Trophy Ridge Precise Pro Release
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Find your perfect draw with the Trophy Ridge Precise Pro T-Handle release. The 360 degree rotating caliper head eliminates torque and is paired with the sear style mechanism and erognomic 4 finger design. The Trophy Ridge Precise Pro release is a perfecft choice for hunters seeking pro performance!
Trophy Ridge Precise™ Pro Release
- T-Handle release
- Ergonomic 4 finger design
- Sear style mechanism
- Rotating caliper head for torque elimination
- Adjustable thumb trigger
- Adjustable sear tension
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7 of 7 Trophy Ridge Precise Pro Reviews
The Precise Pro by Trophy Ridge has a smooth release. I found the design to fit my hand well and the adjustability is perfect for fitting archers/hunters of many different sizes. The thumb-trigger and sear tension are both adjustable and help with what we all strive to achieve - a consistent and accurate release/shot. Whether you currently shoot a thumb release or are considering moving to a thumb release, I definitely recommend you give the Precise Pro a try!
I've had this release since December and I've absolutely loved it. I haven't had any issues until today (four months later). The release no longer works consistently. Sometimes I press and press and it won't release. Makes for a very dangerous situation.
The ability to make the release fit you your personal shooting style is what makes it great. The rotating head also ensures that your shoots are more consistent by not putting pressure on the D-loop.
Great value in this release, has features that others charge more for, trigger tension and travel adjustability. Good looking design as well. Give this one a try.
Was a bit skeptical at first, but thought to give it a go. Very impressed at how comfortable this release is in my XXL hands. With the customizable settings built into the release for sensitivity and also positioning, made it easy to trigger the sear exactly how I wanted it, and positioned precisely where I wanted in my hand. Moving from a wrist style release to a thumb release reduced my group size and increased my confidence, event trusting my gear more, and providing more accuracy.
I have been using this release for a solid day now so this is my first impression of the release.
The weight is light and it fits perfect in my hand for having a wide hand I was worried but it’s perfect and comfortable.
The sear design I like I never had one before so being able to lock the jaws onto the d loop is awesome. The initial release is smooth and takes very little back tension to send that arrow down range give you nice accurate releases . The wrist strap Is nice and has a quick adjustment on it. The thumb peg is big and fits nicely on my thumb so I could feel it unlike my last one I had. It does have a click to it when you release it but when shooting I didn’t hear it at all so for hunting it won’t be a issue in my eyes.
I really like this thumb release and recommend it
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Jul 22, 2022
By BadDawg33
I received the Precise Pro a couple days ago. My first thumb release due to the fact I developed target panic and couldn't shake it. After about an hour of using this release, problem cured. I was amazed at how simple it was to cancel target panic with just a swap in release. Adjustments are grate and very simple. Took less than a minute to tune the release to fit me perfect. It is very loud when not actually shooting which gave me some concern but after actually using the release I never noticed the release sound when releasing an arrow. If your looking for a thumb release you should with out a doubt give the Precise Pro a try.