by B.B. Pelletier
Crosman’s Mark I Target is a beautiful single-shot air pistol. It resembles the Ruger Mark I.
Well, today I’ll test the velocity of my Crosman Mark I pistol. And you’ll recall that I’d planned to adjust the gun’s power for you as well. Well, I discovered that the pistol was already set as high as the adjustment will go, so that’s where I’ll start this report.
This buggered-up screw sticks out the front of the receiver, just beneath the barrel. Turn it out to slow the pellets and in to speed them up.
The gun has two power levels that are determined during cocking. The first click of the twin cocking knob selects low power and the second click is for high. On low power, the trigger is single-stage, and on high power it’s two-stage. It didn’t have as much creep on low power as I remembered, but there’s definitely a little bit.
On high power, I’ve adjusted the trigger to release at a much heavier weight than I remembered, but I do remember that I had backed it off to release at less than a pound and it had become unsafe. So, I cranked in a bunch of trigger adjustments, and now it breaks at around 5 lbs.
Adjusting the trigger is a matter of turning in or out on the Allen trigger-adjustment screw located in front of the trigger blade. You can make the second stage break very light, but just remember to test it with an unloaded gun, because you don’t want a gun that fires on its own.
The trigger adjustment screw is on all Mark I and II models.
Power adjustment
As it turned out, my pistol was set to the highest power level it could attain, so the first velocity figures are the best it can do. Since it’s a Crosman gun, I reckoned it would be best to test it with Crosman Premier pellets first.
Crosman Premiers
The .22 caliber 14.3-grain Crosman Premier pellet averages 431 f.p.s. from my Mark I on high power. The spread went from a low of 428 to a high of 434 f.p.s. The average muzzle energy is 5.9 foot-pounds at that velocity.
On low power, the same pellet averaged 310 f.p.s. with a spread that was somewhat larger. It went from a low of 305 to a high of 316 f.p.s. The average muzzle energy is 3.05 foot-pounds.
Then, I adjusted the power as low as it would go. The power-adjusting screw turned counter-clockwise until it seemed to stop, which I guess is a design feature. At that setting on high power, the pistol averaged 325 f.p.s. with a spread from 320 to 331 f.p.s. That’s a muzzle energy of 3.35 foot-pounds.
On low power, the velocity averaged 132 f.p.s. and ranged from a low of 127 to a high of 141 f.p.s. The muzzle energy averaged 0.55 foot-pounds.
I don’t know what benefit the power adjuster gives, since high and low power can be selected during cocking. I can understand why Crosman eliminated this feature in the later years of the pistol’s production. Maybe, with a modified gun there’s an advantage, but with a stock pistol I don’t see the need for power adjustment.
Is it repeatable?
Once the low-power adjustment test was finished, I adjusted the screw all the way back to high power and shot it once more through the chronograph. It registered 437 f.p.s., so close enough to where it was before.
Velocity with Hobbys
RWS Hobby pellets weigh 11.9 grains in .22 caliber, so you know they’re going to go faster than Premiers. On high power, they averaged 472 f.p.s.. The spread went from 464 to 479 f.p.s. The average muzzle energy was 5.89 foot-pounds.
On low power, they averaged 355 f.p.s., with a spread from 352 to 362 f.p.s.. The average muzzle energy was 3.33 foot-pounds. Do you notice how close the power is to the results I got with the Premier pellets?
Velocity with Gamo Hunters
The Gamo Hunter pellet weighs 15.3 grains in .22 caliber. On high power, they averaged 413 f.p.s., with a spread from 408 to 416 f.p.s. That works out to an average muzzle energy of 5.8 foot-pounds, or just a little behind the other two pellets.
On low power, the average velocity was 306 f.p.s. The spread went from 304 to 310 f.p.s. The average muzzle energy was 3.18 foot-pounds.
So, my Mark I is pretty consistent in the velocity department, as we expect a good CO2 gun to be. All shots were indoors with an average temperature of 70 deg. F.
The hold is near-perfect, improved over the stock Ruger Mark I grip by the super-ergonomic grips Crosman designed. And, the gun seems to get plenty of shots per CO2 cartridge. Let’s see what it can do downrange next!
