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Training with a CO2 lookalike: Part Two

Sig P365 pistol.

Part 1

This report covers:

  • The deal
  • The range
  • Safety point one
  • Safety point two
  • The test
  • Front sight
  • Malfunctioning magazine
  • Back to the training
  • Double tap
  • What have I learned?
  • Summary

This is the follow on of the first report of training with a CO2 lookalike pistol. I was out at the range to see if I could shoot my 9mm Sig P365 firearm as handily as I shot the lookalike BB pistol in Part One.

The deal

I was supposed to keep training with my BB pistol before attempting to shoot my firearm. Well that didn’t happen. I will say that my neighbor, Denny, who goes by the handle Sawdust on this blog, did start training with his Sig M17 P320 BB pistol in his garage, and he even got his adult boys involved. They all found it to be great fun, plus Denny built a rubber mulch BB trap for his garage. Denny and I influence each other a lot, but he is definitely ahead of me in the influencing competition, so any time I can get one over on him like this I feel great.

The range

Anyhow, I was out at the range to test my Makarov firearm, and I brought my P365 along with the concealed carry holster — the same one I showed you in Part 1 and used for the BB gun exercise. This was just to see if I could draw and fire accurate 9 mm rounds in a minimum of time.

I am on my church’s Watchman team. We are guards protecting those in attendance. It’s a sad commentary on the state of affairs that such a team is required, but with the school and church shootings in the recent past, most churches now do this. Since I live in Texas where it is a constitutional right to carry a concealed weapon if you are 21 years old and may legally possess a firearm under federal and state law, about a quarter to a half of the men in church are carrying and about 10 percent of the women carry as well. In Texas a woman often buys an expensive purse, just to get a concealed carry holster inside. My wife, Edith, had such a purse and carried her .45 ACP Glock 36 everywhere it was legal.

So I carry. But — can I draw and fire quickly and accurately enough to get the job done? That is the question. And it’s why I went to the range with my P365 firearm on this day. As it turned out, I learned several valuable things besides whether I can draw and fire quickly and accurately — which I can.

Safety point one

Drawing a firearm from a holster when firing live ammo at a target has several elements of danger. With the old single action revolvers the fear was you would shoot yourself in the foot or leg when you drew the gun. Quick draw shooters who compete on time used to have steel shields on their holsters to prevent this from happening — or to lessen the damage when it did. Because with quick draw it’s not a question of if this will happen but of when.

When I was a kid I shot myself in the leg with a Crosman SA6 pellet gun while drawing it fast, and the marshal at Frontier Village amusement park where I worked in the 1960s fired a blank in his holster on a stunt gunfight draw and tore open the right leg of his wool trousers, leaving a huge bloody strawberry down his leg to his boot. Our blanks contained no less than 40 grains of black powder and really made a ball of fire come out of the muzzle.

Crosman Single Action 6 pellet pistol.

Safety point two

Once drawn you have to be careful where that handgun is pointing. When drawn in normal time this isn’t a problem, but as I practiced at the range I noticed that a couple times the pistol got a little crossways in my hand and I had to slow down and regrip the gun. In the White Settlement church shooting several years ago the first guy had less than three seconds before he was shot. He was already drawing his pistol but wasn’t fast enough. The second guy who was unarmed had about three to four seconds and then the guy who ultimately killed the shooter got him in about five seconds. That guy shot from about 25 feet away, so the 21-foot engagement distance is just a rule of thumb that’s given.

The point is, make haste slowly and deliberately. And don’t practice this drawing and shooting on a firearm range that’s populated. This is something you’ll want to do by yourself, or with as few others as possible.

Stock up on Air Gun Ammo

The test

Since this was the first time I tried this with live 9 mm ammo, I decided to take things slower and to be more careful. So I stood 21 feet from the target, which was a 6-inch Shoot-N-C bull.

I stood still, then pulled my shirt up and drew the pistol from the holster. I moved to a 2-hand hold and shot two times on each draw. I would like to say that it was a double tap, but the truth is, it was two distinct shots that were fired about a half second apart.

