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Education / Training Crosman TitanGP Nitro Piston (Lower Velocity) – Part 1

Crosman TitanGP Nitro Piston (Lower Velocity) – Part 1

by B.B. Pelletier

Before I start, I want to let you know that there are new Airgun Academy videos online.

This past March was a very poignant time for me. I was happily working on a number of exciting airgun projects, oblivious to what was just around the corner. One of those projects was especially dear to my heart, because it took a great idea and went full circle to the best possible conclusion. It wasn’t anything I had a hand in developing, although I very much wish I had, because of what a wonderful result came out.

I am referring to the rifle that Crosman calls the Benjamin Legacy with Nitro Piston. There was an earlier Legacy with a coiled steel mainspring, but the gun I refer to has a Crosman Nitro Piston, a gas spring, if you will. But that isn’t what makes it great.

What makes this rifle unbelievably wonderful is the fact that Crosman set the gas spring to achieve just under 12 foot-pounds in .22 caliber. Unknowingly, they created the smoothest-shooting spring-piston air rifle of all time — a gun that makes even the legendary TX200 feel like it has recoil!

Crosman sent me one to test, and I absolutely loved it! I was writing them a three-part blog for their website when I suddenly had to go to the emergency room and the rest, as you long-time readers know only too well, is history. That blog never was written and, although I spoke lovingly of that gun any time I could, I never was able to share its greatness with you.

The TitanGP with lower velocity is a smooth shooter!

Until today. Because Crosman has done another very smart thing. They took one of their powerful rifles, the new Crosman TitanGP Nitro Piston, and they produced a second version of it called the Reduced Velocity version. It’s that rifle I’m testing for you today, and it’s that rifle that will make up for the lack of my report(s) on the Benjamin Legacy.

Because, you see, this rifle is very nearly the same as the Benjamin Legacy, only with just a bit more power! When I saw that Crosman was building such a gun, I knew immediately what they were doing. They were legitimizing the Benjamin Legacy and giving the airgunning world just a trifle more power to make it acceptable.

Why am I carrying on like this? Because I once owned a similar air rifle for which I paid plenty of bucks — perhaps four times what this rifle costs today! It was a Theoben Fenman, and it cocked with 42 lbs. of effort because it had a 7-inch carbine-length barrel that robbed the shooter of leverage. But Crosman had a better idea. They put a full-length, 18.5-inch barrel on this rifle to lower the cocking effort to just 21 lbs. That’s what their specifications read anyway, but being a doubting Thomas, I went to the scale and measured the test rifle straight away. The result? A cocking effort of 21 lbs. was all it took! I’m not kidding. On my bathroom scale, the cocking effort measured 21 lbs.

You can read about the Theoben Fenman rifle here, so you have something to compare this report to. I didn’t keep the Fenman because it was a .177, but this rifle I’m testing for you is a .22. Once again, it’s ideal, because the larger caliber is also the smoother shooter. I’m not making that up, either. Crosman engineers discovered it when building the Benjamin Legacy. There never was a .177 caliber version of the rifle, apparently, because only the .22 could be so smooth.

So, is this a smooth rifle? Well, did the little piggy go, “Wee! Wee! Wee!” all the way home? Yes, it’s smooth. As smooth as the Legacy? Nearly so, and with a couple extra foot-pounds at the muzzle added on for good effort. Finally, you guys get a crack at owning and shooting a super-smooth air rifle that will reinforce why you got into airgunning to begin with.

Fit and finish
The stock is solid wood with one of those enlarged thumbholes. You can see that in the photos. What you cannot see, but what I assure you is also true is that this stock is slim and slender. It doesn’t feel like a two-by-four stud in your hand. That’s why so many people are giving it five stars in their reviews. It’s one of those rare air rifles that fits a normal-sized shooter.

I do find the reach to the trigger to be a little long for my medium-sized hands. That’s caused by the location of the thumbhole stock’s pistol grip. Also, because of the shape of the thumbhole stock and the presence of a raised cheekpiece on both sides of the butt, this rifle is 100 percent ambidextrous.

