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Education / Training Reloading .22 rimfire cartridges: Part 6

Reloading .22 rimfire cartridges: Part 6

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

Part 1 Reloading .22 rimfire cartridges
Part 2 Reloading .22 rimfire cartridges
Part 3 Bore size versus performance
Part 4 Reloading .22 rimfire cartridges
Part 5 Reloading .22 rimfire cartridges

This report covers:

  • The test
  • Failed to fire
  • Strike anywhere matches
  • The verdict?
  • Can REAL strike anywhere matches be purchased?
  • Toy caps
  • Grind up the powder
  • Pack the powder
  • Again with the commercial priming powder
  • The test
  • Summary

Today we test the first batch of reloaded .22 rimfire cartridges. There is a lot to tell so let’s get right to it.

The test

I used a heavy steel bullet trap for today’s test. I needed that because I was shooting across my chronograph in my office. From Part 5 I had 28 cartridges loaded and ready to go.

Failed to fire

The first cartridge failed to fire, so I loaded a second one — and so on until I reached the end of my loaded rounds. They didn’t work. So what went wrong? I will have more to say on that in a bit. Now let’s look at something different.

rimfire case unfired
It wasn’t that I didn’t try! This case was fired originally and then twice after reloading.

Strike anywhere matches

I had planned to try strike anywhere matches because several videos on You Tube say they can be made into priming compound. Reader Siraniko from the Philippines told us that strike anywhere matches have been removed from the shelves in his nation. Fortunately we still have them in the US and I was able to buy three boxes at the grocery store.

You’re supposed to cut off the lighter colored tips of the matches and grind them into a powder. So I cut the tips off a dozen matches and stuck them between two pieces of paper so I could grind them safely. Remember, you are making priming compound that goes off when hit. You don’t want to set it off while you are grinding it!

strike anywhere matches
I bought strike anywhere matches at the grocery store.

When I had ground the match tips into a powder I took some of the powder out to the garage and put it on the steel jaws of my vise. Then I hit it with a hammer. Nothing. I hit it again, and again. Nada.

Then I tried lighting these “strike anywhere” matches on things other than the matchbox strip. Nothing. They wouldn’t even ignite when struck on a nail file!

The verdict?

The verdict is, American strike anywhere matches are a lie. I then learned that only recently was the compound of the match tips sold in the US changed to make them only ignite when struck on the side of the matchbox. So the Philippines has openly outlawed strike anywhere matches and the US has allowed manufacturers to lie about them. The ones I have are even hard to ignite when rubbed on the strip on their box! These that I have were made in Chile, and, to my enduring gratitude, the box assured me they were made with wood from well-managed forests. Imagine my joy!

Stock up on Air Gun Ammo

Can REAL strike anywhere matches be purchased?

Yes, it is possible to buy real Ohio Blue Tip strike anywhere matches on eBay. They are selling for around $15 a box, which makes no sense to my current project. Not only would it take many hours to produce enough priming powder for 50 cartridges, that many matches would also cost over $50!

Toy caps

The other material that’s widely advertised for making rimfire priming compound is the powder that’s found in toy caps. It makes little difference what kind of caps you use because the powder inside all of them is very sensitive. But the paper roll caps require a lot more work to extract enough powder for a cartridge than the ring caps — because there is more compound in each chamber of a ring cap than there is in those little bumps on roll caps.

I ordered some ring caps to try this for myself. The cap chambers are each covered with white paper that proved easy to remove. I used a sharp dental pick and, after the white paper was off and I could see the hard pellet of cap powder inside, I used the pick to break it up so I could dump it out.

Though I was gentle as a safecracker, the first cap exploded with half the powder still inside. Okay — gotta go slower! The “explosion” was only with half the powder and it was just a quiet flareup.

Then I got the powder out of the next six chambers (there are 8 caps on a ring). The last cap blew up with all the powder and it was louder and hotter than the first one. Ouch! I say ouch, but I am also pleased that I have finally found something that I know works.

The first cap blew up with half its powder, so you’re looking at about 2.5 caps of powder. The powder is hard inside the cap chambers and comes out in chunks that must be broken up.

cap powder
Each cap chamber has its powder in a cake at the bottom. The cake is always void on one side, as seen here.

