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Air Guns SHOT Show 2022 Day Three

SHOT Show 2022 Day Three

Media day
Day One
Day Two

This report covers:

  • Beeman
  • However!
  • Commander
  • Beeman Bullpup 1357
  • Leapers
  • Seeing is believing
  • Super short and lightweight
  • Fantastic eye relief
  • Great minds
  • They kept the good stuff
  • Crazy show
  • Apolo
  • Umarex
  • Glock 17 Gen 3
  • Ruger
  • Summary

Okay, we’re back on the floor of the 2022 SHOT Show in Las Vegas. There are some surprises in store for you today!


I looked in the Beeman booth and saw a rack of those two-barreled combination spring guns. I was even shown one that is new but I’m not showing it to you today. I have tested these guns in the past and found them to be not that accurate and very quirky. I like gimmicks, as long as they do the fundamental thing, which for a pellet rifle is to hit the target. From my limited experience, these don’t.


There were two rifles in the Beeman booth that I know you will want to know more about. The first is a full-length rifle.


The Beeman Commander is a regulated PCP repeater that comes in both .177 and .22 calibers. In .177 the rotary magazine holds 12 pellets. In .22 it holds 10.

Beeman Commander
The brand new Beeman Commander is a regulated repeater.

Now, I don’t like making comparisons between airguns, but this time I cannot help myself. The Commander looks more than a little like a Benjamin Marauder. So what did I then key in on? The trigger, of course. Not even close! And I’m just talking about appearance now, as I didn’t try to test anything. This is an air rifle I have to test for you.

Beeman Bullpup 1357

The other rifle I looked at was the Bullpup 1357. It’s the .177 version. There is also a 1368 that’s the same airgun in .22.

Beeman 1357
The Beeman 1357 is an .177-caliber underlever-cocking PCP bullpup. In .22
caliber it’s called the 1368.

The magazine capacity for this one is identical to the Commander mag. You can see how short it is. It might be worth a test, as well.

Okay, grab my stuff and on to the next booth. This time I’m over in a brand new annex area to see Leapers. And do I have a surprise for you!

Stock up on Air Gun Ammo


Well, I knew I was about to see something special at the Leapers booth this year. They are launching a whole new line of top end riflescopes. The line is called Integrix. I sat through a presentation by Leapers owner, David Ding, who told me about all the top-end materials and processes they have incorporated into the Integrix line. They know who the top optics guys are and they have tested their new scopes against them with favorable (nearly equal to or better than) results.

Their 1-8X28 has a light transmission of 93 percent, which means that each of the 15 SHOTT glass elements in the package has to pass 99.85 percent of the light that hits it. This is done with lens coatings of proprietary materials. For comparison Meopta claims 91 percent for their Optika6 models.

The first Integrix scope to be released is a 1-8X28 with an illuminated reticle.

The first scope that will be available is a 1-8X28 and they expect it to be out by March of this year. Yes BB will be testing one for you.

Seeing is believing

When I held the 1-8X28 Integrix scope to my eye I couldn’t believe how wide the field of view was! It almost looked like the image was outside the scope tube. It was like looking through a picture window! And the exit pupil was so large that I never lost the image as my head moved around. Hunters are going to love it!

The image was clear all the way to the edge, which isn’t common for most scopes. Leapers has tested their new scopes against Swarovski, Schmidt and Bender, Nightforce and other premium scopes, and they are hanging in with all of them in every area in which scopes are tested.

Super short and lightweight

The Integrix scopes are shorter and lighter than scopes of similar power. This makes them easier to mount on airguns — especially those pesky breakbarrels.

Fantastic eye relief

Most high end scopes have very short eye relief, but not the Integrix line. Because of this they will be easier to mount on a wide variety of platforms.

Now, this new line represents the very best that can be done, so don’t expect it to be inexpensive. They will keep the cost in line, of course, but good stuff costs money.

But one good thing about Leapers is when they learn something new it flows down the line into all their brands over time. For example, at the last SHOT Show two years ago I asked David Ding for a Bug Buster scope with a longer eye relief to help in positioning problems when mounting on certain airguns. At this meeting he told me he plans to make an Integrix Bug Buster next year, so there you go!

Great minds

Remember how excited I got by the Meopta line on the scope tube that helps you level the scope? Well, at Leapers I saw that idea carried one step farther. I’ll show you a couple pictures and see if you get it.

