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Education / Training Benjamin Trail NP XL1100 – Part 1

Benjamin Trail NP XL1100 – Part 1

by B.B. Pelletier,

Two things about today’s report. It will be our first look at a Benjamin Trail-series rifle, and it sets the stage for the test of the new Benjamin Trail NP in .25 caliber. We want to be ready for that, later this year, and this should get us there.

We first saw the Benjamin Trail series rifles at the 2010 SHOT Show. We heard about them before then; and, of course, we’ve regarded the older Crosman Nitro Piston rifles for the past year, so this marked a good transition point for switching the Nitro Piston from the Crosman brand to Benjamin. When you look at the Crosman breakbarrels online, you’ll note that the Nitro Piston Short Strokes are all gone–at least at Pyramyd AIR.

Today, we’ll start looking at the Benjamin Trail NP XL1100, which is .22 caliber. My first impression was, “Wow!” That came from the outside of the sealed box. I know that writers never say bad things about the products they review, but again I say, “Wow!”


I’m showing you the box so you can see exactly what I’m talking about.

Here’s what made me say that. First, the box says it includes a Centerpoint 3-9×40 scope, so no thought need be given to scoping. It’s all inside the box. Next, my eye was caught by the claim of 1,100 f.p.s. from a .22-caliber pellet rifle. Now, that velocity has been achieved before in .22 caliber, but not by a springer, I don’t think. And, this time the box also says 30 foot-pounds. There’s no mistaking what they’re claiming. The springer that Pyramyd AIR will sell you for a penny under $300 will offer the same power that the old Beeman Crow Magnum did a decade ago (in .25 caliber) for $1,175–without the scope. Folks, if that isn’t progress then I don’t know what is.

Still scanning the outside of the box, I saw a round sticker that tells me they tossed in a $20 sling, as well. I shouldn’t tell you that because you’ll all expect one; but whenever I see a sticker, I know the offer will last for only a limited time. But the deal is that the Trail guns have sling swivels built right into them, and this is a way to get lethargic writers like me to notice them…and maybe even install a sling and take a picture.

Note that I did not say sling swivel studs. Oh, no! That’s so–yesterday! I said swivels, which include a front swivel that we haven’t seen since the FWB 124D went away in the 1990s, I think. Boy does that swivel relieve me of answering a lot of questions because with a .22-caliber pellet rifle this powerful you just know that the primary users are going to be hunters.

The only hangup I have with this beautiful box (Crosman wins packaging awards in industry, you know) is the wording that explains that the gun is powered by a nitrogen piston instead of a spring. I have become so used to the industry standard terminology of gas spring that I would prefer they call it a nitrogen-filled gas spring. I will be explaining how it works for many years to all the newcomers who are not yet familiar with the gas springs in their minivans and SUVs. But, you know, it wasn’t mine to name, and Crosman, as a corporation, seems to know the airgun market as least as well as any dedicated airgunner. Besides, at the age of 62, I’m entitled to be somewhat crotchety. It’s part of my old-guy persona.

The last impression the box gives is that the metal finish is deep and polished. Of course, that can be done in Photoshop; but if the owner discovers something else inside, it may not work out so well. Since the intent is to open the box, I hoped they weren’t exaggerating.

The box is opened
Okay, so the gun inside doesn’t look like the picture on the outside. It looks even better. (Ha, ha. I bet you could have guessed I was going to say that.) But in this case it really does. The metalwork is about as shiny as the picture, but the wood stock is quite a bit more graceful than pictured. It’s tastefully checkered on the forearm and pistol grip, and the Benjamin name is carved into the bottom of the forearm. Crosman told me they never want anyone to have to hunt for a Benjamin in a rifle rack and I like that attitude. If you’ve got it, flaunt it.

Oh, and that exciting new Weaver rail is there, awaiting the time when I mount the scope. What a wonderful idea.

So, I picked it up. Oh, oh. BIG GUN! Oh, my gosh. They are trying to get 30 foot pounds out of a .22-caliber springer. It’s sore arms ahead!

No, it’s not!

I will not reveal the cocking effort in today’s report (because I haven’t tested it yet), but my left arm tells me that if you can cock a Beeman R1, you’ll be able to cock this gun. Oh, and guess what, kids? The safety is manual! Yes, they’re trusting the owner with the main operational safety responsibility. Airports can’t even trust the public to flush a toilet, but Crosman trusts us to shoot safely.

In defense of the airports, I think they made the right decision, too. I’m just glad that none of those disgusting people ever fly on any of my flights!

You know that free sling? They could have just thrown in a cheapie $6 Uncle Mikes web sling and called it a $20 value, but they didn’t. They included a PADDED carry sling with the Benjamin name embroidered on the outside. When I see fine touches like that, I wonder how I can buy some Crosman stock. This is real “Santa’s elves” thinking, in my book.


This is no afterthought. They gave this a lot of attention. It makes you wonder, if they paid this much attention to a small detail like this, how nice is the rifle?

It’s too early to talk about the sound signature, except to say that it’s REALLY quiet! With my steel bullet trap being just five feet away, I can’t hear anything other than the impact of the pellet. I need to get this gun outside. And, no, I’m not stupid enough to shoot this rifle point blank into my freshly-filled silent pellet trap. Maybe after 10K shots are in there I will, but right now I use the serious trap for for airguns this powerful at close range.

The trigger looks like the regular NPSS trigger I played with last year, so I’ll be tweaking it and reporting on it then.

Bottom line (for whoever asked me to hurry this report along) is that I like very much what I see thus far. If this rifle is accurate and if it comes even close to 30 foot-pounds (which I will now define as anything above 26 foot-pounds with the right pellets), then they aren’t going to be able to keep these in stock. When I saw this at the SHOT Show, I envisioned a 24-26 foot-pound gun. That would have been wonderful. Can it be that they’ve exceeded my expectations?

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

152 thoughts on “Benjamin Trail NP XL1100 – Part 1”

  1. BB,

    WOW! Sounded like a must own gun! Then I checked the specs. Well….9.15 pounds! Without a scope?

    WAY too heavy for my arthritis impaired hands and wrists! So status changed from must own to don't want!

    Unfortunately I realize that most very powerful springers will also be very heavy.

    Thank God for my Disco!

    Btw….this is pcp4me and my blog thingy is bugged again. Can't log on!

  2. Everyone,

    Yes, despite all the humor I meant every word in today's report (I usually do). This is one to watch closely. Like you I will be extremely interested in the power and the accuracy. And I will try to speed up the cycle, if the darn winter weather would just cooperate.


  3. B.B.
    An advance guess…
    MV 800 fps with "real" pellets…not the pot metal rat droppings.
    I know you will tell us later.

    Is it quiet because of the lack of spring noise, or is it silenced? Or both?


  4. Good morning Tom,

    Since you mentioned the Trail will be offered in .25 caliber it kind directed my thoughts towards the soon to be released M-rod in the same caliber. The Maurader is going to be my first pcp purchase as a step up from my springers, and I plan to use it for small game hunting. The PA website shows the velocity at 900 fps so I am guessing it will be in the high 700's to low 800 fps range in reality. That would make it the better choice for my purpose over the .22 caliber version. Am I correct in thinking the .25 caliber would be more appropriate because it should be a 30 foot pound gun. Just your thoughts, thanks.


