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Education / Training Dan Wesson CO2 BB revolver: Part 1

Dan Wesson CO2 BB revolver: Part 1

by B.B. Pelletier

I’m sure many of you have noticed that the podcast has not been updated since May. I apologize for that and hope to stay on schedule with a new podcast every month. Click to read the latest podcast.

The Dan Wesson CO2 BB revolver with the 8-inch barrel is a large and impressive all-metal airgun.

Several of you have mentioned wanting to see a review of this BB revolver, plus the customer reviews are quite good. And I also wanted to see how good it was, so everything came together today.

This Dan Wesson revolver resembles the classic firearm somewhat, but misses the mark of being a perfect replica. However, only a Dan Wesson nut would spot the flaws.

The cylinder latch is made like the one on a Smith & Wesson instead of the traditional Dan Wesson, which would be a flat button located on the left side of the crane. I never liked how that latch worked, which kept me from ever owning a Dan Wesson revolver, and the omission looks like an improvement to me.

It has a safety!
Flying in the face of firearm revolver design, but validating every female British mystery writer ever born, the Dan Wesson revolver actually has a safety catch. So, Agatha Christie was right after all. Pull the cylinder latch straight back and the gun is on safe. The trigger is blocked and the hammer cannot move.

Yes, Virginia, this revolver has a safety catch. Slide the cylinder latch back, and the action locks up.

This revolver comes in 2.5-inch, 4-inch, 6-inch and 8-inch versions…and some come in black and others come in a stainless finish (that Pyramyd AIR is calling “silver”). Only the 8-inch version was available when I ordered, so that’s what I’m testing.

Let’s start off with some insight into the Dan Wesson revolver concept and the history of the gun.

Dan Wesson
Dan Wesson was founded in 1968 by Daniel Baird Wesson II, the great-grandson of one of the two founders of Smith & Wesson. His concept for revolvers was the modular approach, which in 1968 was quite new and innovative. And the hallmark revolver that company made was the .357 Magnum model 15-2, which in its highest form was sold in a “pistol pac” that contained the revolver, an extra set of grips, three extra barrels of different lengths that the owner was expected to install, a belt buckle and the wrench and feeler gauge for the barrel and shroud. When I was a young man, this was one of the most coveted handguns on the market and was revered for its strength, beauty and for the facility to change barrels and therefore also control the cylinder-to-barrel gap. The only real reservation I had, as I mentioned, was the cylinder latch that was hard to work and a deal-breaker for me.

The Dan Wesson name passed through a number of hands since the founder’s death in 1978, and today they produce several other models that are not as distinctive as this revolver system. So, the BB gun we’re now testing is supposed to copy the original firearm that had interchangable barrels, though this one does not.

The BB gun
Rejoice, fellow airgunners, for this is an all-metal revolver! You pay for that realism — and it’s delivered. Nothing on the outside of the gun but the grips is anything but metal. Still, the gun is very light for having such a long barrel. It weighs 2.29 lbs. or about a full pound less than a typical firearm with the same length barrel.

The cylinder is mounted on a real crane that swings out to the left side when the cylinder latch is depressed and the cylinder is pushed out. Twenty years ago, such realistic features were only dreams for airguns and even for some lower-priced rimfires. Since it does swing out, you’ll need to restrain yourself from flipping it closed like you see on TV, as nothing will ruin the mechanism faster.

This revolver has a real crane that allows the cylinder to pop out for loading.

The cylinder revolves freely when the gun is not cocked, being restrained only by a spring-loaded barrel that pops into a mating recess in the front of each chamber, just like the S&W M&P R8 BB revolver that Mac is testing for us. The bolt at the bottom of the frame comes into play only when the trigger is pulled, so the gun locks solid when fired either single- or double-action. In this respect, it’s not unlike a suicide special revolver of the late 19th and early 20th century.