Integrix mount
The Integrix scope mount has a spring-loaded ball bearing in the bottom center.

Integrix scope tube
Oh, look. There is a straight groove along the bottom of the Integrix scope tube. It’s called the meridian line. Whatever could it be for?

Integrix scope alignment
The man rotates the Integrix scope, and when the meridian line aligns with the spring-loaded ball, pop! That scope is aligned.

I also saw the next two releases of Integrix scopes that are coming out in June. There is some good stuff coming.

They kept the good stuff

Leapers was perhaps the earliest scope maker to brace against the two-way recoil of spring-piston airguns. They do impact hammer testing to simulate recoil in both directions, plus they have tested their Integrix line on high-recoiling rifles like the .338 Lapua. All the good UTG stuff was incorporated into the Integrix line.

One last word. The Integrix line is different from UTG. Both are made by Leapers but they stand apart. No doubt over time the UTG scope line will benefit from the downflow of features and technology that Integrix pioneers.

Crazy show

This SHOT Show is the craziest one I have ever seen. So many huge companies pulled out that the show managers set up several lounges on every display floor to take up the extra space. Here is a look at a little one.

SHOT lounge
You’re looking at about half of one of the smaller “lounges” that were scattered throughout the SHOT Show. It was a nice touch, though BB’s shirttail never touched his fanny long enough to enjoy them.


I mention the lounge because I had to walk way over to the back of a spillover display floor to see this next company. At Apolo I met and spoke to Carlos Iglesias of AirgunDivisionUSA, distributors of Apolo pellets and LT Airguns. I have to be honest, I went there not knowing who they were or what they did.

Carlos has read the blog, so he knows what sort of testing I like to do and he gave me some samples of his Apolo pellets to test for you. I will test them as a way of getting to know the company better and we’ll see what develops.


I saved my visit to Umarex until the end because Media day was all about them. Well, little did I know I wasn’t finished with them! Marketing Manager, Nichol Goines, showed me around to many, many new products that I needed to see. In fact there were so many I’m just going to show a couple right now.

Glock 17 Gen 3

This belt-fed CO2 pistol fires both BBs and pellets. But that wasn’t why I selected it to show you. I chose it because until recently Glock would not license their pistols to anyone. This is a BIG deal for Glock owners!

Umarex Glock
BB wants to test this one just because it’s a Glock! It shoots both BBs and pellets.


Next? Hoo boy! How about a Ruger Mark IV? BB has tested a Mark 1 that didn’t look at all like a Ruger. This one does.

Umarex Ruger Mark IV
Sure, it’s just a breakbarrel pellet pistol, but it’s one that BB Pelletier wants to test!


There is a lot more to tell. I will return to my office and see what the best way to proceed might be.

The 2022 SHOT Show was different, but for me it was different in a good way. I got to slow down and talk and really look at things. 

We have a lot of neat new stuff coming in the next few months. Old BB is going to be a busy boy!

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

84 thoughts on “SHOT Show 2022 Day Three”

  1. BB,

    That is the best looking Ruger look-alike I have seen! Beeman hopefully did not cut too many corners in making those PCPs. Will the Integrix line also have a built-in level? Just asking for those who want to include the kitchen sink. No photos of the Apolo pellets? Will you check using the Pelletgage and weigh them for consistency before doing shooting tests?


    PS Section Beeman 1st paragraph 3rd sentence: “I have tested these guns in the past and found them to be not that accurate and very quirky. I like gimmics (gimmicks), as long as they do the fundamental thing, which for a pellet rifle is to hit the target.”

  2. B.B.,

    Looking forward to the Leapers Scope testing. I like the Quick Release Rings in Picatinny and can see how with a Chassis, Picatinny Rail, all trued to each other the Leapers Integrix groove and spring ball bearing will work to eliminate some of the frustrations folks experience trying to mount scopes.

    Is it Beeman or Benjamin?
    “Benjamin Bullpup 1357” both the para heading and in the “This Report Covers:” list.

    Safe travels home with all your loot!


    • Yogi,

      I do know. These first ones are made in Leapers’ plant in Taiwan, with design input from the US. But the plan is to move selected models here and start manufacture in Michigan within a year. Their manufacturing capability in the US has taken them much longer to impliment than they anticipated when they started years ago.


