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Education / Training Hammerli Razor – Part 2

Hammerli Razor – Part 2

by B.B. Pelletier

Part 1


Hammerli Razor is an affordable breakbarrel with high-quality fit and finish.

Today, I’ll test the Hammerli Razor for velocity. It’s advertised to get 820 f.p.s. in .22 caliber, so we’ll see what it can do.

The rifle cocks smoothly, though the effort builds very sharply at the end of the cocking stroke. Be prepared for that. The firing cycle is smooth and almost without vibration. I noticed a big jump forward when the gun fired, so the BKL 260 mount I’m going to try will be getting an acid test.

The first shot fired was a detonation, as I told you in part one, but that was the only one I saw. There were none during the velocity testing. However, the smell was unmistakable! The rifle is dieseling quite noticeably.

Crosman Premier
The first pellet I tested was the 14.3-grain Crosman Premier. Its weight is perfect for this power range. You’ll remember that I’d hoped for something in the 720-750 f.p.s. range based on the advertising. What I got was an average of 695 f.p.s., so it’s a little slow. The spread was from 668 to 708, which is a broad 40 f.p.s. That’s probably due to dieseling. The average muzzle energy is 15.34 foot-pounds.

RWS Superpoint
Next, I tried RWS Superpoints for no reason other than I seldom test them. They work great in mid-powered taploaders, and I wondered how they would do in the Razor. Surprisingly, this 14.5-grain pure lead pellet averaged 696 f.ps. The spread went from 690 to 701, which is a super-tight 11 f.p.s. Apparently, this powerplant loves the Superpoint. Of course, all bets are off until we know what the barrel thinks. At this velocity, the average muzzle energy is 15.6 foot-pounds.

RWS Hobby
The 11.9-grain RWS Hobby pellet is a pure lead pellet that often gives the fastest velocities for a particular airgun. With this Razor, it averaged 762 f.p.s. The spread went from 756 to 770, a fairly tight 14 foot-second variation. The average velocity gives an average 15.35 foot-pounds.

The two-stage trigger was set to release at 5.5 lbs.–a little stiff for a nice sporter. Fortunately, it’s adjustable, so I went to work. The Crosman NPSS report taught me to always try the adjustment. There are no instructions for trigger adjustment in the owner’s manual, so I figured out the three screws and will give you the instructions here. Wear safety goggles when you shoot the rifle while adjusting the trigger, as you’ll be very close to a pellet trap.


Here are the trigger adjustment screws. From the left, the screw closest to the trigger blade (No. 1) adjusts the sear contact. The next screw (No. 2) adjusts the first-stage travel. The larger screw on the right adjusts the tension on the trigger-return spring.

First, remove the triggerguard to gain access to all three adjustment screws. I’ll number the screws from the trigger blade out, one, two and the larger screw farthest away from the blade is three.

Screw No. 1 adjusts the sear contact. Screwing in (clockwise) decreases contact–and out increases contact. Screw No. 2 adjusts the length of stage one. Screwing in decreases the first stage–and out increases it. It’s affected by the adjustment of screw No. 1, so adjust the sear contact first, then adjust the length of the first stage. Screw No. 3 adjusts the tension of the trigger-return spring. Out lightens it–and in makes it heavier. This should be the last screw you adjust.

You’ll be frequently cocking and firing the gun with the triggerguard off as you adjust the trigger, so hold down the back of the action in the stock when you cock the gun. With 15 minutes of fiddling, I was able to get a fine, crisp trigger-pull of 2 lbs., 12 oz. Remember, I had no instructions to follow.

Before anyone asks, I did try to shim the breech seal, which sits a mite low, but the groove is cut too shallow to get a shim in. Perhaps, a thin piece of paper would work. Maybe, I’ll try again, though I have to say that the rifle is shooting fine right now.

At the finish of the second report, I’m even more in love with this rifle because of that great trigger!

