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Education / Training CCI .22 long rifle Quiet test

CCI .22 long rifle Quiet test

Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

This report covers:

  • CCI Quiet
  • CCI Quiet Semi-Auto
  • CCI Subsonic Hollowpoint
  • Discussion
  • Remington model 37 Rangemaster
  • Ruger 10/22 rifle
  • CCI Quiet accuracy
  • CCI Subsonic Hollowpoint accuracy
  • Quiet Semi-Auto accuracy
  • Summary

When I started reporting the sounds airguns make, using my new smart phone app that is a sound meter, readers asked me how the sounds of a PCP compare to a .22 long rifle cartridge. The Ataman AP16 pistol that is part of the Godfather’s Gold Gun Giveaway registered 108 decibels on the meter, but a CCI .22 CB Short — a .22 short round with very little powder — registered 112 dB. 

Reader Dave said he thought the CCI .22 long rifle Quiet was quieter than his PCP, and he sent me a box to try for you. He actually sent three different low-noise long rifle cartridges and today I will tell you how they all performed.

CCI Quiet on the left, then CCI Quiet Semi-Auto with CCI Subsonic for suppressors on the right.

CCI Quiet

The first cartridge we look at is the CCI Quiet. It is a .22 long rifle cartridge with a 40-grain lead bullet going out at 710 f.p.s. That is the same velocity as the CCI CB Short with its 29-grain bullet. The CB Short produced 112 dB with the meter three feet to the left of the muzzle. With the meter in the same place for the Quiet the meter registered 105.4 dB

Quiet discharge
The CCI Quiet produced 105.4 dB from a 24-inch barrel. Sorry for the blur. The camera was hand-held.

CCI Quiet Semi-Auto

We’ll look at the CCI Quiet Semi-Auto next. This cartridge has a 45-grain bullet and goes just a little faster than the standard Quiet round, at 835 f.p.s. A semiautomatic action needs a bigger push to open the bolt, and the standard Quiet round can’t do it reliably.

I tested the discharge of this cartridge in the same Remington Model 33 bolt-action single shot as the rest of the cartridges. This one registered 109.2 dB — just a little louder than the Quiet round. And although I had my electronic hearing protectors on during the testing, I could tell this one was more powerful just by the push it made when it fired.

Quiet SA discharge
The Quiet Semi-Auto was louder than the Quiet cartridge, at 109.2 dB. Sorry for the blur.

CCI Subsonic Hollowpoint

The last cartridge I tested was a CCI .22 long rifle Subsonic Hollowpoint. The package indicates it is made for guns with silencers. It puts out a 45-grain lead bullet at 970 f.p.s. at the muzzle. It’s the most powerful of the three cartridges I’m testing and, at 94+ foot-pounds, it’s close to the power of a standard speed .22 long rifle cartridge.

I expected this cartridge to be the loudest of the three and it was, though not by that much. It registered 110.9 dB on the sound meter.

Subsonic HP discharge
The Subsonic hollowpoint pushed the sound meter to 110.9 dB.


My eyes (and ears) were opened by this little test. All three of these quiet CCI long rifle cartridges made less noise than the CCI CB Short, and the CCI Quiet cartridge was quieter than the Ataman AP 16 pistol! I would not have predicted that.

But quiet sound is nothing without accuracy, so last Friday I went to AirForce Airguns test range and tested all three cartridges for accuracy at 25 yards. I used a Remington model 37 Rangemaster bolt action target rifle for two of the cartridges, and a Ruger 10/22 semiautomatic rifle for the third. Let’s look at each rifle now.

Stock up on Air Gun Ammo

Remington model 37 Rangemaster

The model 37 Rangemaster was Remington’s answer to the Winchester model 52. The rifle weighs about 12+ pounds and the 24-power Redfield target scope mounted on it adds another 2 pounds. The scope parallax adjusts down to 25 yards.

Remington model 37
Remington model 37 Rangemaster is a vintage world-class target rifle.

