by B.B. Pelletier
First, Happy Thanksgiving to all our American readers! This year has given me many reasons to be thankful, and I hope the same is true for all of you.
Think pink!
Here’s a head’s up for all you parents and grandparents with daughters and granddaughters who want to shoot. Crosman has just released a hot pink 760! In case you aren’t aware of the trend, hot pink is a real attraction in the shooting sports today. There are aftermarket places turning out pink AR-15s and .22 rifles like mad, so Crosman wanted a cut of this new market. You collectors better set a few of these aside, because who knows how long they will be available? They just went up on the site yesterday, but they will blow out the door fast in the Christmas season.
Today, I tested the accuracy of the Webley Typhoon. Given the extremely heavy trigger and the fact that this is a pistol, I decided to shoot from a rest at 10 meters.
The trigger is horrible!
Not only is the trigger more than twice as heavy as it should be for a sporting air pistol, but when you squeeze it, the entire upper powerplant moves backwards in the grip frame. That’s what causes the sights to appear to move as you squeeze. And, there’s a lot of creep! Let’s be clear on what creep is. It happens ONLY in the FINAL STAGE of a trigger-pull, so only in the second stage of a two-stage trigger like this one.
The trigger-pull is so heavy that I could not pull it with my index finger after about 25 shots. I had to shift to using my middle finger for the remainder of the test.
Sights are functional
I don’t care for the way the rear sight adjusts, but the sights are entirely functional. I was able to dial my groups onto the bullseye target.
The pistol wants to be accurate, but the trigger and the action’s movement in the stock prevent it.
Test pellets
From the velocity testing, I selected the pellets that did the best with the pistol to use for accuracy testing. They were the RWS Superdome, Crosman Premier 7.9-grain, Gamo Match and H&N Finale Match for pistols. This is one of the few times I will tell you that I don’t think these groups represent the potential accuracy of this pistol. In a moment, I’ll tell you what I think could be done, but this test doesn’t represent what the Typhoon is capable of. It does, however, represent the best I can do with it in its current state.
Only the Gamo Match is not shown here, but they group about the same as the Premiers. There were groups that opened up to 4″ when I accidently rested the butt of the pistol grip against the bag. I’m not showing them, but they were there – resulting from my poor technique.
Can anything be done?
As the Typhoon stands today, it has very little to recommend it. However, I believe there is a wonderful airgun hiding just beneath the surface. This pistol would make a wonderful youth air rifle! I didn’t figure that out – a reader calling himself Western PA planted the idea in my brain, but I wish I had thought of it! If the barrel were lengthened with a shroud/tube, and the gun was mounted in a rifle stock and given some other type of rear sight mounted to the base block, and if the trigger could be fixed, then I think this new gun could give the IZH 6o a run for the money. Excluding the trigger that I’d need to look at, my modifications would add about $8-10 to the cost of the gun, unless the factory already has a stock that would fit it.
The world has missed the Diana model 70 and 72 target air rifles, and this new gun could take their place for a lot less money. At least, that’s what I think.
hi B.B. Still no results on 75 yards with s410? I’m impatient to know this and compare with my own. Greetings from Poland miko
You do fantastic job on this blog – big thanx for tons of knowledge! miko
Where I live there is almost always a good wind off the prairie. I tried shooting at 75 yards once but I was getting two-inch groups because of the wind.
I haven’t had a calm day when I could get out to the range yet.
Ja z nowu sprobuje strzelac kiedy nie bedzie wiatru
On the last target using the RWS superdomes upper right hand shot did that go through sideways? it appears to be a pellet profile
much like the test you did once using gamo raptors.
The Beretta PX4 Storm looks like an interesting “fun gun”. Any chance we may see a blog evaluation soon?
B.B. Thanx for polish answer.And a question – best bi-pod for s410 is…? miko
A BIG Thank You, on Thansgiving Day. For all your hard long work, to promote our sport and hobby in a positive light.
A Super Big Thank You — Too Our Troops and families who protect this country every day. God Bless Them.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.
JoeG from Jersey
Happy Thanks giving everyone!
BB — you do great work here.
Now for a question — is the Gamo Compact as accurate as the Daisy 747? Can I assume that neither is as accurate as the IZH 46M? (10-yard distances).
Sideways superdome,
No, I pulled the paper back from the rear so the holes show better and that one was a tear that just looks like a sideways pellet. When I see a real sideways pellet, I always draw attention to it.