  5. BB,

    Re: My bunny suit is NOT pink! It's light blue.

    The question still lingers. I looked on Snopes and they have not de-bunked it yet. Please include a picture of you in it in your next post so you don't suffer the misinformation of the rumor mill.

  6. On a more serious note, I'm anxious to see more stuff, especially the accuracy reports on this XL1100. I am drawn to it for some reason. I don't want another springer but I'd like to have an NP. This looks to be a serious NP. Of course, I think the price seems high, but then I've never looked at anything and wished it was priced higher so I could buy it 🙂 I also have a friend who is looking at the Bj 397 and I wonder if the XL1100 would be better. Not much price differential there.

  7. BB

    Other than the barrel lengths of the 3 NP Trail rifles on the PA site, what is the primary difference inside the NP XL 1100?

    The other variants state 950fps in .22 and the text at the bottom of each product listing quotes "24 foot lbs" energy.

    On the NP XL box, 1100 fps with "alloy" pellets, does that likely equate to 900-ish fps with mid-weight lead pellets?

    Bottom line, is the NP XL a different machine than the "Hardwood" and "Laminated" versions? Thanks!

    Brian in Idaho

  8. I think airgunning is going to make an addice our of me. As soon as I could catch up on my auto hobbies I thought of buying a Bronco and then an Mrod. Think another just go added to the list. Have to agree the Trail does sound very good. Will be watching for future reports on it. Thanks for all your expert reports. Richard (Can't use my usual nickname, its seems to be a pornagraphic description. Only been called it for 77 years.)

  9. Derrick,
    I only need 5 minutes with your HW35. Right now I am pretty sure I want an R-8 in .177, but the HW35 had been a candidate also, and just shooting 15 pellets through one would tell me all I need to know.

    I stand corrected, however keep in mind a good number of males are color blind. Just be careful going outside to put the trash at the curb in your bunny suit. A newly transplanted Yankee may believe the “everything is bigger in Texas” motto and the result could put you in a pickle, well more of a stew actually.

    Had I not crossed over the river to PCP’s, this would definitely peak my interest. Kodiak power at the HW30 price. Not bad.

    Your home state has marketed its number one export so well, I can’t read the Idaho name without picturing potatoes. Please come up with a new handle. My mouth waters like a dog trained to a diner bell.


  10. Crosman again. Kinda makes ya proud.

    If the cocking effort is close to an R1, the tested velocity comes close to advertised claims and it's accurate Crosman has another winner.

    Hope that the jsb 18.1 gr pellet is part of the pellet test. Not only because I think at this velocity they have a chance to be the most accurate but because the gun will only need to achieve 863 fps for 30 foot-pounds.


  11. Cat Poop Coffee,

    Heck I don't see why it's so expensive. "Kinsey" or "Mac" our 85lb. Labradoodle eats anything.. raw garlic and onions, blackberries off the vine, lettuce and spinach from the garden, deer poop, wash cloths, styrofoam, and COFFEE BEANS when they fall on the floor while I'm grinding them in the morning.

    He could process at least 5 lbs a day… easy.

    I'm starting on the website asap.. Thanks for the great business advice Tom!

    Cold filtered coffee is great, we had one of those big plastic things with the filter at the bottom, but it broke and we never replaced it. It did make great un-bitter coffee concentrate.

    The main problem with the system is that the coffee is never hot enough… mixing the extract with hot water just makes it warm coffee.

    So, I'll be washing though Macs' ahhh uummm .. anyway.. Who wants to be my first customer??

    Wacky Wayne, maker of fine Coffees

  12. BB,that was one heck of an appetiser…I'm hungry now!!!!! Kevin,I knocked off the last shiny coat of tru-oil successfully using 1500 wet/dry and Maccari mudd.Pretty good end result.Do you think mineral spirits before the next coat??One more coat is necessary to finish it and I don't know if the mudd leaves any residue,I can't feel any….Frank

  13. B.B. or anyone,

    Does the gas piston produce less recoil?

    Is there a chance that this beast could be accurate?… any chance at all?

    I'm really anxious to see the accuracy test.

    But a 47 ft lb Marauder.. Whooo now.. that's impressive! I know that should be accurate, easy to handle or carry, quiet, and very "shootable"

    Sounds like the Koreans are in for a little battle for the power PCP market.

    I'll be testing that one for sure.

    Wacky Wayne,
    Match Director,
    Ashland Air Rifle Range

  14. B.B.

    This cracks me up. It sounds like you're feeling better. This may make obsolete my invention of a springer with a tubercle-lined funnel-shaped transfer port with a chrome-silicon spring.

    Duskwight, welcome and thanks for your fund of information on all topics. I should have thought that Russians who have pioneered the shovel would have done some tests on it too. I neglected to mention that the suggestion about blocking bullets with an angled shovel came from a veteran of the Spetsnaz, a crew whom I respect enormously.

    The evidence does seem to favor the metal IZH 61 over the plastic. My theory is that accuracy with the plastic is potentially as good but less repeatable.

    I tried a shot of vodka at a bar just for investigation and didn't get anything out of it, but who knows what brand they served me.

    I'm a big fan of bears too. The literature says that the biggest brown bears in the world are in Alaska, but I suppose they are the same species as Kamchatka. The weights are about the same.

    All, the Burmese pythons have finally provided a rationale for the AA12 automatic shotgun. There are videos of it on YouTube including with the grenade ammo. No shovel will stop those things.


  15. Wayne,

    Our cats have a huge output every day…I guess we could try feeding them coffee beans & see how they turn out 🙂

    Toddy Coffee is the cold brew system. We love it. Coffee tastes so good, that it's fooled some of our relatives who claim to be coffee connisseurs. For 4+ years, they've believed I'm serving them coffee from Starbucks. In fact, I'm serving them Folgers decaf! They say it's "really good coffee." Good thing none of them read this blog!

    Here's a tip to make the coffee go further. I cold brew the first time on the counter. Then, after the fluid is drained, I put the cork back in the bottom & pour in another batch of water. I stir up the coffee grounds so none are caked on the bottom. I put a Rubbermaid lid on top & carefully put it in the fridge. The next day, I have another set of coffee extract to drain. I get pretty close to a gallon of coffee extract from 1 to 1.5 lbs. of grounds. Works great!


  16. Frank B,

    Mineral spirits are fine. Don't wash the stock in the stuff of course but a clean cloth dampened with it should be fine. Let it dry throughly then I'd take off any residue with a tac cloth and wipe on your final coat.

    Can't wait to see macro pictures.


  17. Wayne,

    One of the secrets of power in this rifle, as well as in all mega-magnum springers, is a long stroke piston. So there will be movement.

    But NO vibration changes your perception of that.

    By the way, if you are interested in a REAL smoothie, order a Benjamin Legacy SE from Crosman. It's a 12-foot-pound gas spring rifle that cocks like butter and shoots so smooth you won't believe it.