I noticed that every cap chamber had a cake of hard powder at the bottom. All the cakes had a void on one side so I tried to get the dental pick underneath and pry out the entire cake. That’s what blew up the 8th cap! So pressure alone sets off this stuff. That’s good to know.

Grind up the powder

As you can see, the cap powder comes out in large chunks. To get the powder under the rim of the cartridge it must be ground up fine. Well, there’s a dilemma! How do you grind up powder that explodes from shock or pressure? Kinda like juggling nitroglycerin!

I took the powder from 6.5 caps and put it in a pile. Then I folded paper over it and used the smooth head of a hammer to gently grind the powder. This was done by turning the hammer from side to side — GENTLY! My neighbor, Denny, watched me do this and I think he thought I wasn’t really grinding at all, but the big chunks did break down into a powder.

grind powder
Fold the paper over the cap powder and SLOWLY grind the chunks to powder by a light side-to-side (circular) motion.

Pack the powder

The power is poured through the funnel into the cartridge case and one drop of acetone is dropped on it. The acetone turns the fine powder into a slurry that can then be pushed into the rim all around the cartridge. The instructions say to wait 5 minutes after dropping the acetone in before pushing it into the rim. That is what I didn’t do the first time I loaded the 28 cartridges. I immediately started to push the priming powder into the rim, thinking that acetone dries very quickly here in Texas.

This time I waited 4-5 minutes before pushing the powder under the rim. I figured this step might have been the one that caused all my first cartridges to fail.

I carefully packed the cap powder into the rim of the first case and it went very well. In fact almost all the powder went into the rim, which was a problem the first time I loaded 28 cartridges. 

But the second time I packed the priming powder it detonated and the fire from 6 caps worth of powder shot out the cartridge case I was holding in my left hand. It was loud and hot. I have no doubt that if there had been gunpowder inside it would also have ignited. The flame also lasted longer than when the individual caps blew up — perhaps 100-200 milliseconds. Double ouch!

So I cleaned that case once more and pried out the powder from 6 more toy caps, ground it and packed it — even more carefully this time. I now had two cartridges primed with toy cap powder. They were set aside to dry completely overnight.

Again with the commercial priming powder

I also tried the commercial priming compound a second time. I read the instructions once again and carefully mixed the four powders (see Part 4 for a detailed description). This time, though, I added a step that I hadn’t done before. When the powder was mixed I took a third of a small scoop that is the recommended charge for one cartridge out to my garage and dumped it on top of my steel vise jaws. Then I hit the pile of powder with a hammer and it did explode. Now I know for certain that this powder does work. Because of how I rushed into reloading the cartridges I didn’t know that for certain the first time around.

Then I loaded this priming compound into two more cleaned cartridge cases and waited the same 4-5 minutes for the acetone to dry before packing the compound under the rim. I wanted to make sure I was doing everything exactly as the instructions said. These two cartridges were also set aside to thoroughly dry overnight.

The test

Rather than blundering ahead like I did in Part 5, I decided to test the four primed cartridges I had just made. So the next day I dumped one large scoop of Pyrodex replica black powder into each case. Then I packed a piece of paper towel down tight against the powder. Pyrodex ignites as easily as black powder, so, if the priming was successful this time, I just made 4 blank cartridges. Two are with the powder from toy caps and two are with the commercial priming powder.

Pyrodex is a replica black powder that burns just as easily. Pyrodex P is equivalent to FFFG powder which is pistol powder.

Well ???

Well, it worked! Perfectly! All four cartridges fired as planned. I now know that the priming powder I bought works when the instructions are followed to the letter. I also know that toy caps make a good rimfire priming compound — though they must be handled with kid gloves.

I tried to post a video of two of the four cartridges firing on my You Tube channel but it was declined several times by You Tube with no precise explanation other than it was a “bad request.” According to what I see I may have to upload it a different way. I will look into the matter further.