Yes, I’ll have to look at it.
Best bipod is the one that fits. If you have sling swivels, Leapers has a couple good ones. Since you are in Poland, I’n not sure we are looking at exactly the same models, so I am reluctant to answer.
Joe G. raises an interesting question.
Are any readers currently serving in the military? Overseas?
Trout Underground,
The Compact is just as accurate as the 46. It has one drawback. It’s very light – too light for serious adult competition unless a very slight person shoots it.
But the trigger is wonderful and the accuracy is superb.
Sorry to bother you on Thanksgiving, but I wanted to ask you something. I was looking at the scope on my Viper, and it has an AO, but it isnt marked for parallax. I twisted it a tiny bit, and I didn’t hear anything, so I guess its not filled with nitrogen or anything. Can I use this to adjust parallax?
Viper Guy
After your big disappointment with the Typhoon, why don’t you give the IZH 53M pistol a shot? I think you’d find the trigger (at least) a tiny bit more to your liking…
Will the regular .22LR cleaning brushes work in a .22 airgun?
Thomas L,
I think B.B answered your question somewhere in the blog…the .22 LR brushes are actually .223/.224, while the airgun ones are .218.(aren’t they?)
14 in Fla
Viper guy,
I’m confused by your question. You say your scope has an adjustable objective for parallax, but it isn’t marked. Are you looking in the right place?
If the objective bell doesn’t turn, then there must be a knob on the left side of the scope turret that adjusts the objective. Those are the only two places it can be. And in either place, it will be marked in yards.
You twisted it a bit and didn’t HEAR anything? What’s to hear? It doesn’t make a sound. And you can’t tell whether the scope is nitrogen-filled by sound.
I may get to the IZH 53, but not for a while. I tested the Typhoon because of all the negative comments. The 53 doesn’t have that much interest.
Not that interest is the only criterion for testing something, but it helps.
Thomas L.
Yes, regular .22 brushes will work in an airgun. The brass bristles compress enough that the additional size, which is only a few thousandths, doesn’t matter.
I meant, I dont think its supposed to have an AO, but you can adjust it for some reason. you can turn it, and i heard that you shouldn’t do this with nitrogen filled scopes. I’m not explaining this very well am I?
-not advertised with ao
-i tried turning objective lens, and it turned
-i heard that nitrogen scopes will release gas if you do this to it
Can I use this to adjust parallax?
Turning the objective bell doesn’t adjust the objective lens on your scope. For that you have to move the locking rings on both sides of the objective lens and adjust it in out out. And, yes, the scope will be compromised. You can’t make the scope adjustable – you can only reset the range for which it is adjusted.
Hi BB,
I was hoping maybe there would be some suggestions or leads on the Typhoon carbine, or maybe some more disgruntled owners… No one seems to want to talk about it. Another annoying feature of the Typhoon was the lack of a manual or blow-up schematic of the gun and it’s components. I get nervous taking things apart without the diagrams. Good info on the barrel shroud – I found recycling the thin-wall steel tube of a halogen torchiere makes an excellent shroud.. Not too light, weldable and several different diameters are available. Just getting it to fasten securely is the trick – light machining/metalwork and a few set-screws.
Any suggestions on where to locate a stock blank or a solid metal replacement trigger for this project?
Western PA
Western PA,
If I wanted a blank to make a rifle stock, I’d look inside one of the hobby woodworking magazines, in the classified ads in the back. A gun stock company would also have what you need, and you can get one off the shelf from Dixie Gun Works.
As for the trigger, I think you are in file territory.
Please let us know how it turns out.
I just bought a Daisy CO2 622x 6 shot pistol at an auction. Great gun. One of my favorites. Is the demand for .22 repeating pistols gone down? I don’t see any new ones for sale and those at auctions are hard to find or expensive.
The reason .22 airguns are drying up is legislation in states like Illinois that stop the sale of .22s. The big box stores like Wal Mart don’t want to track all the laws state by state, so they are dropping .22 caliber airguns from their stores. Consequently the makers see no demand for those guns and they no longer makes them.