      • Nice offerings from Leapers – thanks for enlightening us, B.B.; may have to break down and get one of those scopes, but will wait for your in-depth evaluation first. As for the size or depth of the SHOT show this year, well there are times when, as has been said before, “small is beautiful.”

  3. Hey Gunfun1,

    No place to say thank you for the 362 barrel-breech answer from yesterday’s blog. I just couldn’t understand a loose barrel problem. Looking forward to your opinions after you geta little more experience with your 362. This might be the right choice for the grandsons or their first; just makes sense to me especially with the steel breech and the LPA MIM sight.
    Does the stock look like it could be chopped to shorten LOP? I can always order a pair from Crosman Parts one they start stocking them for as they get big enough for the full size.

    I’ll be watching for B.B. testing and your comments ;^)


    • Shootski
      I imagine the stock could be chopped. I have done the plastic stock on a 760 for my daughters when they was learning to shoot. The stock was hollow but it worked fine. Oh and the 362 has a nice thick rubber butt pad. I was happy to see that. I at times stand a gun up in a corner when I’m not shooting it. So with the nice rubber butt pad no slippy slidey which is a good thing. But maybe taking the rubber butt pad off it would shorten the LOP enough for you without having to chop the stock.

      • Gunfun,
        Looking at Shooski’s question/comment to you about the LPA sight, would it be too close to the eye, being on a rifle? I too can’t wait for review and comments from owners on this one.

        • Doc
          Not familiar with that sight so really can’t say. But as BB say’s the closer the better to a rear peep if I’m remembering right. You know me. I’m not answering if I never exsperianced it. Sorry.

  4. BB
    The Camandor breech looks kind of like a Gauntlet breech to me but probably isn’t. The reason I say isn’t is because the mags you mentioned hold more pellets than the Gauntlet or Marauder which do share mags.

    It looks like its Beemans own design.

  5. BB,

    I could not quite tell, but does the Integrex 1-8×28 scope have AO? This is why I like the BugBuster line so well. A light, compact, low power scope with AO is what airgun hunters really need, at least those of us who hang out in the woods a lot do. When you are shooting at targets, one of those humongamous 8-60×100 scopes that are four feet long are great, I guess, but when you are trying to smack that bushy tailed tree rat in the head up in the treetops less than 25 yards away, all that scope becomes a hinderance. I bemoan their dropping the 4X and 6X from their lineup.

    I grew up using Weaver 1.5-4.5×1″ and 2-6x20mm on rimfires. Even with these old, tired eyes, that is all the scope I need most of the time. Where did these nice quality, low powered scopes go?

    • RR-
      It appears that parallax is adjusted at the side turret. No AO needed.

      I’m with you on the absence of useful magnification range scopes, both fixed and variable power. Frankly, a 7/8” tube 4x or a 1” tube 6x ought to do about everything one could want for an everyday (not hanging out on a square range) shooter. Put modern coatings on some good glass lenses and add in modern manufacturing techniques and I would be quite happy with the results.

        • RR-
          Alas, you are correct. Fixed 100 yd parallax for both FFP and SFP 1-8x 28 Integrix models. Side turret only controls reticle illumination. I do have a 6.5 Grendel carbine that the FFP would be a worthwhile enhancement. For air rifles-no.

          Maybe a maker needs to look back to the old ART and ART-II cam system for elevation adjustment. They did work.

          • paco,

            I am one who rarely adjusts the “power” of a scope. The FFP offers no advantage to me. All I can see is additional cost. All of my scopes have adjustable power, but I leave them at full power.

            I grew up in a time when most quality scopes were fixed power. 12X was a very powerful scope. As a teenager I was able to hit a groundhog in the head at over 500 yards with a 12X Weaver on top of a Remington 700 Varmint Special chambered in 25-06. What more did I need? The military was using the Redfield 10X as THE sniper scope.

            I am a woodland creature. 100 yards is a long shot. Right now, my favorite scope is a 2-7X32 Hawke Optics.


            If it had the parallax adjustment on the side, it would be AWESOME. This is my next favorite scope.


            I also have one of these.


            Also a couple of UTG SWAT Compact scopes, one without illumination. That is an oldie.

            I deeply regret not getting any of the low fixed power UTG scopes when they were available. The small size and low optical power are exactly what a sproinger needs.

            This has been a paid political announcement and in no way reflects the personal beliefs of anyone else in the world. Too bad. I am right.