The later model 37s like mine had what Remington referred to as the “Miracle Trigger.” When you squeeze the blade no movement can be felt. The rifle simply fires when enough pressure is applied. There is no overtravel to adjust because the trigger blade has no travel, whatsoever. Some target shooters consider this trigger to be the best they have ever felt. I wouldn’t go that far. It’s just a very good target trigger.

Ruger 10/22 rifle

The 37 is the rifle that shot both the CCI Quiet and the CCI Subsonic Hollowpoint cartridges. Now let’s peek at the Ruger 10/22 rifle.

Ruger 10/22 rifle
The 10/22 is a rifle, not a carbine. It has proven to be extremely accurate.

Now we’ll look at the accuracy of all three cartridges. The first two are shot from the Remington and the last one is from the 10/22.

CCI Quiet accuracy

I shot at 25 yards using a 10-meter air rifle target. The rifle was rested in a rifle rest that has adjustable movements in both elevation and windage directions, via long screws.

The first shot with the Quiets landed 3.1 inches below the aim point and slightly to the right. I thought I would have to adjust the scope when I saw it. I didn’t want to hit the 10-ring and destroy my aim point, but I did want to land somewhere inside the bull I aimed at.

I was surprised when shot 2 hit the paper more than an inch and a half higher. Shot three was even higher — just outside the bull I was aiming at, so I decided to shoot a 5-shot group from there. Five Quiet bullets went into 0.527-inches between centers at 25 yards.

Quiet group
The first CCI Quiet hit over three inches low, but by shot three the rifle was grouping on the bull I aimed at. The top 5 shots are in a 0.527-inch group at 25 yards.

In the past this Remington model 37 has put 5 CCI standard speed rounds into 0.375-inches at 50 yards. That should give you a good idea of the rifle’s capability. Naturally one 5-shot group isn’t the final word, but for the sake of this test, I will accept it.

CCI Subsonic Hollowpoint accuracy

Next I shot 5 CCI Subsonic Hollowpoints. The scope was not adjusted. Five bullets went into 0.325-inches at 25 yards. That’s the sort of accuracy I expect from this rifle.

Subsonic group
The Remington model 37 put 5 CCI Subsonic Hollowpoints into this 0.325-inch group.

Quiet Semi-Auto accuracy

The last cartridge I tested was the CCI Quiet Semi-Auto. I tested it in a Ruger 10/22 rifle. I own both a 10/22 carbine that is not accurate and the rifle with a 20-inch barrel that is. My rifle is scoped with a vintage steel Weaver V9-IIW, a 3-9 variable with a 32 mm objective lens. 

I shot a 5-shot group of the Semi-Auto cartridges at 25 yards and got a 0.535-inch group. That’s okay but nothing special.

Quiet SA group
Five shots of Quiet Semi-Auto ammo from the 10/22 went into 0.535-inches at 25 yards.

That was when it dawned on me that this scope is variable and I had shot it on 3 power! So I adjusted the power up to 9 and then discovered that the minimum parallax distance is 50 yards. The bull was blurry on 9 power, but I shot another 5-shot group anyway. It measures 0.807-inches between centers at 25 yards. It’s the largest 5-shot group of the test.

1Quiet SA group 9X
Running the scope at 9-power did not help things. The target was blurry and the group is the largest of the test — five shots in 0.807-inches.

What to do? Three power was too low for precision and nine power made the target blurry. I split the difference and went to 6-power. That sharpened the target considerably. This time 5 shots went into 0.499-inches.

Quiet SA group 6X
Six power proved to be the baby-bear magnification for this scope at 25 yards. Five bullets went into 0.499-inches at 25 yards. The target was sharp and the group is the smallest of the three I fired with this cartridge.


Dave was right about the CCI Quiet. It is quieter than a lot of PCPs. And to my surprise it’s quieter than the CCI CB Short that shoots a 29-grain bullet at the same 710 f.p.s. as the Quiet’s 40-grainer.