    Just trust me.


  18. B.B.

    OK, you got it.. your in on the deal.

    We'll name the company "Gaylords' Goodies"

    Our first product will be the "Labradoodle Poo Poo Juice" or LPPJ for short.

    Didn't you read about the navy submarine guys who starved internally, even though they had meat on their bones, after processing all their food in Micro wave ovens for 6 months.

    The microwaves kill all the nutrition in the food.

    And with all the food value in coffee, you could starve.. and your so close to the line.. I'm a little worried..
    Be careful:-)

    Wacky Wayne

  19. Edith,

    Thanks, I had forgotten the name of the cold water coffee extractor. My wife always scolded me for trying to get two runs on the same coffee grounds.. I'll tell her I've got proof now it's a great idea!


    I'll check out the Legacy SE. thanks for the tip.

  20. Here's a little OT…I just purchased a BP .50 CVA sharpshooter.This gun is a sidelock,not an inline.I have read terrible things about CVA inlines.Am I wrong to think those bad things shouldn't make me fearful of this sidelock???I don't want to throw my new "baby"out with the bathwater….can you guys spare a little guidance?Ps.I'm never gonna load over 120gr…

  21. hey BB. i was One of the folks who bugged you to report on this line of rifles. thanks much for getting to it. i know you have a lot to do…and i'm glad you're feeling better.

    can't wait to hear about accuracy and noise.

  22. On the subject of the deterioration of society. I thought I would pass on this little known quote from Walt Whitman on a presidential convention of his era:

    "One of these conventions, from 1840 to '60, exhibited a spectacle such as could never be seen except in our own age and in these States. The members who composed it were, seven-eights of them, the meanest kind of bawling and blowing office-holders, office-seekers, pimps, malignants, conspirators, murderers, fancy-men, custom-house clerks, contractors, kept-editors, spaniels well-train'd to carry and fetch, jobbers, infidels, disunionists, terrorists, mail-riflers, slave-catchers, pushers of slavery, creatures of the President, creatures of would-be Presidents, spies, bribers, compromisers, lobbyers, sponges, ruin'd sports, expell'd gamblers, policy-backers, monte-dealers, duellists, … deaf men, pimpled men, scarr'd inside with vile disease, gaudy outside with gold chains made from the people's money and harlots' money twisted toegether; crawling, serpentine men, the lousy combings and born freedom-sellers of the earth."

    Sounds very current. I can think of a recent news story for just about every single one of these terms. My own suspicion is that outward forms change but the substance of things remains about the same. Maybe that even applies to coffee.


  23. Matt,

    Good Ole Walt Whitman… Nice guy, but never would say how he felt about things.. very non-judgemental guy.. Too bad he never took any chances revealing the truth of the day! ..or today…


  24. I think I may have inadvertently bent the pull rod of the side cocking lever on my RWS Diana 54. Below is a link to some pictures:


    When I had just started shooting the rifle and was still getting used to it, once or twice after I cocked it I started to close the lever before I had fully depressed the release button. When I felt the resistance I immediately stopped and backed off, and never applied any real force to the lever to close it, yet it appears I may still have slightly bent the rod. Umarex isn't sure and sold me a replacement pull rod. Supposedly replacing it is easy enough so that even a dummy like me can handle it.

    Umarex told me that this part is deliberately built weak so that it will bend easily and so prevent damage to other more critical or expensive parts of the gun, if you happen to try to close the lever without releasing it, or worse yet, try to fire the gun with the lever still open (although I don't see how that's possible.)

    I'd appreciate any thoughts from you all, if from the pictures you think I should replace the rod or not. Thanks!


  25. Vince,

    The rifle is made in China. That was the killer end to my report, so I guess the cat is out of the bag.

    For years I've been predicting that Europe would be wise to fear China, Well that day may just have arrived. Let's see how she does.


  26. B.B.

    I don't see the Benjamin Legacy SE on Pyramydair's site. Did I just overlook it or is it something they will not be carrying?

    P.S. saw your write up on the Legacy SE in Shotgun News. Sounds like a fun knocking around airgun.


  27. AlanL,

    This rod is always supposed to be bent, only in the other direction. Yours is out of adjustment.

    Disconnect it at the front and turn it in at the rear to make it shorter. Then connect it again.

    But before you do that, call Umarex USA and talk to Randy about the problem. See if he advises the same thing.


  28. BB,yes I am on board with less is more.Certainly I would start with 50 gr..I only mention 120 as an absolute cap for safety reasons!!I have no interest in pushing any envelopes and I like my shoulder tapped not kicked!!You don't consider CVA products to be unsafe then??I thought those who were using 150 gr. to be a little crazy anyway.Thank you for the advise.

  29. Frank,

    No, I don't think CVA guns are unsafe. But working up from the bottom you may discover that 80 grains of powder is all you ever want to load. So who cares what 120 will do then?

    I shoot a little black powder and the one thing that impresses me is hot hot the barrel gets after firing. After five round through my trapdoor I can't hold the barrel any longer. That's a lot of heat energy.


  30. Thank you BB, I get your point.I am not stuck on 120gr.I could care less about maximums.That was just an arbitrary number meant to illustrate my cautiousness.If 80 is a good load for you,thats all I need to know.In my BP pistols 20gr. was plenty,I found 30gr. to be completely uncontrollable.Thanks for the reassurance about CVA.

  31. Wow is right! If that gun turns out to be what Crosman claims, the Trail will probably be my next airgun! I was impressed by the specs on this gun before it came out but now I'm getting a little antsy to see how accurate it is. I have started to look at getting another springer in a year or so anyway.

    My father used to work at Knight Muzzleloading, so Knights are all I shoot in as far as blackpowder goes. I use 100gr. of black with Hornady XTPs. Deadly combination! I've never heard anything good about CVAs except tv ads. The whole blowing-up-in-your-face thing never really appealed to me. But then again, maybe the malfunctions are just a result of user irresponsibility and not the fault of CVA manufacturing.

  32. BB

    I held a straight edge against the cocking arm of my Diana 52 in 3 axis, and behind it for the axis closest to the rifle. It is straight as an arrow. Is the 54 arm different?

  33. Slinging Lead,

    The cocking arm link is supposed to bend as the cocking arm is returned home. That tensions the cocking arm and holds it closed. To do that, the link has a slight bend in it at all times. You may not be able to see it. but it has to be there or you can't close the cocking arm.

    When the arm closes, the link pops inward in the center, tensioning the arm and holding it closed. When you pull on the arm to cock the gun, the link acts as a spring to pop the arm away from the stock.

    The adjustment is what makes this all work.


  34. BB,
    That's a pretty exciting rifle — sounds like a wishlist of specifications for the dedicated small varmint hunter.

    The only difference between politics in those days and now is that we have video and audio evidence.

    I think the problems with CVA were people using excessive loads and/or newer substitutes and even smokeless powders. Black powder and Pyrodex should be just fine inside the recommended range. Your ideal load will be well short of 120 grains, unless you've got a larger caliber.

