you were not warned..
Awesome gun! I bought this in .357/9mm (.35 cal). What a Hoss. Shoots straight and level. I zeroed my scope at 25 yes. Only up 1 mil dot to 50 yds. I haven't gone to 75 or 100 yet, but I have no doubt it will perform equally as well. As always, Pyramid did what they said they would do.
Things I Would Have ChangedI would change the safety. It's a bit cumbersome to get on & off.
What Others Should KnowBuy this gun, you won't be sorry!
My .30 cal is a beast. It is shoiting 86 ft lbs with 50gr jsbs. Mine is accurate at 35 and 50 yards. At 35, a dime covers it. At 50 its under an inch. Crony starts at 881 shot one to about 798 shot 7.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing.
What Others Should KnowJsb 50 gr are a little more accurate than the 44.75 gr. The gun balances great. Not back yard friendly.
Everything! This is not my first pcp air rifle but has fast become a favorite. I ask Pyramyd to pick a nice stock and they picked a beautiful one. Butter smooth side lever, magazine is metal and indexes just as smooth. Bluing on the gun is flawless and this gun is solid. Im 5 feet eight 190,..this gun is a perfect fit ergonomically and while solid, does not feel heavy. This gun is designed with the hunter in mind. I had jsb 44.75 and jsb 50 grain on hand. First shot with 50 grain,957. First shot with 44.76, 991!! Wow!!...sighted in at 50 yards and this gun will stack both pellets. Evanix has a winner in the .30 cal rainstorm. Thank you Pyramyd, for great service and a great gun.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing!
What Others Should KnowThis gun is loud! Not backyard friendly, though its not meant for that. There are plenty of aftermarket options for that if you choose. Buy it, you wont regret the gun or the service from Pyramyd!
Everything about it.
Things I Would Have ChangedNone
What Others Should KnowVery light weight and smooth side lever action.
Have had the Rainstorm II a couple of months now, and the accuracy continues to empress. At first, the .25 JSB's were the most accurate. coming n at 996 fps from the factory. The 34 Gr were accurate, but not nearly as accuate. Now two months in, I have adjusted the speed, and polished the bore. What was a 1/2" gun at 30 yards, is now a tight one hole ag. 50 yards, under 1/2", an 76 yards many groups 1/2 to only slightly more. Odd thin is, this is all with the now more accurate 34 Gr JSB's. In the Texas wind, they perform vastly better than the 25 gr, as would be expected with the Higher BC. Gun is light, handy, and the fit and finish is far beyond the price range. You could not give me an FX Royan for this gun. It is that good. Period. It was very loud out of the box. I put a very well made DonnyFl Shogun LDC on it, and wow! very quiet indeed. Hammer slap is louder than the report. I kid you not! New style mag. is very reliable. Much like a DayState mag from the Airwolf
Things I Would Have ChangedMake the thumb hole stock more available again.
What Others Should KnowGot in a Hatsan Nova in .25 first. Not even in the same universe in fit finish, precision, and power and accuracy as the Rainstorm II. One a very rough action, one unbelievably silky smooth.
One is more like a 400. usd airgun, the other more like a 1500 usd airgun. LOL!!! No comparison what so ever! Pyramyd air was very helpful. The Air Venturi department there was outstanding.
The gun is accurate. I mean it *is* accurate. I scoped mine with a high power scope. 100 yard shots are a breeze. Side Cock is nice.
Things I Would Have ChangedA little more consistency in FPS. I bought the 25Cal. Also, a better way to know how many pellets you have left in your round clip. Yeah, it is a 10 round "Round" clip, but you can't see the last 3 or so shots. . they are hidden. I would also like to have some kind of sling too. The gun has no sling, and it is almost a must when carrying this rifle.
What Others Should KnowScope it with a GOOD powerful scope. I would suggest over scoping it. As silly as it sounds, this gun is nice and accurate. There is absolutely no Kick at all.
Loudness. . .Folks. . .this gun is LOUDER than my Remington 22. . . and I mean it is loud.
I highly suggest purchasing a spinning target with a reset. Without the reset, you will be walking 75 yards many times
to reset your targets.
I get about 30 shots per fill in the green zone. (I haven't counted it, but I go through about 3 round clips before pumping
the pressure back up.
I also noticed on mine, when the pressure was at the top (200), my accuracy was not as good. But as soon as it dropped
to about 180 to 190, everything was dead on. I have had it for about 1 year now.
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Mar 13, 2021
By John
I ordered this Rifle in Feb this year (2021). When the rifle arrived, I found it was missing some Items (magazine and fill adapter) which meant I could not use the rifle until I got those parts. So, I made contact with Pyramyd Air and they overnight shipped me the missing items. A big thank you for your quick response and getting me the items I needed. That’s great customer service
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing, Thanks Guys great job with the follow up!
What Others Should KnowIf you have a issue with you product when it arrives be sure to contact Pyramyd Air customer services so they can fix the problem.