I now know that the powder from 6 ring caps is enough to prime a .22 long rifle cartridge. I also know that the 1/3 of the small scoop of commercial priming powder is right, too. The “secret” seems to be waiting the 4-5 minutes for the acetone to partially dry after adding it to the priming compound before you push it into the rim of the cartridge. I used a wooden “strike anywhere” match stick to push in the last priming compound from the toy cap, because they had been set off by pushing with the small end of the metal cartridge case rim cleaner that the reloading kit suggested.


I am taking my time doing this research and documenting every step in the process. Those You Tube videos that show reloading rimfire cartridges gloss over everything and make it look like it is a 5-minute exercise, when it is really many hours of trial and error with a few mistakes along the way. I’m certainly making many of the mistakes. But the goal is and always has been to determine if it is possible and worthwhile to reload .22 rimfire ammunition. I now believe that its possible, but I’m quite a ways from knowing whether it is worthwhile.

Just to keep you completely informed I am also looking into reloading .32 rimfire and .41 rimfire. Those cartridges are no longer made and there are some wonderful firearms that shoot them. I will report on both those cartridges, but first I want to run the .22 long rifle cartridge to ground.

I think I need to cast some more bullets for these cartridges and the next time I need to cast good bullets. It may take us some time, but I want to know how to do this right.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

52 thoughts on “Reloading .22 rimfire cartridges: Part 6”

  1. B.B.,

    Just a thought. Before prying out the fulminate compound from the caps you could wet the material with either acetone or pure alcohol to minimize the chances of losing your eyebrows during the procedure. Those “strike anywhere” matches ought to be renamed “strike anywhere on the side of the box” matches. Six (6) caps to fill a .22 rimfire cartridge rim. How many caps will it take to fill the rim of a .32 rimfire and .41 rimfire respectively? You will probably be better off sticking to the prepackaged primer mixture.


  2. BB,

    Quite the adventure you had yourself there! 🙂 I wonder if you needed to remove and grind some of the green coating, to go with the tips? Or, just smack a match head with a hammer? Maybe both compounds are required?

    Also, maybe the striker sandpaper on the box contains a compound?,….. that must be used in (conjunction with) the tip compound.

    All in all,… quite interesting. Looking forwards to more.


    • Chris,

      No what’s required is the striker strip on the side of the box. That could be scraped off and mixed with the match tips and would probably work. Ton Jones has .actually done it to matches he found in Europe. Too much trouble though.


        • Chris,

          Exactly! Ton Jones tells me the striker strips have red phosphorous, which is the material that used to be in the tips of strike anywhere matches. I don’t know if that’s correct, but if you research red phosphorous online you will find that it is a substance that ignites from concussion and pressure, just like priming compound.

          I avoided mentioning it in my report because I don’t know enough to say for certain where it is — in the caps, the striker strips on the match boxes, etc. What I do know is, red phosphorous is tight controlled. Try to find some for sale and you will run down many blind alleys.

          I want stuff that really works and can be obtained by the average person. So far I have found two things — the caps and the priming powders sold as a kit. From my test today I know for sure that at least some of the cartridges I load next will work.


  3. B.B.

    At any point during your “experiments” did you think that you might hurt yourself? I would think that after you pried open a cap and it went off, you would ned to stop and make sure all 10 fingers were left. You do still have 10 fingers, I hope?


  4. LOL! Strike anywhere?! This is a job for Super Litigation Attorney! Sue the “BLEEP” out of Diamond for false advertising! How dare they make false claims concerning their product?!

    I have to wonder how long it took some “enterprising” person to buy up a bunch of those matches and try and sell them at an outrageous profit. I would also be curious as to if someone else was also interested in just who their customers are?

  5. On the ring caps,… I cut off the cavities and put them in a large plastic bottle cap, packed full. Then, covered with 2 layers of duct tape. The idea?,….. to shoot through the tape (with a pellet) and maybe? cause a chain reaction. They have been made (2) for quite awhile but I just never got around to trying them.

