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Education / Training The Umarex Steel Storm – Part 2

The Umarex Steel Storm – Part 2

by B.B. Pelletier

Part 1

Umarex Steel Storm

I learn as much about airguns from this blog as anyone. Only, I get my education from the comments. In the case of today’s topic, the Umarex Steel Storm, I learned that this was already a front-runner among the BB subguns on the market. It didn’t need any of my attention to move it into a top spot.

Full-auto fire is one good reason the Steel Storm surpasses the HKMP5 K-PWD in most people’s eyes. Now, I have to give my opinion on that. The full-auto burst rate of the Steel Storm is nothing like a true submachine gun firing on full auto. The reason? It’s simply too fast. It has a cyclic rate that must exceed 1,200 RPM, which puts it up in the MG 42 (Hitler’s bonesaw) range. In fact, it sounds more like a minigun than a machine gun to me.

That said, kids and people who have never fired automatic weapons are going to love it. Because at this hyper rate of fire it is a very grotesque exaggeration of reality, the stuff daydreams are made of. In short, it’s fun.

I found the gun very easy to load, and with the Steel Storm loading means two different things. First you load BBs into the 300-shot reservoir, and next you load BBs from the reservoir into the 30-shot BB magazine. To do the latter, move the spring-loaded follower to the forward position, then turn the gun on its left side and shake it a few times. The BBs will fall into the magazine channel.

The internal magazine loads by shaking the gun while it’s on its left side. Spring-loaded follower keeps BBs under tension.

After loading, you must manually cock the action for the first shot by retracting the cocking lever that’s located at the upper rear of the receiver. To uncock the action, put the gun on Safe, point the muzzle in a safe direction and pull the trigger. There’s a cocking indicator on both sides of the receiver. A hole located above the selector turns from black to silver when the gun is cocked, giving you a visible means of determining the gun’s status without firing. Another hole at the same location on the other side of the receiver does the same thing.

The ridged button at the back of the receiver is the cocking “lever.”

When the gun is cocked, you can see silver through the cocking indicator window above the selector switch. Another hole on the opposite side of the receiver shows the same thing.

Loading the CO2 cartridges
The Steel Storm uses two 12-gram CO2 cartridges that are housed inside the pistol grip. Each cartridge is installed and pierced separately, and I didn’t hear a hiss of gas during the whole operation. However, when I inserted the gas magazine into the pistol grip, there was a puff of gas when the magazine pressed home, as it has to charge the gun.

Firing the gun
The Steel Storm pulses with every shot. You can really feel the power. For chronographing, I set the selector on semiautomatic, of course, and I allowed 15-30 seconds between shots. This is a very loud gun, so be prepared for that.

Daisy zinc-plated BBs
First up were Daisy zinc-plated BBs. We know from the HK MP5 test that they will be slightly slower than the Crosman Copperhead BBs, but the advertised velocity of the Steel Storm is 430 f.p.s., so they should still move out fast. I found it very easy to load just a few BBs into the big reservoir, and then dump them all into the BB magazine. They averaged 422 f.p.s. with a rather large spread from 413 to 439 f.p.s.

Crosman Copperhead BBs
Next to be tried were Crosman Copperhead BBs. They must be lighter because they averaged 437 f.p.s., with a much tighter spread from 431 to 443 f.p.s.

Weights seemed wrong
All the BBs on the website weigh the same 5.1 grains, yet clearly the Copperheads move faster. Weight and bore fit can be the only two variables, so I weighed both the Daisy BBs and the Crosman Copperheads. Daisy zinc-plated BBs weighed between 5.1 and 5.4 grains, with 5.3 being the most common weight. Crosman Copperheads weighed between 5.0 and 5.2 grains, with 5.1 being the most common weight. That was surprising. I didn’t expect to see that much variation in a spherical projectile. But Copperheads are clearly lighter than Daisy zinc-plated BBs, so their faster velocity is now explained.

Chronograph troubles
I did find that holding the muzzle of this gun too close to the start screen gave several dubious readings. But when I backed up to 12 inches, all the readings were consistent. I think the Steel Storm blasts out a lot of gas that tends to set off the start screen of a sensitive chronograph.

