by B.B. Pelletier

The XX-treme by Beretta!
It’s Friday, and on Friday we play. All you action pistol fanatics have been patiently waiting for me to get around to this air pistol, so today’s post is just for you!
Beretta XX-treme
Today’s gun is the XX-treme by Beretta! This is a deluxe model based on the popular Beretta FS 92, which is the Umarex copy of the sidearm our military now carries – the M9. In firearm form, it’s a 9mm semiautomatic, and in airgun form it’s a .177 revolver that uses the Walther hidden clip.
The last Umarex pistol we looked at was the M1911A1 Colt on Nov. 10. When it comes to accuracy and power, the Beretta XX-treme performs about the same, but the special accessories make this a different model altogether. Here’s what you get.
Wraparound Picatinny rail!
To start with, you get a wraparound Picatinny rail. One better than a tri-rail, the wraparound gives you all four sides of the gun to mount accessories. Though the XX-treme comes loaded with stuff, you can install even more after you buy it! And, the wraparound rail gives you plenty of places to mount it!
Time to check out the CONFIGURE button
If you haven’t done this yet, you’re in for a treat! Click here and let’s go back to the Beretta XX-treme and click on the CONFIGURE button at the bottom of the description. Give it plenty of time to load. Now, you can see the gun with an optional tactical flashlight mounted.
Add a laser
A Daisy laser would make a nice addition, especially since Daisy provides a Weaver base that clamps to the Picatinny base on the Beretta XX-treme. (Weaver rings have a smaller crossbar and will clamp to Picatinny bases, though they should not be used on recoiling guns.)
More accessories and supplies
Get a speedloader, because you’re going to shoot a boatload of pellets through this pistol! And, buy your powerlets in bulk! That way you won’t run out and have to pay the higher prices at discount stores. You’ll need pellets, of course. My recommendation is the .177 Gamo Match. It’s one of the least expensive and yet it is often as accurate as other match pellets costing much more. It’s also a lighter pellet, which will preserve all the velocity the Beretta has to offer. (This would be a great time to take advantage of Pyramyd Air’s pellet promotion!)
How to make an airgunner happy this Christmas
The XX-treme would make a great Christmas present for a serious airgunner. It’s rugged, fast and loaded with the tactical accessories action handgunners love.
A friend of mine is telling me that due to compensator (the fake silencer) this Beretta shoots faster than the regular Beretta 92FS. Is this true?
Faster 92,
From the tone of your question I believe you already know the answer. No, the compensator cannot add any velocity. It has holes for the gas to escape, so even if it was tight with the muzzle, which it isn’t, it still could not add velocity.
when is pyramidair gonna sell the scope rail mount for the other beretta 92fs? im waiting for that.
I went to the Crosman site to look for the mount you refer to, but I couldn’t find it. Which mount are you referring to and who makes it?
Look at or Both great websites which will answer your question to the rail.
That answers my question. The rail you refer to is not exported to the U.S. by Umarex, so Crosman doesn’t have it to distribute. The sites you sent me to are outside the U.S.
Not everything a manufacturer makes is necessarily available everywhere in the world.
We will be bringing these rails in.
That rail is now available. Thank you for the patience.
Combi rail for 11mm
Pyramyd AIR Staff
can the rail,compensator and acessories come off? so as to have just the beretta when wanted
Yes, they do come off, however let me confirm that with Pyramyd AIR for you.
thank you kindly
Pyramyd AIR has comfirmed that the mounts and compensator do come off.
after putting on the fake scilencer i cannot take it off,I tried twisting it and it wont come off
It sounds like you’ve left a grub screw in place. Check the periphery of the compensator.
Can you strip down xx-treme to bare 92FS?
can u just buy the wrap around rail by its self?
B.B. is out of town, but he’ll answer the question about the rail when he returns later this week.
B.B.’s assistant
Wraparound mount,
I called Pyramyd and they do have a mount for the Beretta 92FS but not the wraparound from the XX-Treme.
They suggested that you call them at 888-262-4867 and ask for Boris. He can talk you through the tactical mounts they do have and which will fit your gun.
Hi there,
I’m in UK (so you know!) and I’ve just got myself an XX-Treme, and it’s awesome – I’ve got the model with laser sight scope, laser dot pointer and tactical lamp, plus compensator… however I know it’s possible to strip it down to the bare 92FS but how?! The wraparound rail doesn’t come off easily and ideally I’d want something quick-release but it’s REALLY fiddly… any help much appreciated! Thanks
The XX-Treme isn’t made to be stripped down rapidly. It’s a matter of disassembly rather than quick-release. It’s just the way Umarex designed the gun.
