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The H&K MP5K-PDW (personal defense weapon) firearm is a compact gun designed for use by aircraft crew members and those in vehicles. While small, it packs a powerful punch and delivers the desired result! This CO2-powered BB version is an all-day shooter and easy enough that every family member can have fun shooting it!
Click the AMMO link to stock up on steel BBs. Check the ACCESSORIES link for CO2 cartridges, fun targets and safety glasses.
- Heckler & Koch MP5K-PDW
- CO2 submachine gun
- Uses 12-gram CO2 cartridges
- 40-rd removable banana mag holds steel BBs
- Semi-auto
- Recoils like the firearm
- Folding stock
- Forward grip
- Lightweight, easy to shoot
Ballistic & Conversion Calcs
Overall Rating
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10 of 90 Heckler & Koch MP5 K-PDW Reviews
This is one of my most accurate, most used, and cheapest Airgun in my catalog, very comfy to hold, hit my targets 9 times out of 10, and reasonable Co2 usages. it takes about 40 - 50 BB(2 and a half magazines worth) rounds before having to change out a 12g CO2 tank.
Things I Would Have ChangedBetter grip and stock, it feels like very cheap plastic-y compare to the rest of the gun but that might have to do with the prime of the gun.
What Others Should KnowExcessive use of this gun can lead to this awful smell to the gun, I don't entirely know what causes it.
Exact weight and feel off original
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowI rate this item 5 stars and excellent value for money.
Looks, collapsible stock
Things I Would Have ChangedThe way the thing is loaded
What Others Should KnowIt's not easy to reload the cartridges
I am lucky enough to own the real gun in .22 cal and I have to say this is very close to the original. The look, feel and finish are very close. The trigger feel, action and weight are very close approximations of the original gun. I know there is a lot of plastic on this gun, but it is a very close approximation to the look and feel of the original. Same grain and finish is there. It is close enough that you have to look REAL closely or in some cases even run a magnet over some parts to realize that "oh, that part isn't metal". Overall though, a very high quality and functioning replica.
Things I Would Have ChangedCO2 cartridge loading is just odd. Not sure why they did not opt for a mag style CO2 cylinder instead of what they did.
What Others Should KnowIt is a great value for the price. Quality is way better than other replica guns in the price range. Just by looking at this gun and handling it in person, you could not tell that this is not a real MP5 from more than a few feet away.
Hello I like it thank you so much
Things I Would Have ChangedI like it thank you so much
What Others Should KnowHello I'm nasser abuoun I like it thank you so much
It's visually similar to the real thing and it has always functioned flawlessly. I added a clamp-on picatinny scope mount and an inexpensive red dot, as my old eyes have trouble with the iron sights. Even if it's not super accurate, and uses a lot of co2, it's still really fun to shoot!!
Things I Would Have ChangedThe option to lock out the bolt's blow back would be nice, that seems to use up a lot of the co2. It would be nice if it was more accurate. Even at 15 feet the group is a couple inches. The only other thing I can think of is the screw to tighten the co2 cartridge. It would be easier if that screw had an allen head as opposed to the plastic, spring loaded tab you have to grab and twist. If you have to re-grab it while tightening the screw, you could lose co2, an allen headed screw would be handier. All pretty minor things
What Others Should KnowIt's not the quietest co2 bb gun there is. It has a bit of a bark, especially with a new co2 cartridge. It's also a bit of a co2 hog. 2 magazines is about all I can manage, and I can tell it's dying when down to the last half of the second magazine. Maybe on a warm summer day it will do better than that. It's winter here, so I'm shooting in a 63 degree basement.
It shoots like it supposed to, easy to handle , and is a nice for teaching self defense.
Things I Would Have ChangedNone
The H & K MP5 looks very realistic, especially after we installed a scope on it!! It sounds great & seems to shoot pretty darn accurate. I am a petite female & great size gun for myself.
Its ok. Too much plastic and has a "toy"feel to it.
Things I Would Have ChangedAdd full auto to the features.
What Others Should KnowPyramid Air is the best! I get all my air supplies from them.
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Dec 16, 2024
By Howard
Excellent air weapon! I did nor rate accuracy as I have not tried it yet. I am happy with the purchase so far :)