Air Venturi Rail, Image 1
Air Venturi Rail, Image 1

Air Venturi Rail Lock Spring Compressor

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Air Venturi continues to innovate with products designed with the end user in mind with the world's first portable spring compressor—the Air Venturi Rail Lock Spring Compressor.

Weighing in at only 1.5 lbs this spring compressor allows airgun smiths and tinkerers to disassemble their spring, or gas piston rifles anywhere they choose. The spring compressor mounts on any piston gun's scope rail, whether Dovetail, Weaver or Picatinny, and allows for the safe disassembly (relief of pre-load) of the gun, with no workbench setup needed. Never before has replacing broken springs, burned out piston seals or leaking gas rams been this simple! The Rail Lock Compressor is just one more example of Air Venturi's commitment to designing tools that reward airgunners who know their guns.

Air Venturi Rail Lock Spring Compressor

  • Attaches to Dovetail/Weaver/Picatinny Rails
  • Allows user to disassemble spring and gas piston guns for maintenance/repair
  • Lightweight
  • Works with just about any spring piston powered rifle or pistol
  • Portable and compact - Just 9" long
  • Precision Machined


1.55 lbs

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10 of 37 Air Venturi Rail Lock Spring Reviews

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I just didn't want to build Rube Goldberg contraption to replace the piston seal and mainspring on my FWB124. If my trigger parts went sproing all over my shop, I wouldn't be able to find replacement parts for this gun anymore. This compressor is rock solid and works really well.

The price of course. It's a bit spendy for a tool I might use only once more in my lifetime, but such is the nature of specialty tools. The first one I received was rusty, and I don't mean a little. Pyramyd was VERY responsive and sent me a return shipping label and reshipped a new one a couple days later. Annnnd the replacement had rust on it too, although to a much lesser extent. :-( Root problem: Air Venturi should either coat these with rust preventing oil or pack them inside a sealed plastic bag with silica desiccant. It came wrapped in paper. Clearly not enough to protect it from ambient humidity in the warehouse.

Pyramid customer support is top notch. Very impressed.

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Small, sturdy, easy to use. It works quite nicely without any modification.


It sits high on a Weirheuch HW80 (i.e., not centered on the rear cap). This is not a problem, however, either for removal or for reassembly.

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Not much. It did work, but I had trouble getting it to hold on the rail.

More clamping screws.

I had to drill and tap for 2 more screws to make this work. The concept is good but execution of design could be better. That's my opinion only.

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I liked the size, and also the build idea. Sturdy but could use some extra work to make this a great little tool. I have used it twice now and with my first experience I knew it needed some thought to make it work as it should and not be a hazard to people using it.

I did change a few things. First off I added another set screw on the other side of the supplied set screw. The supplied set screw would only push the threaded rod assembly with quick release button to the other side of the rail system, that threw the whole alignment of the threaded rod out. The second set screw allows me to center the threaded rod to the rail set up. Next I added another screw to the front of the rail system to make the bond safer. I kept noting that the rails wanted to cant in at the top so I cut a piece of wood to fit between the rails as a stabilizer to keep the bars from clamping in at the top. The only thing I wish I could do is to make a rotating cup (like on a "C" clamp) at the end of the threaded bar. The way it is now the threaded bar wants to travel all over the place and not stay in the middle for uniform compression. Once these problems were overcome the Rail Lock Spring Compressor worked great! Now how to figure out how to make that little rotation cup

It's a fine tool and a great Idea, just needs a little tinkering to work real good.

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It works so easy


Just buy it as it makes the job so easy. After seeing all those wooden contraptions on YouTube why wouldn't you buy it.

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Only use it on one of my air rifles so far, but it made the re-assembly of my HW97 easier than my DYI spring compressor. The rail lock worked well, no slip. Just make sure you don't over tighten, the dove tail mount is not as sharp as what you will find on your scope mounts. Over all, work as advertised. Sturdy, compact tool and pleased with the ease of operation.

A bit larger compression rod foot. Adjustment to be able to center the foot to the spring breach.

Other than what is mention above, very pleased with the product.

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Not a whole lot. Lots of people say this worked for them, all I can guess is they weren't compressing anything that required much pressure. Had no problem compressing a worn out nito piston for replacement and removing it, but compressing a new nito piston for install......forget it, this does not have the beef for that job. This was a MAJOR pain, and I will most likely never use it again.

The first thing I had to do was go to Home Depot because the one screws that came with it were not long enough for a standard sized picatinny rail width, was totally unusable out of the box. I would have made it to have more grab on the surface to hold onto the picatinny rail, the little sliver of metal that you're given to grab on to the rail is pathetic. Should have two screws on the rail side to clamp down, not just one, and would have made it a bit beefer as to not flex so much, causing it to slip off the center, I must of had to start over and reposition at least 10+ times, I even cut my hand on the threads just trying to hold it in place so it wouldn't slip off again. I would not buy this again, or recommend it to anyone.

Spend the extra money and get a real spring compressor, it will save you a lot of frustration, blood(literly), and swearing.

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This rail lock worked perfectly on my BAM B21 spring Piston air rifle. This tool enabled me to remove, and reassemble the trigger group and main spring with ease.

Nothing needs to be changed on this tool based on my use of it!

If you own a spring or gas piston air rifle, and do regular maintenance on your rifle, then this tool would be of great value to you!

Rick Feb 02, 2021

Well, just ran into an older springer that this is not good to try and use on. The shaft does not line up with the spring tube. Had to use a 2" long piece of aluminum plate and the shaft lined up with the edge of the piston. Kind of scary and was hoping it wouldn't slip off the edge. Taking the spring out was quick, but , putting it back in was very scary. I would design this tool with a height adjustment on the the rod to accommodate different size piston tubes. I am going to use it on a Benji Trail NP this weekend and see if it lines up OK. At least there is not much tension on the Piston on that rifle.

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Easy to use, well made. When used properly and with care this is quite an excellent little tool to break down springers. It will have to be used in conjunction with other little items such as spacers, coins and such depending on the type of rifle you're working on. I used this to break down my Diana Model 24 with ease where I can now repair the rifle and get it back to it's original glory.

I would have added one more adjustment being the Z axis. The ability to slide the threaded push rod slightly up and down would have welcome. But so far this hasn't been an issue where I can use the tool. The price. Way over priced in my opinion.

Yes...BE CAREFUL!! those threads on the rod are razor sharp and will cut you like a knife through butter.

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Handy small soze

The whole thing does NOT WORK!

I have a Gambo Shadow 1000 made in Spain and you tool WILL NOT grab the cuts on the rifle, and will not grab and stay on straight with a small dove tail 3/8 mount. It caused damage to the rifle slipped of several times and cut my hand. Every time you start to screw in on the spring with a quarter it rise up and off the clamps on the front part of the jig. I had to use a very large pair of pliers to hole it down level and even and even add a small metal space to keep it from coming off the mount. I don know who designed it but they must have never tried it on my rifle!!!

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