Thus far, I have to say that the Steel Storm is proving to be the more interesting BB submachine gun. Of course there’s still accuracy to consider, plus we haven’t yet heard from the Umarex EBOS.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

44 thoughts on “The Umarex Steel Storm – Part 2”

  1. NO! The Drozd can’t be outdated already…..I just finally got a longer barrel! But seriously,there are some nice features here.Kudos to the engineer that realised a bulk reservoir onboard paired with a feed assist magazine keeps my BB money from hitting the floor!

  2. Update about state in Danube(Dunav)firist wave here is passed with no apparent (mayor) damage (they say)and according to expert officials quantity of red mud that was spilled in Hungary(475000m3) was about the same like BP spill in Gulf of Mexico,to make things worse another dam is cracking with more than 500000m3 red mud- and more concetrated poison and …. we can expect second spillage no more fishing for me…..sorry guys for going of topic

    • I saw something about that on the news yesterday. More bad news. Sorry this is happening to your people over there.

      Fishing is not always good around here either. You can not see the poison in the water, but there are many places that you would not want to eat the fish. I am not sure if you would even want to get your hands in the water.
      It is amazing how much poison that fish can live in without showing any sign that there is danger.


    • This is frightful. I’ve read that it is the whole magnitude of the BP spill condensed into a few days. Hang in there. Hopefully, this will galvanize awareness of the environment.


  3. Twotalon i now like( ex)pro aquarist can say just one thing -fish can not stand that much of “interferance”in eco system ,so who can destroy whole river system and how much are we (really )”smarter”than a apes couse we drink our own sewer water for profit of some people, it is just my bad english opinion -but i am sensitive about river eco systems couse water represent life, without clear water there is no “us”-second largest Europe river can die just like river TISA( 1998-9) from arsenic .Anyway thank you for concerning i was looking at BP spill like something that will newer have affect at me but now- see we are all in the same sewer ….

    • Milan,

      You hit the nail right on the head with your statement: “we drink our own sewer water water for profit of some people.” However, the lawyers will work very hard to remove the profit from companies that knowingly pollute the environment. Yes we all are on this planet together.


  4. B.B.,

    I have been toying with the idea of a Drozd but have been holding off due to its price. Not saying that it is is expensive, just probably valuable but I do have other firearm and air gun priorities. I would presume that the price differential between the Steel Storm and the Drozd means something, but what?


    • Tunnel Engineer,

      I’m seconding your question. I’d like to have one of these in my house, but which one????


      PS Frankb, how do you like your Drodz? Who makes a LDC for them?

  5. Mrs. Gaylord and/or B.B.,

    When did Pyramyd AIR start carrying the RWS Diana Models 48, 52 and 54 in .25 caliber? On the PA site the specs show that all 3 of the models in .25 caliber achieve 800 fps. On the PA site the RWS Diana Model 54 is priced at $645.50 in .177 and .22 but only costs $559.99 in .25 caliber? $86.00 less in .25 caliber?


    • Kevin,

      The .25 cal. sidelevers were activated late last week. These are the last of the .25 cal. guns from Umarex. No more will follow. Apparently, the 54 in .25 cal. had a lower cost to Pyramyd AIR, so they passed along the savings to the customer.


      • Hi Edith, I had no idea the 48, 52, 54 series was available in .25 cal. I have a 48 in .22 cal. Have you or Tom tried one of the .25’s out? If so, how does it perform? I really enjoy my 48, plenty of power and accuracy. Do you know if it is available in .20 cal? Thanks! Toby

        • Toby T.,

          The older Diana RWS Model 48 did have an option for .20 caliber but was discontinued in 2006. The model 52 had an option for .25 caliber but never came in .20 caliber but the .25 caliber option for the model 52 was also discontinued in 2006. These recent acquisitions by Pyramyd AIR from Umarex sound like NOS (New Old Stock). Treasures.

          I never knew the model 54 even came in .25 caliber. Am I the only one astonished by these few, rare guns that are now available new in the box? And according to Mrs. Gaylord when they’re gone that’s it!


        • Toby,

          The .25 caliber didn’t work well in the Diana sidelevers. There is not enough swept volume. The velocity was lower than advertised, so they didn’t sell well.

          However, they are still powerful airguns and quite collectible, as very few were made.


