Walther CP88, Blued, 4 inch barrel, CO2 Pistol
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- Shop related categories: pellet guns, pellet pistols
The Walther CP88 features a frame-mounted thumb safety, rifled steel barrel, rear sights are adjustable for windage, contoured checkered grips, serrated slide assembly all packaged in a foam lined hard side case.
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10 of 10 Walther CP88, Blued, 4 inch barrel, CO2 Pistol Reviews
I have many other airguns. The CP88 leaves the others in the dust! The look, feel, heft, trigger-squeeze, accuracy -- perfect! I loved it so much that I purchased another one. I love to shoot them together, from the hip, at hickory nuts in my pond. I have about 15 magazines. Couldn't be more pleased with these guns!
Things I Would Have ChangedNOTHING!!!
What Others Should KnowI used a black magic-marker on the white, billboard lettering. Worked perfectly. Had heard that one guy was disappointed in the looks of the grips that came with his gun. So when I ordered my CP88's, I specifically requested that the order-filler please select matching, dark-colored grips. I could not be happier with them; they're exactly what I would have chosen. Caution: An allen-head setscrew holds the rear sight in place. At one point I found the sight on one of my guns lying on the table where I had set the gun!! So I checked the sight on my other CP88; it, too, was loose!
Bought the black (blued) version an added aftermarket wood grips. Powerful, accurate, nice feel in hand, perfect weight, metal build, secure mag slide system that doesn't pop out mag when unloading.
Things I Would Have ChangedThree dot sights. . . .Badly needed
What Others Should KnowYou have to experiment to find the right shooting aim (high/low/right/left) for accuracy. Once you do, this gun is a joy to shoot. 7-8gr pellets. . .I use Beeman Hollowpoint, they seem to fit securely in the mag and deliver the most punch. I use the glass bottle test at 30' and have good results with this pellet. Highly recommend this pistol. Price is $60 cheaper now (was $299) with the wood grips. . . .excellent value from PA.
Everything. This thing is like driving a Cadillac! It's accurate, doesn't jam. Metal work is beautiful. The wood work is incredibly nice. It can be fired fairly quick and sights stay on target as if it was nailed to the bullseye. My pistol skills are my weak point but with a fine gun like this I tightened up my groups considerably. It even came with a nice lockable hard case. I can't think of anything I'd be wanting in these. Definitely high end.
Things I Would Have ChangedTrigger is a tad heavy but I understand it. It is after all a revolver pretending to be a semi-auto.
What Others Should KnowIf you need one gun, this is it.
This is another winner from PyramydAir! Weight and feel is outstanding plus it is very accurate.
Things I Would Have Changednothing.
What Others Should KnowIf you want an accurate, realistic gun then this one is for you. Beautiful!
Accurate! Ergonomics are great, the wood grips are very good looking and the texture on them keeps it solidly in your hand. All metal construction, with a proven brand name attached to it.
Things I Would Have Changedadjustible rear sight.
What Others Should Knowdouble action smoothed out over time for me, single action was nice and light. as with most rotary mag guns you will need to stick with wadcutters and domes.
Accurate, very realistic feel. Nicely made. Shoots very accurately, quietly and fun to shoot. Wood grips look and feel great.
Things I Would Have ChangedNeeds a boost in power, also the box is kind of cheesy considering the price of the pistol. I would have given all 5's were it not for the case and low power.
What Others Should KnowGet a few extra mags they go quick
Best ,very handy,powerfull,durable and acurate comparatively Very good product easy to hadle especially very durable and very acurate shooting adjustment is easy
very accurate and feel just like a real firearm
Things I Would Have Changednone
What Others Should Knowsmall then you think, compare to M92. It's a compact one not like full size!
I love the look the feel and how accurate it shoots.
Things I Would Have ChangedI would like if there would be a clip for where the CO2 went like the CP99 has. That way you could be ready to go for your next round.
What Others Should KnowGet extra clips.
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Mar 18, 2017
By christopher
The look with the wood grips. The solid quality feel of the pistol is outstanding. It will last. It is a quite accurate pistol. I practice most of my pistol shooting at realistic close ranges and the CP88 does not disappoint.
Things I Would Have ChangedWhite dot sights would be nice.
What Others Should KnowIf you are looking for a good quality air pistol this is it. It is non-blowback but it is a very realistic gun. Love it!