    • RidgeRunner,
      You are “preachin’ to the choir,” man! I loved my Leapers UTG 6X Bugbuster (I got the 6X instead of the 4X after B.B. noted to me that the the reticle on the 6X would cover less of a close-range target) so much that, when I saw they were discontinued, I got online and found a second one on a shelf at some military surplus house, so I snapped that one right up (and I would have bought more, if they’d had any more!). One is on my HW30S (where it excels), and the other is on my tuned 15 fpe springer (where it is perfect for pesting). I am so happy that B.B. reported on the new doings at Leapers (thanks, B.B.! =>), and I really hope that Leapers uses some of their new technology on a nice, lightweight, fixed power scope in their BugBuster line.
      [Shakespearian aside to Leapers: “By the time I ‘talked’ to B.B. and got one of your 6X BugBuster scopes, you were already in the process of discontinuing them…which is sad. I did manage to get a second one, and I wish I had a couple more; for hunting or pesting, these are perfect! They’re short, light, simple, and easy to use. For hunting at [springer] airgun ranges, I do not need a variable-power scope! The fixed 6X is perfect! Please do take that into consideration along with the other similar comments here; thank you! =>]
      ” Where did these nice quality, low powered scopes go?”
      I’m with you all the way on that sentiment! 🙂
      Happy shooting to you at RRHFWA,

  6. Off topic. You have covered the no longer available B-square Adjustable Scope Rings.
    For those that may want that type of adjustable scope rings, they can buy Sun Adjustable Scope Rings that are updated copies of the old B-square rings. The Sun rings are still available.

  7. Hi BB,

    I’ve had the Ruger Mark IV for a couple months. It’s hard to say how accurate it is because the trigger pull is absolutely horrendous–must be somewhere around 15 pounds (but it does break clean when it finally goes). Almost makes the trigger of the Umarex S&W M29 feel good by comparison. (BTW, through “accelerated wear,” I’ve gotten my M29 trigger down to about 5 pounds. Have you managed to improve yours any?) I’m waiting for someone to do a youtube video on lightening up the Mark IV trigger because it COULD be a fun gun if you could shoot it. Cocking force required isn’t bad at all, and the sights are good and adjust easily.

    • Snake 45,

      I’ve decided this air pistol is the best-looking mass produced pellet gun I have ever laid eyes on.

      I have one but haven’t taken it out of its plastic clamshell yet. I am happy to hear that through “accelerated wear” you have been able to make the trigger useable.

      I found a website a month or so ago in which, with photos, an owner of one tried a trigger job on his. He found that the sear is too soft (under a thin outer hardened layer) to do much with. Stone it not enough and the pull drops too little for it to be worth the trouble. One stone stroke too much, and it becomes a paperweight. Furthermore, smoothing out a soft sear like that, he reported, removes the layer that is hardened just a little, exposing metal about as firm as pudding.

      Your method of shooting it untril the trigger lightens is the method I will try.

      Again, that is one cool-lookin’ air pistol!


      • Michael, the “accelerated wear” I was talking about was on the Umarex S&W M29. I don’t see any way you could accomplish it with the Mark IV.

        I found a video on the Buckmark where the guy improved the trigger quite a bit, but I’m not certain enough that the Ruger is the same to take it apart on my own without knowing what’s in there. I suspect there are differences.

        I think SOMEBODY will solve this problem sooner or later, and I’m patient–I’ve got other airguns to shoot while I wait.

        • “I think SOMEBODY will solve this problem sooner or later,”
          Snake45, I think you’re right on that; years ago, I was fixing a Remington Nylon 66 for a friend, and I was just about to tear it totally apart, since all the conventional wisdom said that’s what had to be done to get to the part I needed to reach in the lower assembly. However, I decided to check Youtube, and sure enough, some clever young guy said that by making a simple tool from a bent piece of steel, he was able to get into the lower end WITHOUT taking the rifle apart…I tried it and it worked! And it saved me a TON of time. Somewhere out there right now, a clever person is working on their Ruger Mark IV break barrel pellet pistol, looking to find the best way to lighten the trigger pull…and hopefully, they WILL post a video of it on Youtube when they are done. 🙂

    • Snake45,

      It just occurred to me that this Ruger is allegedly the same internally as the Browning Buck Mark that’s been available for years. I have one of those and sim[ply shooting it a bit lightened the trigger quite a lot for me, so . . . :^)


  8. B.B.,

    That Leapers scope has me very interested, and I usually pay no attention to scopes. The world needs more high quality scopes that are that compact. I am always on the lookout for something to mount on my FWB 601 without having to chop up the loading gate.


