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Education / Training Seneca Dragonfly Mark 2 multi-pump rifle: Part Twelve

Seneca Dragonfly Mark 2 multi-pump rifle: Part Twelve

Dragonfly Mk2
Dragonfly Mark 2.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11

This report covers:

  • The scope
  • Sight in
  • 10 meters
  • 25 yards
  • 8 pumps
  • Shooting with a scope
  • Summary

Today I scope the Dragonfly Mark 2 and sight it in. This isn’t the accuracy test, but it does lead into it.

The scope

I chose a UTG Bug Buster 3-12X32 scope for its size more than anything. As short as it is, it allows me to pump the rifle by holding onto the pistol grip.

Dragonfly scoped
The Bug Buster 3-12 looks like it was made for the Dragonfly.

I did shim the scope under the rear tube because it’s been my experience that all air rifles shoot low, minus the very few exceptions. I also chose to mount the scope to the receiver, despite the fact that the rear sight base would have accepted a scope ring base. It was just a choice, so don’t read anything into it.

Sight in

I started sighting in at 12 feet. The Bug Buster focuses down to 9 feet, so no problem there. It took three shots to get where I wanted to be and then I backed up to 10 meters. I really didn’t have a plan for this day; I just wanted to get ready for the next test, which is a 25-yard accuracy test with the rifle scoped.

I chose the Predator Polymag Short pellet for today’s test because I knew it was accurate. But in the Dragonfly what pellet isn’t? I decided to shoot 5-shot groups because of the need to pump for each shot. And I pumped the rifle 5 times for each shot.

10 meters

I thought I would have to refine the sight in at 10 meters but the first shot took out the 9 and 10 ring of a 10-meter rifle target. What the heck? That’s shot number one of the first group! The other four shots went into the same place, giving me a 5-shot group that measures 0.209-inches between centers. Not bad at all. And it was easy to see where the crosshairs rested on the target.

I shot with the rifle rested directly on a sandbag. The image through the scope confirmed that the rifle was steady. And the trigger that I adjusted in Part 10, while not crisp, is at least light.

Dragonfly group 1
The first 5-shot group was at 10 meters and measures 0.209-inch between centers.

That result made me decide to back up to 25 yards for the second group. Remember — this isn’t the accuracy test. I’m just sighting in.

25 yards

I also shot the first group with 5 pumps. I expected the shots to land lower on the target but they didn’t. However they did go a little to the left. The first group measures 0.537-inches between centers it is slightly smaller than the last group of these pellets that was shot with the dot sight and reported in Part 11. That one measured 0.642-inches between centers but it was shot from the magazine, so the tests aren’t the same.

Dragonfly group 2
From 25 yards on 5 pumps the Dragonfly 2 put five Predator Polymags shorts into a 0.537-inch group.

Wow! This really works. I wonder…

Stock up on Air Gun Ammo

8 pumps

So for my last group I pumped the rifle 8 times per shot and for the first four shots the rifle was shooting better. I didn’t adjust the scope because I thought 8 pumps might put the pellet elsewhere.

I was all set to ask you what you thought about 8 pumps versus 5 pumps when the last shot was a knuckleball that went to left. Four shots are in 0.452-inches and the last shot opened that to 0.792-inches. The hold was spot on, so I think that pellet had a wonky plastic tip that caused it to go astray. I don’t like two-part pellets for that reason.

Dragonfly group 3
The last group was shot with 8 pumps per shot. The first 4 shots went into a 0.452-inch group, but shot 5 opened that to 0.792-inches between centers.

Even though I saw that shot go wild, I think 8 pumps is more accurate than 5 pumps at 25 yards. I guess I’m getting  into the “How many pumps to tune the rifle” test. I may try to work that one into the next test.

Shooting with a scope

I don’t really like a scope on a multi-pump air rifle but if you’re going to do it the Dragonfly Mark 2 is the only one to do it with. The pumping never gets harder and that’s the deal-killer with all other multi-pumps. Plus, this rifle is accurate!


I said it before and I’m saying it again — the Dragonfly Mark 2 is the greatest new air rifle of the 21st century. And this one is MINE!

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

116 thoughts on “Seneca Dragonfly Mark 2 multi-pump rifle: Part Twelve”

  1. BB,

    How do you propose to run the “How many pumps to tune the rifle test?” I’m thinking first step is to determine most accurate pellet out to 25 yards. Next would be shooting groups at various number of pumps at 10, 25 and 50 yards (although 50 might be pushing it a range too far especially as that you will be doing all the pumping while we remain seated in the gallery). Hopefully you can rope in a young assistant during their summer vacation to help you.


    • Siraniko,

      I’m still thinking through that test, but you did hit on some points I’ve decided. Here is another one. Suppose there is a pellet that becomes more accurate than the most accurate one at a different number of pumps?


      • Tom,

        That is going to be another whole can of worms you are going to open up. Do pellets really increase in accuracy or lose accuracy if they are not spun fast enough as they leave the barrel?


        • Siraniko,

          Oh no you don’t! I have tested that specific question in the past in this blog:


          Pookie! 😉


          • Tom,

            I confess that I didn’t look that up first. Different pellet weights would react differently from each change in velocity though. So results will hold true only for a particular pellet but will at least give a starting point for others to make their own experiment.


