Kral Arms Puncher, Image 1
Kral Arms Puncher, Image 1

Kral Arms Puncher Pro PCP Air Rifle

4.06 reviews
18 answered questions


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4.06 reviews
18 answered questions


The flagship of Kral's Puncher PCP line, the Puncher Pro balances cutting edge technology and traditional craftsmanship for a competitive price. From its sculpted Turkish walnut stock, to its array of options, this is a must have for shooters looking to graduate into the world of PCP airgunning.

The Pro offers shooters various settings to adjust to their preference, such as the 2-stage adjustable trigger and external power adjustment. The adjustable power feature allows you to choose more shots or more power with a finger adjustable power wheel. The Puncher Pro will give you 50 (.25) to 60 (.177 & .22) shots on high power with its large 330cc cylinder and 200 BAR (2,900 psi) fill pressure.

Kral anticipated you'd be shooting more, and included 2 spring-driven magazines, so you spend less time reloading. An 11mm Dovetail and Weaver rail gives you a lot of choices for your optics and accessory layout. Choose the half-shrouded barrel or go without a moderator depending on your needs for quiet shooting.

Kral Arms Puncher Pro Air Rifle

  • Precharged pneumatic
  • Rear-Bolt Action
  • Multi-shot
  • .177 cal=14 rds, .22 cal=12 rds, .25 cal=10 rds
  • .177 cal=60 shots per fill, .22 cal=60 shots per fill, .25 cal=50 shots per fill
  • 2-stage adjustable trigger
  • Adjustable power
  • 11mm dovetail and Weaver rail for optics mounting
  • 2900 psi fill pressure (200 BAR)
  • Built-in manometer (air pressure gauge)
  • 330cc air tank
  • Kral-built choked, rifled barrel
  • Hardwood Monte Carlo Walnut Stock
  • 2 Magazines
  • Ventilated rubber buttpad
  • Manual safety
  • Forearm mounted weaver/picatinny rail for accessories
  • 1/8" BSPP fill probe

Includes: 2 magazines, single shot tray (in the .177 and .22 only.), and fill probe.

*Weaver rail is not standard, and we do not recommend using Weaver mounts.

feature icon


.177 (4.5mm)
Max Velocity
1070 fps
Muzzle Energy
23 ft/lbs
Suggested for
Small game hunting/target practice
Pre-charged pneumatic
8.6 lbs
Max Shots per Fill
Cylinder Size
330 cc
Fixed/adj. power
Multiple settings
Weaver & 11mm dovetails
Front Sights
Rear Sights
Two-stage adjustable
Barrel Length
Overall Length
14 round(s)
Body Type
Ventilated rubber

PCP Fill Options

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6 of 6 Kral Arms Puncher Pro Reviews

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Nice wood, but when the bolt breaks after 2 months ......

the bolt, it is not would I change, but now have to change, and just outside of the return window

Good luck finding any repair parts ...........

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i bought this gun as a referb .25 cal and the stock had been refinished by previous owner i guess but out of the box the pull on the bolt was astounding strong to much in fact must of been 8 to 10 lbs of pull or more so strong that it made it uncomfortable to cock for my hand but we got good hardware stores here and was able to get a spring with half that pull or less much better now, the fill probe also had a bad O ring and leaked all the air i was trying to put in luckily the hand pump i bought had a whole kit of O rings with it, its just a 45.00 ebay pump but it works great ok so to move on to the gun i mounted a scope and went to shooting with HN baracuda hunter extreme and the gun loved them shooting a full power shooting little quarter and dime size groups but i was only 45 feet away and the thing is so quiet i thought something was wrong with it, just a poof and thats it no recoil no noise totally back yard friendly the trigger was also great so light i love this gun

hammer spring pull weight, come on kral get real, replacement spring i got was 21/2 by 1/2 by 0.47 wire in case you want to get one too. the total weight of the gun is a bit heavy but could be made lighter by any good wood worker and the access cutouts for the safety and the adjustment dial need opening up a bit too. needs sling studs included but they are not buy a set with machine screw up front and wood screw in the back. they

now for the good things, right out of the box and the ammo i used this gun is a tack driver and i shot atleast 5 clips 10 rds each and only used about 40 or 50 bar not sure how else say it was only 2 1/2 marks lower on the gauge from 200 bar. Its not an FX airgun but is a great value for the money i got mine for 349.00 so there you go, also this gun is either made by or company owner by air venturi. the trigger is great if adjusted right mine was already adjusted super light when i got it. over all its a great gun super accurate and powerful buy one and you will love it ok and the clips are go in sddly but seem to work well its just a matter of getting used to them going in round side first but when slid in you can see your shot number on the clips, be sure to order your 1/4 inch adapter for the fill probe too it was only like 5 bucks so that a deal.