    Make sure the nipple and drum cleanout screws are seated (not distortingly tight, but fully in), and not cross-threaded or worn excessively. I would clean and lube before shooting, with a spit or damp patch and a test cap before loading.

    I can't get either one to work right now — I will check them out for sure.

  35. Vince

    Nice catch. Sorry, I was talking about the cocking link not the arm. You would have to be He-Man AND invoke the powers of Grayskull to bend the cocking arm I would think.

    I used a piece of white cardboard as my straight edge. Its possible the plastic cover is hiding the bend somehow? It must be there if that's what creates the tension to hold the arm against the rifle, as mine clings tightly.

  36. Kevin,
    I see it now. From the 4th picture, it seems like you have achieved a smooth and even, but not excessive gloss. Really attractive and flawless as far as I can tell from that picture.

    In the first 3 photos, I think there must be some photoshop quantization issues with the color, or else the compression threw something out of whack, because there are what looks like grainy red areas, although I know they aren't there from previous picture. Could also even be a problem with my monitor or settings.

    I'm assuming that the 4th photo is representative, in which case, you can be proud of the finish and the photo/processing.

  37. BB,
    Is organizing a pellet cabinet like organizing a sock drawer? AAAANNNNAAAL! My non-retired buddies are always accusing me of spending my retirement days organizing my sock drawer. Ha! Ha! They'll never understand til they get to where I am! Limited only by my imagination!

  38. Wacky Wayne,
    Can you provide proof of your submarine/microwave expose'? Can't find it on Snopes. Never heard of microwave killing nutrition. Does this come from the same guys who said gasahol would eat all the rubber in my engine? I'm still waiting for my engine to run all over the garage floor.

  39. BG_Farmer,

    I copied and pasted the link and see the red you're talking about. Strange. Could also be the lack of calibration between photobucket and photoshop?

    Assume you're pulling my leg about liking the 4th photo since only 3 photo's are posted. Alright, you got me.


  40. CJr,

    You want to hear anal? I'm in the process of organizing all my pellets into little non-breakable acrylic food containers, each neatly labeled with a label maker, with the good silicone tops that won't pop off when you drop the darn thing! Those flimsy tins that come apart by just looking at them and spill your pellets all over the grass are not for me.

    But I do not yet have a 'pellet cabinet' like B.B., just a shoebox!


  41. I came close to buying the benjamin legacy SE from the Crosman site the last time B.B. praised this quiet, smooth shooter but I can't stand the camo synthetic stock. If they would put that in a wood stock I'd buy it in a heartbeat.


  42. AlanL
    Are you sure you bent the cocking rod, or is it an illusion caused by the plastic sleeve over the rod?
    If the lever closes the same way that it has done all along, then you probably have not done any damage. You should feel slight resistance when the tip of the arm gets to about 2" from the gun. This is when the breech seal makes contact. Should take only light pressure to snap the lever all the way to the closed position.


  43. Chuck,

    That's not the Legacy SE. That's the old Legacy gun with wood stock & metal mainspring. Crosman re-used the "Legacy" name, but the new gun has almost nothing else in common with the old one.


  44. Kevin,

    That's the first thing I thought when I saw that camo stock. I'm with you all the way.

    As for your stock refinishing job, I don't know diddly squat about woodworking and oiling or whatever, but I can sure tell you this: I would be very happy to lay my cheek against that stock in your pictures anytime! Congratulations- you are a true craftsman.


  45. AlanL,
    I've just decided to stop buying socks, which do not feed very well through my Marauder, and start buying more pellets.

    Dang! Only three more diving days left! Another Amstel please! (hmmm…might explain the accuracy of some of my comments today. sorry BB, I guess I stopped reading after I saw Benjamin Legacy)


  46. Kevin,
    I wasn't kidding about the 4th picture — it is a closeup of the grip/rcvr that is pretty much perfect — more or less what I would have expected of you:).

    What I see is two quartering shots from the read and two closeups of the receiver/grip area. It may be because I don't have Flash 8 installed (which it warns about), but it let me look at the pictures anyway, just not in a flashy slideshow manner? I don't know much if anything about Photobucket and its internal workings.

    The red could be from either JPEG compression or histogram correction, or even something Photobucket does. Also, I'm on my wife's monitor, and I'm not sure whether we spent enough on it to get 8 bits per color channel on it or not; probably not, since it is the play machine:). If you want to mail me one or more at bgfarmer0_at_gmail.com, I'll look at it and see if it still has the problem, which might tell you something.

  47. TwoTalon,

    I'm not sure. I haven't tried disassembling it yet. But, the end of the cocking lever kind of flops freely the last three inches or so in the closed position (as shown in the first picture in my earlier post.) Maybe the pull rod (that's what the parts breakdown calls it) isn't bent after all, and it only needs adjustment like B.B. said. But what B.B. said about the angle being the wrong way around really bothers me. I can't understand how I could've screwed it up that badly. I need to call Umarex again before I take it apart. I just want to wait till the replacement pull rod comes in before I do that. If it turns out that I bent that rod, then I'd be really tempted to say that the rifle is more delicate than I think it should be, but I don't want to assert that this is really the case now.


  48. Everyone

    My quess is the reason Pyramyd won't carry the Legacy SE is us (the customer). No doubt most customers are more interested in high power airguns than something easy to shot all day without wearing oneself out.


  49. AlanL,

    Thanks for the kind words. The stock is now like glass. I spent some extra time reshaping the thumbhole and the enlargement for the pad of my hand along with the smoothness works very well for quick acquisition.

    The real motivation in this hack job is to put a better finish on the guns since I hunt with them in our, sometimes, foul Colorado climate.

    Now you know what's possible on the stock of your next gun, the AA S410.


  50. AlanL
    If the lever flops around when closed and does not want to remain closed, then you have something wrong. I would notice this in an instant on my 48.

    Did it always do this before, or did it suddenly get loose?

    Check to see if the breech seal is still in place in the sliding compression chamber…looks like a black flat washer.

    By the way, the rifle can be fired with the cocking lever all the way back if it's identical to my 48. You would have to turn off the safety and depress the antibeartrap button…then pull the trigger. You can expect damage for sure if you do this when the cocking arm slams down. If your fingers are wrapped around the stock where the lever will be, then you will get mashed fingers too.
    You can also uncock it this way, but you better hang on to the cocking arm and let it down easy.You will be holding back the full force of the spring.


  51. BG_Farmer,

    Your comment motivated me to look at my photoshop books. There's a passage about calibrating your monitor. I'm going to do that.

    Sorting out these issues was what drove me to post these pictures. Thanks for the help.

    I don't know anything about photobucket either (obviously) other than it's free.


  52. Mr. B.

    I am no longer sure of the brand, but I saw a smooth-side boat-tail desing, (possibly Prometheus), that seemed to have the rigth shape for high-speed travel. As I recall, they were rather heavy, (30g?), but I suspect a 16 – 18g version could be made that would fly nice. The drawback of the diabolo is that it has too much drag and won't hold velocity long range.

  53. AlanL

    Based on the schematic you provided, it is the pull rod (#27) that I am talking about. Yours appears to be bent in comparison to mine. It could be an illusion created by the slope of the forearm.