The metal is blued evenly, but the metal isn’t shiny. Call it a matte finish.

As I write this first report, there are five reviews of this rifle on the Pyramyd AIR website and all of them give five stars in all categories! That’s pretty incredible, because even the Air Arms TX200 gets a four occasionally!

The trigger has a long second-stage pull at this point. I adjusted the one trigger-adjustment screw that’s supposed to make the second stage shorter, but so far it hasn’t had any affect. However, one other thing Crosman did with this trigger that I heartily endorse. They made the safety manual! That way, the shooter gets to choose whether to apply the safety or not. And, I recommend against ever using a safety on an air rifle except under extremely special circumstances, since leaving the gun uncocked and unloaded is the safest thing of all. But hunters may need to apply the safety from time to time, so it’s a good thing to have, as long as you don’t come to rely on it.

Made in China
Let’s get that out of the way in this first report. This rifle is made in China. I won’t be cutting it any slack just because I like the way it feels when it shoots. If it isn’t accurate or if the power level is off from the advertised level, I’ll tell you, as always. But I also don’t plan to dump on it because of where it’s made, either. I will let the results speak for themselves.

The TitanGP comes without open sights, but it does have a 4x32mm scope and rings to be attached. Crosman drilled a vertical scope-stop hole in the top of the spring tube, so there are no worries about the scope mounts moving under recoil.

Gas spring!
This rifle has a gas spring. Oh, Crosman calls it a Nitro Piston to better define their technology, but it’s a gas spring just the same. And a gas spring:

1. Isn’t affected by temperature as much as a steel mainspring
2. Can be left cocked for hours without damage
3. Shoots smoother
4. Has lower powerplant noise
5. Doesn’t vibrate as much

This is one air rifle to watch very closely. I really hope it shoots well, because I love the way it feels when it fires. Think of Beeman R9 power with better than R7 cocking. Let’s hope the accuracy is on the same level.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

63 thoughts on “Crosman TitanGP Nitro Piston (Lower Velocity) – Part 1”

  1. B.B.

    The trigger adjustment screw on mine looks to be too short to do anything. If it were 1/8″ longer then maybe.
    Probably just as well the way it is because the trigger assy components are thin and sloppy. Trigger adjustment with the screw would be unpredictable and inconsistent.


  2. B.B.

    I have to say that there are things I like very much about this rifle. There are things that I also dislike very much too. So much contrast all in one gun.
    The things I dislike are fixable or can at least be improved though.
    The more severe problems I had with mine were most likely a luck of the draw kind of thing.

    Fun rifle to carry and shoot. Moderate power. Not really hard to shoot at all.


      • On the particular one that I have……

        While not part of the gun itself, the scope and rings need to go. Better rings and a clean scope of 8x or so with an AO would be good.

        The gun was dripping with light oil. Light oil on the outside is fine, but not suitable on moving parts.
        Needed cleaning up and a decent lube job…..everywhere.

        The trigger flat out sucks. Can be cleaned up with a little work. Polish, moly, replace the trigger blade.

        Breaks hard. Much better after moly lube.

        Luck of the draw….
        Compression chamber was very bad . Piston seal was chewed up badly by careless installation. There are a lot of sharp holes that the piston seal has to pass on the installation. Took a lot of work to clean up this mess.

        The good stuff….
        Exterior metal finish is pretty good.
        Nothing sounds loose or rattles. Everything fits snug.
        Barrel has no perceptible droop in any direction. The whole gun looks perfectly straight.
        The bore has a very consistent feel when pushing a dry pellet from breech to muzzle, but with one exception…it is choked at the muzzle end. Don’t know if it is by accident or on purpose, but it is nice. Not severe like a LW barrel…more like a HW.
        Wood is plain, but without noticeable flaws.
        Feels and carries nicely.
        Shoots with a solid ‘thop’. Modest recoil.
        Not terribly hold sensitive. Hold it softly with balance a bit weight forward.