It’s not super-accurate — at least not in my Remington 37 target rifle. But it’s about as good as the CB caps I tested for you in 2011. Those were tested in my Winder target rifle that’s chambered for shorts.

Not that any of this ammo is available in the U.S. at this time. They are being made but they are being snapped up as soon as they come to market. You can request the dealer to alert you when a shipment becomes available and that’s about the best you can hope for until things change.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

93 thoughts on “CCI .22 long rifle Quiet test”

  1. BB,
    Today’s blog is very helpful, TY… By the way, 37 is another rifle that I’ll probably never be able to find anywhere…
    My ideal 22LR is a bolt action, singleshot, iron sighed classic rifle with a decent two stage trigger. Well, I can tolerate, different rimfire calibers, deleted sights and multishots in a bolt action, but a 2 stage trigger is a must. Does anyone know a model like that in the market? Not that I’m looking for one – just wondering.
    Mark I G would be my favorite rimfire if it had a nice 2 stage trigger instead of accutrigger.

  2. BB
    I have the CCI. 22 quiet LR and CCI. 22 quiet semi auto long rifle.

    My Winchester 190 and Savage 93 both like the 2 different CCI rounds that I have.

    Mine will do around .300″ to .400″ at 25 yards and around .750″ to .850″ at 50 yards.

    What both guns really like is the Aguila SSS 60 grain 950 fps rounds. They will hold around .500″ at 50 yards. And they are pretty quiet too. About like the CCI quiets I have but with a more lower hollow type sound.

    Anyway nice test.

    • Chris
      Got the 499 shot tube ordered today. $12 plus $3 shipping.

      I been running some ideas through the ole brain of what I’m going to do.

      I also ordered a scope and some of the Advanti precision ground bb’s today also.

      Ihave3 different gunson mind I’m going to try the barrel in after I get the barrel modded. It will be a slip in fit for any of the steel breech Crosman and Benjamin guns.

      Going to take one of the bolt probes from the steel breech to work and magnetise it on our surface grinder magnet. We do our Allen wrenches and screwdrivers on it so we don’t loose a bolt or screw when we are working on something. Hoping that will hold the bb inplace in the barrel.

      Getting excited about it now.

      • GF1,

        Looking forwards to see what you come up with. You are a good one to do that kind of stuff (since you have done a bunch of modding, you work at a machine shop and you are a machinist).


        • Chris
          I think the hardest thing to do will be to drill the transfer port hole in the 499 barrel. And it shouldn’t be too hard to do with a center drill and a drill press. Even a hand drill as long as you center point the barrel with a punch so the drill won’t walk off the round diameter of the barrel.

          Maybe I will finally get to try a 499. Just in a different form. 🙂

  3. Fish
    Mine has the accutrigger. They are nice. I like them.

    But I’ll tell ya my 190 semi auto has a nice trigger. It’s got that longer first stage that I like then the trigger stops and you can hold right there with out being afraid your going to bump off the shot before your ready. Just a little more pressure and the shot goes off. It’s a very controllable semi auto. Probably why I can shoot such good groups with it.

  4. My guess about the first two shots is that this rifle hadn’t been shot in a while and the bore needed to be “seasoned”
    . I have tried some of the CCI 40 gr. Quiet and I couldn’t get them to group worth a dang from an old Mossberg target mod.43. My squirrel gun up till I got into pcp’s. Kinda heavy and not much to look at but boy does she like 22 short hollow points.

    • Gene,

      Don’t get sucked into it! Fish will drive you nuts with his wimbling back and forth for days, finally deciding which one he wants to get, changing his mind 15 seconds later and then not getting any of them.

      I know what he wants. He wants a competition .22LR target rifle for the price of a Cricket. Just like the air rifle he wants. He wants a FWB 600 series air rifle for the price of an Embark. One day he will figure out that if you want to play, you gotta pay.

