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Education / Training Air Arms S410 sidelever – Part 5

Air Arms S410 sidelever – Part 5

by B.B. Pelletier

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

An announcement before we begin. Pyramyd now has the Beeman P1/HW45 pistol shoulder stock back on the shelves. It comes in a choice of four different woods – walnut, cherry, oak and birdseye maple – and I’m told that some types are in very short supply, so act quickly if you have a preference.

Today, we’ll take our last look at the Air Arms S410 sidelever PCP rifle. Scott298 asked me to shoot it at 75 yards for you and I agreed. Let’s see how that went.

Setup for long-range air rifle shooting
You don’t just switch from a 50-yard zero to 75 yards by adjusting the scope. Pellet drop is too great even with a super-powerful magnum to do that. And, with the S410, I was already pushing the limit of the elevation on the scope, so I had to make a correction to the adjustable mount. Fortunately, I had used B-Square adjustable rings to mount the 6-18x Swift scope, so all I had to do was adjust them higher in the rear.


The rear mount had to be elevated four turns to get the gun on target at 75 yards.

Weathered out
Unfortunately for me and for this report, I live in an area where the wind never stops blowing. We get almost no calm days here, and shooting at long range with a pellet rifle demands a calm day. On the days when the wind was calm enough, I was doing other things I couldn’t cancel, so it took a lot longer to get the weather needed for this test. Wind of even 5 miles per hour can blow a pellet off-target by 5″ and more at 75 yards, even when the rifle shoots very fast and you use heavy pellets.

The day I finally selected was not dead calm. There are fewer than 10 such days every year where I live, and they aren’t even days. They are short pauses during a weather change. I’ve caught them before, but only by luck. The day I finally settled for had a light breeze of 3-5 mph with intermittent lulls. I tried to shoot only during the lulls, but sometimes the wind was blowing at the target but calm where I was. When that happens, you do the best you can.

I had to test a lot of pellets before I found the right one
I brought several pellets, because what’s accurate at 35 yards isn’t necessarily the best at 75. Once I got the rifle striking close to the bullseye I didn’t bother adjusting the zero, because I was racing the clock before the wind picked up. The Crosman Premiers that did so well in Part 3 refused to group for this test, so after about 7 attempts, I switched to JSB Exacts. They did better, but still gave groups of two inches and larger, so I switched again. The Logun Penetrator 20.5-grain pellet is not one I tested earlier, but it was next. For the first three rounds, I thought I had a winner. Then, shot No. 4 opened to 1.392″ and it was over. The group ended at 1.741″. I didn’t try them again.


The first 3 pellets were encouraging, then shot No. 4 landed at 6 o’clock. The fifth shot opened up this group of Logun Penetrators to 1.741″.

Kodiaks to the rescue!
Beeman Kodiaks were the best pellet in this rifle on this day. The first several groups were promising, at around 1.5″. Then I put all my technique together and waited for perfectly calm air. The best 5-shot group of the day measured 1.069″. It’s not a bragging group, to be sure, but it was the best I could do under the circumstances. I then shot two more confirming groups that measured less than 1.5″ and wrapped things up. It took more than three hours to get these results, as I am leaving out all the setup work required to get on paper at 75 yards.


Best group of the day measures 1.069″ c-t-c. It may not look that great here, but try shooting a few groups at 75 yards before you criticize.


I followed the best group with a couple more that measured less than 1.5″ This one goes 1.358″. That confirmed the best group was not a fluke, though it certainly doesn’t represent how well the rifle shot every time.

Is the S410 accurate at long range? Certainly. Is this the best it can do? Absolutely not. On a perfect day, that best group size could probably be reduced by at least 40 percent. Am I going to do it? No.

The question you have to answer is whether shooting at long range is something you want to do. Your rifles have to be sighted in for that range, which makes them useless for anything closer, so this is a sport you are either dedicated to or you don’t do at all. If you just want to try your luck at it, though, you can make a dark aimpoint on a large sheet of paper and allow 12-18″ below that for the pellets to register. That way, you can keep your 0-50 yard zero and still play at the longer ranges.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

61 thoughts on “Air Arms S410 sidelever – Part 5”

  1. Long ranges……what a kick. I would love to have a 45/70 and a 1000 yards to mess with, but I don’t. So instead I use my Talon SS or my Ruger 10/22 and 100 yards, iron sights only please.