    BB,…. I see your getting some Ohio type weather down your way. 🙁 North central Ohio is looking to get 8″+ of snow and more like 12″+ towards Cleveland. The Ohio River area may get around 1/2″+ of only ice. The first (of 2) waves is just starting. What is crazy is that there is some slight freezing rain (my area) ahead of the snow and it is just 17-20 degrees F. I would not think that there would be any rain at all at 17-20 degrees. I will take the snow over the heavy ice any day. Zero actual temp. on Tues. morning.

    Enjoy your warmer (by comparison) weather. 😉 Hank (Vana 2) probably has it much worse up in Canada than either of us.


      • BB,

        Boy,… did I ever have that backwards! 17F in central Ohio now (vs your Texas 6). That is just crazy!!!!!!


        -26F is the lowest I ever recall. Then again,…. with you being around back in the last Ice Age and all,.. 🙂

        • Chris
          The highs for the last few days have been around 6° Fahrenheit and lows of -1° at night.

          We are suppose to get 8 to 12 inches of snow by 10:00 tonight. We already have about 6 inches now. They already sent 1st shift home and no 2nd shift or 3rd tonight. And no 1st shift tomorrow.

          Then we are suppose to get an additional 1 to 3 inches Wednesday and another 1 to 3 inches Thursday. This is the kind of winter’s I remembered when I was a kid. I remember there was snow mounds left in the Kmart and Mall parking lots till the end of May sometimes.

    • Chris,

      We have had a cold spell up here as well but that is quite normal for our winters. We usually get 4 or 5 cold snaps (below minus 20 F) that last 3-4 days. Those days are actually nice (if you dress properly) as the air is dry and it is usually bright and sunny.

      The difference for you guys is that the artic air system went a lot further south than normal.

      Lot of snow forecast for the next week or so …not a problem, I have a 13hp snowblower to take care of that. 🙂


      • Hank,
        We have one of those, too. The problem is that with me being in a wheelchair and my wife having bad knees (and both being as old as BB), we have to look for recruits to operate it. By the time most of my family and friends are done with work, it is too dark to do it right. I have had my daughter and daughter in law offer to do it, but since the machine is as big as they are,, I am afraid it would be a case of the tail wagging the dog. I may have to call in professional help,, but being as che,,,, frugal,, as I am, I’ll wait til the second wave comes through.

  6. Bless your patience and research! Here’s a thought outta my Fawlty mind – tap out the firing pin indentations carefully out of the cases using a suitable tool, like a nail, flat head/striking surface inside the case? This might improve detonation chances and make for less finicky positioning when loading. Of course, that’s gonna add reloading time…maybe you tried and documented this already. Another possibly useful reloading tool might be a small bamboo skewer.

    Then again these might be completely useless or impractical suggestions. 😉

  7. FM,

    If you look at the past blog (comments), there was a picture posted of rim fires that were cut away. You are getting nothing in there!

    In theory, a flat head screw driver,.. with the tip bent over 90 degrees and shaped could be used. Put tool in a vice, slip case onto tool, position rim over tool tip,.. tap rim with hammer to open mashed area. I don’t see it working. You will certainly not do anything just coming in from the neck with something straight.


  8. May be coming back full circle to the old adage “you can’t reload .22 rimfires”.

    Certainly it can be done but at what cost and risk? But maybe some reader has worked in a plant that makes .22 rimfire ammo and can shed some light on safety measures used.

    Very informative report.


  9. Or he could pack a jar full of ring caps, then fill with ether or acetone. Jently agitate, pour the solution into a rubber or silcone bowl and let the solvent evaporate. The mush will dry, but think it’s less dangerous when it’s wet.I would just pick out the paper pieces. Mass production of a priming compound. Small quantitys are probably best.
    OhOh, only 3k left in the carbon 1hr bottle, looks like spring guns in the house for a while! That Diana 400 sure would be a nice addition. Thanks for following thru on this one.

  10. BB,

    I would be cautious about using matches, caps or anything like that in a rifle as a lot of the pressure sensitive compounds use some form of chloride in them making them corrosive.


    • Exactly! They’re often made with the cheaper and slightly more reactive potassium chlorate as opposed to the perchlorate. Means cleaning after every use, with no exceptions. I suppose that was going to be the routine anyway, using BP or Pyrodex. And FWIW, I like 777 for less smoke, smell, and cleanup than Pyrodex. There are other BP substitutes but I have no experience with them.