            • Toby T,
              I agree with BB, and you sound like you know what you’re doing, so I am curious what other guns do you have on your list? Are you just going for the biggest bore?

              • CJr I have a short list to go along with my short cash supply. The two that top the list are the HW95 Luxus in .20 caliber and the TX200 (haven’t decided on a caliber yet). As far as big bores go I don’t own one, yet. I don’t do much hunting so I really haven’t considered buying one. I really enjoy target shooting and plinking. I guess I killed enough with my Blue Streak when I was younger.

                • Toby T,
                  Good choices. I’ve been hearing so much about the TX200 lately. However, I’m a PCP guy now. Hard to convince myself a springer would be better. I don’t hunt either. I just like to target shoot in my spare time.

                  • CJr I don’t have a PCP but would really like to get one. The only PCP on my list is the Marauder in .22 caliber. From what I have read it appears to be a good one. Any thoughts?

  6. To All

    Anyone know if there is a PA discount coupon/code for this week? (you normally would receive one with a PA email)

    Last one I had was “AirgunSep29” but it ran out on Oct 5.

    Brian in Idaho

  7. The theory of cyclic rate for machine guns seems to be changing, not that it was ever stable. The MG42 was feared, admired, and criticized for its high rate although it has been surpassed by the rates of miniguns. For anything that is not a government, this poses problems with ammunition supply. The new theory has to do with aiming in the midst of spraying. Accordingly the SCAR rifles that have been approved for the special forces have a fairly low automatic rate of about 600 rpm. The idea is that the gun will be more controllable and that any higher rate just wastes the ammo. We’ll see how this pans out. Aimed automatic fire is an interesting concept.


    • Hand held full auto fire is useful to put the enemy down fast at close range. Other than that, you are better off set on semi. Extended use of full auto just burns through you ammo too fast.

      Now, crew served weapons are another storey……………


  8. Toby T,
    I have a .22 Marauder and I can’t say enough good about it. I really like it. I just wish I could shoot it farther that 10 yards but I don’t have the space – convenient space, I should say. It is a very accurate rifle at 10yds. I use a scuba tank to refill it. I know, call me lazy.

    Shooting PCP is so easy. A lot of blog readers like the challenge of the springers and the artillery hold and the recoil so be aware you’ll not see any of that with a PCP. Aim your Marauder, hold your breath, curse your heart beat, time the pulse and pull the trigger. Dang! I that shot was off by a whole .01 inch – gotta practice more.

  9. My back-ordered “Steel Storm”, and accessories, are due tomorrow. But I had to cancel the UTG Tri-rail mount, as it really wouldn’t allow the Walther MRS sight to be as close to the barrel line of sight and the mounted flashlight and laser.

    I did find a “Y” type adapter, sold at Amazon by only 1 vendor, but it wants to mount the accessories that still may be too close together. http://combatoptical.com/catalog/DUAL-SIDE-45-DEGREE-ANGLE-OFFSET-SEE-THRU–RAIL-MOUNT–721.html. This will still leave a narrow path. Wish it were made inverted so it drops down at 45 degrees each, instead of up.

    I also ordered a folding grip to steady the whole thing. Pyramyd canceled this item, as they say they were told it is not legal in California. This is NOT correct, as the regulation applies ONLY to FIRE ARMS, not BB, or paint ball guns. However it must be mounted under the barrel.

    Again, Amazon came through and it arrived.

    • Tiger,

      Sorry, but Pyramyd AIR is correct. If something can fit a firearm & it’s illegal in that state, then we cannot send it. If we did ship it, anyone could buy it under the guise of wanting to put it on an airgun or paintball gun.