    Nothing is quite as satisfying to me than to properly judge wind and holdover and then seeing that shooting clay shatter 100 yards away. With the Talon it really is a bit like a 45/70 at 1000 yards…..you shoot…..then you wait a bit to see the impact.

  2. Bob,

    You have just described one of the most valuable contributions airguns can make to the shooting sports. I also have a .45/70 that I would like to shoot at long range, but 200 yards is all I can get. However, shooting an air rifle at 50 yards is like shooting the big gun at 500. And 100 yards is like 1,000!


  3. B.B.–Scott298–thank-you for doing the report. I would sumize that for target shooting or hunting at 40 yards or less a good springer is all you’ii need. The advantage to pcp is that it has more power and if you want to play at the 50 yard range and above-especially for hunting- a pcp has the extra energy to shoot a heavier projectile with more ftlbs of energy and velocity to make kills more humane. Would you agree with me or once again have I made a mistake in judgement? I would appreciate your comments on the above-once again thanks-Scott298. p.s.did you get my e-mail from last night?

  4. Miko,

    I watched the video. That shooter really knows his rifle. I’m sure I would miss more often than hit at that distance. However, I envy the calm weather he has!

    I was there when the Condor first came out. It was first and the SSS is the same gun lasered for GunPower.


  5. B.B.

    Thanks for the blog on long-distance shooting. 1.5 inches at 75 yards in the conditions seems very respectable to me. That 218 yard video, if it is to be believed, expands the envelope quite a bit beyond the 130 yards I was postulating. There were plenty of skeptics in the comments, though. I don’t know.

    How about this: an IZH-61 (~430 fps) is the best long-range airgun because…you have the most opportunities to gauge bullet drop and wind deflection. Ha ha ha.

    A question: is it possible for two rifles of the same caliber to be accurate at different distances? I often hear that police sniper rifles are more precise at shorter ranges than military sniper rifles, but the standard for both is the Remington 700 in .308. Also, I read somewhere that the Steyr SSG which seems no longer to be current tended to be an ordinary minute of angle rifle at 100 yards but would really show its stuff around 300 yards when other MOA rifles would start to spread out. All of this seems to imply that there is something besides sheer power that affects the range at which a rifle is accurate. I was reminded of this by the remark that different pellets are appropriate for different shooting ranges.


  6. Matt,

    Rifling twist rates and bullets make all the difference in the world. I used a Kodiak because of the light wind. I know the heavier Kodiak is less wind-sensitive, even though it is slower and therefore in the wind longer.

    As for the sniper rifles, picking the right twist rate and a single most accurate load is really a big deal. This is why benchrest shooters can beat the pants off snipers, both military and law enforcement, because the latter have to use ammo selected for them by a committee. The benchrest shooter checks every possible good bullet and load combination in his specific rifle, then he loads all the ammunition himself. No factory can control a load as well as an individual.

    As for the guy in the video, I don’t doubt he really did that. Those were incredible shots, and he must be elevated halfway to the moon to make them, but I believe they are possible.

    The thing I liked about his video is that he showed his audience what it REALLY looks like, sighting through a scope. Hollywood has people convinced that scopes remain still when the shot is taken, but real shooters know different. Even snipers see movement in their scopes.


  7. bb’
    i bought a condor, a month ago and it is a huge difference from my bsa hornet, i know the condor will never be as consistent as the bsa but i was wondering if you have any suggestions, or if you want to do a blog on unregulated guns. i can’t get consistency under power level 7 and i only fill to 2800 thanks for you time

  8. B.B.

    I had thought there was a lot of movement in the scope from a rest, but I have never used a high-power scope at that distance.

    On another note, you’ve really got me going with the reports about the Taurus PT 1911 so that I’m reading up on 1911s on my own. The winner of my window shopping was the STI Spartan for $600. I’ve heard that STI pistols are popular among the IPSC crowd which seems like a good recommendation and that the company has pioneered some sort of synthetic material for the lower assembly of their 1911s which makes them feel much lighter although I don’t know if that would be a good thing for such a heavy caliber. The price is certainly reasonable for high-end 1911s. Anyway, I was wondering, in your research, whether you formed any opinion of this company and gun.