      Very interesting series.


  11. Grinding match heads, deconstructing toy caps etc. takes too much time and is too much brain damage for me.

    Interesting that Pyrodex P worked. Unfortunately IF you can find Pyrodex P you’ll pay an arm and a leg for it.

    I’m wondering if tannerite would work since it’s readily available and cheaper than Pyrodex P. For that matter you can make something that closely resembles tannerite using a mix of aluminum powder and ammonium nitrate. The primary ingredient in Pyrodex P is Potassium Nitrate.

    I’m not a chemist so I don’t know if ammonium nitrate (key ingredient in tannerite) acts similar enough to potassium nitrate (key ingredient in Pyrodex P) to work in reloading rimfires.

    Anyone out there a chemist?

      • Last time I checked, Bass Pro was carrying it. Maybe that will be a good use of the BP gift card FM got for Christmas, since there is not much else to spend it on and the black powder supply is getting low at home. Along those lines, was thinking the red plastic caps might be used as emergency or survival percussion caps. Methinks I’ll order some and go from there. Just had a thought…possibly a dumb one – fix a cap on the tip of a suitable missile and shoot it with the miniature crossbow. Outdoors, of course.

        • Basil,

          I haven’t mentioned it yet but yes, this method can also create percussuion caps and even centerfire primers — though I don’t plan going there.

          If your primers are like mine they split open when fired. There is a tool made to fashion percussion caps from aluminum soda cans — look at the Dixie site. I would put a drop of fingernail polish on the caps after they were loaded, for handling purposes.


          • Appreciate the suggestions and the practicall advice – yes, the percussion caps I have do split open when struck. Next job is find some .58 “minnys” or for FM to “get the lead out” – or find the lead – and cast his own. Fortunately a bullet mold is part of the musketeer’s accessories.

            This hit me reading this post – reloading .22 WMR might be really useful and maybe even cost-effective. Obviously applies only if you have a shooter in that caliber.

  12. BB
    Glad you found out some more things about the .22 rimfire reloading.

    And I see you tested them this time like I suggested in the other report before you made up a bunch.

    And as far as reloading them I think it is still worth it. Definitely so for the the guns that you can’t get rounds for anymore.

    Definitely glad you are doing these reports about the rimfire reloading.

  13. Last hunting season I tried to light my lantern with “Strike Anywhere” matches. Well, they didn’t, now I know why. Big Brother wants to keep us safe. What a bunch of B___! I’m not surprised as strike anywhere matches aren’t politically correct, you might start a fire. 🙂


  14. BI: You might well have hit on why the change in match composition. “…you might start a fire.” From a firefighter perspective, they might well start a fire when not intended, as in shipment or in a drop accident. I don’t know.

    Regulations do not occur out of the clear blue or because bureaucrats lack legitimate things to do. They occur because there is an abuse or safety concern that has reached a threshold of notoriety or infamy. While the individual consumer may complain about a diminution of “rights,” the agency or agencies concerned with a product proven to be unreliable or dangerous must address a potential for unintended or unacceptable harm. That’s not BS, that is being responsible.

    It would be interesting to find out why the “strike anywhere” isn’t. Was it a trail of unintended fires, burns or materials of a toxic nature in their manufacture or unwanted by product? Was it a string of punitive lawsuits wherein injury lawyers or oversight agencies took the manufacturers to court and the makers lost? I don’t know.

    People whine about “Big Brother” until they are victims and then it’s “Why was this allowed and why didn’t someone do something about it?” Chaos in the class room is fun until someone gets hit in the eye with an eraser and the principle comes in….

    • LFranke,

      I am certain that you believe what you have written; I want to believe it more than you do…but I cannot. I believe in the Golden Rule; I continue to believe in it but have been burned so many times that I now demand that you have a track record with me before I trust you to live by it.
      The CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) has been used by a number of Administrations here in the United States to try to kill bb guns and thereby the most common entry portal to the shooting sports. The politico/bureaucracy has invaded industrial self-regulating organizations ASTM (American Society of Testing and Materials) to try to set impossible standards in attempts to kill off the shooting sports. The same politico/bureaucracy has invaded the medical associations, organizations/bureaucracies such as the CDC and NIMH to show that gun ownership is a HEALTH CRISIS!