Front sight

The front sight of my P365 is a wide post with a green Tritium bead in its center. There are two small dots on either side of the rear sight notch, but I discovered on the first attempt that the front sight was all I could see. So I covered the bull with it and fired twice.

P365 sight
This is exactly what I see when I point the pistol, except I don’t pay any attention to the two fuzzy dots below. I just put that green dot on what I want to hit and fire away.

To my amazement, both of those first two shots hit the paper within inches of the bull. They were a little to the left. I shot again and got two in the bull. I shot again three more times, though on the last engagement I only fired once and the pistol ran out of ammo — or so I thought.

P365 target 1
Here are my first nine shots.

Malfunctioning magazine

When I went back to the 15-yard shooting bench to change magazines I discovered there were still two cartridges in the magazine that was in the gun. The follower seemed to have tilted forward and jammed down, short of the top of the mag. I played with this magazine a little and decided it was bad, so I switched to my second magazine to continue.

I keep both magazines loaded all the time. They hold 10 rounds, but after I load the first one I jack a round into the chamber, leaving 9 in the magazine to keep some pressure off the mag spring. Until this moment I thought I was doing the right thing, because military mags for the 1911 can be kept loaded full for many decades (I’ve seen them last as long as 50 years) and still function reliably. But not my Sig P365 mags!

When I returned home I went online and discovered that the P365 mag uses music wire springs that are apparently too thin for longevity. Being thin they hold lots of cartridges, but they sometimes do not last. That is unacceptable. So I ordered two new non-Sig mag springs that are 5 percent stronger, and best of all they are of a different alloy.

Many Sig P365 owners report no problems with their magazine springs, but several do report the exact problem I had (the plastic follower tilting forward and sticking short of the top of the mag). Since I am staking my life on them, I am taking no chances. I have shot this pistol about 1,000 to 1,200 times and this is the only problem I’ve ever had. I’ll deal with it and keep shooting, but if it crops up once more I will switch carry guns.

This wasn’t a bad thing. Finding this out in practice was far better than finding it out in a real engagement!

Back to the training

Denny was with me and put a stopwatch on me as I drew and fired from the second magazine. From the moment he said go I took three and a half seconds to draw and fire the first two shots. The next draw was 3 seconds because I sped up. That was a mistake.

On the next two draws I found the pistol sitting on an angle in my hand and I had to shift it to get a good grip. On one first shot I put the green dot to the right of the bull, hoping to hit the bull because I was pulling my shots to the left, but all I did was shoot one to the right of the bull. That was both intentional and also the last time I did it!

What I need to learn to do is slow down just a bit and concentrate on the target more. That will come with more practice that I will do next time from 25 feet back. I will say that the recoil of this pistol is so light that it’s almost like shooting a .22. It points as nicely as the BB gun, though the big green dot on the firearm’s front sight is a real benefit.

P365 target 2
The second magazine was 10 shots into the same target as before. The shot that’s high and right was intentional. I thought I would try to aim right and pull left into the target but it didn’t happen.

Double tap

On the last engagement I drew and fired a double tap that surprised even me. I have never done one before and was surprised how fast I got the second shot off — perhaps two shots in a quarter second or less. Even more surprising was they were on target, meaning in the bull! Poke me with a fork — I think I’m done!

What have I learned?

I’ve learned that I can draw and fire my P 365 concealed carry pistol fast enough to stop a bad guy, should the need arise. I’ve learned that these modern hi-capacity pocket pistols have magazines that are not always 100 percent reliable. I’ve learned that I need to slow down when drawing my gun and to concentrate on the front sight dot and the target. I’ve learned that 21 feet from the target is too close. If I train by shooting from farther back it should be easier to hit the target in a real situation.