Yup – after a bit of playing around with it, I can see that now!! It was definately made to be all-inclusive, certainly not easy to strip down quickly… although I can loosen the bottom part of the rail with allen key, and then if I unscrew the front slide screw, you can actually pull the rail away and up, and it comes of pretty easily…
Not the easiest way of doing it, as you still need allen key + screwdriver, but it would take a fraction of the time of taking the whole wraparound apart!!
Thank you anyway for your help. I’m gonna go shoot some stuff 😛 Thanks!
Does anyone by any chance know where I can buy a dovetail mount for the standard beretta 92 in the UK? I dont mind ordering online from another country, but i’m not sure if companies are willing to post overseas. Thanks.
does the beretta xx-treme have a intagral accesory mount you know for lasers or lights when you take OFF the the wrap around to hold all the fancy stuff
The Beretta XX-Treme is based on a 92FS. So anything that pistol has, the XX-Treme has. I looked and didn’t see an integral mount on the 92FS.
i know they are different just like the cp99 and the night hawk does the xx-treme have white dots on the front and rear sight and a integral rail
what is the real fps on this gun is it 395 or 425
It’s both! No airgun EVER achieves just one velocity. The velocity depends on the pellet used, as well as the individual gun tested.
Hi,, it is sad to read all the comments about the fancy look.
Ill guess you all have noticed the bad trigger, it is way to hard.
Have anyone any idea about how to adjust or change the pressure for the trigger…
Actually the trigger on this pistol is no harder than the trigger on my Ruger SP101 revolver. That’s what this is – a revolver. It’s not a semiautomatic, despite how it looks on the outside. Some of the trigger pull goes into advancing the cylinder as well as cocking the hammer every time you shoot.
so, is there a post for the actual beretta? i searched “beretta” in this blog and all i got was the beretta add ons (the XXtreme version). Did you make a previous post of the actuall gun B.B? if so can you give me the title so i can read it. if not, i guess thats fine. Thanks in advance
No, I don’t believe I did a post about the 92 by itself. However, the mechanism and accuracy of all these Umarex pistols is remarkably similar. The exceptions are the M1911A1 that has a grip safety, That changes the double action trigger pull a little. And the S&W revolvers are in a class by themselves.
But the post I did on the Walther CP88 would turn out to be a lot like the Beretta.
ok sweet ill check it out. thanks bb
Do you think I could kill a raccoon with this? I’m new to air guns, and I need something to kill raccoons/opossums.
This pistol won’t kill a rat!
You need an RWS 48, a Beeman R1 or an AirForce Talon for raccoons.
Once a CO2 cartridge is installed/pierced, how long will it last in storage? In other words, what is the leak factor? Not just on the B-XX, but generally on all CO2 pistols. There will be times that I don’t need more than an 8 shot clip.
I leave my CO2 guns charged all the time. I have 1 Crosman 180 rifle that has guns that has held 4 years, but the average is about 1.5 years.
But I use Pellgunoil.
A little off the B-XX topic…have you used or do you have an opinion on the NightStalker by Crosman? Or a URL to a review you like?
To find anything I have reviewed and written up, go to the current blog page and type in your search terms in the search box on the right.
When you do that, you get a list of blogs with the NightStalker in them. Including this one
hello again bb, this is DA Juggernaut again from the walther cp99 compact review. once again, u typed up a GREAT review. well i fixed my walther, thank you, and now i would like to find out before buying this gun,i understand that this is exactly the same as the fs92? im planning on buying the fs92,not this one. i heard that it has a fully metal exterior except the grips. is this true? and also is the co2 housed inside a mag? or is it just in the grip like the walther cp99 compact? thanks for ur response ahead of time
-over and out, Da Juggernaut
What pistol is better, the Beretta XX-treme or the Walther Nighthawk? And what is the range of these pistols? I mean, how many meters does the pellet get with accuracy? 20 meters?
Thanks a lot in advance 🙂
Both guns are close-range and have the same accuracy. At 10 yards it’s 1″ to 1-1/8″ for five shots with a good shooter.
I know it’s been a while since you blogged on this gun, but adding to the question from the above NaSeR, I noticed the Walther Nighthawk had a velocity of 360fps compared to the beretta xx-treme which has a velocity of 395 fps and was wondering if you could actually feel that difference? Would that ~30fps actually make a difference in any kind of way?