  9. The Glock section is confusing because there are a few Airsoft and BB Glock pistols that have been available for a while at Amazon and Pyramyd /air-guns/pistols?brands=375


  10. A lot of air went out of my Bubble Of Excitement for the SHOT Show reports when in Part 1 B.B. said that about 40% of the regular attendees were absent from the show this year.

    As his series on SHOT progressed I realized my concerns about the diminished quality of the show were unfounded. The smaller show allowed B.B. to spend more time delving deeper into the new products that we should expect to see in the marketplace soon.

    The quantity of products that B.B. could tell us about is down compared to previous years but the quality and details about products has increased. Definitely a plus for us.

    • Kevin
      I have said this several times for the last year or so. Covid has been a pain and good in other ways. This time good it looks like for the Shot Show and BB’s time. It does seem BB is giving a little more details this year. Or maybe it’s just me.

  11. As the owner of a Crosman full auto bb “rifle”, I am looking forward to the Barra battery powered full auto bb rifle. Battery not affected by the cold per say and no velocity drop with shooting on auto. No gas to buy and change. Battery last around 1,000 shots till recharge. Holds about double (50 rounds) of mine. Still shoots around 400+ fps. Could be game changed for a fun gun. Every time I get the crosman out, it puts a smile on everyone who shoots it. https://hardairmagazine.com/news/barra-airguns-shows-first-fully-battery-powered-177-cal-bb-gun/

  12. Surprised no one has commented that the new Leapers scope groove is not friendly to those who tilt the rifle. While I don’t cant on purpose there are those that do. Based on what I have read there is no adverse affect on accuracy which makes sense as long as degree of cant doesn’t vary.


    • Deck,
      Good catch. I hadn’t thought of it. When I feel like I am holding the gun straight, it’s a little tilted. So f I correct it to be truly straight up, I feel like it’s tilted. Oh well. You are right in that either way I hold I get good results


  13. BB, You like gimmicks! I’m working on a ‘Buttless carbine concept’ using the Benjamin Marauder pistol
    as the victim. It’s a very simple way to attach a cheek piece to a scope with a scope ring. I felt like but of the Crosman stock the pistol came with had a terrible cheek weld and the butt got in the way of how I like to shoot a varrying target locations and ranges, usually from a chair. So, thats what I’m working on today. The brow pad ring I made so I could put a rifle scope on a precision pistol works perfectly. OK, so it’s just a Bandit, but when I dial it up to 14 ft/lbs, it is a very light rifle for the yard,
    or, like it is now a pussy cat with RS’s at about 560fps for 70 shots now. I like gimmicks too Ha Ha

  14. B.B.,

    First chance I’ve had to catch up on the blog in awhile. I was hoping to attend SHOT this year but couldn’t get away. Great write-ups. I’m looking forward to all the new things you’ll be testing and writing about for us.

    Jim M.

  15. Well I can vouch for the over weight Trigger pull on the UMAREX Ruger Mk IV pellet pistol. When I first tried it and had forefinger on the trigger shoe to begin pulling…and as I felt I needed to force even more than I would expect I thought: got to be on safe ? Sure enough it was. There’s an automatic Safety that engages when the pistol is cocked. Okay. So release the Safety and begin pulling…pulling and getting very difficult as if the Safety was still “on’. Nope. Now with certainly over 10 lbs of pull force the pistol fired. The pistol is nice and very well made (Taiwan) but the Trigger is a bummer for sure.
    Now regarding the remark from Siranko that this has got to be the best Ruger look-alike…well not contesting but would suggest that the HATSAN Tac-Boss mod 250xt CO2 BB pistol is a very faithful ‘all metal’ replica of the Ruger Mk III Hunter that I own. and came to market several years ago. It was discontinued.

    • Yah, only trigger I’ve ever met anywhere near like it is on my Mendoza 522. It’s also in the 15 pound range and breaks with no perceptible movement at any time, either during or after the break, You might as well be pulling on the front of the trigger guard and then it lets go. I’ve learned how to shoot it, though–just start honking on it, rapidly increasing the pressure until it goes. But that’s a rifle–VERY hard to accomplish with a handgun, especially one as light as the Ruger MkIV. I wish it were up around 2 pounds like my other Umarex replicas, but of course it’s mainly plastic. Oh well, what can you expect for a $50 price point?