    Finally, a broader question. Since reliability is so important for defense handguns, why not just go with a revolver which, I understand, is more reliable than any autoloader? Extra firepower might be one reason although it doesn’t seem like the super-high capacity mags are that popular for handguns, and without them, the 7+1 capacity of a 1911 is not that much greater than a revolver. And, you could make up that difference pretty quickly with those cylindrical magazines I’ve seen. The relatively better accuracy of autoloaders does not seem significant for combat accuracy. To an outsider, it’s not clear why autoloaders have swept the defense market.


  9. Condor owner,

    The Condor is more consistent than the TF Tech Star I tested, which was a cheaper version of the Hornet. Maybe the Hornet has a reg?

    Why stop at 2800? AirForce has changed their valve and the Condor can take a 3000 fill now. If yours is a month old and from Pyramyd it will have the new valve.

    Instead of a new blog on guns without regs, how about the USFT that gets over 50 shots of Kodiaks at 940 with 15 f.p.s. variation? That”s pretty good, no?


  10. Matt,

    I read nothing but good things about the STI guns. I think you have found a real deal.

    As for why a 1911, until the Taurus, I never had a 1911 jam on me before. I mean NEVER! I heard about them, but never had it happen to me. And I used to work on them when I was in the Army. My eyes were opened by this affair, which is why I shared the experience with you guys.

    By the way, on the last outing I shot 151 rounds with but a single failure to feed, and that was a factory round that was the last round in the Taurus mag. The Wilson mag functions perfectly. I think I may have the Taurus fixed, but I’ll save the victory dance until I run 1,000 rounds through without a failure. I plan to pitch an article about my experience to Shotgun News.


  11. bb,

    with regards to the trigger units, are they the same between the s400 and s410? how smoothly/crisply do they function, and can reasonably large adjustments be made to it without risk by the user?
    thanks in advance.

  12. Hi BB,
    Ive been reading the Remembering When blog. I would have commented their but it didnt look like many people did. i really like these kind of short stories. I especially enjoyed the My Quakenbush series. It brings you into a simpler time. Keep up the great writing!

    Nate in Mass

  13. .22 Multi-shot,

    Don’t assume those chain stores know anything about the merchandise they sell. In fact, the distributors and even the manufacturers who sell to them often haven’t got a clue.

    A website like Pyramyd AIR spoils airgunners, who then feel the rest of the world should be equally up to speed. In fact, even Pyramyd AIR has to play catch up some of the time, because manufacturers will bring out new products that they fail to tell their dealers about.

    I realize silicone chamber oil is basic to you and me, but to the rest of the world, it’s as exotic as the tritium capsules that go into night sights, or flux for alloying lead for cast bullets.


  14. Triggers,

    I don’t know how to answer your question. What sort of large adjustments would someone want to make to a trigger?

    The FWB 65 target pistol has a switch that allows the trigger to go from breaking at one pound to breaking at 3.5 pounds. I would call that a large adjustment. The S410 has nothing like that.

    Do you consider a range from 10 to 50 grams resistance a large adjustment? I’m having difficulty understanding what you are asking.

    Now, as to smooth and crisp, yes, I would say the S410 trigger is both. I didn’t adjust it for my tests because it came so nicely adjusted I didn’t feel I had to. I didn’t even measure the pull, but I will guess the letoff is under three pounds.

    I have a double set trigger with a five-lever mechanism in a Kreighoff .30/06 rifle, and it breaks at less than an ounce of pressure, but most of the time I don’t set it. The original 5-pound Mauser trigger pull is fine for that rifle. I guess I don’t pay as much attention to triggers as I should. Please tell me what you want me to look at and I will try to answer your question.


  15. Scott298

    I think you are correct in saying that for 40 yards and below a good springer is all you need. But is it all you want?

    A PCP has more advantages than simple power for reaching out to 50 yards and beyond. I have several spring guns but it’s my Talon SS that I grab 90% of the time, even for punching paper at 10 yards. Why? NO recoil. NO tired left arm from cocking a springer. A report that is so quiet the neighbors don’t know I’m shooting. True, many PCP’s are more powerful than many springers, but there are more advantages than just power.

    I have a friend that is a firearms instructor for Federal Law Enforcement Officers. One shot on the bull with my PCP and he was sold on them. His wife has never been able to enjoy a day at the range because she of the recoils with every shot from a standard rifle or springer. She now shoots with him using a PCP. Somedays she even out shoots him now!