I don’t think this “series” is finished, though I’m not sure where it will go next. I kinda think I need to do more BB gun training to be ready for the next trip to the firearm range, but I don’t know that there will be anything interesting in that to write about. We shall see.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

40 thoughts on “Training with a CO2 lookalike: Part Two”

    • Siraniko,

      Those are not really glowy they are nuclear lights. I use them especially when in the dark. I use a Tritium front sight on my M590A1 scattergun with a rear “dark” Ghost Ring. Rifles get thermal or other technology for shooting in the dark or low vis conditions.


    • Siraniko,

      Weak had draw won’t work because my holster is on the right. Weak hand shooting, though, will work and as soon as I become proficient with my right hand I will practice it.


  1. “I kinda think I need to do more BB gun training to be ready for the next trip to the firearm range…”
    I always find such info interesting…and I’m likely not the only one. 😉
    Thanking you for all you do,

  2. B.B.,

    If you want to do real double taps consistently you need to practice finding the RESET point on your trigger group and not allow your finger to go farther forward than that point after the first shot. I wonder if your bb gun and your carry pistol have the same reset point? I kind of doubt it.
    Once you find the RESET it may move your pattern to the right; you appear to have an aim left bias just looking at your target and your own stated impression of your shooting. You may want to note what your “weak” hand is doing to your hold.

    In The Deal: “did start training with his Sig M17 P230 BB pistol in his garage,” it is a P320-M17


      • B.B.,

        When I looked just now you still have the typo of 230 instead of 320. The order of the nomenclature isn’t a big deal to me but getting the correct model number might help folks find it.
        My real and way more important question is about you doing a comparison of the trigger group RESET on the firearm vs the bb gun; IF it even has a RESET point rather than a simple full release required for reset.



  3. B.B.
    Besides the aim left bias Shootski pointed out and the defective mag I would like to know more about the “couple times the pistol got a little crossways in my hand and I had to slow down and regrip the gun” thing. It seems that this would be very critical in a situation of lives threatened. Is it happening because of you, because of the gun’s ergonomics, because of the holster and its position or what?

    • Bill,

      It happened because I grabbed the gun wrong and drew it anyway. That shouldn’t have been done. It was me all the way, not the ergonomics of the pistol.


      • B.B.,

        As I went through my day today your: “It happened because I grabbed the gun wrong…” Kept coming back to mind and I mulled it over until I looked at Part 1 picture of your holster. It is a good looking and apparently a well made holster for concealment but is it good for a proper draw for you? Your thumb needs to get alongside the frame and the web between your trigger finger and that thumb need to make it to the backstrap just as if you are placing the pistol in your strong hand with your weak hand at a competition. I think your holster needs more room for your thumb to get deep enough or you need to more forcefully insert your thumb. If none of that works you may need to keep looking at holsters and maybe a different gunbelt https://www.thewilderness.com/index.php?p=home
        I use their reinforced 1 3/4″ with a Titanium (they don’t seem to have in stock) V Ring instructor buckle unless I’m wearing fancy duds in which case i’m usually wearing a shoulder rig and an ankle holster for the backup. Having your jacket and trousers tailored (while carrying) to break on your boot/shoe and drop in the back is a useful thing to have done.
        Sometimes the concealment concerns overwhelm the functional draw and that is never a good way to start an engagement.


  4. BB-

    In training young/new shooters to increase speed, I break presentation (gun to target) in to parts. We begin with the gun at low ready, safety off, finger on trigger with the sights roughly aligned at a spot 12 feet in front of their toes. At the signal they bring the gun up to the target. When the front sight comes to their line of sight (they have been concentrating on the target/bullseye the whole time prior to calling ‘ready’) they complete the trigger press. We repeat this many times, building confidence and speed. We work on stance, grip and trigger press issues. We start with an 18”x24” steel plate and progress to the 12”, 10” and then a 4” black dot ⚫️ on the 10” white plate. When they can no longer miss the target, we introduce the second target. They are by now approaching or breaking two tenths of a second for two hits on two targets. Confidence is now way up there. Muscle memory is beginning to take hold. They are now concentrating on and seeing a small aim point on the target. Learning their triggers and Shootski’s critical trigger reset is being absorbed.