  16. I do not see how a 1x8x28 scope set on 8x would have enough light with such a small objective. I understand better glass can help but that is really pushing it. every time even real expensive scopes are advertised they emphasize how big the objective lens is. now with these scopes being the rage on AR’s suddenly that doesnt matter

  17. Addendum to my earlier (post) remark about the ‘other’ Ruger Mk pistol replica. Here’s what BB had to say (Review) about it and pics are very faithful to illustrate how it matches to the Real Steel version of a Mk III.

  18. Some of you have been wondering about a peep sight on the Crosman 362. I did a mockup with the sight from the Daisy 752 target rifle. I had to replace the knob used to tighten the rear sight dovetail clamp because it interfered with cocking the bolt. Other than that it fit as is. I shot it at ten meters to make sure the sight adjustment range was adequate. With six pumps and hobby pellets It was near the limit on the vertical adjustment but still had plenty adjustment left to sight in. You may note the barrel is longer than the stock 362 barrel in the picture. It is a Crosman 2260 barrel. I did not want to remove the front sight on my 362 barrel yet. The front sight dovetail adapter is from a Crosman Challenger. I do not know if the front sight is from a Challenger or a Daisy I just grabbed one. I think it is from the Daisy; they look the same to me.

    The ergonomics are not ideal but plenty adequate,


    • Benji-Don,

      Your picture and write-up, along with Gunfun1’s comments, is almost all I need to know to sell the concept to son and daughter-in-law. I know the grandsons will love this Multipump from the moment they lay hands on ;^)


      • Shootski,

        Your grandsons will have a grand old time with a 362! Just make sure there are enough to go around so there’s no gimme that thing involved.

        Bought 02, ——#1 wears a steel breech, Redfield peep, Leupold 1X prismatic
        #2 was left just as is with the factory plastic breech/Crosman peep. Guess what, out to 20-25yds I can see no difference between the two rifles accuracy wise and they both will shoot JSB 14.3’s quite well. The only negative I can find on the 362 is the trigger! Both of mine need a good going over and once done this should make my rifles both minute of squirrel accurate at 25-30yds.
        Don’t be in a big hurry to replace the Crosman peep as issued. With the 362’s excellent stock ergonomics it will perform just as well as any replacement till you get out at longer ranges. To me it’s a good example of the KISS theory in action. If you get the green light you might want to pick one up and make sure the boys arms are long enough for the 362’s full pump stroke as it is long for me and I’m not a midget.

        Good luck on this quest!


        • Bob
          I’m going to lighten the trigger pull on my 362. I can still get groups with it as is but I would like it to be lighter. But just to say Mine does have a medium to long first stage pull that is a pretty light pull then stops at the second stage. The second stage is what needs lightened up on my 362 trigger.

          • Gunfun1,

            My sentiments exactly! Both of my triggers are way too heavy and one feels like it is full of 80 grit sandpaper particles. Both have way too much sideways play. A little bit of lightening, polishing, lubing, shimming, should go along way towards more consistent accuracy. Mine tend to shoot 02 tiny groups on the same target with one being slightly to the right. The second stage pull is just too heavy leading to the dreaded ” trigger jerk “. I’m also considering adding an over travel stop screw to each of them. For some reason I think it will make a big difference in the way these guns shoot. Other than the triggers I’m happier than a pig in the proverbial slop pile with my 362’s!

            Gunfun, did you happen to shoot yours with the plastic breech before going to steel? The plastic breech seems to load pellets in the tube much easier than the steel one. I’m going to shim up the recessed hold down screw and get its head up even with the bottom of the pellet trough and see if that will solve the problem.


        • BobF,

          Thank you for the informative reply.
          I used to do lots of modifications on the 22XX pistol and rifles so this is going to be like a Homecoming.
          On that pesky little pellet catching screw in the loading trough some melted drips of black crayon fills the divot and is not permanent.


          • Shootski,

            The black wax idea will work great in the fall and winter but every once in a while I’ll do something stupid like leave the rifle propped against a tree on a hot summer day. Of course it was in the shade before I started weed whacking but an hour later there it is out in the full sun. Things could get ugly!

            Just saying.