There was an official Crosman repair station in Portland, OR when we lived there. The repair guy sold me used airguns for my kids, and he also sold me my 600. He told me he once killed a possum on his roof with one head shot (between the eyes) from his Mark 1. I assumed that meant they were pretty powerful. He never managed to find one for me though before we moved.
That repair station Ollie Damons is still around
Morning B.B.,
You’re making me want to find a Crosman Mark I/II to buy and I’m primarily a rifle guy.
Is the blog running ok? There is only one post other than mine since 2:06 am which doesn’t seem right to me!
Mr B.
Me too! I’m not sure what it is about this pistol, but it has captured my imagination as well. Maybe its the accuracy, or maybe the trigger, or maybe the high degree of customability, or maybe it’s a highly coveted collector’s gun – or maybe all of the above. Funny though, I’ve never really given a hoot about a pistol before.
I’ve got one like new in the box. MK 1 Manual and paperwork.
Blog Test!
It looks like it’s you and me buddy.
I was wondering if the power adjusting screw that B.B. was talking about could be used to tune the gun for the max number of shots per CO2 cartridge or for a particular pellet?
It’s possible in theory, but I don’t know how fine the adjustments are per turn or thread count etc. My guess is that it’s mostly at the high power end and mostly at the low power end and a little adjustment in between. BB noted that the pistol has a hi and lo setting, I think in the cocking mechanism, like my Benji AS392.
Do any shootin this past weekend?
Blog Test#2!
I’m here too 😀
I found my old crosman 357 magnum replica this week-end a drop of pellgun oil in the transfer port, where the piercing pin is and on the top of the powerlet. I then proceeded to screw in the powerlet and it started hissing and emptying itself another turn of the screw and it stopped 😀 it doesn’t seem to be leaking anymore, there still some gas left in it 12 hours later, I’ll re-check it tomorrow with a fresh CO2 cartridge.
I hope it can still shoot as nice as I remember.
Seems common knowledge what treasures these old Crosman Mark I & II pistols are. The modifications that are regularly done to these pistols that even turn them into carbines is legendary. Because of these mods it seems tougher and tougher to find one in original condition. B.B.’s pistol in the picture seems to be in above average condition.
What are they worth in this condition? Look here for an indication:
I know that you know that $420 is crazy, stupid money for a Mark I in any condition. That’s a $150-200 gun, and I’ll bet they can still be bought for that at airgun shows. But some people just want what they want and to hell with the cost. I would have liked to be the seller on that deal.
Agreed. There were 3 bidders up to $140.00 then the two remaining bidders went to war. If you look at the time and date stamps it’s clear that this pistol could have sold for more if these two kept at it. Clearly shows that these crosman pistols are still very desirable and that there are at least two people that this economy hasn’t affected. Or are affected.
I have a crosman mark 1 bought it at yard sale. Never used it its in good condition I would sell it for 75.00 your right 420.00 is way to much. Dont even know how old it is?
Do you still have that mk1 for sale?
Hi Anthony, do you still have that crosman mark one? and is it for sale?
Hi BB,
Smashing photo’s of a lovely pistol 🙂
Apart from the Ruger,I also think this Crosman looks like the old WWII Japanese Nambu service pistol.
Yes, and also the Finnish Lahti L-35?
BB & UK Dave: Or a Luger, but the Finnish L-35 is a real scarce gun. Even back in the day they were. I know about them. When I was a kid I lived right next door to a gun shop. Robert.
Just checked out the Lahti L-35.
I have never seen one before or indeed heard of it.Thanks
What a dead ringer of the crosman or should that be the other way round?lol
Also looking again at the Nambu.Dang what an ugly pistol 🙂
Kevin: I saw that also. That gun started at $125 which would have been what I personally would of paid at most for it, plus shipping. A $150 is about the limit for one in that condition my opinion. The guy who bought that should have just bought a LD from Mac, he’d been money ahead. In fact, awhile ago I saw a LD some where for like $375, like new.