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

34 thoughts on “Hammerli Razor – Part 2”

  1. Wayne…I left you a note on what I know concerning you camera dilemma on yesterdays blog. Tried to cut and past it into todays but Vista says 'NO' and it's too long to re-type (yeah, I'm lazy today).
    Like I said I don't know a lot about video, but I did make a recommendation (Nikon D300s).
    As well for Matt61 I left a question concerning ROTC.
    CowBoyStar Dad

  2. Scott298–Hi B.B.–Scott checking in. I've be a fan of yours for years and have read all your blogs to include your book (which I acquired by some mis-quided direction-wink,wink)and I know your next article on this rifle will more than likley be on how accurate it is. And before we go much further -if "mom" wants to get me the air arms mark 111 for x-mas that's ok even though it won't replace the porshe. Since your going to be talking about accuracy next I thought I'd jump in and add my 2 cents worth. So everyone knows I shoot a Diana 350 in .177 scoped with a leapers 3×12 with the side wheel adjustment. I can usually put 5 shots together within a 1/2 inch ctc at 30 yards using Baracuda match heavy or crossman premiers heavy. My problem or I should say my fustration was that every time I took the gun out I had to re-zero the scope in as my shots were not even close to where they were the last time I shot. When I shoot I do so indoors-so wind and weather have no factor. In addition I use a bench rest upon goes a 50lb bag of sand covered by a couple of towels. I place the back of my left hand on my prop and hold the 350 in the same position-the barrell never comes into contact with anythig and I use the artilary hold—so what is changing??? Once adjusted, I again put 5 shots ctc at 30 yards then 3 to 5 weeks later when I go back – same thing. re-zero the rifle. I have cleaned it-I have used lock-tite, I have done everything except burn them! which I was close to doing. I was at the point where I felt that either the rifle or scope were bad and I did not not have enough extra cash to replace either. I had been in a bad car accident shortly before all these shooting problems arose- and would get sever headachs on a regular basis, even after shooting. When I shoot I keep both eyes open, and here is where the problem lies. When I had ths car accident It threw something out of wack upstairs (if you talk to my wife she'll tell you I've always had something out of wack upstairs!) and I had to go thru physical therapy. It was discovered that both eyes were not seeing the same picture exactly and one eye was compensating for the other-almost like a parallex problem you would experience wiyh a scope. When I put 2&2 together a neuron sparked in my brain-yes from time to time there is actually some activity up there- and I started shooting with both eyes open, only wearing an eye patch over my left eye. This immediatly corrected the problem and now every time I pull my gun from the case I waste no time sighting her in. In a nutshell-having problems hitting the target? It's not always what your using sometimes it's what's between your ears. It may not be a bad idea for everyone who shoots to have a regular eye exam. You take on a lot of responsibility when you pick up a loaded weapon -knowing that the weapon is in proper shooting order is only half of the equation-make sure you yourself are also in proper shooting order——Scott298 getting of his milk crate.

  3. Scott,

    You know, as old as I am and as much as I shoot guns, there are still things to learn. I have harped on keeping both eyes open, but for different reasons than you have experienced. I never though closing one eye could change parallax! What an eye-opener, to make an intentionally bad pun.

    I'm going to mention it on the TV show.


  4. B.B.–Scott298–I'm in Fairfield Ct. When and where would I find you and your t.v. show? Especially if I am to be mentioned I would LOVE to see myself become a celebrity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. BB,
    Its looking really good and getting better. I'm happy to see I was wrong in my comment the other night about the Razor trigger (must have been thinking about the Storm?).

    However,Pyramyd specifications, as of today, still says 2-stage non-adjustable. Certainly looks adjustable to me:).

  6. Scott298,

    David Tubb advises both eyes open with a patch on the non-shooting eye in the form of tape over the lens of the shooting glasses. So, you've found a winning formula.

    CowBoyStar Dad, I don't believe your cadets in Canada have an exact equivalent over here. They sound more advanced than the Boy Scouts. The Reserve Officers Training Corps ROTC begins in high school here, I believe, and is really tied to the school curriculum although they do have sporadic training. As a high school junior, I was able to go to Schofield Barracks in Hawaii and shoot off many exotic weapons worth a ton of money: M60 machine gun, M16A1 rifle, M40 grenade launcher (dummy round), 60mm mortar (dummy), 105mm howitzer (dummy), Vulcan anti-aircraft cannon (the real thing; it lasted about 2 seconds). I also had the best food in their cafeteria including the outstanding cream chip beef (no joke; I loved the stuff, and have sought without success to find the equivalent among tv dinners) and many exotic C-rations dishes whose taste was more ordinary but not bad either.