    Next lessons increase range to target, number of targets, number of shots per targets, etc. and then we slow everything down and take a giant step backwards….. Getting the gun out of the holster and into action. Getting your hand on the grip, clearing the holster, controlling the muzzle on the way to the target, sweeping the safety (if present) off safe, getting the trigger finger inside the trigger guard and in position on the trigger and bringing the sights up to firing position are the elements involved. We take it slow and learn each one flawlessly before attempting to build speed. Unloaded guns only. This is homework. Start with hands on top of head, grip, draw, clear holster, present, over and over. Start with your hands out to the side or in your pockets. Practice from a seated position. Use different clothing, etc. All of this practice does not require ammo or a trip to the range. It builds your familiarity with your gun and holster. Next lesson is live fire. We begin slowly. You already have the confidence of being able to hit targets. Take your time. Get the gun into action. Speed will come.

      • BB-

        I always strive to have students build success upon success. By starting them with the simple ‘Raise your gun and shoot’ , they can experience immediate success with a hit. Yeah, sometimes we have to start with big targets that are really close. But hits build confidence.

        Novice shooters already have a good grounding in safety and fundamentals before we are at the stage I outlined above. We use- Safety M.A.T.T.E.R.s. Shooting is fun if we are safe around guns, soooooooo……..
        MUZZLE is always pointed in a safe direction. And we spend a bit of time discussing how to choose where is the safest direction.
        ACTION of the gun must be unloaded and open. Again we spend time learning the nuances of the particular gun the student is using.
        TRIGGER is only touched when the sights are aligned on target and the shooter is ready to shoot. In other words, Keep your booger picker off the bang switch!
        TARGET- You must be absolutely positive of your target and what lies behind it before handling your gun and aligning yours sights on the target.
        EYE & EAR Protection- no one has tough eyeballs or ear drums so we take precautions to preserve what God has given us. No exceptions. Ever.
        RESPONSIBILITY lies solely with the shooter for every projectile that leaves the muzzle. There is no way to recall an inadvertent shot.

        Grounded in safe gun handling, we tackle the fundamentals of firing a shot. Breathing and trigger press are usually easily understood, if not easily accomplished. Aiming, on the other hand can be challenging. Aligning front and rear sights can lead to a lot of frustration. So break out an optic or red dot equipped gun for that shooter until they get over the hurdle of getting some rounds down range. You can always go back to open sights.

        Speaking of hurdles, the biggest anxiety of a new shooter is the noise and recoil they will experience. It is simple fear of the unknown and we all experience that in our lives. The best way to tackle this fear is in small steps. That is why we enforce hearing protection for all on the range. Perception of recoil and hearing are closely related, so take care of the hearing first. Recoil management is again handled in steps and this is where airguns shine as an introductory step. A (relatively) quiet and recoil free first shooting experience goes far in convincing a person to join the ranks of lifelong shooters. One can then add an airgun with blowback action to experience and understand what will happen when moving to the rimfire firearm step. If the shooter desires, you can introduce them to the center fire calibers. Don’t be surprised by the shooters that desire more difficult challenges. Just make sure THEY pay for the magnum ammo or you won’t have any left.

    • Nice work. If you are in NE Ohio, I think I want to take lessons from you. You might be able to trade the steel for aluminum foil pie plates with the rubber mulch or a carpet backstop and get the same effect with a comparable BB gun?

      Another question. When most right-handed students miss, do they miss left or right?

      • RG-

        I’ll answer your question about right handed shooters first. The answer is, Yes.

        I am in NW Ohio. Regarding BB gun usage, I’m a firm believer that Shooting is Shooting. Period. Given your own space, cost, time and noise constraints will shape your training regimen. I think most BB guns will penetrate aluminum pie plates, but check your particular gun/target combo to avoid ricochets. You could add a cardboard box filled with old clothes to the list of backstops you mentioned. Enjoy.

  5. BB

    Regarding the magazine spring problem I am curious to know if you used tried and proven ammo for function reliability. I usually prefer my own reloads for home defense. Factory ammo is fine of course providing you know it functions. You know all this but with ammo scarcity being what it is, maybe you were shooting what you could get.