    • HA! You beat me to it, Gene. I second a CZ 452 if you can find one new (I did two years ago) as it’s been replaced with a newer model, the 457 which I had been advised, not to buy. I don’t know why or why not but someone more familiar with these rifles may chime in. I put a Mueller scope on it for NRA light rifle competitions. Rifle shoots better than me!

      Fred formerly of the DPRoNJ now Happily in GA

  5. BB,

    I drool for that Redfield on top of that Remington. Well, the truth be told, I drool for that Remington also. You have a really nice collection of scopes around there. 😉

    CCI Quiet Accuracy

    I thought(s) I would have to adjust the scope when I saw it.

    • RR,

      I had to trade hard (or pay through the nose — I forget) to get that. It has the target sights, too. I gave $250 just for the single-shot adapter that replaces the 5-shot magazine. The scope was another hard bargain! But — it is exactly what I wanted. I passed up several nice 52s for it.

      Fixed the text. Thanks,


  6. I use CCI Quiet ammo in my CZ 452 Ultra Lux. The 29 inch barrel really dampens the noise. In fact, the loudest sound from shooting this round comes from the bullet hitting the steel trap I commonly use, rather than the noise from the muzzle. I am able to shoot this round safely in my basement without hearing protection.

  7. Ridgerunner ,

    You mean I can not get a Anschutz 54 for Marlin model 60 money . There seems to be allot of that going around.
    No such thing as a free lunch . I tell everybody that Airguns are like Power tools and Tires , You get what you pay for .

    Gene Salvino

  8. BB-

    In section- CCI Quiet Semi-Auto

    You report using a Remington Model 33 to test for sound reading. Should that have been the 37?

    Also, what effect does barrel length have to play in choosing a backyard friendly plinker or target shooter? Bear in mind, we need to maintain enough energy to deal with the squirrels raiding the bird feeder.

    Thank you for this report.

  9. Great stuff B.B.!

    I downloaded that sound app to try – think that it might be good as a tuning aid. Found that the Impact has a distinctive sound when the reg, hammer and valve are balanced.

    Since discovering BB caps and CB caps way back when I’ve always kept a stock of the low power/low noise .22 rimfire rounds.

    Used to use a Cooley bolt action repeater for squirrel hunting – the magazine would hold over 20 CBs – very convenient 🙂

    Was seriously considering a nice CZ a while back. Then I rediscovered airguns and PCPs and haven’t looked back since.


  10. Good, interesting report, B.B. Thanks to Dave for making it possible by his generous donation. The last time I was able to buy CCI Quiets, both hollow-point and solid was at a gun show in West Palm Beach last year. The seller did not have much inventory, so FM is using the small stash sparingly.

    Not having a DB meter or an app installed, my unscientific experience is the Quiets are pretty much so when firing with my Gustloff single-shot bolt action, louder thru the Ruger 10/22. Still, no complaints from the wife or neighbors, so it’s all good. For pesting purposes, have found the bolt-action with iron sights more accurate than the scoped 10/22. The longest firing distance has not exceeded approximately 20 yards, but the round was on target. No complaints from the myopic guy still experiencing some minor issues from a retinal detachment which happened about 3 years ago, though!

    • “Good, interesting report, B.B. Thanks to Dave for making it possible by his generous donation.”
      Yes, B.B., this was a really interesting report; thank you!
      FawltyManuel, you are most welcome; I was happy to donate the ammo as I knew that B.B. would get the data on it out to a LOT of people. =>

  11. Fred ,

    Glad you are enjoying yourself in GA !! I bet you have allot more seat time on your bikes also . I noticed that the 452 was discontinued by CZ . That is a shame such neat rifles .

    Gene Salvino

  12. BB ,

    The Anschutz guns are nice but a good Winchester or Remington will group right with them . Hard to beat the finish and smoothness oh the 54 though . I am dreaming of one also .