  16. Scott –

    Its a .22, I dont hunt game at 90 yards, 90 yards is just for shooting soda cans and plinking as I’m not as sure as I feel someone ought to be for shoot live prey at that range.

    If out hunting and see something at 60-90 yards then I tend to stalk to within 50 yards and take the shot at that distance as I’m much more sure of myself and it also helps me improve my stalking. I’m also bow hunter so I find this helps with that too.

  17. Trigger,

    From the factory, trigger pull on my S410 is 20 oz. The sear breaks very cleanly. I’ve never felt the need to adjust it.

    The sides of the trigger blade do rub against the trigger guard which causes some grittiness during the first stage pull. This has never bothered me while shooting, but it is noticeable during an armchair evaluation of the trigger.

    My primary complaint with the trigger (and the gun in general) is placement of the safety button directly in the trigger blade. I suppose it was done to keep cost down, but it is an abysmal design from the viewpoint of shooting safely. I don’t want to be messing around with the trigger blade in order to engage the safety button, particularly if my fingers are cold or I have gloves on. This directly violates the cardinal rule of “Keep Your Finger OFF the Trigger Until You Are Ready To SHOOT”.

    Two other minor complaints – I can’t visually determine if the action is cocked, and they should have used a Daystate style quick-connect fill port.

    This S410 has become my favorite PCP, ahead of the Daystate Harrier and the AirForce TalonSS.

  18. I am a new air gun enthusiast, actually I don’t even own one yet but that is why I wanted to get your thoughts before I make my purchase. I am not too concerned with price as much as I am quality workmanship, power, accuracy, and last but not least style/look/feel. I have been considering both the Air Arms TX 200 and S410 Side lever. There quality, accuracy, and workmanship seem unparalleled in there individual classes. I want an air gun that I will be totally happy with w/o any regrets. I just wanted to get your recommendations for a first time purchaser. What other products or manufacturer may I want to consider? Are these two rifles all that people have said they are? And if so, what specific scope/mount and pellet (.22)would you suggest?

  19. J.P.,

    You have chosen a Porche Carerra and a Peterbuilt tractor as the guns you want to choose from. By that I mean you have chosen two entirely different powerplants and two guns with completely different purposes.

    You want to be totally happy without any regrets? That’s code for you want someone else to assume all your responsibility.

    Let’s reel this back to the real world. What do you want to do with the airgun you buy?


  20. First of all thanks for your candid and “straight forward” response. I understand that I have chosen two different powerplants, what I don’t understand are there distinct purposes. I like the simplicity of the under lever; all I need are pellets. But I also like the benefits of a PCP; quite, power, repeater, no recoil… but it requires a lot of accessories too. I assumed they both served the same purpose – pest elimination, shoot up cans, bottles, ECT. I am looking for an air gun that I can shoot in the backyard or in the woods. So I plan on getting the PCP later down the road. I just want to get my money worth, not that I’m looking for the perfect gun. No individual gun will have everything I need and want. I just want to get the biggest bang for the buck.

  21. J.P.,

    Okay, we can work together. The crusty response was calculated to sound you out. I see you are thoughtful and have done your homework, so let’s begin discussing the pros and cons of your choices.

    You have selected two very high-quality airguns. The TZ 200 Mk III is absolutely bulletproof and is the choice you want to make, I think. Besides having flawless quality, it has the simplicity you seek.

    The S410 sidelever is also high-quality, but it doesn’t have that same level of simplicity. In fact, it is quirky for a PCP. Also, the S410 isn’t as accurate a PCP as several others I could name, but the TX 200 is about as good as it gets for a spring gun. Only the RWS Diana 54 is it’s equal among the affordable spring guns.

    I think you may have seen both my reports for the TX 200 and the S410 sidelever. Note how the fill adapter works on the S410. It’s several levels of complexity beyond what’s required, while others use a simpler quick-disconnect. And at 75 yards, the S410 wasn’t as accurate as I would like. An AirForce Condor could shoot rings around it – not that I think you want one of them.

    The TX 200 is a quiet rifle. The S410 is shrouded and also quiet, which I gather is a big deal for you. The TX is quieter than the S410.

    The S410 has good power adjustability, plus it is a repeater. The adjustability is good, but the repeating is a liability. It means you are limited to the types of pellets you can use. In the case of the S410, pellet length is the limiter and the problem is not too bad, but the TX can swallow anything.