  6. B.B.,

    When I looked just now you still have the typo of 230 instead of 320. The order of the nomenclature isn’t a big deal to me but getting the correct model number might help folks find it.
    My real and way more important question is about you doing a comparison of the trigger group RESET on the firearm vs the bb gun; IF it even has a RESET point rather than a simple full release required for reset.



  7. Well it’s not in my collection right now meaning it was either lost in one of my house moves or I loaned it to someone and never got it back. It was a book titled something along the lines of “Gunfighters of the Old West”. What I distinctly remember is that the winners of gunfights were the slower, methodical shooters who took the time to aim. That and the ambushers and back shooters. As I’m sure all of us know, the so called “duel” is a Hollywood invention.

    Fred formerly of the Demokratik Peeples Republik of NJ now happily in GA

    • Fred DPRoNJ,

      Fred! Are you BACK in NJ? Say it isn’t so!
      Fairbairn and Sykes followed by Jeff Cooper and a bunch of other folks CHANGED all that. Fairborne & Sykes were police officers (SMP) in Shanghai when it was an Internationally Administered place just after WW-1. They started training changes for the SMP due to the heavy losses they were experiencing on the very rough streets; kind of like the US Navy and Top Gun (Fighter Weapons School) did for US Naval Aviators starting in 1969. The UK brought them back to train British Commandos for WW-2. Read more about it here: https://blog.krtraining.com/book-review-historical-handgun-shooting-to-live-1942-fairbairn-sykes/

      If you have the time taking aim is always preferred…but HOW DO YOU KNOW you have the time?


      • Only time I go to NJ is to visit brothers and my son and grandkids. Thanks for the link – I’ll review as time permits. Just bought another used motorcycle (2016 Indian Scout) so lots of maintenance to do that the previous owner(s) neglected (tire, adjust belt, change fluids and so on). I remember the “point and shoot” training the Army started to give new recruits before sending them to Vietnam.
        As toi “how do you know you have the time” is right up there with “how many rounds of ammunition is enough”?

        Fred formerly of the Demokratik Peeples Republik of NJ now happily in GA

  8. Hi BB,
    Really enjoyed today’s installment. I’ve been a big proponent of subcaliber training for about 30 years now. Up till last year, this was with .22s. I make it a point to have a .22 “trainer” for every one of my “real guns” if such a thing is available. I’ve got them all pretty well covered except for Rem 870 shotgun and M1/M14 rifle. The pic below shows several of my favorite .22 handguns including 1911s, P.38, Browning P35, and Colt and S&W revolvers.

    One thing I learned back in the ’90s is to never forget to take recoil into consideration. I once spent an entire summer practicing with my Colt .22/.45 conversion unit, which produces more recoil than any other .22 I’ve ever shot. Got pretty good with it, too. At the end of the summer I picked up a real .45 1911 for the first time in months and OMG! The recoil felt like a .44 Magnum! I’d let myself get lax/lazy with grip and stance on the .22/.45 over the summer. I’ve read many stories on .22 training that advocated shooting a magazine or two of “real” ammo after a training session with a .22. IMHO, this is backward. START your shooting session with the “real” gun, to remind you of what “real” recoil is like, and THEN go on to shoot a few hundred rounds of .22. If you’re not going to shoot any “real” ammo in a shooting session, at least remember to grip the gun and lock into a stance AS IF it were going to give you full recoil.

    Last year I discovered the modern replica airguns, and bought a couple thousand dollars worth of them, including 1911, P.38, P.08, Smith M29, CZ 75 (closest thing I could find to the Browning P35), PPK, M1 Carbine, M1A underlever, and full-auto MP40 and M1 Thompson. These are all an absolute gas and I can shoot them all in my basement regardless of the weather—and MUCH cheaper than even .22LR at today’s current prices.