It’s seems funny now ,but back when I got interested in shooting pistols, I really wanted a Ruger MKI. I could have bought a Crosman MK 1 for 39.95 from our local hardware store, which seemed expensive. But, since I had room to shoot RF, I bought a used Ruger MK 1 bull barreled pistol instead. It was $80.00, and was my first target pistol. It took a weeks pay as a bag stuffer at a local grocery store to pay for it, in 1978. I already had a Ruger single-six I’d bought a year earlier.
I shoot that gun so much that a hole wore in the bottom of the breech bolt, and I had to send for a new one from Ruger. Eventually I shortened and re-crowned the barrel in a lathe to four inches, and remounted the front sight, which I ramped. I wanted to make it handier. This was years before Ruger brought out a shortened version of the bull barreled MK 2. I had liked the the regular MK1 Ruger , but knew I would never be satified with the fixed sights. I still have it, Robert.
Robert from Arcade,
You’ve got good taste in pistols.
Although it seems easier to modded crosman mark I or II’s untouched originals are still out there. I found one at a gun show earlier this year in pristine condition. Wayne now has that gun. Maybe I should have sold it on gunbroker! LOL!!
I had a ruger MK II and recently acquired a MKIII with the 6 3/8″ fluted bull barrel. Had some problems with it feeding and didn’t like the trigger so made those mods ahile back. Shot it this weekend. Still testing a variety of ammo. Fun gun.
Kevin : Yes, I think that the Ruger’s are great guns, and the newer models are an improvement over the older ones. Funny thing is, I could’ve bought a like new High Standard Citation at the same time for maybe $30 more, but I liked the Ruger better. It looked way cooler than the conservative, stuffy High Standard. But. what that would be worth now compared to my modified Ruger! I would have made some money on that one.
On the feeding issues with your mark 2, maybe you should try different mags in your gun? I also now have a newer Ruger standard Auto, and it has a better trigger than my old Mk 1,but it’s not broken in yet. It does, remarkably, shoot to point of aim with the fixed sights. I use the bulk Federal target pistol ammo that our local Wally world sells in mine. Cheaper than CCI pistol match, which both guns love.Take care ,Robert.
Feeding problem is solved. Installed the aftermarket extractor and filed the lips on my mags ever so slightly. This gun will eat anything now.
The federal bulk stuff from wally world (black and maroon box) is good for plinking but doesn’t group worth a darn in my gun. For value I like how the american eagle 38 gr copper coated groups. So far the wolf match target groups best but at $9 for 100 I don’t shot them much. I can’t believe the prices of other rimfire ammo. Been out of this game a long time.
Kevin: Yes, the ammo sure has gotten expensive and scarce. Some of the RF stuff is crap too, especially Remington bulk stuff. My MO these days is to think how much ammo or pellets I could buy with the money I would alternately spend on a new/used gun. So now, I don’t buy many guns anymore, new or used. I buy ammo and shoot a lot instead. I have too many guns as it is, and it takes a special gun to pique my interest these days. Guess maybe I’m burned out a bit. I see a lot of folks buy air gun after airgun and never learn how to shoot what they already have, and they are not collectors. The forums are full of these folks, some of whom must have un-limited funds.
Glad you got the feeding issues solved. I just went to my mail box. Check out the October edition of Shooting Times. There’s an article on the ARES 22-RCU, cabine conversion unit. It turns a Ruger pistol you might already have, into a carbine. Very cool , when and if it becomes commonally available. Ruger auto’s , are the 2240 of the RF world! Robert.
How right you are. Got back in town late yesterday and went to midway to order another case of .22 ammo. They’re out of everything!! Never had a gun shoot bulk remington stuff well. Jams, misfires, poor accuracy, etc. I don’t know who they sell this stuff to but people buy it.
Appears that many airgunners take a lot less time to learn their guns than I do. It takes me quite awhile usually to learn a new gun so I’m slow on the acquisition side. I’m still selling more than buying. The only other ruger pistol I have is an old single six. Don’t think it would make a good carbine conversion unit.
“Ruger auto’s , are the 2240 of the RF world!” Great analogy. I think the ruger mark pistols are the pistol version of the ruger 10 22 rifles since there are so many aftermarket mods available for both.