    Please check out the RWS Diana 54 before you make your decision. While is doesn’t have the same ultimate finish as the TX, it is possibly more accurate and is certainly smoother, because if the recoilless mechanism. The TX is quieter, though.

    Biggest bang for your buck goes to the TX200. If you still want a PCP, let’s talk further.


  22. Well, I’m glad we are on the same page, LOL. I will check out the RWS Diana 54 before I make my decision. The point you make about the S410 causes me to lean more towards the Condor, which is one of the 2 PCP I was looking at any way. The other is the Logun S-16x. What are some of the other PCPs that you could “name”?


  23. J.P.,

    Daystates are great, as are Falcons, but both have become pricy recently. FX rifles are also fine.

    I didn’t recommend the Condor because of the non-traditional look and how it has to be held to shoot. Actually, it will outshoot an S410 and WAY outshoot an S-16 S. For the price, it’s a world-beater. But if you tinker with it instead of shooting it, you can reduce it to junk pretty quick, as many “knowledgeable” owners have done (I used to fix their guns after they experimented with them).

    Best precharged rifle today? Tough to say. Look at the Weihrauch HW 100 and I know Henry will tout his Theoben.


  24. After reviewing the RWS 54, I decided on the TX200. There seems to be too many challenges with the scope. When will your base mount be available on Pyramid Air?

    I’m definitely not a tinker, so I won’t be doing any experiments. The FX 19 is discontinued, but the HW 100 is a BEAST, I think I’m in love! It is a piece of work and pretty pricy too. But it seems like to get what I want I always end up with the most expensive choices.

    By the way can you touch a lillte on the different purposes of a PCP vs. a Side Lever? Can I knock down bigger game or shoot further with greater accuracy…?

  25. J.P.,

    There are three basic types of airgun powerplants – spring-piston, CO2 and pneumatic.

    A precharged pneumatic (PCP) is one of several types of pneumatics. The S410 isn’t really a sidelever, but they (Air Arms) chose to call it that instead of the bolt action that it is, because many younger shooters would be confused between a straight-pull bolt (which the S410 has) and a more conventional bolt.

    Among spring piston rifles there are three types of cocking mechanisms, breakbarrel, sidelever and underlever. This is where the true sidelever exists. The TX 200 is an underlever.

    Now, the difference between a PCP and a spring piston gun are the PCP needs very little technique to shoot accurately. Just aim and shoot – like a firearm. Spring piston guns do require special shooting technique, though the TX 200 requires less of it than the others. The RWS Diana 54 requires almost no technique at all. It is very much like a PCP in how it shoots.

    The new scope base that’s coming out will be available in June. It will solve all the RWS Diana scope mounting problems in one fell swoop.


  26. …“PCP needs very little technique to shoot accurately. Just aim and shoot…” That’s just what I need. I have decided to just go with the HW 100s PCP instead of the under lever TX 200. As much as I like the TX 200 I think that this will be the only gun I will need.

    I didn’t see much info on Pyramid Air or the Blog as I did for the TX, are there any draw backs? What experience have you had with it?

    After all is said and done I will be investing twice what I would have if I went with the TX and I just want to make sure I’m not overlooking the obvious.

    Thanks again for all your advice; you have really made this an experience!


    Oh yeah, how many shots should I expect to get from one tank of air?

  27. BB,
    Do you have any plans of testing the HW100 ? after all, it has a good reputation from what I’ve been able to gather on the web…. plus… Beeman will be selling it under their name?


  28. Wow! When will Beeman make this available? And do you know if Pyramid Air will make this available again? Will there be any adjustments to the gun? Or the price?

  29. BB,
    Wow, I’m surprised. All these guns you’ve been testing are coming out of your own pocket? They’re not supplied by the manufacturer or on a loan by a dealer like Pyramid Air?
    You’ve helped to generate so much sales for PA.

  30. BB,
    I’m new to air gun. My first rifle is the CF-X. But I can see a big market for a PCP or recoil-less rilfe around or under $1000. One that is accurate for field target or distance shooting.

    Some of the models come to mind are: Benjamin Discovery, Air Arms S410, HW100, BSA Superten MK2, RWS 54.

    Any thoughts?