    Gene Salvino

    • gene,
      now, this comment was very interesting. maybe bb would like to put himself thru challanges like that. he could push the limits of reasonably priced airguns and make a joke of expensive ones, just for kicks and a great report…

  13. B.B.

    How loud is a standard .22LR?
    I was under the mistaken impression that a normal .22LR round generated about 60 fpe, guess I was way wrong!
    Not really surprised that a good air rifle in much more accurate that those powder burners.


    • Yogi,

      I will have to test one of course, but I am guessing a .22 lr standard speed will test at somewhere around 120-125 dB.

      Standard speed .22 lr cartridges generate 100-110 foot-pounds at the muzzle, as a rule. The lowly .22 short generates 60-70 foor-pounds.

      Top-flight air rifles have suirpassed the .22 rimfire cartridge for accuracy out to perhaps 50 yards, or just a little less. But there are a LOT of caveats that go with that. First is the .22 rimfire cartridge has somewhat unreliable ignition. It’s something on the order of 0.9998 reliable. That good enough for the world, but not for target shooters.

      Next the .22 cartridge has a much wider standard deviation, shot-to-shot. That’s as a general rule. There are exceptions, but those target cartridges cost $50 for 50 rounds.


      • Yes, but can they shoot 1/4 inch groups at 25 yards. The ammo that B.B. tested can not do that!
        I understand that rim fires are inherrently less accurate that center fires…


        • Yogi

          I don’t know what they can do.
          With rimfire ammo, you need to shoot a box of it before you start trying to shoot groups.
          The hyper velocity stuff is usually much worse for accuracy than standard velocity or target ammo.


          • Twotalon,

            Interesting… A whole box! My rule of thumb when shooting after a cleaning, changing from one lot# to another Lot or one Brand to another is 10 fouling shots to “set the wax foundation” (some call that seasoning) and to ensure the rifle/pistol is still set-up to shoot properly to POA.


            • Shootski

              Depends on the particular rifle. Some will stabilize easier than others.
              I found that even shooting one shot with a different kind of ammo will screw it up, and you will have to shoot some of the favorite ammo again to get it smoothed out again.
              A competition shooter told me one time that you should only clean a rimfire when it gets too hard to chamber a new round. Then shoot a box or two to get it stabilized again. His rifle. Not mine.
              From what I have seen, his ideas are correct. Depending on what that particular rifle requires..


              • Twotalon,


                To clean, or not to clean; that IS the question!
                I ONLY clean when i know accuracy is falling off and only after a deep look at the chamber and bore with a borescope to see what and where cleaning might be needed. I think all the cleaning is a holdover from the long ago days of dirty propellant and the US Military penchant for Makework!


                • Shootski

                  I know that rimfires will eventually get hard to chamber . There were two times that a semiauto I had blew off the rim because the round was not fully chambered. Loud.
                  As long as it shoots good and chambers easy enough, I won’t clean.


  14. ” And to my surprise it’s quieter than the CCI CB Short that shoots a 29-grain bullet at the same 710 f.p.s. as the Quiet’s 40-grainer.”
    Thanks again, B.B., for this report; I, too, was really surprised to see that they were quieter than the lesser-powered CB rounds. God alone (besides them) knows what they used for powder to achieve that…pretty cool. =>
    Take care & God bless,
    P.S. And a “thank you” to Gunfun1, who told me about the accuracy he was getting with the .22 Quiet rounds (which got me to check other rifles); they were not that accurate in my Marlin 101, but they are in my Savage heavy-barrel rifle Mark II with the accu-trigger. =>

    • Dave
      Cool. Glad you did try them in other guns.

      I have had good luck with them throughout the years. I always make sure I have at the minimum 3 or 4 bricks of them.

      I got to stock up on the Aguila 60 grain 950 fps sub sonic sniper rounds. Getting a bit low on them. Luckily the guy that has worked the gun counter at the local Rural King for years has a good connection. He can usually get me what I want. Sometimes it takes a couple weeks to get them. But he does some how. Very glad that he will do it for me. Very grateful for that no doubt.