I concur. I also regret selling my MKII years back.
Kevin; Give the Federal Bulk HP’s a try. I have had good luck with them.
Kevin and Robert,
For great ammo prices, go here:
Wow, nothing like firearm ammo prices to make you realize how CHEAP airgunning is in comparison!
Yes, let’s see the accuracy of this pistol. On the subject of airplanes, flying radio controlled does make you more aware of the crummy landings when you’re flying commercial although I have to admit that landing is no easy thing, and in many hundreds of flights I have never that I know of experienced a pilot miss a landing and have to go around for another attempt.
Kevin, if you’re grouping the Winchester 94 at 75 yards you are a better man than me although I probably haven’t given the gun a chance since I only shoot 20 cartridges at a time. I read of one gunwriter who claimed to hit a gong repeatedly at 300 yards with it, and the gunsmith operation who checked the function of my rifle said they should be capable of 4-5 MOA.
What’s the problem with the lubricants that you’ve been using? I use Ballistol and it seems to do the job. But I’m not an experienced hand; I’ve never used anything else. I read somewhere that just about any lubricant can keep an AR-15 running–even lime juice. So maybe the type of lubricant doesn’t matter although this article did not, generally, reassure me about the AR-15.
I didn’t say how big the groups were.
The lubricants in my gun kit are old and almost gone. I’m curious as to what newer products you firearm guys are using and whether the CLP type products are all that they’re touted to be.
You’re using ballistol on the internals of your firearms?
Ballistol is the choice of several European military and law enforcement units for lubricating the innards of full-auto weapons. They swear by it.
You can read the Ballistol Story here:
Ballistol is good stuff. Also give Tetra Gun Oil and Grease a try. For cleaning, try M Pro 7. It really cleans with almost no odor.
I have had a pilot have to pull up and go around again. Another plane was trying to land in the same space at the same time! And I’ve landed at the airport at Los Alamos, NM where the runway runs the long way on a finger mesa with not much space to either side and a perpetual cross wind. That’ll disorient a passenger in the front seat of a light aircraft.
When I was on my first solo flight and on short final approach, a hot-rot pilot pulled onto the active runway in front of me and proceeded to take off. I had to pull up, carefully drop my flaps and bust out of the active landing pattern to avoid hitting him. I always felt that was the dirtiest trick anyone could play, because up to that point I had only practiced a missed approach a couple of times.
Thank you. You probably already know about these:
Yes, I deal with Champion Shooters for exotic 10-meter pellets that Pilkington and PA don’t have. Midsouth Shooters Supply is a company I’ve seen at SHOT, but I wasn’t aware of their ammo prices. I will have to check them out.
Crosman should adapt features of the Mark I and II to a upgraded version of the Benjamin “EB” series ,CO2 pistols. Variable power and adjustable trigger would be welcomed. There still a market for single shot CO2 pistols, so why not!! Heck, even copy the Ruger MkIII rear adjustable sights, and bring back the .20/5mm pistols too!!!
I am selling a Belgium Hyscore 801 on the Yellow Classifieds. I know BB reviewed one hear so I though some of you might be interested.
C02 is an amazing power source. About 40 shots at R-7 power levels from one little powerlet. I really like C02 guns.
David Enoch
BB: Thanks for the link, and Mid South is a good source for bulk .22 cal jacketed bullets.
Kevin: I use Ballistol, Rem-oil, Hoppe’s #9, also Hoppe’s gun oil, and for copper fouling, Shooters Choice. For plasiic shot shell wad residue in my shotguns. I use some 0000 steel wool wrapped around an old worn outbrass bore brush, and spin it in my cordless drill. I use JB bore paste for really stubborn fouling in my rifled arms. a Lewis lead remover takes care of the .357& .44 mag lead bullet fouling in the forcing cones. I also use JM’s moly paste on my fire arms as well as the airgun seals and such.
