If you thought dropping a pellet into an airgun was all that was needed, watch this video! How deeply you insert a pellet into your air rifle or air pistol can often make the difference between a dead-ringer and wall-hanger.
Pellet pens have been around for some time, and they make it easier to insert pellets into breakbarrel air guns. Because pellets are small, they can sometimes fall out of place due to an oversized loading port or just because it’s hard to handle small items.
By sliding pellets into the barrel of a pellet pen, you don’t have to worry about proper placement. Just click the pellet pen when it’s at the loading port, and a pellet is properly inserted into your airgun.
But pellet pens with pellet seaters have been shown to make a noticeable difference in accuracy. After the pellet pen has inserted the pellet in the rifle, you use the pellet seater to push the pellet further into the barrel. Watch this video and learn more about pellet pens, pellet seaters and how they can improve your accuracy and help you hit the 10-ring!

This would be the perfect place to link videoand maybe stills from the comments instead of Photobucket from the blog site/blog/
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