          • Gunfun1, it’s a fixed 4X Nikko Stirling I got from a gunsmith friend; I originally got it for the Marlin model 101; but after you mentioned how well those .22 Quiet rounds worked for you, I went to the local gun store, and a friend of mine there recommended this rifle as a tack driver (as he has one himself); so far, it works great out to 40 yards; I’d heard a lot about the accu-trigger, but never shot a gun with one before; it’s pretty sweet. =>

            • Dave
              Ok about the scope. All my adjustable scopes are set at 4 magnification and I have one scope that is a fixed 4 magnification. Works out good for the shooting I do.

              And good deal glad your liking your gun, scope and ammo combination. Its got to be fun to shoot.

  15. Gun Fun, That you for sharing your ammo that we could have this report! I’ve been waiting for this one and it did not let me down! I have shot the 40 gr Quite ammo and like it.

    B.B., Thanks again for this report. Even though you didn’t test the sound out of the 10/22, I’ve always noticed the semis were always louder. I take it that’s from the sound coming out of the action, but never knew it if was really louder overall or just to the shooter due to being so close to the action.


    • Doc
      I didn’t share the ammo with BB. Dave did.

      But I was all for the test. I already new what to expect before BB done the report.

      Well except for that 3rd box of the higher velocity heavier grain CCI’s he tested. I never have used those.

    • Doc
      I think the same thing about the semi auto actions being louder.

      And the quiets actually have pretty good energy. The 710 fps 40 grain quiets make 44 fpe. Those 950 fps 60 grain snipers are real nice. They make a 120 fpe. And they thump louder when they hit than what they sound like when they shoot. And the 60 grainers are accurate out at a100 yards. Well from my guns anyway.

      • Gunfun,
        I have some of those 60 grainers (Or I think I have some left). I used to play with them a lot when they were easy to get. I results with them have been just ok. I’ve read where they are designed for a different twist rate than we usually see here in the US. I don’t know why or how I didn’t pick up on Dave as the ammo giver. I guess I kept reading our name in the comments and it stuck in my head.

        DAVE: Thank You for sharing your ammo!!!!!!!!!!


        • Doc
          Everybody says that about the twist rate with the 60 grain 950 bullets.

          My guns shoot them good. Well I think it’s good anyway. I can put 5 shots in 2-1/2 inches at a hundred yards with them.

          Maybe I should expect better?

  16. BB

    You may already know this. You don’t need to use a camera. Every smart phone has the capability to do a capture of the current screen display. Then you can email, text, or transfer through the cloud the picture to whatever environment that you using to write the blog.

    Mike T.

  17. About your measurements: Years ago I was a researcher in a lab that studied human and animal hearing, and there I learned about sound measurements. Smartphone apps typically do A-weighted SPL measurements, which are averaged over 125ms (fast) to 1 second (slow). To do proper measurement of a gun shot you need a meter than can impulse measurements. A C-weighted measurement has an integration time of 35ms, and I’ve never seen an app that can do this.

      • My apologies if that’s the case. I reread it and couldn’t find a reference to scale. The app just shows “dB” on the screen. Sound pressure levels are reported as “dBA SPL” or “dBC SPL” as “dB” by itself is a ratio, not an absolute measure. Incidentally, standard measures of SPL are generally reported at one meter.

        • Mje2,

          Sorry to confuse. I did mention thast I was using the C scale in another report but nobody seemed to care so I stopped mentioning it.

          Here is a clear picture of the meter. You’ll see the scasle under Frequency Weighting on the lower left. You can also see it blurry in one of the pix in this artiocle.


          • Thanks for the clarification. Obviously you’re not going to run out and spend several thousand dollars on a Bruel & Kjaer sound meter for these tests, but be aware that those apps don’t always measure what they claim to. They’re probably alright for doing comparisons.

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