Benjamin Trail NP, Image 1
Benjamin Trail NP, Image 1

Benjamin Trail NP XL Air Rifle

4.5403 reviews
74 answered questions


Caliber:.177 (4.5mm)

.177 (4.5mm)
.22 (5.5mm)
.25 (6.35mm)


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This Trail NP XL rifle features an ambidextrous hardwood thumbhole stock. In .177 caliber, this rugged breakbarrel boasts an impressive 24 ft-lbs of muzzle energy, providing a velocity up to 1500 fps.

Helpful resources:

  • Benjamin Trail NP (Nitro Piston) XL Air Rifle
  • Breakbarrel
  • Gas piston
  • Bull barrel
  • Ambidextrous stock with twin cheekpieces
  • Textured grip & forearm
  • 70% quieter than most other breakbarrels!
  • Includes unmounted CenterPoint Optics 3-9x40AO scope
  • Sling swivel studs already mounted
  • Hardwood stock
  • 9.70 lbs. with included scope & mount; 8.50 lbs. for just the gun (we've found that the weight can vary as much as 8 oz. due to fluctuations in wood densities)

The video on this page states it comes with a sling. It does not come with one.

If you shoot a lightweight pellet so its velocity exceeds the speed of sound, it could result in your pellet breaking the sound barrier and the gun being louder than expected! The speed of sound depends on humidity, temperature and altitude. Generally speaking, it's between 1,060 fps and 1,115 fps.

Here are the benefits of the Crosman Nitro Piston:

  • Smoother cocking
  • Smoother shooting
  • No spring torque
  • No spring fatigue, even if you leave it cocked for hours
  • Functions perfectly in cold weather
  • Lasts longer than a metal spring

The owner's manual states that the .25-caliber rifle delivers 950 fps. That's a misprint. The max is 900 fps.

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.177 (4.5mm)
Max Velocity
1500 fps
Suggested for
Small game hunting/plinking
9.7 lbs
Break barrel
Weaver mounts
Front Sights
Rear Sights
Trigger Pull
3.5 lbs
Barrel Length
Overall Length
1 round(s)
Cocking Effort
47 lbs
Body Type
Ventilated rubber

Ballistic & Conversion Calcs

Overall Rating



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10 of 403 Benjamin Trail NP XL Reviews

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Looks feel accuracy and power.

Trigger, moderator.

Buy it clean it shoot it shoots like a Lazer and hits with authority.

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As usual the higher-end Benjamins don't disappoint. I sat down to do the standard break in game. I was absolutely shocked the scope was almost perfectly on right out of the box and onto the rifle that's never happened before. I played three shots at some rocks at about 10 paces and every one of them hit. Just out of shock I set up a Target at 30 yards. It's holding consistently at about a quarter of an inch with the Winchester pellets I was going to use to break it in with. This is my fourth upper end Benjamin and I've never had more than a 50 shot break in. Those that complain about these guns it's safe to say they don't know what they're doing. I've been shooting high-end break barrels since the old 70s Beeman days. Things have come a long way since the F-124 was the biggest baddest Break Barrel on the planet. And back then I paid over 700 bucks for mine.

My only real problem at this point seems to be visual I can't say is I'm thrilled with this scope mount.

This thing is a beast It weighs almost as much as my sharp's rifle does. It is definitely not the air gun you want to buy if you want to plink at stuff. This is definitely a specialized rifle for the hunting crowd.
This is my second one I bought one when they first came out too bad a house fire got it. With the first one I had no problems taking down full size beaver foxes a few coyotes and a whole bunch of fishers not to mention more of these large Snowshoe hares better run around up here in the winter time.

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So far there isn’t anything for me to like. I’m hoping it’s just a break in problem but I have five pellet guns that I’ve purchased from Pyramid and have never had a problem of accuracy.

A better scope for sure. The one that came with it lasted about fifty shots and the crosshairs did a 45 degree turn. It needs a better trigger. Way to stiff.

Terrible accuracy. I cleaned the gun and tried several different pellets and it sprays pellets everywhere. Hardest cocking rifle I ever had. I would advise you to not buy it.

David Nov 04, 2024

I put lock tight on the for grip stock screws because they had backed out almost completely before I caught it. Also I unmounted my upgraded scope and bought Pyramid's one piece scope base. I then lock tighted all screws and even the claw that grips on dove tail grooves. My groups shrank from shotgun splatter to a 3/8 wide by 1 1/2 inch tall group. Gently tapping the underside of the barrel after cocking and closing gave me tight enough groups to safely take head shots on raccoons out to thirty five-fortfive yards. Now my attic trespassers fall silent in one shot and I sleep through the night undisturbed. Thanks Pyramid !

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The gun itself is powerful and is built with quality materials. For the power it has its relatively quiet. It does not feel cheap like most air rifles.

The scope is mediocre at best. Accuracy is horrible. At 20 yards the best it will group is 2”. I bought the rifle for varmint hunting, and as inaccurate as it is it’s kinda useless.