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just unpacked I had them mount and zero for me came fast and also came with a full resvior of air I think they do a great job at prymid

its a bit heavy but that is ok with me

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The stock was a little rough but I refinished it and it is beautiful. The gun shoots one hole groups at 30yds. all day. I'm glad I got it!!, I have never shot any of the expensive guns like Daystate or Air Arms, but I'm pretty sure that I can compete with them at less than half the price! I highly recommend this product.

I wish it was a side lever action, but the bolt works fine.

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The fit and finish is excellent , Price is perfect ,, high shot count between fills,, accuracy,, two mags is great ,etc.........

find a better way to make cocking the gun smoother ,,

testing done @ 40 yards I did put more tension on the hammer spring , (chrony results) 200 BAR TO 125 BAR AIR ARMS 25.4 GRAIN PELLETS 791.7, 791.6, 791.3, 793, 792.6, 789.3, 798.7, 790.7, 795, 786.3, 792.4, 798.1, 797.9..797.6, 796,7, 795.7, 794.6, 797.5, 792.8, 796.9, 793,6, 793.6, 795.8, 794.3, 793.8, 790.5, 790.2, 790.3, 787.4, 783.3, 781.2, 780.8, 779.6, 782.4, 777.1, 775.2, 770.6, 768.1, 767.9, 766.9 all these shot were inside a quarter Overall the gun is AWESOME

Frank Apr 25, 2018

Purchased a Kral pro for my nephew and we have to say its no way possible to reach the published 975 FPS, we dropped down to a 13.34 gr pellet to break 902 FPS avg. Maybe a 9 gr pellet would do it if they made one that weight. Very disappointed in the velocity ,and yes that was at the 2900 psi fill and the power turned to max. If anyone has had this problem and it was solved ,please let me know before I send this back. We've had it around a 1.5 months.

Alan Mar 26, 2018

What about the different barrel and shroud?

Alan Mar 17, 2018

Rick, The barrel and shroud look different in your pics. Is that the way it came out of the box?

rick Jul 28, 2017

Update ,,, Fixed the cocking issue with a little lapping paste ,,now it nice and smooth,, also the bolt on the pellet pusher snapped in two Kral really needs to deal with this issue.. The stock bolt is way to weak.. I ended up getting a hardened allen head cap bolt to replace it Problem solved Still love this gun .I shoot it often>>>

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Very nicely done stock, gets a good amount shots per fill, power adjuster works well and speed is consistent using for each power setting from high 900 hundred plus FPS down to low 300 FPS. Single shot tray is a nice option as well, plus getting two magazines as well. Very accurate at all distances tried so far almost pellet on pellet pretty much one ragged hole with ten shot group.

Trigger is a bit gritty feeling at first could be better but for the price it's plenty good.

Clean the barrel first it's filthy and will take a lot of cleaning to get it clean, magazines can be a little finicky by loosening
the center screw just a touch will usually fix the problem of jamming. Jamming sucks, getting the magazine out is miserable because
the pellet is half in chamber and deformed from the magazine not indexing fully.

Warren Apr 04, 2020

if you look on youtube a guy suggested loosening the center screw on the magazine, i did it on mine and it helped big time and yes i had the same problem and one time worse i had a double load and could not get it out without a real fight and so damage to the mag but i finally got it out. just be careful of the mag adjustment just small amounts of loosening. Also as the gun is shot allot the firing hammer and all begin to settle in and and it just gets better with time. i just keep working at it trying new little tricks and such but so little is out there about this gun its disappointing but it is a tack driver and for the money its a great gun.

Richard Mar 24, 2017

I like this gun too. I found the bolt action is a bit stiff and requires significant force to cock it. It's well balanced and very accurate.

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