The gun comes with a second set of six “cartridges” that hold the BBs and a speedloader to load them into the cylinder. The speedloader does not do the job like its firearm component. The cartridges are not held in the loader at all and will fall out if it is tipped past level, so it’s more for looks than for function. You can’t carry a loaded speedloader in your pocket the way you can with a firearm speedloader. However I did find it very convenient for unloading the cylinder, as all the cartridges fall back out into the loader when the gun is tipped up. Since there is relatively low pressure running through each cartridge, they do not swell when fired as firearm cases do.

The speedloader with six extra cartridges comes with the revolver. Also included is the accessory rail and installation wrench.

The sights are a post on a ramp at the front with a white dot in the top center and a traditional square notch at the rear. I find them easy to acquire, and good for precision aiming. I hope the gun is as accurate as most of the reviews claim. The rear sight is adjustable in both directions with a flat-bladed screwdriver.

Accessory rail
The revolver is also provided with an accessory rail that takes the place of the rear sight. You can mount a dot sight on your handgun with this rail.

The double-action trigger-pull ranges from 10 lbs., 8 oz. to 11 lbs., 8 oz. and is stiff and creepy. It stacks towards the end. As I recall, the double-action pull of the firearm was also heavy and stiff. The single-action pull breaks between 7 lbs. and 7 lbs., 13 oz. and is reasonably crisp. Though it’s a trifle too heavy for the absolute best work, it’s very usable.

One look at the manual tells me this revolver was made by an airsoft manufacturer. The details are sparse and the print quite small, with line drawings to accompany the important points. Older owners will have to use a magnifying glass to read it, but I don’t suppose they’re the target consumer for this revolver.

What’s next?
Well, if I were Full Ruler and Controller, I would make up some sort of pistol pac for this revolver. That’s such a great idea, and you know that owners could never tolerate having an empty slot in a case for their favorite airgun!

Since the barrels cannot be changed, I would include a nice miniature holographic dot sight, two full speedloaders with six additional cartridges (24 cartridges in all when you include the ones in the gun), some kind of neat case for BBs, a belt buckle and safety glasses.

I’ll show the BB cartridges and how they’re loaded in detail in Part 2 when I test velocity. For now, back on your heads — the break is over!

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

80 thoughts on “Dan Wesson CO2 BB revolver: Part 1”

  1. “For now, back on your heads — the break is over!”…. I wonder how many folks “got” that reference! 🙂

    The Dan Wesson is a great looking air gun. I’ve been wondering about the accuracy.

  2. Hi All, Long time “lurker” first time “poster” . I read this blog every day and have learned so much from BB, and all the posters. You do a tremendous job. I have this revolver, the comment about the speed loader. “‘The cartridges are not held in the loader at all and will fall out if it is tipped past level” . On my speed loader if you push in on the knob and turn it the cartridges do lock in. I’ just wondering if they changed it.

    • Sturge,

      And THIS, my friends, is why having lots of smart readers is so important. He’s right about how the speedloader works. I will mention this in the next report and attempt to show it, as well.

      Thank you very much, and welcome to the blog!


      • Yes, the speedloader works. The cartridges were held in place after I pushed the knob and turned it. Thank you, Sturge. I received my 8″ DW just a couple of days ago. I was so impressed with this BB gun that when I saw the availability of the 6″ silver, I immediately ordered one.

  3. The 8 inch seems too bulky for me, when I was younger I bought the “silver” (more like grey) 357 from Crosman in 8 inch which I liked very much then but now that I’m all grown up (kinda) I would settle for something smaller, I like the 4 inch either in black or stainless, I’m not sure yet.
    Here is the manufacturer page about it : http://www.actionsportgames.com/view-product-219.aspx?productid=16181@@SHOP1&backPageID=211
    The original pistol pac with the extra barrels is AWESOME! I would buy that thing in airgun in a heart beat.
    I love little “kits” that come in hard cases, it doesn’t get dirty and no one messes around with them, it’s all safe and craddled by the foam inside.

    Here is a link for all machinist and fans of small and accurate things : http://www.wimp.com/tiniestengine/
    it’s a very, very small (as in fits in the palm of your hand) V-12 engine made by an old machinist. It’s really worth a look.