  31. “I suggest you buy one and have it shipped to me first. After I’ve tested it, I’ll send it to you. “

    ROFL…LMAO… hehe

    I understand that you’re also a cyclist, so am I. 4th of July is coming up and so is this year’s Tour De France. Any thoughts? Are you as knowledgeable on cycling as you are on guns?

  32. Rudy,

    Well, as you laugh YOUR a– off, imagine what other owners/retailers must think about parting with guns of that class. It does happen, make no mistake, but it is not something they do lightly.

    As for me on a bicycle, imagine Dumbo’s mother on a cycle. I’m more of a circus act than a Tour de France rider.


  33. B.B.,

    So after your extensive testing of the Air Arms S410 Sidelever that resulted in this 5 part series, would the S410 make it to your “Best Air Guns for the money part 4 Unlimited Price” list? I’d also be very interested in your analysis of the HW 100. Would someone please loan B.B. their gun? It’ll be in good hands. kevin

  34. B.B. Pellettier,

    The S410 is definitely in the top 5 list of best pcp rifles. At 50 yards I am averaging at .814 out of 56 5 shot groups this year. My best at 50 is a .286".

    At 100 yards i average 2.117" and a best of 1.383" and the groups keep getting smaller. This rifle is a must have if you collect the best.

  35. Nteesupreme,

    You got my attention.

    What pellet are you using at 50 yards?

    What pellet are you using at 100 yards?

    How much wind do you have to contend with normally?


  36. I am thinking about buying an Air Arms S410. I would appreciate you to tell me which one would be better for me, the rifle or the carbine. I will use to hunt, foxes, jack rabbits, rabbits, squirrels, and so. I'm also interested in good accuracy at long range, 50 yards.


  37. JDMP,

    I own a AA S410 SL in .22 caliber. In my opinion, either the carbine or rifle in .22 caliber would be fine for jack rabbits, cottontails or squirrels at distances you can hit a quarter size target everytime. Neither gun is suitable for hunting foxes.


  38. Kevin,

    I agree with the fox issue, i just want to know if the carbine will be accurate enough, i personally prefer the carbine but i love accuracy so… what do you think

    thanks JDMP

  39. JDMP,

    I've never owned the carbine version of the AA S410 but have read alot about the gun. I've never heard that it has an accuracy issue. The more compact, lighter version appealed to me as well.

    I selected the rifle version since it's quieter, still a relatively lightweight pcp when compared to other multi-shot versions (especially in the walnut stock) and although the Pyramyd AIR site doesn't show velocity differentiation between the carbine and rifle versions I talked to people that owned both the rifle and carbine and they said the rifle was more powerful (because of the longer barrel). These are the reasons I picked the rifle over the carbine. Not because of accuracy.


  40. BB,
    Great reviews, thanks.
    I've got the AA TDR (and loving it…) Just wondering how to maintain it. The manual gives some guide lines but nothing concrete and having no experience with gun cleaning I'm left kind of in the dark… Also, it lists some cleaning products, all Napier but these don't seem available in the US, definitely at Pyramyd AIR.
    I would greatly appreciate some "how-to's" and "how-oftens"…

    Thank you,

    Jacob V.

  41. Jacob V.,

    Put a dab of good gun grease on your cocking bolt when it feels dry. Wipe down your metal and wood with ballistol when you're done shooting.

    Don't clean your barrel unless and until accuracy falls off and you've ruled out all other culprits. Use the search box here and type in "cleaning a barrel". There's a lot of good info here.

    Don't worry about not having or not being able to obtain napier oil, cleaner, etc. There's a lot of other very good products you can substitute. JUST DON'T USE ANY PETROLEUM BASED PRODUCTS INSIDE YOUR TDR. AT WORST IT COULD CAUSE YOUR GUN TO EXPLODE AND IN THE VERY LEAST IT WILL EAT YOUR SEALS.


  42. Thanks kevin,
    Just some more Q's: I did a search for "cleaning a barrel" an came upon a good post (which is not easy to do at pyramyd air, at least not for me…, I find the search option on this site quite a few mil-dots away from target…). The post: /blog/2005/4/how-should-i-clean-my-airgun-barrel/ Now BB/Tom actually mentions a "good gun oil" on here and he even gives us a link but comes a rearing Pyramyd Air's second ugly head… the product has been discontinued.
    I don't know how many times I've followed one of the links in BB's blog to a product that he highly recommends just to end up staring at red lettering stating "this item has been discontinued"…
    Anyway, enough with my PA gripes, do you have any recommendations for a good gun oil or a good cleaning kit for a .22 pcp?

    hummm, maybe one more PA gripe; why not organize the scope section a bit better… I quite like the comparison option for different rifles, although far from perfect
    (lots of info missing) at least it gives you a quick reference and comparison on the main specs, not so when it comes to scopes.
    I'd beeter be quiet now…
    Jacob V.