    My three favorite airguns for serious training, coincidentally, all carry the Springfield Armory label. The underlever .22 “M1A” is of course useless for rapid follow-up shots or strings, because its loading/cocking sequence makes “every shot an event,” so I’m limited to “get on target” drills from either High Port or Low Port carry positions. The SA “M1A”’s size, shape, sights, weight, feel/handling, and even trigger pull are pretty much identical to my “real” Polytech “M14-S.” The pellets I’m shooting cost a bit under 3c apiece. You can’t buy .22LRs or even centerfire primers for 3c a pop these days.

    The SA M1 Carbine is an AMAZING replica of my real M1 Carbine “house gun.” I bought it with the plastic stock but didn’t like the feel of the plastic, so replaced that with the optional wood stock, which doesn’t look as good as the plastic but FEELS exactly like my real one. The manual of arms/operation, size, weight, handling/feel, sights, safety, and trigger pull are all identical with my real carbine. Everything is exactly the same until the hammer actually drops, as of course there’s virtually no recoil or noise, but the CO2-driven action racking back and forth at least gives you the monkey-motion of the real gun. It’s great for fast double- and triple-taps, and, as David Letterman used to say, “More fun than humans should be allowed to have.” I can’t praise this gun highly enough.

    Likewise the SA Mil-Spec M1911. Size, shape, feel, and operation are exactly like a real one. Weight is a little light, although it seems identical to an alloy-framed 1911 I built up, and a steel-framed 1911 with a Ciener (aluminum) .22 conversion on it. Its sights, grips, and trigger pull are, again, nearly identical to my real 1911 “house gun.” This one is also just stupid-fun to shoot, and is suitable for just about any kind of “combat drill” you can think of at just a couple cents per shot. The blowback recoil is not dissimilar to that of my Ciener .22 1911 conversion. I get about 45 shots per CO2 cartridge with the M1 carbine, and about 60 shots per cartridge with the 1911. Again, I can’t praise the gun highly enough, and I think it’s about the most fun you can have for around $100. WELL worth the money!

    Here are my .22LR trainer handguns mentioned at the beginning of this post:
    Well, nuts. Looks like I’ve forgotten how to upload images.

    • Snake45, I was interested to read your impressions of the various trainers you use.

      France is one of those countries where the grown ups have ruled, the masses must not have a modern firearm. The beauty of this situation is, I only need the relatively cheap gun. 🙂
      Not to train of course, but to experience as closely as I can, a ‘real gun’.

      Therefore, I was particularly interested to read about your Springfield Armoury Mil-Spec M1911 air pistol. As well as the similar look, feel and handling, I wonder about it’s accuracy. If that’s comparable too (or better), then I shall have to go shopping… 🙂

      PS I wonder which airgun/s have the most powerful blowback?

      • Hi hihihi,
        The accuracy of any of these BB guns isn’t comparable to either centerfire or .22LR “real guns.” But it’s similar among all the ones I own. I believe they’re all capable of keeping every shot on a soda can at 7 yards, maybe out to 10. I use small paper plates for targets, and these guns will all keep all shots inside the inner “flat” part of the plate, which is about 3″. Most of the shots will be in a “rat hole” of half that size. This is a very useful accuracy range for “combat training” shooting. Any shot on that plate at 7-10 yards would represent a good hit with a “real gun.”

        As to 1911s, the Taiwan company that makes these markets them under several different names including SA, Colt, Sig, and Dan Wesson, among others. Several different configurations of the same basic gun, from stock WWII 1911 to modern tricked-out “race gun,” are made, so look at all the versions available and get what you want in the way of looks and features. They’re all about the same price, within a few bucks of $100. The SA Mil-Spec turned out to be closest to my “house gun” and several other 1911s I own, so that’s what I bought, but they all work and shoot the same, and all use the same magazine (which carries the CO2 cartridge). Take a look on the Pyramyd AIR site and see what appeals to you most. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, I’d be glad to help out.

          • Thanks Snake45. I might yet take you up on that offer.

