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Air Guns Umarex Brodax CO2 revolver: Part 2

Umarex Brodax CO2 revolver: Part 2

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

Brodax revolver
Umarex Brodax revolver.

Part 1

This report covers:

  • Joke on BB
  • Daisy BBs
  • Hornady Black Diamond BBs
  • Umarex BBs
  • Smart Shot lead BBs
  • Other BBs fell out
  • Shot count
  • Trigger pull
  • Overall evaluation

Today we test the velocity of this Brodax revolver. I installed a fresh CO2 cartridge and got right to the task. Remember, I’m writing this while looking straight down, and everything takes me twice as long, so please excuse my brevity.

Joke on BB

When I had to pierce the cartridge, I looked around my desk for the right Allen wrench. I thought I had misplaced it. Searching for things with one eye isn’t very easy, so I defaulted to a wrench from my tool kit. It was only as I was putting the grip panel back on the gun that I realized the Brodax comes with the wrench built-in! Duh!

Daisy BBs

First up were Daisy Premiun Grade BBs. In single action (cocking the hammer before the shot) they averaged 401 f.p.s. with a 13 f.p.s. spread that went from 393 to 407 f.p.s. Umarex lists the revolver at 375 f.p.s., so right away we know they are being conservative. As always, I am allowing at least 10 seconds between shots.

In double action (just pulling the trigger for each shot) this same BB averaged 395 f.p.s. The spread went from 387 to 401 f.p.s., which is a 14 f.p.s. spread. Double action velocity in the Brodax is very close to single action velocity, which isn’t so common. And, once again, the velocity exceeds the specification.

Hornady Black Diamond BBs

Next, I tried some Hornady Black Diamond BBs. They averaged 400 f.p.s. when fired single action. The spread was 15 f.p.s., running from 392 to 407 f.p.s.

In double action Hornadys averaged 391 f.p.s. The spread of 16 f.p.s. went from a low of 383 f.p.s. to a high of 399 f.p.s.

Umarex BBs

Then I tried some Umarex Precision Steel BBs, They make the Brodax, so I figured I should try their BB. In single action these BBs averaged 391 f.p.s. The spread was just 6 f.p.s., from 388 f.p.s. to 394 f.p.s. So this BB went a little slower, but was also more consistent. It’s still above the rated velocity for the gun, though.

In double action Umarex BBs averaged 389 f.p.s. They ranged from a low of 383 f.p.s. to a high of 393 f.p.s. — a spread of 10 f.p.s. So they are a little slower and yet still quite uniform.

Smart Shot lead BBs

Finally I tested some Smart Shot lead BBs. These fell out of the circular clip and it was difficult to load them into the revolver. The clip doesn’t have a magnet (I don’t think), but had held all the steel BBs to this point. For some reason it just didn’t want to hold onto Smart Shot BBs. I chrongraphed one in single action at 314 f.p.s., but then they started falling out of the gun. I gave up at that point.

Other BBs fell out

After trying the Smart Shot BBs, I noticed that steel BBs were now falling out of the clip, too. Perhaps a small magnet to retain them would be nice? I’m going to recommend that you don’t try the Smart Shot BBs in the Brodax.

Shot count

How many shots can you expect from one CO2 cartridge? After the velocity testing was finished I continued to shoot and record the shots. At 66 shots Daisy BBs were leaving the muzzle at 365 f.p.s. They were already dropping in velocity, but not by much. At 88 shots they dropped to 355 f.p.s., which is a sign of pressure loss, but the gun continued to shoot very well. By shot 99 they were going out at 323 f.p.s. That’s slower, but not by that much. I have seen other CO2 guns hold onto their velocity tenaciously this way, but it isn’t common. Shot 111 went out at 251 f.p.s,. and I stopped shooting, but there were more shots available. I would say you can count on a full 11 ten-shot clips per CO2 cartridge from the Brodax.

Trigger pull

The trigger pull is deceptive. I guessed it was 2 lbs. in single action, but my electronic scale put it at between 4 lbs. 7 oz. and 4 lbs. 10 oz. I guess the grip is just so perfect for me that it hides a lot of the effort?

The Brodax is the first revolver on which I have been able to measure the double action pull with my electronic scale. It breaks at 9 lbs. 3 oz. on the test gun, which is many pounds lighter than most double action triggers.