  43. Jacob V.,

    I like the post about cleaning the barrel with jb bore paste. I've done this on numerous guns that have had accuracy problems and I swear by it. Here's the post that describes the process and the "oil" B.B. suggest to leave a film on the rifling once it's cleaned:


    In addition to tetra gun I like FP 10.

    You don't need a gun cleaning kit. Buy a dewey rod that is coated. Buy a loop for the rod and a bronze/brass brush. Use an old 100% cotton tee shirt and make patches. Buy some jb bore paste and some tetra gun or fp 10. Always have ballistol on hand. That's your airgun kit.

    One last suggestion. Go to the current blog. Not only will you get more answers to your questions and quicker responses you'll also find the newer search box that is more effective.

    Go to the opening page on the Pyramyd AIR website, in the dark blue bar at the top click on blog then click on airgun blog.


  44. Jacob V.,

    I will add this to what Kevin has told you.

    Keep your rifle pressurized all the time. That keeps the valves clean.

    Limit cleaning to only those times when the accuracy fails. I have many airguns I haver never cleaned in thousands of shots.

    Shoot good pellets in your rifle. If you read the daily blog you will discover what they are very quickly. I would recommend the JSB domes as an excellent starting point.

    And welcome to the blog!


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    Get FREE shipping on qualifying orders! Any order $150+ with a shipping address in the contiguous US will receive the option for free ground shipping on items sold & shipped by Pyramyd AIR during checkout. Certain restrictions apply.

    Free shipping may not be combined with a coupon unless stated otherwise.

    View Shipping Info

  • Shipping Time Frame

    We work hard to get all orders placed by 12 pm EST out the door within 24 hours on weekdays because we know how excited you are to receive your order. Weekends and holiday shipping times will vary.

    During busy holidays, we step our efforts to ship all orders as fast as possible, but you may experience an additional 1-2 day delay before your order ships. This may also happen if you change your order during processing.

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  • Shipping Restrictions

    It's important to know that due to state and local laws, there are certain restrictions for various products. It's up to you to research and comply with the laws in your state, county, and city. If you live in a state or city where air guns are treated as firearms you may be able to take advantage of our FFL special program.

    U.S. federal law requires that all airsoft guns are sold with a 1/4-inch blaze orange muzzle or an orange flash hider to avoid the guns being mistaken for firearms.

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  • Expert Service and Repair

    Get the most out of your equipment when you work with the expert technicians at Pyramyd AIR. With over 25 years of combined experience, we offer a range of comprehensive in-house services tailored to kickstart your next adventure.

    If you're picking up a new air gun, our team can test and tune the equipment before it leaves the warehouse. We can even set up an optic or other equipment so you can get out shooting without the hassle. For bowhunters, our certified master bow technicians provide services such as assembly, optics zeroing, and full equipment setup, which can maximize the potential of your purchase.

    By leveraging our expertise and precision, we ensure that your equipment is finely tuned to meet your specific needs and get you ready for your outdoor pursuits. So look out for our services when shopping for something new, and let our experts help you get the most from your outdoor adventures.

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  • Warranty Info

    Shop and purchase with confidence knowing that all of our air guns (except airsoft) are protected by a minimum 1-year manufacturer's warranty from the date of purchase unless otherwise noted on the product page.

    A warranty is provided by each manufacturer to ensure that your product is free of defect in both materials and workmanship.

    View Warranty Details

  • Exchanges / Refunds

    Didn't get what you wanted or have a problem? We understand that sometimes things aren't right and our team is serious about resolving these issues quickly. We can often help you fix small to medium issues over the phone or email.

    If you need to return an item please read our return policy.

    Learn About Returns

Get FREE shipping on qualifying orders! Any order $150+ with a shipping address in the contiguous US will receive the option for free ground shipping on items sold & shipped by Pyramyd AIR during checkout. Certain restrictions apply.

Free shipping may not be combined with a coupon unless stated otherwise.

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