    • J-F,

      Pyramyd AIR has the 2.5″, 4″ & 6″ versions. We just got them in the warehouse yesterday and will activate them as soon as images are uploaded to the site. We’ve already got extra shells & an extra speedloader that comes with 6 shells:



    • J-F,

      That’s amazing. 1220 hours in it, some hobby!

      I don’t read spanish too well, but did I see It runs on water? It looks like it’s running on air pressure There was no electronics, or spark plugs and I did not see spent gasses from the exhaust pipes, so I’m counting out any type of fossil fuels.


    • J-F,to say I enjoyed that link immensely would be a gross understatement.Just fantastic dedication to excellence! I am in awe of the execution.I wonder if He would blueprint my first year Chrysler 440?!
      I have a hard enough time finding a qualified mechanic for “old school technology”.This guy has probably forgotten more about internal combustion than my last three mechanics! I loved those tiny manifolds……and how he broke it in with a cordless drill!

    • That is an amazing little engine. Ever since I was a kid building model cars, I’ve fantasized about something like that.

      It doesn’t appear to be really “running” on internal combustion. Apparently, it is powered by the introduction of a pressurized (and, presumably, expanding) gas. It is still missing a few important systems, like a cooling system and a pressurized oiling system. No ignition or fuel system either.

      Wonderful achievement of machining, just the same. I would think the most difficult part would be building the valve train. A pretty interesting one, too, with dual block-mounted camshafts. All dual-cam engines I can recall have them mounted in the cylinder head. Possible exception: the late 20’s Lincoln V-8’s that were basically two Model A inline 4-cylinder engines sharing a common crankcase.

      Also interesting was the use of individual cylinder heads. I suppose this was to avoid complicated castings. Reminded me of the EMD Diesel engines used in locomotives.

      All in all, a very cool thing!


      • Desertdweller,

        Yes, a twin cam pushrod engine. It sounds like a first to me. The guy could have built a V8, or V6, but no he built a 12 cyl! And the valvetrain fascinated me, as well.


      • Desertdweller,

        I went back and looked at the video again. At 7:30 he is installing what looks like a water pump and proceeds to add a water tank above it. The words are in Spanish, Portuguese, or Italian, I can’t tell, but I’m sure they refer to ‘coolant water’. So there must be water jackets in the block. Also notice the offset cam on the face of the crank. I’m not done looking at this thing yet, It’s just amazing!


      • It seems to be running only on air, but just the fact that it’s sealing well enough to make it all work is enough an achievement for me, I would have liked it if he would have put a piece of tissue or a flame behind the small exhaust to see if there was an actual exhausting of the air.


        • J-F,

          Oddly enough, everyone I have shared this link with is fascinated with it and like me are trying to figure out if it’s running on something, or being operated by air pressure. No compression ring in the pistons, and as easily as they slid in the cylinders makes me question it making compression. The bottom line is that it’s awesome to look at and the craftsmanship is incredible.


          • If there isn’t that much friction, even moderate air-pressure would be sufficient to keep it moving… After all, an “air duster” is capable of spinning the blades on a desk fan…

            • ADDENDUM: especially since, if the pistons are not sealed to the cylinders, then there won’t be much pressure during the “compression” stroke… In essence the “intake” stroke if given pressurized air would drive the piston down — what a real engine does in the power stroke.

    • Thanks guys I was happy to entertain you a little bit with this little engine. It does seem to be working on pressured air which means it must sealing fairly well. I love it.


  4. BB,

    Now THIS is what I’m talking about! I like this gun. Not an exact replica, but very noticeably similar and metal. $120 is no big deal for this. Not that it fits my budget lately, but I wouldn’t have a problem buying that over a plastic model at half the price. I’d like one with the 8″ bbl in ‘silver’ I can’t wait to see how the ‘shells’ work. Will there be a post tomorrow? And will part two be it?