        A maybe item….
        I am not a big fan of thumbhole stocks. They tend to trap your trigger hand in one position. This could be good or bad depending on your hand. In my case it puts my trigger finger in the right place, even though I don’t care for the feel of a thumbhole.

        That enough?

        Oh yeah, mv on mine runs in the low 700’s with CP. May improve when the new piston seal gets broken in more. It fit VERY tight.


        • Looks like (yet) another adaptation of the Quest, which was an update of the BAM B19, which was a semi-clone of the old Gamo 220/440/890/Shadow series. So I’m not surprised about the buggered up seal – seen that happen in a few examples of this family. But certainly not all.

          The Quest itself – running right – had an unusual combination of light weight, good power, and relatively easy cocking when equipped with a steel spring. I’ll be curious to see how the gas spring version pans out.

  3. I bought the 495fps Trail NP all weather https://www.crosman.com/airguns/benjamin/BT5M22SNP
    which is legal to own here and I must say I’m VERY pleased with it. It’s a little heavy compared to what I’m used to (bronco & izh 60) but it’s well balanced for me and isn’t to hard on the shooter. It was a little loud on the first 100/200 shots than quiet down to where it is now which is less noise than any other rifle I own. The only bad thing I could say about this rifle is the trigger. I’m no expert but it was “mushy” at first, I tried adjusting it, it went to a point where pulling the trigger wasn’t making anything happen so I backed out a little on the adjustment screw. I can feel the trigger feeling has changed since new so I should probably try to readjust it (or just buy a new one from Charlie DaTuna). The finish on mine was perfect and shiny, all screws where tight. I paid 269$ Canadian for mine as it wasn’t available from PA and they couldn’t ship it here anyways.


    p.s. oops… almost forgot, it’s accurate too 🙂

    • Dave,

      I would say that it depends on the gun. If it’s within the legal limit and not FAC, a gas spring might be very nice. But a coiled steel spring can also be quite nice if the rest of the parts are well-fitted.

      I would stay with steel unless there is a drop-in gas spring unit available.


  4. BB,

    So let me get this straight. Is this just a lower power version of the one they are selling in Wal Mart for $149?

    Apparently from what Twotalon says, that one doesn’t reach advertised velocities.

    I have been leaning toward acquiring one of those from WM, but from what TT says, I may not do it. Do not want a gun I have to work on a lot to get it where it should be. But what he says seem about right from my experience with Chinese guns. They almost always have something wrong and need work.

    • It’s the WM special.
      Don’t let the mv fool you. I don’t know what pellet that was used to give it the mv rating, but most guns are rated considerably higher than they would actually shoot with a good pellet.

      Some of the work I did was necessary. The rest was to make it last a long time and be more enjoyable to shoot.

      By the way, the scope is still better than most of the scopes you see on cheap package deals.


  5. B.B.
    I was reading the reviews on both of the Titan GP models and can’t see that much difference in velocity between this one and the regular one. People are saying that they are getting close to the 695fps. advertised with this LOW velocity version using 14.3 gr. pellets……….Others posted they get about 720fps. with 14.3 gr. pellets with the regular version. Regular version says it gets 950 fps. with non-lead pellets so we all know it will be about 200fps. slower with regular pellets. Is there really that much difference between the two versions to notice a smoother shooting rifle ?? If not I am really thinking about ordering the regular version with only a difference of about 30 fps. ??

    • David,

      Unfortunately I only have this rifle to test. I didn’t order the higher-powered one, simply because I wanted to test the lower-powered version for the easier cocking effort and smoother shooting behavior.

      So I only know half of the story.



  6. Hello B.B, Different subject. Awhile back you mentioned a home defense .410. Would you be so kind as to refresh my memory as to the make and if you can the model. I searched the blog and could not find it.