      So as much as I want to believe what you write…I do not believe my government has an overriding interest in protecting my Natural Rights and Liberty any longer.


      • Shootski: I concur with much of what you state. The government has become, in areas, overweening and oppressive as driven by political forces, especially over the last four years as evidenced by the rapine of the USPO to thwart an election. It is hard to countenance this, to be sure.

        Martin Luther was asked, in his day during the Reformation (particularly in light of the oppression of the reformers by the Roman Church and the Holy Roman Empire) if he hated government. Luther’s answer was that he hated bad government but loved the good. In his Medieval mind, he saw good governance as the means to effect the public weal and good order, but was fully aware of its capacity for demonic acts.

        I can’t give up on all of government and governance. My role, as a voter and citizen is to demand good government and vote for those persons who may deliver it. It also means advocating for appropriate public acts by myself and from others – even when I or others would be irresponsible or thick headed.

        As a shooter, I know, and you know, that part of the problem we face with government opposition to shooting sports arises out of those who are irresponsible, careless or criminal. It seems to me that we, as responsible shooting sports advocates need to take the field and control the debate with real options that promote safe shooting and not just react to others’ over reactions that beget onerous regulation.

        I sense we are heirs of the same quandary; we would want citizens to act responsibly with arms so that government would not interfere in our affairs, but we also are aware that forces of politics and anti-shooting radicals are opposed to reason. The difficulty is to thread our way forward using the old saw of Ronald Reagan who, famously said: “Trust but verify.” We should not lose our trust in government, but verify what it is doing and react appropriately and in opposition when necessary.

        As a retired civil servant of the State of Ohio, I took this attitude toward the state management. But…I also became very active in our union as a member VP for the state chapter to have some power to counter it at the same time. Shootski, don’t lose hope, but keep your eyes open and vote regularly!

      • What gets me is people who rail against monopolies and massive conglomerates, only to try and grant Big Guvamint a monopoly over how they should run their lives and be content with the rights and protections their BG sez they can have.

        “When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.” “The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.” “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master—that’s all.”

        “Stop ranting FM!” – Mrs. FM

  15. Off topic, has anyone noticed that some airguns are getting difficult to find? And, if you do find them, the price has increased substantially? I was just recently requested by Amazon to answer a question regarding the Gamo Urban and magazines. Just for my own interest, I looked to see what the price was for a Gamo Urban on Amazon now. They had no stock but listed five other sellers. The cheapest of these sellers was $359. Other sellers were asking over $400. Pyramyd AIR has them priced at $289 but pre-order only…no stock. I checked Walmart and other known sellers and no one has any Urbans in stock. I am now wondering if the same holds true for other popular airguns? I know some of these shortages could be due to COVID-19. I am sure glad I already have an Urban, which by the way, has performed flawlessly for three years now. I wonder if the other PPPCPs are holding up as well?
    Yup, we are also getting the big snow storm here in west Michigan tonight. Forecast is 7″+ overnight. Could not believe what I was seeing on the news tonight regarding the snow in Texas…even down in Houston!

      • Hi Chris,
        Yes, there is something wrong with the “Comments RSS”. If I click on it a page opens with this message: “Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at localhost.”
        I do not use that link. I have a pinned link in the Firefox jump list and that seems to work fine. Here is the link I have saved: /blog/comments/feed/
        If you right click on the Firefox icon down on the taskbar a list will pop up (jump list). This will show the most recent sites you have gone to. When you move your cursor to one of the links you will see a little pin at the right. Click on the pin and the web site will then be pinned to the jump list. I have about six web sites pinned to my jump list. I have one for the Pyramyd AIR Blog and another for the Comments RSS. Clicking on the pinned link opens Firefox right up to that page, very easy and quick.
        IT must have something out of wack with that Comments RSS link. I’m sure they will straighten it out at some point. There probably hasn’t been much feedback on it because only a few of us actually know how to use it. 😉

        • Geo,

          Much thanks. “pinned” eh? I have a bunch across the top of my page. CM is one saved. That is the comments RSS. I hit it and it took me right to it! DUH!!!! 🙁

          I usually log in, in the AM and then go the RSS via the blog page to catch up. No clue why I did not give it a try today.