    The flopping you describe doesn't sound right. Does the cocking lever not 'click' against the receiver and hold there securely? It should. Perhaps the pull rod was installed or adjusted 180 degrees from where it should be so that the bend is going outward from the rifle instead of inward. When you get the new pull rod you can compare it to the old one.

  54. B.B.

    Another good thing about the Bronco is the cost. Those upset about Pyramyd not carrying the Legacy SE should note that it would sell for approximately 2X what the Bronco does.


  55. AlanL, replace it. The pull rod (cocking link) has too sharp a bend at that one spot. While I don't think you're looking at an imminent fatigue failure, that one section might tend to get 'worked' more than any other as the rod compresses and bows which could eventually weaken it.

    And yes, check your breech seal. They're only about $5.

  56. Kevin,you set the bar pretty damn high my friend….those AA stocks start off sweet,yours looks pretty close to perfect.How did you get that background??Your photos are nicely done.My last coat of Tru-oil is curing….final knockdown tomorrow AM,then re-assembly & photos if it is overcast.

  57. Frank B,

    The background is my homemade Light Table for macro photography.

    Took a piece of that cheap plastic stuff people line showers with. It comes in 4 x 8 sheets and is less than 1/8" thick. Drilled two holes in each end. Ran a nylon rope through both ends and cinched them down until it made a "half pipe" shape. Clamped it to a card table and viola, light table. Cost me about $12.00.

    Now if I could just learn how to take a macro photo. Takes an old dog longer to learn things.


  58. FrankB.,
    Did you shoot the Sharpshooter yet? I finally found a picture, and it looks like fun. The lock/drum/nipple appears functionally identical to mine, minus engravings — not surprising since CVA and Traditions use(d) the same manufacturer in Spain.

    It should work very well. Mine only failed in the case of a primer with no compound (two in ~250 shots, two different brands of primers), and in one mysterious case. I think that experience is inevitable. I helped another shooter with the same issue a couple of months ago (different rifle, think it was a T/C Hawken), and he was at the same stage it happened to me — 2 trouble-free shooting sessions (good confidence), then a load that won't go off and has to be extracted, very carefully!

  59. Kevin:that is a neat idea.Keep up the progress.
    BGFarmer,I will shoot it in a couple days,I am still dealing with a bore left dirty by a BP newby.I have had experience w/ hangfires before….I've allways pulled the nipple{haha}and picked out a little powder,cleared the nipple,put a little fff in void.reassemble,retamp and then fire…Kapow!

  60. B.B.,

    Thanks for getting this review out quickly. I have never ordered anything in my life without exhaustive research but for a reason I cannot explain I had to order the Benjamin XL1100. There were obviously no reviews out so I assumed the Crosman Nitro was a pilot effort by Crosman to field test the new nitro tech and from the reviews available on that gun it seemed like they had a winner. I have already ordered by XL1100 and expect delivery this Friday. Based on what you have provided so far it would appear I have a lot to look forward to. Looking forward to the detailed report.


  61. Duskwight,

    I enjoyed a lot your essay about vodka. Very interesting. I will have another fascinating theme of conversation thanks to you. I wasn't neccesary to follow your advice: I don't like alcohol, but even if I were a drunk poke, I'd stay away of vodka, and most distillates. Believe me, I live in the land of tequila. I would recommend to avoid tequila, unless the one I will offer to BB and Edith if they drop by here one day 🙂


    Motorcycles, airguns, vodka, shovel-shooting, BMW, porcupines… That's why this blog is becoming addictive. And I don't see anything wrong in that stock of yours. Wanna get rid of it???


    It's good to hear you're better. Take rest! and, by the way, I have heard some interesting things about Russian guns, such like Edgun and Demyan. Have any experience with them? I'd appreciate a lot a blog or a couple of words about them.

    niece Anthony

  62. BB,

    Nice prelim report! How do you think it will compare to my .177 HW90? (fit, finish, shootabity). I really like my HW90 (Theoben gas ram), but it's a bear to cock! I don't expect it to be equal, but I guess if it's close, it would be a heck of a bargain and I'd probably want one in .22 or .25.


  63. Anthony,
    Tequila is OK, but mezcal is really nice. If bourbon wasn't available, that would probably be my first choice, for medicinal purposes and in moderation only, of course:).

  64. Anthony,

    Glad to hear you received your sight for your fwb 124 from B.B. He's a first class guy isn't he?

    Still need the stock since I plan on shooting the gun alot this spring/summer here in Colorado.

    You're spot on. This blog is addictive. So many great people here from so many different walks of life. Wonderful to communicate with people you have something in common with.


  65. BGfarmer,I have a gold top decanter bottle in the shape of a bowling pin full of Jim Beam from about 1980,that was bottled at 12yrs!I have wild turkey that old too.Talk about good!Powerful "medicine".Did you mean yours doesn't have an engraved case colored lockplate?I like to remove the screws and regrind them to exact length ,dome the ends and then re-blu them.They class up the lockplate alot!This model has 26" barrel,sweet open sights and a …great trigger for 1 stg. smoooth pull, surprise break,a real surprise on this level anything….

  66. I received my Trail Hardwood last Friday from PA. Sweet right out of the box. Have 130 shots through it and seems to be smoother by the pellet. Looking forward for the rest of your review.

  67. TwoTalon & Vince,

    Pardon my crass ignorance, but…. I assume that by breech seal you mean the piston seal? At least that's the only seal in the schematics parts list (item no. 20.) Or maybe I saw the washer (item 19 or 19a, whatever that is.) In the last picture of the PDF I posted you can look inside the breech from front to back. There's what looks like the piston head there. I have to wait till this weekend to open the breech again and look, since that cocks the rifle and I can't shoot a pellet right now.

    TwoTalon, thanks for the confirmation on how to fire the rifle with the breech and cocking lever open– I'll be extra careful now to be sure I avoid that sequence of steps. I can readily envision that it is a lot easier for that to happen than one might think. For instance, while holding the rifle by the forearm in my left hand to load a pellet with my right, I have more than once found myself accidentally pressing the release button with my left thumb. At the same time, my shirt or my fat belly had pushed in the safety button in the back. The only thing left to do was to actually pull the trigger. No doubt if I had a third hand I would've found a way to do that too, dufus that I am.


  68. BG_Farmer,

    Ah, mezcal. Brings back many fond memories. I may have shared a few that I can remember but some with stay with me forever.

    Back in the early-mid 1980's when haley's comet was closet to the earth I decided, along with some friends, to travel to a spot close to the USA that would be better for viewing.

    After landing in cozumel we spent about a week diving, touring and decompressing. We ferried over to Tulum. We messed around for about a week and ended up in cheymayel. A state supported developement that ran out of money when the mexico government went bankrupt in the early 80's.

    The infrastructure included a one mile entryway that was two lanes in both directions with a fully landscaped median and it halted at a two story guard house complete with heavy gates that crossed all 4 lanes of traffic. From there you could see that the jungle was cleared, they had built a two story structure on the shores of a ocean lagoon (similar to gilligans island lagoon) that housed the workers, plus a building about 100 yards away but still only about 50 yards from the lagoon that housed a small efficiency restaurant grade kitchen, an outdoor bar/serving area for restaurant food/drinks and close by was a 2+ acre paved parking lot that anticipated all the cars for the huge development that was to happen. Then the money ran out.