  10. I believe that whatever the law actually says goes. If a plastic grip is made for an airgun and not for a firearm, then it might be lawful for a store to sell it to you. For sure, if you then mount that airgun grip on a firearm, you alone would be responsible for breaking the law. If the law was written to include restrictions on airgun fore-grips, then Edith and Pyramid Air would be correct. Such a law would seem very unusual here in Iowa. If I recall correctly, powder actuated nail guns aren’t firearms, air gun parts are not designed for firearms, a business has no responsibility to control the actions of customers once the customers leave the premises and we are all innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Edith and Tiger, have both of you been reading from the same statute? I hope the statutes win over any misinterpretation of law. I’ve not read the California statute, but I know that federal law and the laws in Iowa would not ban non-firearm items. Tiger, I think you’d be OK, but just in case Edith is right, please consult your state’s statutes on this one. I’ll try to look that one up as well and let you know what I find, because this issue really interests and concerns me, especially if Iowa decides to adopt some California airgun laws. Edith, if the law backs up what you say, then this post might help if anyone else brings this up in the future. I’ve seen comment battles fill a website with junk text months before a controversial issue is resolved. My hope is that the facts will resolve this issue before it gets out of hand here. I’m not a troll, just bored and I have time to help clear up this issue. To everyone, Pyramid Air is a business. Like any business, Pyramid Air has the right to refuse any sale, and I respect that. My only goal is only to help clear up this issue.

    • Kenny,

      No changes will be made to Pyramyd Air’s policies regarding foregrips. They cannot be expected to buy firearms to test airsoft products. Also, I discovered an interesting bit of information about 8 years ago. Police departments and military people deployed in the Middle East were buying firearm accessories from online airsoft retailers because those items were much cheaper than the same items sold specifically for firearms. The line has been blurred.


  11. I’m sorry for my outburst. Please understand that I’ve been dealing with people like these a lot lately, and I have little more tolerance for BS than the average person. Please keep in mind that the more you lie, the more I am motivated to prove the truth.

  12. OK, I posted the law that disproved Edith and supported Tiger, but it was removed and attempts have been made to delete my comments for a while. Dirty tactics, Edith. If you don’t like the truth, don’t lie.

  13. Care to put back the comment you removed? it proves what California states is the actual law. I put my own reputation on the line for this issue. Although I understand your reasons for wanting to back out, remove my proof and cover your behind, please be reasonable. I will make the truth known 1 way or the other, so I’d advise you to not continue to make yourselves look bad. In the end, you’ll just draw more unwanted attention to yourselves, Edith and Pyramid Air.

    • Ken,

      First things first. B.B. Pelletier is the screen name for Tom Gaylord, the writer of this blog. I’m Edith Gaylord, his wife. Both of us are contractors for Pyramyd AIR and have been for over 6 years. I’m Pyramyd Air’s editor-in-chief. We consult with the company in many ways. Among other things, I carry the administrative burden for Airgun Academy. Pyramyd AIR owns Airgun Academy, which includes this blog. They are ultimately responsible for what goes on here.

      You may cite the law, but that doesn’t automatically mean your interpretation of the law is correct. Laws are often not clear (even when they seem clear to some people). That’s why we have courts, judges, juries & trials. And appeals courts. And the Supreme Court. Lots of people see things differently, and many of them have legal training.

      I’ve looked at other websites that sell the same products as Pyramyd AIR, and the other companies have restrictions that do not allow them to ship guns & accessories to the very states that Pyramyd AIR does ship. They have interpreted the law differently than we have. I don’t berate them, nor do I accuse them of lying or conducting coverup campaigns. Those are private entities, and they have the right to make their rules and interpret the laws as they wish.

      I don’t know anything about you, so I cannot stake everything on your intepretation of the law. I can only stake everything on my knowledge and experience.

      I know of two separate and unrelated instances of falling foul of the laws in California. One was a company. The other was a private individual who bought a supposedly legal product for his airgun. Neither one misinterpreted laws. It was a Catch 22 for both parties. Basically, an “I gotcha!” One was a federal issue and the other was a state issue.

      Lastly, Pyramyd AIR isn’t trying to block the truth from anyone. They’re in business to sell things. But they want to do it legally.

      I think you and I will have to agree to disagree on this subject.


  14. Ken I think your posts were caught by the spam filter because of the links you put in them. Pyramyd AIR is a store and understandably doesn’t like other stores link being published on their website (I know I sure wouldn’t, would you? Can I post links to motorcycle like yours by other sellers on your website?).

    I’m no lawyer so my understanding of the law may not be right but some parts of the law are often open to interpretation and I can understand a store wanting to be on the safe side of things and not taking any risks or chances but YOU can if you want to but you can’t blame others because they’re not willing to take the same risk you are.

    And PLEASE be nice to Edith, she is well respected, appreciated, liked and loved by everyone here. No one was disrespectful to you so please don’t be to the others.