Overall evaluation

If someone made a firearm version of the Brodax, I think I would buy it. This revolver fits my hand perfectly! It reminds me of a Colt Diamondback, which is one of the finest revolvers Colt ever made. The fit and balance of that gun were just right, for me. I sure hope this Brodax can shoot!

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

25 thoughts on “Umarex Brodax CO2 revolver: Part 2”

  1. Hello BB and the group. Looks like I am the first night owl to comment . Glad to see you are able to continue with the blog. What ever you do BE CAREFUL !
    I like the idea the Brodax is not a replica of a firearm ! My Crosman 1377 and 2240, Webley Alecto and Tempest do not look like copies of firearms, but they do just fine thank you . The trigger test seems good. Being a revolver has a lot going for it as far CO2 consumption is concerned. The lack of adjustable rear sight is a bummer, but for the price point what can you expect ? If it is reasonably accurate I probably will order it.

  2. This pistol sort of reminds me of the pistol Harrison Ford carried in Blade Runner (or was it Bladerunner?). A pistol I would really like to try out would be the Rhino.

    I notice on the top of the “barrel” near the muzzle underneath the sight rail there appears to be a couple of slots for recoil compensation. Are these slots in the actual barrel or are they just for looking at?

  3. Hi Tom…. I own a Crosman plink-o-matic in .177 caliber… My question is, have you ever tested one using pellets and what pellets did you find most accurate in the pistol?

    Incidentally, regarding your article about the 150 and it’s sights… I found my 600 shot low due to the height of the rear sight…. i adjusted it upward and found it difficult to maintain a good sight picture… After some thought I came up with using a rubber washer from a faucet repair kit that was small enough to sit nicely in the half moon of the rear sight body… I used super glue so it can be removed,,,, installed it and the picture is like using a rear aperture to sight through…. Now I’m able to see the target through the washer and better judge the distance and raise or lower the front sight on the target…. this may help on the 150…. If you can, please do an an article about your experience with a model 600…. Thanks… Hope you heal quickly

    • TJ,

      Welcome to the blog.

      Are you talking about the Crosman 677 Plink-O-Matic? If so, they are made to shoot BBs only. You might try the new Smart Shot lead BBs in your gun, but it will not handle pellets, as far as I know.

      I have never shot a 677. They were always too expensive for me.


  4. B.B.,

    The Brodax is low-priced and easy on CO2 to boot. If this is accurate, I’m in line right behind you to get one.

    The Brodax seems closely related to Umarex’ plastic Python line. The photo of the extra clips has them flipped over (gear-work face up) so I can’t tell, but are they compatible with the Brodax?

    They’re here: /product/colt-rotary-bb-magazines-fit-357-python-co2-pellet-bb-revolvers-3pk?a=5573


  5. To be honest most of the BB revolvers don’t really interest me. But This one appears to be a winner if it shoots well. If the price is right I might actually pick one of these up.

  6. I’m supposing the velocity testing was done before the news that you could hold your head up, and I don’t want to think of how that was done.

    ChrisUSA, you’re right that we should look at known targets and distances for a standard of offhand accuracy. I believe that international air rifle competition is all standing at 10m. On the other hand, most of us are not at that level. Maybe just landing in the black of those targets would be an achievement for ordinary shooters. A standard at 100 yards is tougher, and you wouldn’t want to use an MOA extrapolation. Jeff Cooper’s concept of “range-probable error” says that the difficulty increases in a non-linear way, and that may be even more true of offhand.

    Buldawg, I bet you’re right about the youth shooting clubs although it has never been my good fortune to come across them. Maybe the cumbersome cocking mechanism works as a safety measure for this group by teaching the shooter to value each shot. It’s different from starting kids with a semiauto and on another planet from letting them shoot machine guns as one sometimes hears about.

    On another note, I’ve just noticed numbers of pine cones lying on the ground. What perfect targets these would make for throwing up inn the air for the Crosman 1077 or using as reactive targets on the ground for airguns and rimfire. I’m already laying my plans. Does anyone shoot these for practice?


    • Matt61
      Well of course I use pine cones as targets. We have several mature pine trees around the yard. The pine cones are everywhere. Pretty fun.

      Also out in the feild in the back yard are the corn cobs laying every where from last year’s corn harvest. The old dry ones explode nice when you hit them.

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