Hi B.B.,
I wanted to give you a status report on the project Typhoon. First let me say I’m overwhelmed with projects and while this one is really intriguing – it doesn’t help pay any bills. I removed the plastic stock and simply built a metal skeleton stock, from which I intend to mount a more comfortable wooden (probably walnut) forend and stock. For now, I wanted one question answered: will this work and will it be worth it? So I went the direction of a Sten gun (all steel and no concern for appearance) – and after I got all the dimensions right and everything tacked together – I assembled and took some test shots… The project will continue! The trigger issues just didn’t seem to be as noticeable – especially without the moving stock… altogether different behavior.. so much better. Not to mention the handling with the carbine stock. So now that I see this is going to work – I’ll put forth a little more effort on the stock and give you a field test once it is done. Right now I’m leaning towards a removable buttstock that slides into a receiver on the pistol grip like those 1911A1 conversions you see available in different sporting catalogues. Gives you a two in one, and also simplifies my job a great deal with the woodworking (I’m actually a metalworker by trade). I’ll let you know how it turns out.
Western PA,
This project has taken a serious turn. Pyramyd AIR is looking for an inexpensive way to alter the Typhoon to make it a useful airgun for their customers. They are leaning towards a carbine stock like the Diana model 70 carbine had.
Please keep me informed of your status on the project, as you may lead everyone into a new appreciation for the pistol.
What is the trigger pull like, now that the action no longer moves?
I didn’t take a whole lot of shots, because my stock was sketchy in design (and cold – no wood grips!), but the trigger didn’t feel nearly as bad as it did with the original stock. I wouldn’t say great, but I fired a few early as I was waiting for that awful creep and it wasn’t noticeable. That stock design has to rate as one of the worst inventions to come down the pike.. My thinking was that the gun would function well as a pistol if it had a decent (solid) stock, like an HW70. But put a metal receiver on the heel of the grip and a folding AK-style stock could be attached to really make it fun. I haven’t added a shroud, yet. But a metal one, maybe adding an additional 3″ would aid in the cocking effort. I can’t believe the manufacturer didn’t see this as an option originally. Could be an excellent camping/pack gun.
Western PA,
And the accuracy?
I’m making adjustments on the stock, so I’ll have some accuracy results pretty soon. I did my preliminary tests without a trigger guard and I’m not comfortable shooting it this way. So in a day, I’ll have a better shoulder stock, trigger guard, and some sort of wood grips so my hands don’t freeze to the metal. I’m excited, but my shop isn’t right next door to my house – otherwise this would be finished by now. Let you know soon.
Hi B.B.,
just thought I’d let you know that my project is essentially finished. I haven’t added the wood forend & grips like a T/C Contender yet, but it was in a state ready to at least be tested. I changed the trigger adjustment screw making it longer and shortening the travel – this helped though reducing the pull would have been even better. Overall, the carbine stands at 28″! This is accounting for the 4″ muzzlebrake/shroud which slips over the barrel a full inch. I really like the feel, and it has some nice ergonomic features. Shooting characteristics are remarkably improved with a solid stock. There is some visible recoil, but nothing to warrant the ridiculous 2-piece action it came with.. Accuracy was a little discouraging, but my stock may have been to blame as metal isn’t forgiving and the stock screws tend to loosen after a lot of shots. I had maybe one 1″ group at 10 meters with 5 shots. I was using a red/green sight, and had many worse groupings. Overall, it’s fun to shoot now. Nice velocity for essentially a pistol – decent accuracy that can only be improved with a better more forgiving stock. The action is solid and the gun appears to be well-made. Great all day shooter.
Western PA,
Great timing! I will meet the Webley people at the SHOT Show, and your experience gives me something to use as a lever.
In the future, I’d like to see a picture or two.
how do you send a photo to the blog? Is there a blank mailbox to send photos? I noticed some other writers posted them on some sites, but I’m new to that. While I’m not too concerned with the prototype’s appearance – just its function.. but warning.. it’s ugly. I could totally see the Typhoon with a short synthetic stock (like a FN bullpup – that would probably keep production costs low) but I’d like to see to see it with a wood stock and the detachable or folding stock, for versatility. But that’s just me. I’ll probably rework mine a few more times, but it was fun just to see how it would perform. Good luck with Webley!
Western PA,
There is no way to post photos to this blog. What people do is post them on a common place that shares photos.
Try this one:
Sorry for the off topic question, but I just got a Diana 70 youth in .177, can you tell me anything about the gun. It's got a hooded front and peep rear and it fits my 9 year old perfectly. What's the FPS?
Diana 70,
Your little rifle is made on the Diana model 5 pistol, with an extended barrel and stock. The velocity is around 475 f.p.s.
It was made for informal target shooting, while the model 72, which is based on the model 6 target pistol is made for formal target shooting.
Either rifle is a great find today.