    Thanks in advance,


  15. I guess nothing I say will do any good, because you guys will believe what you want. The only thing I can do is ask you to read the law for yourselves right from the CA legislature. I can’t cite my source since the spam filter thinks CA government is a business. I’m sorry I lost my temper, and I know I was unnecessarily rude yesterday. To be honest, I wasn’t exactly in my right mind for various reasons, and it won’t happen again. There is only only one California law that straight out bans fore-grips, which is labeled by some as the “assault weapons law” in California. There is no other law that could be twisted in any way to apply to airgun fore-grips. I’ll keep it short, down to one very important section and If you want to know more, just find the official website for the California legislature, which has this chapter since I can’t give you the link. Here it is: “12276.1. (a) Notwithstanding Section 12276, “assault weapon” shall also mean any of the following: (1) A semiautomatic, centerfire rifle that has the capacity to accept a detachable magazine and any one of the following: (A) A pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of the weapon. (B) A thumbhole stock. (C) A folding or telescoping stock. (D) A grenade launcher or flare launcher. (E) A flash suppressor. (F) A forward pistol grip. (2) A semiautomatic, centerfire rifle that has a fixed magazine with the capacity to accept more than 10 rounds. (3) A semiautomatic, centerfire rifle that has an overall length of less than 30 inches. (4) A semiautomatic pistol that has the capacity to accept a detachable magazine and any one of the following: (A) A threaded barrel, capable of accepting a flash suppressor, forward handgrip, or silencer. (B) A second handgrip. (C) A shroud that is attached to, or partially or completely encircles, the barrel that allows the bearer to fire the weapon without burning his or her hand, except a slide that encloses the barrel. (D) The capacity to accept a detachable magazine at some location outside of the pistol grip. (5) A semiautomatic pistol with a fixed magazine that has the capacity to accept more than 10 rounds. (6) A semiautomatic shotgun that has both of the following: (A) A folding or telescoping stock. (B) A pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of the weapon, thumbhole stock, or vertical handgrip. (7) A semiautomatic shotgun that has the ability to accept a detachable magazine. (8) Any shotgun with a revolving cylinder. (b) The Legislature finds a significant public purpose in exempting pistols that are designed expressly for use in Olympic target shooting events. Therefore, those pistols that are sanctioned by the International Olympic Committee and by USA Shooting, the national governing body for international shooting competition in the United States, and that are used for Olympic target shooting purposes at the time the act adding this subdivision is enacted, and that would otherwise fall within the definition of “assault weapon” pursuant to this section are exempt, as provided in subdivision (c).” Tell me, what is so unclear. Firearm accessories are to airguns as gasoline for your car is to bomb, and that’s all I’ve been trying to say. Again, I don’t mean to offend, and I’m sure that several hours of trying to say this simple thing while being swatted down by a dumb server would probably make the most patient of us either give up or lose it. If this message does not go through, I’ll just give up. It’s not worth my time to try to clear up something for under 20 people who just don’t care to know the truth. No offense, but life is short, you know? If you guys aren’t convinced, that’s a minority compared to the 1240 or so people who already know what I mean, and next month a 1000 more until a small minority will be left in the dark because that’s the way they prefer it. I’ll leave the rest to you, and I won’t be coming back to this site again, just because I’m tired of going on about this topic and nothing more I say will do anything more. Good night.

    • Kenny,

      if you were the State Attorney General for CA or even NJ, then I would take what you say as the gospel truth of how the law is administered. The problem is, to win a case, the AG or Asst AG’s can twist laws or pervert logic to their own aims. I’ll give you three instances of how this has been done in NJ: a key in the ignition of a car or motorcycle is all that is needed to convict one of operating a motor vehicle, even if the engine is not running and you are just listening to the radio. From here, you can be arrested AND CONVICTED of no license, under the influence, drunk – whatever. Pushing a motorcycle down a road because you realize you are too inebriated to operate it is OPERATING A MOTOR VEHICLE regardless if the key is in the ignition or not and you can be arrested for drunk driving (both of these cases have happened here in Jersey – not to me). Another case closer to what we’re talking about – it’s against the law to use hollow point bullets in this State but not to own them or use them at a range. People have been arrested for having them in the trunk of their car even though they didn’t have a firearm with them or they were going to or from a range or a gunsmith or a store (which is allowed in this State). Kenny, it really depends on the AG in the State in question and how they interpret the law and how they argue the case in front of a judge who may not be a fan of the 2nd amendment. It’s not whether your interpretation of the law is correct or not, I side with you but I wouldn’t want to go to court on your opinion.