  5. This looks like a version of those Gamo R77 and RWS Magnum pellet revolvers now modified to work like a Brocock, only using BBs and a smooth bore instead. Why didn’t they design this to use pellets along with a rifled barrel like a Brocock? Some kind of liability issue maybe? Or a way to sell this product in Great Britain where they outlawed the Brocock air cartridge system?

  6. B.B.

    That sure looks like my Christmas present! Thanks for the review.
    Judging by the barrel length it can speed 0.5 g projectile I would say 120 m/s, and that is quite enough. Some people say handgun with 8” barrrel is a sort of a compensation – and I say it’s right what a CO2 needs.


  7. B.B.

    Not interested in the gun, but….

    I remember most of the joke. Heard it over 40 yrs ago from a hillbilly from down around the WVA/OH border.



    Constructing another cat house to sit next to the first one. Have it put together and insulation in. Still waiting on the heating pad, and to put in the wiring. Have the extra kitty cam ready to install. Extra food dish on hand.

    Too many cats can’t get along in the small space in one cat house. We have at least 9 visitors. No vermin yet. Vermin will not be tolerated.


      • Frank…
        I draw the line at installing TV and cat porn videos. No naked cat pictures on the walls. No mirrors on the cieling. No heated water beds.
        I am a peeping tom, though. I watch them on camera.


        • TT

          I knew you were a class act. Now I find out you are taking care of more cats than I am! Well… maybe. I have no idea how many cats eat from the bowl I put out at work. I can’t help but love the damned things, even if they wont let me get anywhere near them. Mini tigers, and lions, and panthers. How could a person resist?

          I do have 3 house cats, all of which were strays. They are my most effective stress relievers…and pest eliminators. No rodents get near the house, and any bugs that get inside are goners.

          • Cat food usage outside has tripled over what it was a year ago. The neighbor behind us has quit puting out food. Some others must have quit too.
            At first I thought there were vermin showing up. A possum or coon can eat as much as three cats. I set out a trail camera a few times and got nothing but cat pics. Later on, the food was still going fast and I decided to change things a bit. I did not really like the cam firing off the conventional flash all night. Did not want some scum swiping it. Got one with an IR flash. Nobody sees that. Still no vermin…..just cats.


  8. I want to commend Pyramyd Air’s staff.Last night,unable to sleep I wandered the site and discovered that the AirForce .25 24″ barrel was FINALLY in stock!! Well,I went ahead and ordered it……before I checked out I remembered that I had a winter catalog that had a “coupon code” on the back for 11% off.Well,since I like $$ and enjoy keeping as much of mine as possible…..I entered the code to see if it applied to my purchase.I know that you get free shipping for orders over $150,but NOT with the coupon.The way the computerized ordering works,(apparently) just trying the code causes the software to automatically charge for ground shipping.I went to sleep a little aggravated once I realized I had NOT benefitted from the coupon but DID get charged shipping according to my receipt.This morning whomever processed my order was on their toes,and corrected everything before I even complained.So please pass along my thanks,this could have easily been overlooked.

      • Thank you Edith……perhaps there is a way to modify the function a little.I know it’s easier said than done……especially with my computer skills.This could result in ill will if a customer didn’t understand what was happening.I have yet to stumble upon the “exclusions” from their coupon codes.That only leaves the option of trying to use it at checkout.Seems to create bad feelings from an otherwise sound marketing tool,IMHO.

        • Frank B,

          99.99% of all coupon codes offered by Pyramyd AIR will not allow the coupon to be combined with the free shipping offer. About 2-3 times a year, we have a coupon that can be combined with free shipping. To be really honest with you, I’ve never heard any negative comments about this before. No kidding! Every coupon we create states that some items are excluded and that it cannot be combined with free shipping. When it CAN be combined with the free shipping promotion, we state it boldly because it’s such a big deal.