There is no noticeable difference. The velocity needs to pass 450 f.p.s. to be noticeably higher.
Hi there,
Can you tell me exactly what comes with the Beretta XX-Treme, because i want to know if i have to add pellets and CO2 cartridges to my wish list ^^
Also i am living in Canada, do you know if i will have to pay for the delivery ?
According to UMAREX, it comes with a foam-lined case, compensator, quad-rail, dot sight & 2 rotary clips. It does not include CO2 or pellets.
I assume you will have to pay any customs fee Canada imposes.
Contact Pyramyd AIR for the particulars. This blog is not directly connected to them.
Hi B.B., Its Josh again (The one that has asked a lot of questions about the Colt 1911) I have purchased it a few months ago and I love it. Now I am crazy for Umarex! I am thinking of buying the Beretta XX-Treme. Hows the finish on it? Does the bluing fade away like the original black Beretta 92? Thanks in advance.
If you holster your gun, any of these Umarex pistols will show wear. I would expect the XXtreme to be a lot like the Beretta 92.
Hi B.B. Its Josh again from the Colt 1911 blog. I purchased it and I love it but it shoots 2 inches higher than where I aim at. Please help me. Also, is the bluing on the Beretta XX-Treme as poor and fade away easily like the regular black Beretta 92? Thanks in advance
First, you MUST use a 6-o’clock hold. Second, you MUST shoot at a target bull of the right size to expect a center hit. Try a 10-meter pistol target.
These guns are sighted for target shooting, not as combat pistols. If you don’t like that, you can build up the front sight with something like JB-Weld.
The finish will wear as I told you in my last answer. Expect it to be the same as the Berreta.
I’ve used several air guns though I want to PU a Beretta XX-treme for a couple a reasons. I own a Nighthawk and they are similar. My Walther isn’t “blow back” either (like the XX)which I assume aids in the “soft” pull cocking motion. Rifles have around 30-50 pounds of pull whereas most air pistols have about five Pnds pull.
Though the Walther is a lot lighter than the Beretta, the XX is a great weight and the grip is made for bigger (or more of a variety of) hands.
As for sights, I didn’t notice if the XX was fixed though with that set up I tend to use the optical dot sight.
The air cartridge slaps in the side and does not go in the base prechambered like the Nighthawk unfortunately. The only gun I’ve had a problem with that (in other than time constraints) was the Beretta Px4, which jams a bit when extracting the canister. On the subject of the Px4, don’t overtighten the sight when installing (strips) and you may notice that the trigger tends to miss-cock when the air is getting low. Don’t get me started on the pellet/bb cartridge.
Back on track, technically I think that thing on the end of the muzzel is actually a “flash supressor” (no flash outta my Hawk anyway).
Another thing I like about the XX is the duel sided easy to use thumb activated safety. You know the one that gets put on as a fakey on a lot of the Walthers while the real one is elsewhere.
Concerning anodization, my Nighthawk hasn’t scratched or faded in two years though I havn’t striped it (but once)so it’ll fit in a holster. I think the same could be said about the XX.
As for comparative target practice, most stuff like that depends on the shootist (I always wanted to use that term in a sentence) not there equipment. You will notice that if you fire a number of times consecutively (say 5+)that you lose power regardless as the CO2 will freeze and contract.
The best prices I found in Canada were at “D and L Airgun” in Langley BC whom I beleive have free shipping for prchases over $200.00 across Canada.
Can’t wait to get mine.
This site is very nice and this is a very good beretta treme pistol is very stagger colour.
howdy, ive just purchased the beretta yesterday and its a absolute dream to play with. problem is i got rid of my high powered air rifle to get the money for this puppy.. my air rifle was 1200fps and took care of pests and what have you no problem, as bb said the beretta wouldnt even kill a rat.. thats the problem, i bought it for pest control and its a bit crewl if i got to empty eight shots in to the thing and it doesnt die.. Is it possible to get a super high velocity air pistol reaching above 600 – 800fps? or can that sort of thing just not be achieved by co2 weapons..
thanks heaps
You need to read this blog every day, because I have been reporting the Renegade pistol that is exactly what you want.
Read about it on Monday.