Matt: You should find a copy of Sam Fadala’s book the “Winchester’s 30-30, Model 94, (Stackpole books,ISBN 0-8117-1905-7, copy right 1986). There is a lot of wonderful information in this book about the 94 and getting the most from one. I have tuned mine, and found that very tight barrel bands will hurt the accuracy,as does the magazine plug screw if it is to tight. Your groups will show verticle stringing. Handloading will bring out the best in the 94’s, medium burning IMR 3031 is the best powder I’ve used in mine. Also , buy a receiver sight , and a front sight that doesn’t cover up most of the target, Robert.
I get excellent results using 3031 in a 7.5mm Swiss, but I never thought to try it in the .30-30. Got a pet load you’d care to share?
BB: try 27.0 grs of 3031 with a jacketed 170 gr bullet. Another is 25.0 grs of 3031, with Lyman cast bullet #311291 (170 grs/with gas check,give or take, depending on the alloy). I use CCI 200 LR primers. I have also loaded the .311 Hornady RB over 7.5 grs of Unique for 25 yard squirrel and pest bird shooting. Use a tuft of Dacron over the powder, and just push the ball in the case mouth with half the ball showing. The RB load is for loading directly into the chamber only,Robert.
Thank you for these loads. Yes, I use Dacron over-powder loads in my trapdoor Springfield, so I’m familiar with its use.
The rifle I plan to use is my new Remington 788, so loading singly will not be a problem.
And I have a small batch of hard cast 170-grain gas-checked lead bullets to try with your recommended load.
Thanks again,
The thing to do with the power adjuster is to open it up all the way and shoot it over the chronograph. Then start screwing it in slowly until you see velocity starting to fall off. This way, you are not expelling more C02 than needed with each shot. This will sometimes also make a C02 gun more quiet for the same velocity.
David Enoch
I have 3 Mark I’s; one is a MAC1 LD. They all have the same trigger charcteristic; if you back off on the pull weight too far, you can’t reliably cock it. Sort of an automatic detection mechanism of whether or not you have backed off too much. I would say the performance of the two stock ones are comparable to your pistol and probably representative of the breed. If I sandbag either of the Mark I’s, I can shoot a ragged hole at 10 Meters (That’s how I sight them in regardless of the advice that freehand is the best way). I would expect you to have similar accuracy results to the Air Arms Alfa pistol as mine and the Mark I shoot about the same.
On the topic of rimfire, My Mark 1’s prompted me to go out and get a Mark III Competition (although that is not the look alike of the Mark I). NIce gun. I rate it as better for a pistol than the 10/22 is for a rifle (Of course, I have the only 10/22 they had when I bought it and they now have the target…). PS I make rimfire ammo at $.05 per shot and pellets at just over $.01. Both are cheap compared to the “low cost” bigger calibers like 9mm at $.25 per.
I am sorry if this is off-topic, but I’ll try here.. it is closest I can find:
My Question: I am a 78 y.o. air gun newbie. I just purchased a Umarex Walther Co2 powered lever action 94. As you no doubt know, it is dual-powered. My question is: can I load just one full Co2 powerlet and one empty Co2 powerlet and still shoot the gun? I am wondering about possible bad effects on the seals the power the number of shots (presumably lower?) Any thoughts on this? I’ll try to find my way back here in case of an answer… 🙂 Thanks!! MarvC
You are still not on the current blog. That would be here:
Yes, you will get the same velocity and less than half the shots by using one CO2 cartridge. No, it shouldn’t hurt the seals, as long as you put a drop pf Crosman Pellgunoil on the tip of the fresh one before you pierce it./ Here is the Pellgunoil:
We don’t worry about off topic questions on this blog. There are hundreds of nice readers who will bend over backward to help you out, and you will be joining tens of thousands of readers. We welcome you.
Thank you, BB
I really appreciate the swift and courteous response.
Further comments I’ll make at/on the current blog! Now, I’m off to get a tube of Crosman Pellgunoil. 🙂 I have some on order, but it won’t be here ’til Tuesday, and I would like to shoot this weekend. 🙂
For this weekend you can use drops of 20-weight motor oil, as long as it has no detergent. It’s the basis of Pellgunoil, with some other additives.
This is a nice air gun. I have only had it for one day, & all i have done so far is sight in the scope. But so far i really like it.