    Cheymayel is 110 kilometers from cancun. The operator of cheymayel got steady mid day traffic from tourists that needed a rest stop on their way to chichen itza and other day trip destinations. He sold drinks and food while the tourists stretched their legs. His "bread and butter" was renting spaces on the beach to poor travelers that erected their tents, renting portions of the 2+ acre parking lot to snowbirds on a budget in RV's and palapa's that were erected between the bar and the beach.

    A palapa was a thatched roof supported by a center pole set in concrete. The outside had small branches halfway up the sides of this structure and mesquito screening the rest of the way up. On the inside there was a round table top that sat in the middle of this small hut with the pole that supported the roof rising through the middle of this table. There were 5-6 stools set in concrete that surrounded this table. The initial purpose was to provide those wimpy tourists a place to sip their drinks when the bugs got to be too much for them. I rented one of these palapa's for 7 weeks and called it home.

    After agreeing on $1.25 US per night rent I went to the market in Tulum and bought a matrimonial hamaca (marriage hammock) and that was my bed for almost 2 months.

    This is already too long and I haven't told you about mezcal, the Tom Robbins toast, lalo, the barracuda/lobster/cave dive, the surprise find in the lagoon, the wedding ceremony where tempe pesquali was served or haley's comet in Coba.


  69. FrankB.,
    Now you're talking! Did I recommend Woodford Reserve to you? If not, look for it and try it. If you don't like it enough to finish the bottle, send it to me:).

    My lock is case-colored and engraved, but I would prefer the plain version(lightly blued or left white) for the rifle as it is now — looks more like a conversion lock that way. The picture of the Sharpshooter I saw had the very plain lock and hammer, but CVA changed that type of thing frequently.

    That is a good idea for the screws, but mine are just flush with the plate face, since I added a sideplate and countersunk the heads (as on an old one I was using for guidance).

  70. Volvo,

    Thanks. Interesting that this part is missing on the parts list. I'll figure it out. Do you think this seal could be damaged after only about 250 shots or so? I keep remembering the big bangs and smoke (dieseling?) that I experienced with this rifle very early in its life (within the first 15 shots) and wonder…


  71. Wayne, Walt's subject matter is grave enough, but his tirade does kind of crack me up, I have to say.

    BG_Farmer, imagine the sex tapes of the 1850s…

    By the way, Walt was not a hippie who only wanted to criticize the establishment. You could not find one more foursquare supportive of the American fighting man. He claims to have visited 100,000 wounded soldiers (more than the number of pellets I've shot in about the same period of time….) Here, in a letter to literary sage Ralph Waldo Emerson, is Walt again talking about politics and veterans.

    "Capitol to which these deputies most strange arrive from every quarter, concentrating here, well-drest, rotten, meagre, nimble and impotent, full of gab, full always of their thrice-accursed party—arrive and skip into the seats of mightiest legislation, and take the seats of judges and high executive seats—while by quaint Providence come also sailed and wagon’d hither this other freight of helpless worn and wounded youth, genuine of the soil, of darlings and true heirs to me the first unquestioned and convincing western crop, prophetic of the future proofs undeniable to all men’s ken of perfect beauty, tenderness, and pluck that never race yet rivaled." I think Walt was so PO'd at the politicians because of the value he placed on the soldiers who were so badly served by them.


  72. Derrick38,
    If you have an R-8 and a Wischo 55, I will be able to die a happy man.

    Scream. My order from PA came in today and the Pell Seat has been cheapened, so I will send you my old one. By the way, you should publish your memoirs soon.

    Anything is possible I guess, but my R-1 was still going strong after after more than 20 years when I sold it, including all the original seals and spring. I did keep an extra breach seal just in case, but never needed it.

  73. Volvo,

    Send me the "cheapened" one. How do you cheapen a pell-seat?

    I've refreshed my martini and re-read what I typed. Error-it's the morey eel-lobster-cave dive story. The barracuda story is different.

    Let me back up. Renting the palapa. First night we were there we learned about alka seltzers yucatan style. Tequila, add squirt, cover the shot glass and then raise and pound them down on a well worn piece of wood. The effect is a glass of bubbly that tastes like squirt but over time has the effect of a scorpion.

    This wasn't my first dance with tequila so I knew enough to set a limit on the number of shots I would engulf. I set my limit too high.

    I woke up with my friends in one of the palapa's. After waking up and mustering all my will and energy I found myself at the same evil bar that bit me the night before but this morning I had finished a decent breakfast and was getting friendly again with this massive concrete edifice. After lingering over a more than normal amount of post breakfast coffee I was confronted by Roberto, THE caretaker of Cheymayel.

    I was informed that since all of us has spent the night in the palapa that we owed $1.25 rent for the palapa. I said that was fine and paid him for a month in advance. Now I had a place to stay in this jungle enviroment and it had one 50 watt light bulb and a rent I could afford.

    Roberto was a character and we became friends quickly (I don't think paying him a months rent on a palapa hurt). The majority of the time his attire was a speedo. To this day I'm convinced that he put a fresh banana down the front of that speedo every morning in preparation for the tourista's that were sure to arrive every afternoon. Within a week or two we were such good amigo's that he took me barracuda fishing. Not a friendly gesture in reflection since he fished every morning to provide the "restaurant" with the catch of the day but I think that day his fishing buddy was unable to accompany him (hangover??).

    My friends only had one to two weeks to spend on this travel and had to return to family/jobs. It was the first or second day after they left that I got up early (habit formed young) and walked the lagoon before anyone else had rousted. At the northern point of the lagoon, after fighting through the undergrowth, I spotted a white plastic bundle wrapped in grey duct tape.

    This was in the days when dumping illegal cargo overboard after being spotted by US officials was common. My immediate thought was cocaine and I feared that I might not return to the US alive. Luckily it was only pot. 3 keys taped together and inside the plastic they were individually wrapped in heavy brown paper.

    I opened one to see its' contents. I took a handful to verify my suspicion and slightly buried the rest under a tree near the point of the lagoon.

    Because of this "find" I made friends quickly with those that were in the "tent campground" and still keep in touch with mike and clark that had been spending winters in cheymayel for several years before I arrived.

    This was about the same time the movie Romancing The Stone was popular so about 20 of us from the campground had a cookout on the point of the lagoon and the climax was throwing a key on the bonfire ala romancing the stone.

    It was the next day that clark introduced me to lalo, his mayan friend that he had known for years.


  74. Volvo,

    I'm considering adding a BSF 55 to the pile. Let me look at the financial snapshot this week. There's a pistol that I just sent to Nick and I may need to find one for myself.

    Can't help you with the R8, yet. I found a cherry one in .177 cal for you but the owner isn't parting with it just yet.

    What's the fascination with the Beeman R8? I know you've owned HW 50's and Beeman R7's. Is it the longer forend? You can tell me–I won't tell a soul. In a perfect world, is your R8 a .177 cal or are you hunting for the .20 cal?