        • Bob
          I don’t know why but the sideways play doesn’t bother me. I try my darndest to pull straight back on the trigger. Maybe that sideways play helps so I don’t pull the trigger to the side and pull the shot if you know what I’m saying.

          And no I didn’t shoot my 362 before I went to the steel breech. I did look through the sights and that was about it then I changed out the breeches. And yes pretty much all the pellets load that way with the guns that have the steel breech. Even the guns that come with the steel breech from the factory. I take my off hand and place my pointing finger on the skirt of the pellet lightly when I close the bolt. That tilts the front of the pellet up slightly. I think the problem is that the way the pellet is designed that the head of the pellet wants to tip down causing that little bump when you push the bolt forward. But yes some kind of shim would probably help.

      • GF1,
        I did not want to remove the front sight on the 362 barrel. I already had a 2260 barrel w/o the front sight.

        I just shot about 40 pellets with the 362 and may leave it in this configuration for a while. It is fun shooting with the Daisy 5996 rear Diopter Sight.

        I put in an order to Crosman a few days ago for 3 more .22 and one .177 Maximus barrels along with some misc parts so who knows where this gun will transform in the near future.

        My 362 is getting much easier to pump as it breaks in or I am getting my pumping muscles back up to par. The pcp guns are making me lazy.


        • Don
          Mine still seems to be pumping the same after about 500 shots. Sounds like your just getting your pumping arm back. 😉

          And you should do a side by side target comparison withe factory 362 barrel, the 2260 barrel and the Maximus barrel. I would like to see if there is any accuracy difference between the 3 different barrels. Since your getting the barrels any way. 🙂

        • Don,
          How easy was it to remove the barrel? When you detached the breech, did the barrel slide right out through the band at the front, or is there a set screw holding it? Thank you. 🙂
          Take care,
          P.S. The set up looks pretty cool 🙂

          • Dave,

            The plastic breech does not have a set screw. The steel breech has a set screw holding the barrel. Both the plastic and steel breach has a hole that the transfer port passes through from the valve to the barrel. If it stays with the barrel it also needs to be removed to get the barrel out of the breech.

            The 362 has a set screw in the top of the barrel band that also needs to be loosened to remove the barrel from the band.


        • Benji-Don,

          I’d like to second Gunfun1’s request for a side by side accuracy test between the different barrels. It might be most informative.


  19. The new Leapers scope has my attention. Some of my best airgun shots have been made at 8x, a crystal clear 8x scope is what I dream of. Thanks for the Shot Show updates BB, I live vicariously thru your eyes, and your eyesight has gotten better with age

  20. B.B.,

    I just looked more closely at the PA page for the Dragonfly 2. It isn’t supposed to be in stock for another 4 months. I’m getting a queasy feeling. I hope the Dragonfly 2 is not going to be more of a Godot than an airgun.


  21. GF1,

    The response space was getting too small above.

    The fun I see with the Crosman 362 is there are so many mods that can be done to it. That can keep me tinkering for years. The barrel, valve, trigger, pump, sights, and on and on. I am surprised that a .177 caliber option is not offered. The parts are already on the shelf.

    I will try to test (number of pumps vs barrel length vs pellet wt) using accuracy and velocity. And that will only be the beginning of the testing. I will not be in any hurry though.


    • Don
      Whenever you get to the testing is fine. And maybe they will add a .177 caliber to the 362. I guess it will be called a 367. ???

      You know what I would like to see in the 362 line up. I would love to see a factory .25 caliber version of a 362 without having to buy aftermarket parts to convert a factory .22 caliber 362. Forever have I wanted one available from Crosman. Would like to see a .25 caliber barrel to fit the 1322 and 77’s and 2240’s and the Discovery and the Maximus. I think Crosman fell short there too. Maybe just maybe it could happen. As it goes time will tell.

      • Gunfun1,

        I’m fairly certain you guys know the Crosman Breech has about a 1/2 inch ID and the bolt’s largest diameter (shaft) is 0.25″ the only thing that change the caliber from .177 to .22 is the probe end and the O-Ring IIRC.
        Lots of Crosman’s as well as aftermarket barrels will get you to .25 caliber.
        I agree it would be nice if Crosman made a specific valve, TP, bolt, and barrel to make both 367 and a ?385?


    • “I will try to test (number of pumps vs barrel length vs pellet wt) using accuracy and velocity.”
      Don, when you have that data, I’ll be curious to see it also; thank you. 🙂

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