If you want a quick dissassembally of the gun, take that little plastic piece out of the bottom of the rail mount that holds it in place. it should just slide off easilly now once the compensator is removed, i bought recently a Walther Tac. Nighthawk, it is similiar though i think better craftsmanship. I did this method above it disassembles very quickly now
Hi there I am going to by the 92 FS nickel plated gun with the wood grips but I really want the compensator that looks like a silencer that comes with the tactical model. Is there any way that I could buy that compensator for my air pistol instead of the awkward looking compensator…I have looked everywhere can you help me out? Thanks!
The compensator that comes on the Storm Recon is what you want? It looks to be only available in black and not to be sold as an option. That’s why you can’t find it anywhere.
Did you call Pyramyd AIR and ask the sales team? Sometimes they have items that are not listed online.
Lot of questions: I have read that that putting electrical tape around the fake silencer for the walther nighthawk will reduce report. Is this also true for the beretta xx-treme since it shoots faster? Is the beretta worth the extra $$ over the nighthawk? Lastly, which is best co2 pistol from umarex: colt 1911, beretta 92fs, walther cp88 and are there respective compensators beneficial? I live in a neighborhood and would prefer the quietest one. Thanks.
cannot decide which to buy.
also, is there any advantage to nickel plating over blued in terms of durability and corrosion resistance? Can beeman mp-5 oil be used on nickel? If not what can you use to clean it?
Can’t Decide and R7-dude,
If you join us at the current day’s blog, there are many more airgunners that will see your questions. Someone may be able to answer you there.
The current blog is at
See you there!
.22 multi-shot
Can’t decide and R7 Dude,
The tape works a little, but these guns are not very noisy to begun with. If you are that close to a problem I would not think the tape would work for you.
You don’t say what you mean by “the best,” so I will assume you mean accuracy. The Desert Eagle is the most accurate, and the compensator/tape comment applies to all of the guns. Tape or no tape they are pretty much the same.
A real nickel finish over steel provides corrosion resistance. But these guns aren’t made from steel so the advantage is lost.
I have a few of the Umarex pistols & am very happy with them.
I have;
Colt 1911 (Nickle with wood grips.)
S&W 586-6 (All black)
& the Desert Eagle from Magnum Research, Inc.
So, now I've been thinking about picking up a Beretta 92FS, Nickel, Wood Grips to go along with my Colt 1911, but couldn't find a review on it from you.
What do you think about this gun, & how would you compare it to the Colt 1911?
The Beretta 92 grip is extremely comfortable. It is especially so for shooting the relatively low-powered 9X19 Parabellum cartridge. Low recoil and a wide, smooth grip are a guarantee of a smooth-shooting gun.
You should find the pellet pistol to be the same. Recoil isn't a problem, of course, but that fat smooth grip makes the gun handle very easily, I think. It will seem something like the Magnum Research gun without the blowback.
The 1911 is easier for me to "get into," if you know what I mean. I mean that its grip is more conducive to being held the same way every time. My average-sized hands find it perfect for target shooting.
Let me know what you think.
I know what you mean, & how you prefer the 1911 frame & grips too.
Since I have huge hands (I can palm a basketball), I have always loved the fat grip of the Beretta 92s, Taurus' & guns with those type of grips.
I have no doubt that I'll like the fit & feel of the gun. I'm more curious about it's performance, & was curious if you shot one & how you thought it performed.
However in thinking about it & knowing how Umarex makes their guns, I'm betting it's performance is probably real close to the 1911.
I'm confident that I'll eventually get one, because it will complete my collection of the current Umarex guns that I like & will compliment my 1911 & 585-6.
So when I do, I'll let you know.
Take care,
Hello there …
I am having trouble loading a CO2 cartridge into my new Beretta PX4 Storm Recon. I cannot tighten the screw mechanism under the cartridge so it will pierce the top. I have tried and tried until my thumb is really sore. Is it defective or am I doing something wrong. I am following the instructions and have been loading cartridges into airgun for a long time. Many thanks, JTM1247
JTM1247 ,
Please contact the Pyramyd AIR technicians who can talk you through the problem.
888-262-4867 and ask for tech support.
Hi there. I was wandering if u can up the velocity on the xx treme. must be a way to do so
The easiest way to increase power in a CO2 pistol is to install a longer barrel.
Hi i have got a Pietro Beretta Gardone V.T. XX-Treme and the screw bit has broke on the silencer and i can’t find where to buy a new silencer from (that is the same) any help would be much appreciated
Welcome to the blog! This is an older post that not too many people will see. I think you should contact Pyramyd Air’s Tech Department and ask them where to get a fake silencer for your pistol. If any knows where to get one it will be them.
888-262-4867. Ask for the Tech Department.