Hammerli 100 free pistol: Part Four
I will update you with an older report that I am resurrecting — the .22 rimfire Hammerli 100 free pistol. Today we will learn about how updated ammunition makes everything old new again.
I will update you with an older report that I am resurrecting — the .22 rimfire Hammerli 100 free pistol. Today we will learn about how updated ammunition makes everything old new again.
Today BB looks at a firearm that’s actually a spring-piston air rifle — the Daisy VL.
Tom GaylordWriting as B.B. Pelletier This report covers: CCI Quiet CCI Quiet Semi-Auto CCI Subsonic Hollowpoint Discussion Remington model 37 Rangemaster Ruger 10/22 rifle CCI Quiet accuracy CCI Subsonic Hollowpoint accuracy Quiet Semi-Auto accuracy Summary When I started reporting the sounds airguns make, using my new smart phone app that is a sound meter, readers … Read more