Some people seem happy. Others like me are not. Seems to be a quality control thing. Don’t bother having pyrymid air to their 10 for 10 or 20 for 20 test. I had them do the 20 for 20 and the scope wasn’t even leveled and at 20 yards it was 6 inches low and 4 inches to the right.

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Nothing rlly jt needs fixing Jt beware of the little things that will matter later on $320 and it’s worse then my gamo swarm maxxim gen2

Jt know at least with mines the scope is straight up right with the rifle with a level but when u hold it it’s so off.. and the center cross hair is off to the right it’s not even in the middle of the rifle it’s literally off to the right I have the same problem with the Benjamin prowler the first one they came out with it’s $220 more and it has orange peel on the shroud, center of the scope is off to the right, and when it’s leveled the scope is still crooked lmao I ain’t gonna complain abut the weight like most ppl cuz it says it and it’s not that heavy lol. Btw sadly they stopped including the sling idk why when it’s only worth $13 and the rifle has so much little things wrong with it smh but it’s definitely accurate

Dave Jun 05, 2024

Has it ever occurred to you that the crosshairs listing to the right is not a fault of the gun the manufacturer or the scope? That is a deviation in your personal build it has nothing to do with the equipment.

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I purchased one of these 2 years ago and I wish I could get a full refund. I have tried at least 5 different pellets and none of them have any consistent accuracy.

Jeff Jan 31, 2024

So there are many variables that can cause in accuracy in an air rifle. 1. you have to find the right pellet and even though you tried 5 that doe snot mean there is something wrong with the gun you just have not found the right pellet for it, 2 how you hold and shoot the air rifle matters as you cannot just bench rest it like a real rifle you need to learn and understand how to shoot it using the artillery hold and not hold it super tight when shooting it. the barrel first before shooting it the first few times can help as well to get the packing grease out of the barral. 4. having and air rifle rated scope matters as well even though this particular rifle does come with a scope and the centerpoint scope usually is a decent scope for air rifles. 5. always and I mean always check all your stock screw on the rifle even the ones down by the trigger as this is the biggest and most frequent reason and air rifle will not be shooting good groups and will cause accuaracy issues

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With little shooting experience (my first pellet gun) and less than 200 pellets of 27.8 grain Benjamin domed pellets. I’m able to hit 8 out of 10 shots on a 12x12 aluminum plate at 80 yards. No wind today with the elevation adjustment of the scope completely maxed out for drop aiming about 6 inches above the target. At this range on 1/8 aluminum plate it leaves about a 1/32 deep dent on the front. That’s with the plate affixed solid to a tree wider than the target. The grouping is about 7 inch with a few flyers. Still not fully broken in yet only ran about 175 shots through it max.

A bit more fps would be nice to push that range out a bit

Easy to cock, load and shoot. I’m not a big dude at all (5.10 and 145) and I can shoot this all day long.

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Very nice, solid and very accurate rifle

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Accuracy is The Most important must have for me and this rifle is Very accurate! I can hit the same hole 4 out of 5 shots! I love this rifle. :)

I wouldn't change a thing on it. The kit included a very nice scope. Once i got used to the release point of the 2nd stage of the trigger, it's a fun rifle to shoot.

Don't expect this break barrel to be as easy as a kid's bb rifle. Highly recommend!

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Fit and finish. Power. Brand name reputation.

The trigger is lacking. Long travel, gritty, heavy. I know Benjamin / Crosman can do better. The gun is certainly hard to shoot offhand as is. Accuracy is lacking.

I bought this based on brand name, price, advertised accuracy and power. (.22 caliber) Since having it, I have been disappointed on accuracy. I have had it long enough to spend quite a bit of time trying different pellets and scopes. It chronographs consistently with only a minimum extreme spread and standard deviation, yet I can not get it to group reliably within 1-1/2 inches at 10 (yes 10) yards. 25 yards groups are 4" if I am lucky and further is paper plate size groups or worse. I can say it does group better with the heavier pellets, trying 14.3 to 19 grains. After working with it for awhile, I can say at this point I wish I spent this money (and time) on one of the different guns I have purchased through Pyramid Air. I shoot in a break barrel "fun league" and can tell you that I am at a disadvantage, even when other shooters bring their 40+ year old family heirlooms.

Ed H. Oct 27, 2022

Thanks for the tip James. Tried them, still not what I had hoped. What I have learned so far about this gun is: the gun needs a thorough cleaning to start, be sure all action and scope screws remain tight, I had to shim the scope to get the elevation near midway (I was really close to being out of the adjustment range). The trigger definitely needs work (I installed a 5x9x3mm bearing), practice an artillery hold with a meticulous follow through. I have shot well over 1000 pellets through this gun, and it seems to be a little better now than it was when new. To be satisfied with this gun, I would like it to shoot 1-1/2 inch or less groups at 50 yards, 1 inch or less at 25. It is currently at least double that. I realize it's not a PCP, but I thought it would be more than a tin can plinker at 25 yards. If I ever get it to shoot, I will post my findings here.

james Oct 14, 2022

mine only likes the RWS pointed pellets. ater i switched to them it became a reliable accurate squirrel eradicator out to 50 yds

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