    Have you owned a HW 55?

    Are you going out to Findlay for the "Toys that Shoot" airgun show April 10th?

  75. Frank & BG_Farmer,

    In my years of shooting black powder weapons, I have never experienced a hangfire with a percussion gun. I had one with a flintlock, but a little picking with the nipple prick and not loading the pan full of powder fixed it on the second shot.

    I have not shot modern percussion rifles yet. My TC Hawken will be the first, and I must say I was surprised by how weak the hammer spring feels. My old Green River original .45 had a much heavier hammer and always fired crisply.

    Your discussions have sensitized me to this possibility, so I'll keep the nipple wrench close at hand. I cannot see the need to pull a load, and I hate the thought of it.

    This old dog has some new tricks to learn.


  76. Anthony,

    No, I'm learning from duskwright the same as you. Both of those airgun brands are news to me.

    I used to like tequila a lot. Some might say too much, even. I don't drink that much these days. Don't want to spill anything on my blue bunny sleeper suit.


  77. As for a nitro spring, wood stock, slower speeds than the XL and being a little easier on the wallet:


    The Benji Trails should have "AO" on the box, luckily the PA order page does.

    I have over a 100 tins of pellets and bought more at walmart. The good ones are saved for targets and hunting, the bad ones go plinking through co2 repeaters with the exception of some saved for samples for possible future AG testing.

  78. Greetings BB
    At me one question, has nitro piston effect of a diesel?

    I do not like effect of a diesel, because it's not stable. Whether I should clear the weapon after purchase to remove effect of a diesel, or I can use the weapon directly from a box, without cleaning it?

  79. Just received my Benjamin XL 1100 today. Wow, really nice look and feel. Unpacked it and found everything to be in order. It was a bit oily in a few spots; probably due to over lubrication to guard against corrosion for the boat ride over the pond.

    Scope mounted nicely on the Weaver rail. Solid positive engagement with no perceivable play even with the mount screws just finger snug. My first time to work with this type of mounting system and I must say it will be hard to use anything else in the future.

    I fired a few rounds to get a feel for the trigger; deep draw and moderately heavy pull in my opinion. I removed the stock and wiped away the excess oils. I removed the factory trigger and replaced it with a GRT III which dropped in like a glove. I noted that the original trigger is solid metal. It appears to be a forging with a small amount of machining work. I also noticed that it has nearly identical geometry to the GRT III except the trip arm of the GRT III is set at a slightly different angle with respect to the center line of the pivot pin bore. I did not try it but my guess is you could remove the slack spring from the stock trigger and, if you have enough adjustment in the second stage screw, achieve similar performance to the GRT III. As I already have the GRT III from another project I did not bother with the experiment.

    The stock finish leaves a little to be desired. Nice tight grain with no apparent wood filler but there does seem to be a few spots where debris was mixed in the the stain and sealer. The sheen of the finish was flat. As the grain appeared to still be somewhat open and as I prefer a more satin appearance I wiped the stock down with Brichwood Casey gun stock wax. This made a noticeable improvement to the appearance and changes the tactile "feel" to touch. I should also help protect the stock from minor scratches and weather.

    I plan on giving it a work out tomorrow. Will be shooting Crosman Premiers, JSB Exact Jumbos, and RWS Superdomes. If it shoots and nice as it looks and feels I am really going to enjoy this gun.

  80. The literature that came with the gun stated at least 100 rounds might be required for break in. Pumped at least 120 through it this morning; that's quite an arm work out. Had to alternate left arm to right arm to get it done. I am 6' and 195 lbs and would consider myself above average strength for my size. Its a pretty stiff gun to cock.

    The GRT III trigger definitely feels better than the factory one. While I do not have a force gauge to measure I would estimate its close to half the draw weight and about half the second stage pull. I think its a big improvement.

    Despite the weight, the gun feels good to hold. I found it to be well proportioned. The noise level it much lower than other springers that I have shot. Sort of a quiet thump sound with a slight whistle imposed on top. The recoil is markedly lower than other the lightweight magnums I have shot.

    The RWS Superdomes did not seem to group well. While I would not consider myself a marksman I can consistently shoot 5 shot 1" groups at 30 yds with a Gamo Shadow Sport. Hoping that JSB Exact Jumbo's (15.9 gr) will settle it down a bit and let a descent group materialize. It could also be my hold/grip. Plan to work on that this afternoon.

    So far I am pleased with what I have found.

  81. Rick

    Thanks for the report. There are many of us out here very interested in this rifle. Try some Crosman Premiers if you have any. I have 2 Benjies and one Crosman and they all prefer Premiers.

    How do you like the thumbhole stock? Aesthetically, I don't like them. But…a hack shooter like me needs every bit of help they can get.

  82. Around 4:00 pm this afternoon I posted a follow-on comment with information about my experience shooting the XL-1100. I was a little discouraged to see that the 45 minutes of typing resulted in the update vanishing into cyberspace without a trace. As a result I decided to post my layman's review on my own blog, Michanimata. You can read it at http://michanimata.blogspot.com/2010/02/review-benjamin-trail-np-xl-1100-part-1.html.

    As for Slinging Lead's question, the thumb hole stock is really comfortable in my opinion. I was a little worried about as well as I have never shot a thumb-hole stock before. It seemed to fit my grip quite well.

  83. B.B.,

    Forgot to state in my last comment; really looking forward to the completion of your detailed review. Anxious to see what this riffle is capable of in the hands of an expert.

  84. Rick

    I read your review on your blog. It is very thorough. Incidently I had to shorten the URL to this to get it to work:


    I want to know which scope adjustment you are talking about. Windage or elevation? or both? Your description of the spring is correct. The reticle is printed or etched on a glass tube called the erector tube I think. A spring presses on the tube and makes it move when you turn a turret. If a turret is adjusted all the way out the spring isn't compressed enough and doesn't push against the erector tube hard enough to hold it in place during the recoil of a shot.

    Are either your windage or elevation turrets adjusted all the way out? Many rifles have barrel droop, which results in POI being way too low when using a scope. Trying to compensate for a large amount of barrel droop with your scope's elevation adjustment will result in a condition where your scope is not optically centered or to put it in technical terms, 'out of whack.' The POI will shift around as the erector tube floats in its home.

    Compensating for a large amount of elevation adjustment is better handled by shimming the scope rings. This way you can keep your scope optically centered, and give you the widest range of adjustment in the future. BB suggested 35mm film negatives, so that is what I use. Put them in the rear ring to bring POI up, put them in the front ring to bring POI down. Use how ever many you're rifle may require, but don't over do it.

    Incidently, your scope will now be at a slight angle in relation to the scope rings (unless the rings are adjustable) and the rings will want to flatten out that angle. So don't torque down too hard on the ring screws (not necessary) or you could crush the scope tube.

    Sorry if I am repeating a bunch of stuff you already know.

    Your groups with the JSBs are looking good. My guess is that when you get to shoot some Crosman Premiers, (get the ones in the brown cardboard box, not the tins)
    you will be smiling from ear to ear.