    Thanks, Frank

  7. BB: The thing that bothers me with the use of the Quest (B-18/19 Chinese break -barrel) platform with all of these new Crosman guns, is the lock-up. On all the Quests I’ve been into (several now) , almost all of them have had issues with the barrel to receiver fit . It is hard to apply decent barrel tension as the hinge bolt only pulls the right side (treaded side) of the tube fork into the left side of the hinge bushing tighter , and not againist the other side of the receiver tube to provide barrel tension. The fit of the barrel block is dependent on the wear of the plastic washers between the receiver forks and the barrel block. I’ve been able to fix this on the guns I’ve worked on , but it is not a simple undertaking. Have they done something about this with these newer guns, like a hinge bolt with a tapered head that is bigger than the hole in the left side of the receiver? Metal washers maybe?I would like to try the .25 cal XL nitro -piston ,but not if they haven’t fixed these issues. It is the major reason in my opinion that the accuracy of these guns is often lacking at ranges beyond 10yards. You need to stay within an inch out to 35-40 yards to be useful for hunting, Robert.

    • Robert from Arcade,

      I just checked out the reviews of this gun on PA’s site and am wondering if you wrote the one from Robert? It reads like something you would have written.


      • Bruce: No, that was not me. I actually like the Quest type gun better than the older type Gamos it is copied from, and have bought five within the last couple years, and tuned a few others for friends. I think that they are good values. I have only two left now , the most recent a G-1 Extreme which I got at a substanial discout and really only bought it for the scope and mount.( It was a 3-9X Centerpoint with a four screw one piece mount.) The other is a much older Quest that dates from five or six years ago. I will say that the first one was the most frustrating airgun I ‘ve ever gunsmithed or worked with. I finally got it to shoot within an inch at 25 yards,but it took alot. It even went back to Crosman once. I wouldn’t even consider giving it away. I would be ashamed to do so! The last G-1 extreme though, is much better quality wise by a wide margin. Actually the lock -up design probably isn’t much of a problem if you only used the open sights on the barrel, provided they have them ,which most don’t now, Robert.

  8. B.B., This model seems very similar to the Benjamin Legacy, but is being offered at a much lower price. What makes it cheaper ie made in China, cheaper scope, etc? In any event I look forward to the rest of the review. The more I fool around with airguns, the more I interested in lower powered models. Bub

  9. So I’ve got a question, but not about this gun.

    My brother has a Benjamin 392 with a Williams Peep Sight mounted on it. On my gun, I have a scope with mil-dot estimating range, but mine is shooting at a lower velocity, while his is higher velocity but he frequently misses, not because he is a bad shot, but because I think that he doesn’t have a scope to estimate how far he should aim above or to the side of the bird.

    Any thoughts on what’s better the Williams Peep Sight (which he has now), a 2×20 long eye relief scope if so, what kind), or a red dot sight listed on the accessories of Pyramydair’s website on the Benjamin 392 (if so again, which one?).


    • Conor,

      Well, peep sights are used on military rifles because they are both faster to use and more precise than post and notch open sights. So why is your brother missing? Is it because he doesn’t understand how to aim off with his peep sights?

      No, on a 392 I don’t think a scope is better, because the 392 was not made to mount a scope. All scopes mounting on that rifle are compromises in one way or another.

      My advice is for your brother to spend more time learning to make those harder shots he is missing now. You know, Conor, the sights on a Kentucky rifle are the simplest and crudest sights around, but a rifleman who knows his gun can do wonders with them, just the same.


    • Conner,

      I bought the Williams peep sight for my 397 but found that the aperture was too large for my tastes, so I ordered the smaller size directly from Williams. Maybe your brother would benefit from a smaller aperture.

      In my experience, when comparing iron (peep) sights versus scopes, I do at least as well with iron (peep) sights. In the end, you have the exact same pulse and body motion (i.e., wobble area), so using a scope won’t help your wobble area.

      As B.B. pointed out, it’s all a matter of becoming expert with your equipment. My son and I prefer iron sights, but that’s just our preference.


  10. B.B.,

    On the Titan, the distance from the trigger (at rest) to the thumbhole is long. However, because there is so much travel on the trigger before you really start to feel the tension, it almost feels as if the distance might be a little short when you reach that point of tension. What I did find interesting is that I liked this trigger better than the ones on my Quest 1000X and CF-X. I replaced those triggers with the GRT-III and have two more on order.