    To return, the rifle team associated with the ROTC program fired smallbore including high-end Anschutz rifles purchased by individuals. I suspect this is pretty common, and I have not heard of ROTC using airguns. Has that been the experience? Surely Daisy does not make most of its money from selling to Canadian cadets.


  7. BB or anybody,

    OT- I have a Daisy 853c and would like to exchange the stock with the Daisy 953. Is this possible..how hard will it be to make this conversion?

    I prefer the monte carlo stock and pistol grip of the 953.


  8. Yes, that trigger can be a real sweetie. With a little judicious smoothing and polishing in the right places. It can be adjusted to a light pull weight – and still be self-returning through the first stage.

    Don't have any experience with the Benjamin SS, but according to the exploded view it's got a Gamo knockoff trigger. The two mechanisms are vastlydifferent – on the Norica-style strigger the assembly also serves to anchor the rear of the spring. So no.

    But the aftermarket triggers or inserts made for Gamo's and their clones oughta fit…

  9. Matt61 It does not sound like their is an equivalent to Cadets.
    It may just be a Canadian thing.
    I know that on a number of Canadian airgun sites they will state that the pricing on the 853c is 'X', and to call for Cadet pricing.
    I know that when I bought mine, I had to wait a few months as most of the Canadian dealers I spoke to told me they were tied up with Cadet orders…yet every U.S. site I was on seemed to have them in stock.
    CowBoyStar Dad

  10. BB & Edith,
    Sorry, I don't know if that page was cached this morning or not, but it appears correct now. Didn't mean to cry "wolf" — it is definitely a feature people want to see.

  11. Minotaurs,

    That has to be one of the funniest things I've read today. As for what to use, I recommend you contact the Mythbusters, since they build some big air guns.

  12. bb
    would like to know where i can buy a air compressor that would fill logan and sam yang. i have hered about the fx 11 but can't find one or anything. any help would be great.


  13. Matt61,
    My oldest grandson was in ROTC here in Illinois about 4 years ago. He said he shot air guns. As a matter of fact you might recall a comment I made a while back about a local high school being shut down because someone reported a person carrying a rifle into the school. It turned out to be a girl who was in ROTC brought her own air rifle to shoot at their range. They had no explanation as to why she wanted her own but my guess is that they didn't have enough to go around. Either that or hers was better.


  14. I solved my Marauder target backstop problem very easily.

    A while back Jane mentioned Law Enforcement panels as a back stop for her guns. They are designed to absorb bullets. I bought one, a 2'x2'x2" rubber fibrous panel, and tried to use it for my .177s but they would not penetrate and instead would ricochet back making buzzing noises past my ear. Yes, I wear safety glasses! I almost sent it back, but after calculating return postage I was only out $20 to keep it, so I did, thinking it might come in handy some day. I'm glad I did because with the velocity and mass of the .22 it is ideal as a back stop. The .22 pellets are absorbed by the fibrous material and just disappear. I can tape my targets right to the panel. And, to cover the same area, it is a lot cheaper than using three layers of Duct pugs.


  15. Kevin,

    My best guess would be we are both waiting on rifles from the exact same source. I think I have narrowed down the selection, but it will still be some time for the transaction to be completed. If we are working with the same individual, I think we will both be very satisfied with the end results. He is certainly a stand up guy.

    Hopefully you are operating in the black and all is well,


  16. Volvo,


    I had my suspicions.

    I've communicated of and on with Mr G B for awhile on several vintage airgun issues. Even sent him a copy last year of B.B.'s excellent article on the four horseman that was published in shotgun news. He's a terrific individual with a heart of gold. Wish I knew a small fraction of what he does about vintage airguns.


  17. Vinny,

    Hold on a little while and you'll get your air compressor at a reasonable price. An electric model that runs on both house current and 12 volt batteries (car) should come to market in 2010. I expect to see it at the SHOT Show.


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