The scope is great ! & the rifle is a straight shooter. I like the trigger & Recoil is nothing, & it is pretty darn quiet for a 22 cal pellet traveling at around 900 FPS. The check rest is pretty sweet as well.
I am looking forward to getting this out in the woods. Since i have only had it for such a short time….this review will be updated after i have broken er in. The only negative things i can think of to say…is the opening in the stock is a tad small….as i do not have overly large hands & it is a little snug around my thumb knuckle. Also….i would like a sling, maybe i can rig something up. It IS a little barrel heavy….no biggy, i suppose that is because the barrel is shrouded to help silence it.
Ok… im Back with an update 🙂 … This is the day after i received the rifle….1st let me backtrack.
I was hired to exterminate a horde of red & gray tree rats that has taken over a house & the surrounding forest. Years of the Lady of the house over feeding them caused their population to explode….now they are in the house…..chewing away. So….i have allot of work to do & got at it this morning.
It was very warm & humid in the Northeast this morning… my digital weatherman is showing 92% humidity……Dark clouds rolled in & a thunderstorm broke loose. An hour or so later the rain stopped…so i set out as it was perfect hunting conditions…the moist soft ground made for silent stalking.
I took off the scope lens cover & cranked up the range to around 50 yards & broke the barrel & loaded a round. I made my way down the trail….my strategy… to start from the outside in the woods…..& work my way in towards the house…so i rounded a bend & then saw him, a gray at roughly the range i set the scope at, so i shouldered the rifle, flipped forward the safety & held…creeped the trigger forward until….crisp let off then a mild report & a soft thump let me know i connected. Still flopping….so i followed up & finished him. As far as the safety goes….i like it BUT…it does make a click when taking it off….but is silent setting it….the exact opposite the way it should be. other Rats in the area started sounding the alarm so i kept moving…i saw a gray up high but too much foliage was in between us….in the moisture rich air….at that range shooting upward…all those factors were negating the probability of landing a telling blow….so i just let him go & kept moving….this gun hits hard….but to make a kill shot at that range it would have to be a head shot. The rifle is not heavy…but it is un-balanced as the barrel makes it front heavy. Yeah, a carbine version of this with a folding stock would be nice. & a sling would be nice. Due to it being forward heavy, it is kinda hard to make quick snapshots.
Well…..about 20 minutes later another gray was down…..another 10 minutes later a red. A few minutes later i was off for lunch n& now here i am adding this update. After a nap i will head back & resume work.
So….this rifle is a great buy….as it gives you what you need to work with at a reasonable price…sure there are harder hitting more accurate ect guns you can get….but you will pay allot more & spend more time setting up & maintaining ect those PCP weapons. You get a reasonably accurate sufficiently powerful very quiet shooting rifle that will in the hands of a capable shooter….be an effective tool that will enable you to do what needs to be done…when you need to do it. With minimum investment in your time & money….it took me 10 minutes to put the scope on….& roughly 10 rounds to get the rifle & scope to see eye to eye. BTW the gun has a 100 round break in period….before the accuracy will “stabilize” …which i have not done yet, so far i have only shot it about 30 or so times…. So, to make 3 kills right out the box is pretty darn good. After 100 rounds i will re-sight the scope & then it should be a real tight shooter.
Yes….i like this rifle & am glad i spent my $$$ as i did. It’s not perfect…but could you imagine how much a “perfect” one would cost ??
I have a Mark 1. Would sell it if someone was interested. Email me for details and to discuss the gun.
You’ll do better selling your Mark 1 on the classified site on the yellow forum:
Plus, you didn’t list your email address, so no one can contact you.
I have a crosman Mark 1 in working condition. I would like 80.00 for it.
Hi my Crossman Mark I leaks Co2 how do i replace the seals and where could i get a kit to fix it. I have owned this gun since i was a young boy. I am now 49 years old i would love to get it working again. Thank’s DAN
The good folks on the Crosman Forum should be able to help you with repair instructions.
And this dealer can point you to the parts you will need:
Ron Sauls
Thank you very much
Taking offers on a like new in the box Crossman MK 1. Complete with the box, manual and other enclosed paperwork.
New to the site so please inform if I’m not in the right place to sell this.
Have a great day.