Umarex Steel Storm CO2 Gun
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Get the bulk-fill adapter. No machining required. Just plug-and-play! It's easy to unhook if you want to revert to 12-gram CO2 again. The quick-detach unit let's you quickly switch back-and-forth.
- Umarex Steel Storm submachine gun
- BB repeater
- 30-rd non-removable mag
- 300-rd reservoir!
- Full-/semi-auto
- 6-rd burst mode in full-auto
- Uses two 12-gram CO2 cartridges
- Up to 300 shots per fill
- Integral Weaver/Picatinny optics rail and accessory rail
Ballistic & Conversion Calcs
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10 of 321 Umarex Steel Storm Reviews
I think this little guy is a kick in the #@$ to shoot.
Things I Would Have ChangedI wouldn't change anything it does exactly what it's supposed to do.
What Others Should KnowThese automatic BB guns are very expensive to use. They eat up the CO2 very fast. If you shoot it for an hour expect to use a whole box of cartridges. Although you will have a blast shooting it, we sure do.
6 shot burst is pretty cool ..can’t beat the price Thing I like the most is the reservoir on it that allows the store 300 or so bbs so when reloading the lil magazine is much easier
Things I Would Have ChangedLarger magazine capacity
What Others Should KnowFor the price this was the best choice in my opinion of coarse I had one of the AR15s and it was awesome but on full auto the mag lasts maybe half a second then have to take it off and reload and kinda kills the fun this has the reservoir so only have to shake it a bit and it’ magazine is reloaded
Things I Would Have ChangedLess plastic looks
What Others Should KnowNo
I love almost everything about this gun.... First time you shoot on full auto... Youll get it!! Its a scream, it Really is awsome...its just so hard to wsit a bit,if it starts freezin up...just have to be patient, as with anything using compress CO2... BURBS... Thats how ya best fire.. While in the gunpowder world, you burp to let barrel cool.. In air guns, to let it thaw! Buy this Baby... Youll love it!
Things I Would Have ChangedIt needs a stronger spring that keeps pressure on the BB'S, or some method of retention, that keeps the spring straight through whole firing of all the ammo.. Till then... Handle cocking GENTLY... Mine got of kilter, I took lt apart, fixed it as well as I could, but spring got kinda hent out of shape, and after that.. Just kept binding up, not feeding, but getting BBs wedged un... So if you just be gentle, it wont happen at all!, its a great, fun gun!!
What Others Should KnowJust keep it oiled, and ABOVE ALL.. Be GENTLE with cocking lever/spring! AndENJOY!!!!
Fun to shoot
Things I Would Have ChangedThe bolt is made of cast aluminum after about 2000 bbs the bolt cracked the gun was useless made very lot of thin plastic i wouldnt recommend this one
Capacity and 6-rd burst.
Things I Would Have ChangedAvailability of spare magazines
What Others Should KnowThe steel storm is a bit on the "plasticky" side, but hear me out. This bb-spitting beast is beyond fun! I added a tac light/laser combo to the bottom rail and was shocked with the accuracy. I use mine in 6-rd mode mode to destroy beer bottles and cans and I can't get enough. The two CO2 cartridges are just enough to empty the large bb reservoir on a warm day. On single-shot mode, I can bounce around bottle caps and shoot pest locusts no problem. At a moderate range, this gun is worthy of an optic or laser. I've really enjoyed mine so far.
The gun is a lot of fun. I think it was a good value.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe loading door under the front sight comes open easily and your BBs fall out when you set the gun down. It needs a latch or detent to keep it closed. I fixed it with a rubber band. No big deal. But without something to hold the loading port closed you will loose lots of BBs.
What Others Should KnowIt's a great value and a lot of fun. It shoots hard and is accurate enough to plink with out to 15 yards.
It does not go through gas as fast as I expected. 2 cylinders will shoot 300 shots.
When the gas gets low it fires six round bursts. You know when you are running out of gas when you are on semi auto and it fires six rounds each pull.
Pretty accurate for a smooth bore. Quick and easy to refill bbs. Came with nice green dot scope. One of my favorite guns.
Things I Would Have ChangedAll plastic. Would be nice for it to be metal. This is my second one. Reservoir spring bent on the first one. They do not offer a replacement.
What Others Should KnowTake it slow and easy when reloading the reservoir.
Had to return the item.
Things I Would Have ChangedHad to return the item because it would only shoot bursts no single shot. BBs very difficult to fill the 30 round feed.
What Others Should KnowPyramid was great handling the return!
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Jan 06, 2025
By Joe
Six round burst is awesome! This will make short work of your daddy's empty beer can collection!
Things I Would Have ChangedIt's hard to believe that this thing is the same price in 2025 as it was when I purchased my first one back in 2012. This is my third one. It's an awesome gun, especially when you consider that inflation hasn't hit very particular products, AT ALL. There's a head scratcher for you to ponder.
What Others Should KnowThis gun is half the price of other co2 machine guns and it's twice as reliable. It's an awesome way to use up CO2 and help fight climate change.