          Hope your doing well. Fine here. Zero tonight. The 8″ (predicted) last night was only 3″ this morning. It is pretty bad when BB has worse weather than I do in Ohio. Rolling blackouts? Really? This country had better get it’s act together. I do NOT have the “warm and fuzzies” on the next 4 years and beyond. I got a feeling the wolf pack is in the hen house.

          Thanks,………… Chris

          • Chris,
            Yup, we are both doing fine so far. We have registered in three locations to get our COVID-19 vaccine shots but so far no replies to set an appointment. I am 74 and my wife is 71 so we are in the group currently being vaccinated. We took my mother-in-law for her shot two weeks ago and she is scheduled for her second shot next Tuesday. She is 96 and in good health, even gets out and drives to her hair appointment every Thursday. We live near a small town of 5k people so she is okay to drive locally.
            Pested my 6th starling a couple days ago from my bird feeders. We got the 8″ of snow last night and I spent 1.5 hours this morning blowing out the driveway and digging out around the bird feeders. I really don’t mind the snow and even though the temp was only 12º, I got too warm doing the snow removal. It’s forecast to get 0º, or below, tonight.
            Glad you got the Comments RSS feed to work. Take care.

  16. B.B.
    We are experiencing some issues in the blog tonight. I am able to only read the beginning of the blog. When I click on the “Read More” button a page loads stating “can’t establish a connection to the server at localhost.” I find that any link with localhost in the address results in the above message. I’m sure you are probably aware of this issue by now. Also, we are now seeing only 20 comments when using the comments RSS feed. At one time we were able to view 200, now were are down to 20. Growing pains with the new web design I assume?

    • Geo,

      I noted the 20 comments yesterday. I hope they at least get it to 50,… or more. The 20 did NOT cover from when I turned the laptop off last night,… and I am NOT going back to try and find comments.

      This may affect BB’s ability to respond to a comment (just like me catching up in the AM) if it has dropped off the 20+.

      The blog seems to work otherwise normally. No problem with the “read more” and can pull up the “comments RSS” from the blog home page.


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    U.S. federal law requires that all airsoft guns are sold with a 1/4-inch blaze orange muzzle or an orange flash hider to avoid the guns being mistaken for firearms.

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  • Expert Service and Repair

    Get the most out of your equipment when you work with the expert technicians at Pyramyd AIR. With over 25 years of combined experience, we offer a range of comprehensive in-house services tailored to kickstart your next adventure.

    If you're picking up a new air gun, our team can test and tune the equipment before it leaves the warehouse. We can even set up an optic or other equipment so you can get out shooting without the hassle. For bowhunters, our certified master bow technicians provide services such as assembly, optics zeroing, and full equipment setup, which can maximize the potential of your purchase.

    By leveraging our expertise and precision, we ensure that your equipment is finely tuned to meet your specific needs and get you ready for your outdoor pursuits. So look out for our services when shopping for something new, and let our experts help you get the most from your outdoor adventures.

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  • Warranty Info

    Shop and purchase with confidence knowing that all of our air guns (except airsoft) are protected by a minimum 1-year manufacturer's warranty from the date of purchase unless otherwise noted on the product page.

    A warranty is provided by each manufacturer to ensure that your product is free of defect in both materials and workmanship.

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  • Exchanges / Refunds

    Didn't get what you wanted or have a problem? We understand that sometimes things aren't right and our team is serious about resolving these issues quickly. We can often help you fix small to medium issues over the phone or email.

    If you need to return an item please read our return policy.

    Learn About Returns

Get FREE shipping on qualifying orders! Any order $150+ with a shipping address in the contiguous US will receive the option for free ground shipping on items sold & shipped by Pyramyd AIR during checkout. Certain restrictions apply.

Free shipping may not be combined with a coupon unless stated otherwise.

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