          • NO NO……I’m not saying that at all.What isn’t clear is WHAT is included/excluded from the coupon program.What I’m saying is that in the absence of that answer….the customer can only try to apply it to their purchase.The act of “trying” causes the software to automatically charge for shipping regardless of whether their purchace is in fact something that IS discounted by the coupon.My “reciept” last night showed I was being charged shipping.From the customer’s perspective
            they not only don’t get the discount,they seem to get charged shipping for attempting to use the coupon.(someone fixed it this morning on my order) I am pointing this out so they see that catching it is great,but avoiding the problem will involve changing the “auto-shipping charge if a coupon is used” so it ONLY charges shipping IF a coupon DISCOUNT actually occurs.I’m sorry this is hard for me to explain.I do mean well…..this isn’t me complaining.

            • Frank B,

              I think the issue is not that you tried using the coupon…it’s most likely a bug on the new website. That’s why they fixed it after the fact…they know about it and so they do this manually every morning. Naturally, they know that fixing it is the optimum way to do things, but everything can’t be fixed at once, so they first fix what can’t be handled manually. When those bugs are fixed, they go after the rest of the stuff 🙂

              Please believe me when I tell you that Pyramyd AIR has people who are literally working around the clock to fix every single issue and bug. I realize that doesn’t solve the issue you brought up, but at least you now know why this happened.


  9. I like this pistol, but would have preferred that it work with pellets and a rifled barrel, being that the barrel is so long. Because the barrel is so long, I’d imagine that it’s fairly accurate with BB’s.

  10. Victor my Daisy Red Ryder is surprisingly accurate with BBs, this little pistol might be scarily accurate with BBs. Remember you’re probably going to be shooting it within 10 yards. If you can always a Necco wafer in that distance that’s hella good.

    • flobert,
      Yeah, some guns can be surprisingly accurate, even with a smooth-bore. I had always assumed that my Crosman 760 had a rifled barrel because it was so accurate, but it turned out to be a smooth-bore.

      • I think this revolver, with the length of its barrel may in fact be quite accurate.
        We have the PPK/s…it has no trouble putting 10 shots in a 6″ circle at 25′. Not great, but the pistol is just so much fun.
        But….our Beretta Elite will easily put 10 shots in 2″ at 25’…not bad at all.

  11. B.B.,

    I’d like to get my brother-in-law an Air Force Condor package in .22 for Christmas (yes, he’s a very good bro-in-law!) and I’d like to take advantage of any upcoming Black Friday specials but already the fine print says no coupons accepted for this item today. I’m wondering if I’m going to be disappointed come Friday.

    One package seems to have not enough accessories, and the complete package has too many. Can you suggest the ‘perfect’ package for me? I could go a grand or so, and I’d like it to include the ‘make it real quiet’ doohickey that goes on the end. I couldn’t find that accessory. The package is going out of the country and he does have access to scuba air. But I still want a pump. Is the Air Force or Hill pump better? A lot of questions I know, but I’m a springer man, so any advice greatly appreciated.


      • My understanding is that repo man is a VERY dangerous job.

        In a lot of cases I think it’s like in the movie “The Bicycle Thief”, if the person loses their car, their whole life will collapse and they’ll end up on the street. In “prepper’ circles we call this a cascade failure.

  12. AlanL, woohoo finally a question I can answer I would suggest the hill pump it is a well made pump has the most versatility as well as having a moisture lock. It is also easy to take apart to make repairs.

  13. Jason sent this to the wrong address, so I am posting it here for him.


    Is there published material regarding how much volume of compressed air is released on PCP rifles with each shot? Or does it vary by caliber or manufacture, or gun model? Also, with each shot , are there formulas or calculators available on line to determine the pressure drop with each shot? If this is information you typically charge for and if so, how do we set up some time to discuss some of the mechanical challenges we are facing?


    • Jason,

      Yes there are formulae and no, they are not available. They are closely held as proprietary.

      The Benjamin Rogue is based on an interactive program that describes the pressure curve versus power band, but since it is a design tool I wouldn’t expect it to be shared.

      As for setting up time to discuss this matter, you can do that here on the blog. I do have some access to proprietary data on this subject, but I cannot share it.