    I mentioned shooting my Titan out in the desert a couple of weekends ago. This weekend I tried it at ten meters. In the desert, I must have been shooting with a constant wind of varying speeds because when testing in my back yard, I was off about 5 inches to the right and 4 up.

    I also found that I shot better with just my elbow leaning on the trunk of my car, as opposed to shooting off of a rest. I found that this rifle was very nice to shoot out in the field. I liked it less at a shorter distance with a rest. When shooting in the field, I found the trigger to be relatively clean and crisp (when compared to the Quest 1000X and CF-X). When shooting in a more “laboratory environment” type of environment (at home, off of a rest), I noticed the trigger travel more, along with the weight.

    I didn’t measure accuracy, nor power, but I was hitting 12 guage shotgun shells at around 90 feet. When I hit them, they flew up at least 6 feet. I was able to hit propane tanks at 50 yards with no problem (I don’t think I could miss those at that distance). When I hit water, also around 50 yards away, there was a loud hard slap/thump. I shot some plastic oil additive bottles, and the pellet just went thru them without knocking them down. Clearly the pellets were moving very fast, and clearly there was a lot of power and accuracy. At least in my Titan. None of my tests in the field were formal, as that wasn’t my intent. I just wanted to have some fun with the Titan, and I did.

    The Titan makes me want to go out to field to shoot, more so than my Quest 1000X and CF-X. I’m happy shooting the other two at home for accuracy. I might feel the same about the Titan once I replace the trigger.


  11. If recoil disappears with the gas spring, there’s no need for the artillery hold right? And isn’t it impossible for a gas spring to vibrate?

    On the subject of China and cold temperatures, I was reading an article in American Rifleman on the performance of American small arms at the Chosin Reservoir in temperatures of -40 F. (Some topics just never get old.) The M1 Garand naturally was very reliable. But even this weapon required that all oil and lubricant be stripped off so that the mechanism didn’t lock up. This was hard on the rifle, but I’m sure the Marines and soldiers couldn’t have cared less. The BAR had more problems but performed credibly. The M1 carbine had a lot more problems with up to 30% failing to function. But the big surprise was the 1911. The after-action report by S.L.A. Marshall claimed that the 1911 had problems in any temperatures below freezing where it would suffer frost lock. This could be fixed by removing all lubricant, but even then the weapon had to be fired regularly to ensure function. Below freezing is not that cold. I’m shocked. I would suspect that the Glock with its torture tests and modern polymer pistols would do better than that in cold weather although I haven’t read specific accounts. Oh well, I don’t plan on shooting my 1911 in the cold.


  12. Conor,

    We deleted your last message because you mentioned shooting birds that are protected. You can be fined a lot of money and even go to jail for doing that.

    Please learn what birds are protected (most of them are, even crows in many states) before you shoot any more of them.


  13. B.B.,
    Okay, I’m sorry I didn’t know. A local dairy hired us to shoot them because they hired the state to poison them but it got too expensive. We live in Eastern Washington.


  14. B.B.,

    On a different subject, when shooting my Quest 1000X, I found myself having to adjust the windage of my scope repeatedly. First it would shoot almost centered, then when I made fine adjustments, it would be off over an inch to one side. Then I’d center it, and eventually it would be off by about the same amount, but to the opposite side. Then I’d center it again, essentially adjusting to where it was before, and then after some number of shots it would be off by the same error in the direction I adjusted to to. So it went center, then off an inch to the right, then center, then off an inch to the left, then center, then off an inch to the right, etc.

    Any ideas? This is the CenterPoint scope that came with my Quest 1000X.


      • B.B.,

        I wouldn’t know if it’s adjusted to compensate for barrel droop or not. I used the mounts that came with the scope, and the stock rails on the rifle. It’s a simple, and I would imagine cheap, fixed magnification CenterPoint scope that comes with lots of lower-end air-rifles. My impression is that it was the finer adjustments that seemed to throw it back off to this seemingly constant +/- windage offset. It seems to want to shift to one side or the other, but allows me to find the center point in between adjustments, but only temporarily.