      Anyway, welcome to the blog and I hope you become a regular contributor here. We all try to be civil here and have, er, “gentlemanly” discussions and disagreements.

      Fred DPRoNJ

  16. I understand, and I sincerely hope that I didn’t offend anyone by any of my previous posts. After lots more research, I found some facts. We’re descended from squatters on previously occupied land, the founders/British traitors and kidnappers of people from Africa. Here we are now, trespassers after no WMD’s were in Iraq, someone knew to start to recording 9-11 BEFORE it happened, we’ve killed Osama Bin Laden over 3 times so far, records show that people are being sentenced for crimes not committed and that fact tells me that not everyone supports what is going on in our own country. The law might be a joke that powerful people laugh about over drinks while we pay their tabs and we each deal with their drunkenness from power in different ways. It’s funny because it’s real? Who’s really laughing? I rescind what I said before this post. I was an ignorant person calling everyone else ignorant. I was being an idiot and I was wrong. Thank you for setting me straight Edith Gaylord, J-F and Fred DPRoNJ.

  17. Regarding the Umarex Steel Storm, I like it as is. It’s usually easy to reset the seals. If you have trouble with the reservoir, you don’t really need it. You might avoid BBs falling in by sealing an unwanted gap in the frame or simply making sure all the screws are tight at all times. If BBs fall through, the blow-back mechanism might be creating too much vibration for precise action. Why not try to load only enough BBs to fill the spring-fed magazine but not the reservoir? If you have that problem, and you’ve tried everything, then you’ve probably voided your warranty, but if it can’t be fixed, then how likely is it that the manufacturer could fix it? Manufacturers use machines, not fairies. If I was picky, a staggered or triple stack magazine could increase capacity vs a higher maintenance system like this. The stock magazine could be elongated by a diagonal angle position and it might put the capacity at a respectable 40 BBs. Add a staggered one, and that’s 60. Not bad, and it would blow competition from Russia away, since the Drozd has only 30/mag, 1 CO2 cyl, a power hungry and sensitive electronic trigger system and it still shoots about the same FPS as the Storm. If I was pickier, ditch the plastic and put some meat on those bones. Metal makes an airgun look beefier. Unless you’re trying to pistol whip someone or get shot by some trigger-happy scaredy-guy, metal’s not worth it. Plastics have gotten strong in the last 10 years. That doesn’t mean you can throw it off a bridge and expect it to shoot. If I threw you off a bridge, would you still shoot? I like the auto feature. I feel that 1200 RPM is fine and well controlled for any gun dedicated to extremely slow, small projectiles shot at low pressure, even in the blow-back configuration. Low back pressure controls this gun. You don’t even need a fore-grip for it, and I hope the hassle can be bypassed by offering a new model without a fore-grip, or maybe lawmen can find something else to have a fit about, but airguns and aesthetic accessories that don’t enhance function? I think that this airgun is OK for being the first blow-back burst on the mainstream market. Change might be worth the cost, but if you were Umarex, would you risk it? I’ve dealt with decisions like that for over 6 years, and it’s often difficult to distinguish design flaws from improper maintenance. I sell air powered weapons through private sales. My auto CO2 weapons don’t look like some $6,000 firearms, they’d take bear in one sweep and I don’t sell them for $600. Both the Storm and my weapons look finished and fulfill their purposes well. I would mention the URL for my site in this post, but I can’t. Feel free to Google “kennysyardsale” for more info. My site doesn’t compete with Pyramid Air, just like the legislature doesn’t, even if the spam filter blocks both. There’s difference between a gun and weapon, but spam filters make no distinction of either one. To wrap up, the Storm does what it was designed to do, and does it well. Have fun shredding paper targets, playing with your gun and doing it safely with the Steel Storm. Always shoot safely and never point where you don’t want to shoot. Also look both ways, say please and thank you, wear a condom and do all that while not making yourself look like a paranoid, overly polite, under-dressed idiot, lol.

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