  85. Rick

    I just realized after re-reading my earlier post, that anyone who had adjustable mounts would not need shims. Duh. Please disregard that comment.

    I am not aware of any really good adjustable mounts anyway. The B Square ones are merely OK, and dont come in Weaver mount style so far as I know.

  86. Rick

    Sorry to hear of your tribulations. If you purchased the rifle from PA, they will take great care of you. You will probably have a replacement in a week. I suspect this one wasn't, but Crosman will still make it right even if your retailer won't. They have great customer service.

    It's a definite bummer, but don't get all down on it just yet.

    The premiers will almost certainly shoot good in your gun because of the shape and the structural integrity of the skirt. It isn't about the weight really. Crosman guns (and many many others) just really like these pellets. Don't worry about why.

    Incidently the only gun I have that likes RWS pellets, is an RWS rifle. Others may have different experiences.

  87. Slinging Lead,

    Yeah its a bummer but if Crosman takes care of customer service issues well I'll be in good shape. I am still very pleased with the rifle apart from the failure itself. Its just part of the process of rolling out a new product. I have posted a 4th part to my review on my blog with a few miscellaneous observations.

    Thanks for the info on the scope and the pellets. As far as the scope goes, the adjustments were not a the stops. The Weaver rail has a bit of droop comp built in. On the pellets, the heavier pellet will travel at a lower velocity and depending on whether you are above or below the 900 fps mark with the lighter pellet, the heavier can sometimes make a big improvement (based on what I have read). Skirt geometry and stiffness are interesting; would not have guessed either would make a big impact. Definitely going to try the Premiers.

  88. Not only did I wait patiently for B.B. Pelletier, (you cajun cher?), to review this air rifle, I also resisted the urge to purchase either the original crosman NPSS, (for many reasons), and the Benjamin Trail NP hardwood air rifle.

    While I was excited to see the Crosman/Remington/Benjamin conglomerate use the NP technology in a larger, heavier air-rifle with a WOODEN stock, I am wary and cautious.

    I'm enjoying watching the development of the now unleashed Nitro Piston technology.

    B.B. does all of us such a fine service and we are lucky to have this guy closer to our side than not.

    B.B., I think you should make this effort your primary focus as this rifle is more than affordable for most of us and is important in my opinion to Americans in these hard times, times that may get much more … "depressed".

    I look carefully at the Walther Hunter and the Gamo and I see a lot to be desired for a higher price.

    Let's really put the pressure on the makers of this gun to come through and fix these problems ASAP so we can buy this air rifle.


  89. Looks like I am in luck. The online retailer where I purchased the gun has agreed to provide me with a new replacement rifle. RMA is in hand and I should have a the next one in 2 weeks or so.

  90. Been trying to decide between the Marauder for $469 and the Trail NP XL for $299, sounds like they are both equally quiet. i like the idea of the PCP operation but not the time and effort for charging the resevoir plus the added equipment needed to charge it. any thoughts or is it basically apples and oranges due to the different power plants? thanks, Ironone1

  91. Ironone1,
    Yes, you're talking apples to oranges. You don't say what your intended purpose is for an air rifle (plink/hunt/etc) so I can't address your choices specifically but I can say, to my knowledge, with 99% certainty, there is no quieter rifle than the Marauder and it has zero hold sensitivity. I can also say that, since you even mentioned it, it must be within your financial reach. And, if it is within your reach…GET IT!! You will not regret it. It is very accurate, very quiet and depending on which caliber, very powerful. Yes there is the issue of filling it with air. I bit the bullet and bought a scuba tank – $160 and the fill adapter – $77.99. I don't regret it one bit! The hand pump costs $179. So for a few extra bucks get the scuba you don't have to work out so hard and you'll shoot more.

    I would also suggest you find the current days post and re ask your question there where more people will see it. Don't worry about being off topic. All topics are accepted on all current postings.


  92. thank you very much for the advice, i am looking for the quieter of the two. I will opt for the Marauder from PA. the kit with the pump and scope seems to be a good deal.
    thanks again,

  93. ironone1,
    WAIT A MINUTE, DON'T GO AWAY. When you order the Marauder get a box of Crosman Premiers. Not the tin but the box. You never said if you were getting .177 or .22 but the CP in the box at both calibers has worked the best for me in a couple rifles. My Marauder is a .22 and the boxed CPs 14.3g are consistently accurate. I haven't found anything better, yet. If you plan to do any hunting I'd strongly recommend the .22 rifle. If you're going to just plink get the .177 and save a little on pellets.

  94. Hey CJr,
    thanks for that, I will be getting the .22 since i will be doing some varmint control as well as target shooting. I will add that to the shopping list. do you know if there is much difference in noise between the .177 and .22 or are they pretty much the same? have an indoor range set up in the basement and wanted to keep the noise level down when anyone else was in the house.

  95. tncruiser,
    I don't know first hand if there is a diff in sound between the two but if anything the sound of a .177 should be quieter. However, having said that I will quickly add I shoot my .22 in the basement and the pellet hitting the target is where the noise is. Build a soft target out of duct seal or buy a quiet trap.

  96. CJr,
    from all the you tube videos and reviews I have read it seems it is very quiet and your information confirms it. I will post as soon as i get mine in.
    thanks again for all the info,

  97. Mr. air rifle guy, I dry fired my RWS 52 on accident when the pellet slipped out of the receiver and i continued the firing procedure. Some smoke came out of the barrel (probably burnt off chamber oil)and when i opened the breech some smoke came out also. The velocity doesnt seem to be lost(it still shoots through 1/4 inch ply wood at 25 yds.) and shows no signs or sounds of a broken mechanism. What should i do. Should i put any chamber oil in the air chamber because alot was burnt off? What are the seals made of? can they withstand a dry fire?

  98. Snooker,

    Vince is right. The seals in your gun are the toughest on the market. Just continue to shoot the gun normally and don't even bother with the chamber oil.

    This is not the current blog. You scrolled down to the bottom of the page instead of stopping at the top blog. You are on a blog that is six days old.

    Go back to the link and scroll down only as far as the END of the first posting. Then put your comments there, in the future.

    No need to do that with this one, as it has now been answered in two different places.


  99. I am waiting to recieve my xl 1100. I have some concerns after doing some research on the web apearently there are some safety and q c issues with benjamin rifles, now I wonder why you chose to show the box and the strap, but not the rifle ? ! ?

  100. The rifle is linked to in the first paragraph. There is a photo there.

    Did you read all four parts of this report? I ask because you are commenting on Part 1 and not or Part 4. There is a lot more about this gun to read here:



  101. Hi,

    can someone point me in the right direction. I have a .22 Benjamin Trail NP 950 and would like to convert it to 1100.

    I assume this can be simply done by swapping the piston. I just can not find anywhere to order them.

    Please let me know where I can find parts for this gun.

  102. Dave,

    No, you can't turn a NP 950 into an 1100.

    The piston stroke is different.

    Adding pressure to the gas spring doesn't work, either. Each rifle is designed to be what it is. So if you really want an 1100, you need to get a separate rifle.


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