    • Jason,

      The amount of compressed air released in each shot of a pcp can vary greatly because of caliber and/or model of gun and/or how the valve is set up and/or if the pcp is regulated. The amount of compressed air released in each shot can also vary between two models of the same pcp in the same caliber. I’ve witnessed this first hand in several guns the latest is an AA S410 .22 caliber vs. a AA S510 in .22 caliber. Although these guns have a different model number the actions are the same the only difference is the stock.

      I’m not smart enough to know how to measure amount of air used shot by shot but you could get close by noting fill pressure when the gun is at the beginning of your optimal power curve, shooting shot strings, noting ending pressure and dividing by shots taken. This would get you close to amount of pressure drop with each shot.


      • Unfortunately, that also varies with where you are in the pressure curve…

        10 shot sequences (since that was the magazine size)
        Benjamin Marauder .177 factory settings Start End Spread
        H&N Barracuda Match 10.7 853.1 17.21 3000 2800 25.8
        H&N Barracuda Match 10.7 865.9 17.72 2800 2600 21.4
        H&N Barracuda Match 10.7 872.9 18.02 2600 2500 10.6
        H&N Barracuda Match 10.7 878.4 18.25 2500 2375 11.6
        H&N Barracuda Match 10.7 874.0 18.06 2375 2200 11.7
        H&N Barracuda Match 10.7 857.8 17.40 2200 2000 21.3
        Working range appears to be 2700psi to 2200psi

        The first 10 took 200PSI (20psi/shot)
        The second 10 took 200PSI
        The third 10 took 100PSI (10psi/shot)
        The fourth 10 took 125PSI (12.5psi/shot)
        The fifth 10 took 175PSI (17.5psi/shot)
        The sixth 10 took 200PSI (20psi/shot)

        (I had the full chrono report so could split the 10 shot sets to determine that 2700-200PSI held things to the narrowest min/max velocity spread for the greatest shot string length, about 35 shots)

      • Edith,

        Thanks! My son recently bought a model 19 for concealed carry (it’s a small model). It’s small but surprisingly accurate. He practices at between 3 and 7 yards, but I was able to demonstrate that it will reliably hit a human size upper torso at 50 yards. I’d say that it will do it’s job for the intended purpose.


      • I would love to get my hands on a G18. Fully automatic with a 33 round magazine. I have the magazine already, and it fits in my G19. But I have to go through the tiresome task of pulling the trigger for each shot. It also doesn’t do any favors for the balance of the pistol.

        I believe the Israeli made corner-shot is a glorified G18 with a clunky mechanism attached. It might be useful for taking out zombies however..

  14. I have – literally – about 1000lbs of test equipment on pallets under plastic to move into an office trailer I just bought, just got the trailer set up and level today, got the roof (hopefully) watertight yesterday. I need to clean the trailer out some more (mainly clean/seal floor) and I need to build a set of front steps for it, then I get to load all my goodies in! They’re experiencing the greenhouse effect under that plastic! So, I’m pretty busy with this these days, but I have yet more idiotic revolver ideas to plague the world with.

    Such as, OK, so pellets don’t behave well in my Single-Six. So, I’m thinking, I wonder if I can make some kind of bullets out of a hard rubber, with a hollow skirt, that can be packed into .22 brass that has the primer in it. Or some kind of plastic or something. The brass can be hard to load the projectile into, since the brass is still crimped after removing the bullet. The idea is to get .22 pellet performance and reasonable accuracy. But not something that’s going to be noisy, or carry far – like a pellet, a *low* ballistic coefficient.

    Or I could just buy the Crosman “.357” .177 pellet shootemupski.

    • Well, back in 1978/79 I recall buying my father a set of “practice” rounds for .38special… They used large pistol primers to propel reusable plastic cylinders (which snap-fit into plastic cases). Still a bit dangerous — my father managed to puncture the vinyl back of a kitchen chair with the “wad-cutter” edges of the bullets.

      • Yeah they’re called “X-Ring Practice Bullets” or something and look like oversized flatnose pellets. Or at least that’s one kind, this is an idea using .22 primed brass. It’s idiotic, most of my ideas are, but I still want to try it.

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