            In the meantime I’m waiting on a broomhandle pistol. 🙂
            It’s a good likeness of the original and, CO2 power combined with an all metal construction, should result in a decent simulated recoil. Despite not expecting much in the way of accuracy, I still went ahead and ordered it. Seduced by the quirkiness… 🙂

          • Edit: I have received my broomhandle and it’s actually a propane powered pistol, ie not CO2, but so-called ‘green gas’.

            A sore thumb’s worth of pulling down the magazine’s plastic pea pusher (loading airsoft bbs) and one empty bottle of gas later, I can confirm appalling accuracy in my hand/s. However, the novelty of automatic shooting has yet to wear off… 🙂

          • Hihihi,
            Umarex Legends offers a CO2/BB C96 that goes full auto. I’ve never owned, shot, or seen one, but I’ve read several reviews that were VERY favorable.
            You’re right about the fun factor of full-auto. The MP40 is an absolute blast!
            You’re also right about loading the magazines on these things. Some are a real PITA, others allow you to lock the follower down, which is enormously helpful.

          • Hihihi, for a cheap spinner, I took a piece of wire from a straightened shirt hanger and poked it through the top of one of those little plastic jugs that yogurt smoothies come in (my kids like them), then I push the two ends of the coat hanger through two small boxes filled with rubber mulch facing each other. The little jugs have the face of a cartoon monkey on them. It’s fun to see that sucker spin. That green gas broomhandle is just begging to be shot at reactive targets!

  9. The spring in one of FM’s Mod 1934 Mauser’s magazines was really “buggered up.” When purchased about 3-4 years ago, it still had seven .32 Auto rounds in it. They had been in the mag for years no doubt weakening the spring. Ordered a couple of the 5% “springier” replacements and that should fix things.

    Liking that SIG P365 more and more – this report and review was very helpful.

  10. Good article! I have been training with a Umarex Glock 19 BB gun for some time now and just got in a blowback Umarex Beretta 92 A1 from PA today. I had a spare set of walnut grips for my 92FS and with a little modification they mounted right up and look great. It’s shooting about an inch low, but pretty well centered on windage with the fixed sights out of the box at 12 feet. I will get some more time with it before doing anything to it but at least that is easily dealt with if it stays consistently low. My Glock was pretty much dead on and can shoot one inch target groups. I have not really practiced drawing it yet but now plan to do so.

    I added a nice variety of a half a dozen different kinds of BBs as well to see if there is either gun prefers something particular. I have the Sig MCX as well for much the same reason, look alike practice but I honestly do not enjoy it very much, at least not near as much as the pistoleros.

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    Get the most out of your equipment when you work with the expert technicians at Pyramyd AIR. With over 25 years of combined experience, we offer a range of comprehensive in-house services tailored to kickstart your next adventure.

    If you're picking up a new air gun, our team can test and tune the equipment before it leaves the warehouse. We can even set up an optic or other equipment so you can get out shooting without the hassle. For bowhunters, our certified master bow technicians provide services such as assembly, optics zeroing, and full equipment setup, which can maximize the potential of your purchase.

    By leveraging our expertise and precision, we ensure that your equipment is finely tuned to meet your specific needs and get you ready for your outdoor pursuits. So look out for our services when shopping for something new, and let our experts help you get the most from your outdoor adventures.

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  • Warranty Info

    Shop and purchase with confidence knowing that all of our air guns (except airsoft) are protected by a minimum 1-year manufacturer's warranty from the date of purchase unless otherwise noted on the product page.

    A warranty is provided by each manufacturer to ensure that your product is free of defect in both materials and workmanship.

    View Warranty Details

  • Exchanges / Refunds

    Didn't get what you wanted or have a problem? We understand that sometimes things aren't right and our team is serious about resolving these issues quickly. We can often help you fix small to medium issues over the phone or email.

    If you need to return an item please read our return policy.

    Learn About Returns

Get FREE shipping on qualifying orders! Any order $150+ with a shipping address in the contiguous US will receive the option for free ground shipping on items sold & shipped by Pyramyd AIR during checkout. Certain restrictions apply.

Free shipping may not be combined with a coupon unless stated otherwise.

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