        How would I adjust it to compensation droop? I’d imagine that “barrel droop” is something that might happen because it’s a break barrel, but I have no clue as to how one might “compensate” for that? I’m sure this is air-rifle-scope 101 stuff. I guess questions/issues like mine keep this blog fresh and relevant for newbies who just might happen to wonder on by here, so I don’t feel too bad about my infinite ignorance.


        • Victor,

          You compensate for barrel droop by raising the back of the scope up. The scope then looks downward, and the adjustments must be adjusted down to hit the target.

          When a scope is adjusted up too high in its range, the erector tube return spring relaxes and allows the erector tube, where the scope reticles live) to move around with the vibration of each shot. There needs to be some spring tension on the erector tube to keep this from happening.

          So you slant the scope down, which makes it shoot too high. When it is adjusted to shoot lower, the erector tube return spring is put under tension again.

          You can slant the tube with an adjustable scope mount like this:


          or you put small shims under the rear of the scope tube. Anything to raise the rear of the scope.


          • B.B.,

            Makes sense, but in my case, no compensation was applied. I will say this, the Quest 1000X has been the rifle shot the least, and I did notice towards the end that the screws were a tiny bit loose. Maybe I just need to break this gun in some more for it to settle down. Otherwise, when I can get a string of shots off, it looks to be very accurate.

            Oh, last night my wife wanted to shoot my CF-X. I had some targets setup at 10 meter with a heavy duty pellet/bullet trap. This was the FIRST and ONLY time shooting a springer, with just a little instruction from me. She shot 10 shots that could be covered with a penny, 8 of which were in a single crescent looking hole. I was amazed! I’d say that the CF-X is a nice shooter if a non-shooter can do that!


  15. The gas spring sounds like an outstanding idea.

    I’m convinced scopes do NOT go with springers, BRING BACK PEEPS.

    Gosh I love that Artillery Hold, BB. I believe the benchresters use it also, I have a (signed) copy of The Ultimate In Rifle Accuracy, and they seem to be into the Artillery Hold or something like it, even with their ultra-short lock and barrel times.

    • Flobert,

      Yes, benchresters, long-range varmint hunters and smallbore target shooters who are successful all use the artillery hold, though they don’t use that term. Many of them consider it to be more follow-through than simply a soft hold, but it’s actually both.


      • BB New topic, Walther Lever Action front sight; does it adjust within its seat or dovetail and is it a friction fit or a grub screw type? Also, I’m guessing that the distance between front and rear sights means very little adjustment goes a long way due to sight radius or parallax/distance?

        Expecting delivery of the gun this Friday so thought I would ask for windage adjustment advice before the weekend arrives.


        • Brian,
          I don’t know if you’re going to like this but the front sight is adjusted withinn its seat. The seat is plastic as is the sight. You merely slide the blade left or right and the friction between it and its seat holds it in place. There is also a plastic snap fit hood that clips over the seat to give it the appearance of a globe sight. Doesn’t bother me because I use a scope.

        • Brian,
          One other thing, that you might like, is that the seat is held on by a screw, so it will come off for replacement. I just don’t know of any replacement front sights. They may exist but I haven’t looked.

    • Flobert,

      What you say makes sense. Bring back peep sights! What I would really like to see are aperture sight pairs (target sights – front and rear). Rifles like the Titan don’t have a way of mounting a font sight. If someone made something like a dove tail, I’d buy it!


  16. Does anyone know where i can find a Benjamin Legacy stock? I want to do a stock swap on my Remington NPSS. I’ve been looking for months, checking several forums and buy/sell/trade sites regularly. But I cant even find a complete Benjamin Legacy that i could rob the stock from. I called Crosman and they said they didn’t have any of these stocks. I’m getting desperate.

  17. BB
    Are the Nitro pistons sold saperately with different power levels as an after market item? Eg. can I buy a Trail NP All Weather 495 rifle and fit a Crosman Titan Lower power Nitro piston in it? In other words are the Nitro pistons interchangageable among these rifles to any degree?


