Piston Seal, Fits Gamo Whisper & Gamo Big Cat
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- Piston seal
- Fits Gamo Big Cat 1200 or 1250, most spring piston Gamo Whisper models, Stoeger X5, Stoeger X10, Stoeger X20, Air Arms TX200 Mark III, Air Arms Pro-Sport, Crosman Titan, Crosman Phantom and Benjamin Trail
- For professional installation only.
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10 of 16 Piston Seal, Fits Gamo Whisper Reviews
Perfect fit on my Whisper Wildcat. Velocity went up from the first shot with the new seal.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing.
What Others Should KnowHeat with a heat gun prior to pushing piston onto the seal makes it go on easier.
Well so far this seal has made my gamo swarm swarm whisper much more powerful then it did straight out the box bran new. When I first got it the max it could do it go through 3 loundry detergent bottles with crossman premier hollow point pellets and now with the new seal it now shoots through 7 laundry detergent bottles with the same pellets. And yesterday I shot a squirl at 45 yards and the pellets left a huge exit hole through his head. Before I couldnt shoot 30 yards without the pellet dropping like 6 inches. Now at 45 yards it only droping 3 inches. Thanks to this seal on now satisfied with my gamo swarm .22 whisper . I just prey the seal holds up.
Things I Would Have ChangedIf I had to change anything I would actuilly use moly lube on the seal instead of engine moly graphite lube. I just hope this seal holds up.
What Others Should KnowThis seal gives my gamo air rifle like 3 times the power it did from the factory.
And it will Probobly do the same for most other gamo air rifles.
bought this to replace piston seal on my Gamo Maxxim Gen 2 22cal. Worked perfectly.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing does what is suppose to do
What Others Should KnowDoes work on the Gamo Maxxim Gen 2
Seems to be a much better seal than the factory o.e.m. although I have not installed as of yet. The original seal has a pit that I discovered when tuning the rifle. When the seal totally fails, I plan to replace. Still averaging 914 fps on the chronograph shooting 7.4 grain pellet so not there yet.
Things I Would Have ChangedShould be a better shipping method as the shipping nearly 3/4 cost of the product. USPS should be much cheaper I would think.
I bought this piston seal for my GAMO WHISPER FUSION,.177,Very good quality,you can use this seal in some crosman air rifle ,like my crosman nitro venom dusk.22,is the same piston seal.but is better than the original crosman piston seal.I think that PA should use USPS for shipping just smaller things like this piston seal.
Things I Would Have ChangedNADA
Softer than factory seal, available from Pyramyd Air
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing...it does the job as stated!
What Others Should KnowThis seal fit my Gamo Whisper Fusion IGT perfectly! Looks like my seal was damaged at the factory, had a split in the side which dropped the power down, haven't been able to crony it since the tune because its been raining here, I'll post up the numbers as soon as I'm able.
its works great...
Things I Would Have Changednothing
What Others Should Knowmy original seal was chewed up from factory.
Softer than the stock seal, which was pretty bad.
What Others Should KnowI bought this seal in the hopes that it would fit my Browning Leverage, and it did! Comparing the two seals, there are some minor dimensional differences, but the seal did fit onto the end of the Browning piston, though it was a little looser (in the air chamber bore) than I would have liked., The gun shoots really well. It's accurate, and strikes the target with authority. I don't have a Chrony (yet), so I can't offer any scientific facts or numbers, but if you need a seal for your Leverage, and can't find it anywhere else, this could be a viable solution for you.
This seal material is softer then the piston seal on my gamo big cat 1250 making it a tighter seal on compression and more forgiving if you run lighter ammo or from detonation . I pulled the piston after 500 rounds and it looks like it did the day it went in.
Things I Would Have ChangedShip it in a envelope instead of a box to cut shipping cost
What Others Should KnowIf you own a gamo springer I would suggest learning how to tune it and you may be suprised at the condition of the stock seal.
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Jul 05, 2022
By Brian
Fit perfect on gamo swarm whisper 10x . Does the job , hitting hard again
Things I Would Have ChangedShipping cost is terrible