  18. I have the Titan .177 and have a weird issue. When I sight in with heavy domes (AA 10.5g) and hit center at 30 meters, I hit high and right when using lighter pellets (8g). I thought my scope was off center, but same issue even after adjusting it. Can anyone discern why this is happening?


  19. Evening BPO,

    I have a question for you. What do you mean when you said that “same issue even after adjusting It”? Did you adjust the scope to hit center at 30 meters with the 8g pellets?

    No two pellets of different weights will ever shoot to the same point of impact which is just the nature of shooting different weight pellets. The zero won’t be the same for them.

    Please let me know if I’ve answered your question. Thanks


  20. BPO,
    This is an easy answer. Many pellet brands or weights do not shoot to the same point of aim (POA). If you find two that do hang onto them, they’re rare. You will most likely have to resight your scope every time you change pellets. It’s the same with two different rifles. No two rifles may shoot the same pellet to the same point of aim. It’s the nature of the game. Also, not all pellets have the same accuracy for a given gun. Experiment. Find a pellet that works best in your rifle and stick with it.

    • Thanks Mr. B and CJr – I appreciate your input. I’m new to airguns (with the exception of my Daisy BB gun from 25 years ago). The first ‘purchase’ was a Gamo Whisper Dlx (i had enough Cabelas points to get one for free). I was quite happy with the accuracy and it seemed that the heavy pellets would just hit a bit low of center when the lighter pellets were zeroed in, which is why I was confused by the pattern of the lighter pellets on the Titan. When I zero the lighter pellets on the Titan, the heavy ones hit low and left, so I thought the axis of the scope was the problem. I have a Center Point Adventure 3-9×40 and it seems decent enough. I really like the AA field heavy pellet – very consistent pattern and so its no big deal, but it seemed strange. Thanks again,


      P.S. My reason for getting the Titan is because the Gamo broke after about a thousand shots!

      • BPO,
        Welcome to the blog. You have experienced the tip of the iceberg. Keep this blog close because it will keep you shooting. Feel free to ask as you will without worrying about being off topic. But be advised, you may not have made your last airgun purchase if you stay with us.

        • I must admit that I also got the Desert Eagle pellet pistol not long after getting my first rifle. I developed a strange fever that had me studying all there is to learn about these fabulous guns! The ease of opening up the garage and shooting in the backyard was just too much fun and one heck of a stress reliever! I’m hooked, but my wife recently saw a few too many purchases on the cc under ‘pyramyd air’ – so I’ll have to throttle back a bit. Thanks again – looking forward to following the blog.


  21. There has been a lot of information about this rifle posted in the internet. It seems like people are posting chrony results all over the place, and both the full power and lowered velocity versions are getting around 700 fps. Does the lower velocity titan GP advertise the same velocities on the box as the “full strength” version? I was wondering if this might be a typo on the manufacturer’s part. The ones at wal-mart say “Titan GP” but they also advertise 800 fps with lead and 950 with alloy. I thought that the full velocity version is supposed to be the titan “NP”. Also I was wondering if the lower velocity version was cheaper to produce, but maybe it’s made to tighter tolerances since it cost the same as the full power version? Maybe that’s which the low velocity and high velocity rifles produce the same muzzle energy??? Please help!! i am getting a rifle for myself and an identical one for my brother in law to hunt squirrels together, was going to just get some 2100 classics but for 50 bucks more i could get these and have a lot more power. I’m trying to get him addicted to air rifles so i can have a buddy to hunt with.

    • Brian H.,

      Well, nothing sold at Wal-Mart will ever be built to higher specs. Just the opposite.

      But these guns are not built to different standards. They are all made the same way. Building to different standards is mostly a myth in the world of airguns.

      I would believe the lower velocity numbers. No, there is no “box” for the lower-velocity rifle. It comes in a blister-packed card. And it has less power intentionally, not because of a different build standard.

      I can tell from what you say that you really want to get this rifle, so my advice is to go for it. You will never be completely satisfied unless you do.


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