    • Siraniko, so what I did was to shoot my Crosman 362 multi pumper with each pellet in my growing inventory at 10 yards, so far, at 4 pumps through 8 pumps, 5 shots each, and if the group looked promising, I would add 5 more for a 10 shot group. As I recall, I found that a few pellets were pretty accurate at most pump levels, but many were only accurate at one or two. So my conclusion was that sometimes several types of pellets would give their best accurracy at a certain number of pumps, and another pellet would be generally accurate at all pump levels. The next step would be to run the test again at 25 yards, but most of my shooting has been at night and so I’m restricted to the basement shooting range.

  2. Happy Friday Y’all!
    Join me this weekend for another round of testing to see if one can “tune” the accuracy of a multi-pump for a given pellet by the number of pumps. Roamin Greco, Siraniko have some ideas how, I have some less ambitious ideas, it sounds like BB has some ideas too (likely the better ones), but it’s all fun.
    Last weekend’s exercise was with a Dragonfly Mark 1, the gun that brought new meaning to multi pump (biceps, shoulders, pectorals, forearm, don’t forget to breathe _through_ the rep), and it looks like the gun outshot any differences in pump number, at least by me at 10 meters. Whine about pumping, waaah, but that gun will outshoot me any day. I’ll try different pellets this weekend, and the old Daisy again too.
    If you want to play too, here is the link to a google sheet where we can record data:
    docs dot google dot com
    Go ahead and plug in numbers, don’t be shy, add fields if you want, you won’t mess up the spreadsheet, and I have backups.


    • I haven’t forgotten, Mike. It’s going to be interesting, even if we can just prove that a given number of pumps is best for certain gun/pellet combinations.

  3. Oh Great Enabler,

    Although I’ve resisted your power ’til now, I must confess an inevitable defeat. I will be forsaking a couple weeks of Bidenberry juice in order to procure one of these irresistible guns, you demon!

    In the section “10 Meters”, Perhaps you rested too much? “I shot with the rifle rested directly rested on a sandbag.”
    And at the end of “8 Pumps” I’m sure you meant “into” rather than “intro”


    • Half,

      Why, you clever git! 😉

      You made me read my stuff closely and it still took me a long time to see my mistakes. It’s not nice to fool The Great Enabler! 😉


      • I have a 101 I need to finish rebuilding. I think once I get it going, I will not take a second look at this pumper. Some of my favorite airguns are not the most accurate ones I have. I just enjoy shooting them. Feral soda cans still fear me.

  4. A good way to check one of these out for the waverers is to go exploring at the airgun show in Newton, NC. That’s happening Oct 28-29. Someone, believe it was RidgeRunner? brought this up recently. FM has almost talked himself and even Mrs. FM into attending. Well, she may skip the show and go shopping elsewhere. That’s OK. If any of our regulars here plans to be there, maybe we can meet up. One can get pumped up about this! 😉

    • I hope to get to Hickory. When I returned my Dragonfly 2 for an unrelated issue, I thought the first half of the pumping action was worse than any of several mulipumpers I own. I decided it just wasn’t for me. Now I’m wondering if it was just my rifle and not typical of most BB is doing his best selling job without acting like a salesman and I am not the only reader today being persuaded. I would like to know if others are having this problem. What about you, GF1?


      • Deck
        Still a no with my Dragonfly 2.
        I’m actually not to fond of pumping anymore and spring guns are as far as I want to go if cocking is required.

        Pcp’s and my electric pump has me well spoiled.

        I have several multi pumps that I am keeping. But been thinking about letting someone have my Dragonfly 2 if they pay the shipping. It’s just not for me. I guess I could put some time in it and maybe get it right. But just don’t feel like putting in the effort. I have many guns that perform well. That’s how I’m rolling now.

  5. I got mine the other day. Beautiful air rifle. The mechanism for pumping seems to stick on the upstroke. Has anyone else seen that? Does it work itself out after a while? Thanks!

  6. “the Dragonfly Mark 2 is the greatest new air rifle of the 21st century”
    B.B., I must concur, and also say, “thank you!” for getting me to buy one. 🙂

  7. BB
    I can say this and because I have both guns.

    The 362 feels the same from pump 3 to pump 6. Well just a very very very slight increase in pump pressure as I pump more. After 6 pumps it does start getting noticbly harder the more pumps I do.

    The Dragonfly 2 I have is the same to pump from 2 to 10 pumps. But here is the turn off for me with the Dragonfly 2 it’s still harder to pump than my 362 is at 4 pumps.

    So I guess my Dragonfly 2 is pretty much the same each pump. But it does take more effort than my 362.

          • I’ve decided not to get one because what bad reviews of this gun on this sight and others all say is it pumps very very hard. I pasted a couple pyramid air user reviews below.
            “Mark on 2022-07-04 11:08:55 I may have gotten a lemon but it was NOT easy(ier) to pump and the pump arm was misaligned with the rest of the stock, possible source of the impossible pumping action.”
            “Michael from USA on 2022-06-21 08:42:06 The metal linkage pieces in the pumping mechanism are very thin sheet metal, and the main joint is just slightly bent out of alignment with the compression tube. As a result it is 1) VERY hard to force the pump arm open, 2) extremely difficult extending the pumping arm (especially the last part of the motion), and 3) very tough to close the pumping arm. Pumping the Dragonfly Mk2 is very hard going in both directions, much harder than any of the many other multi-pumpers I have owned over the years.”
            “The two-way stiffness and jerkiness of the strenuous pumping makes the rifle practically unusable for anyone without super-human strength. The problem seems to be the thin metal used inside the pumping arm not staying unbent (even just out of the box), and no amount of lube on those joints will cure that manufacturing and materials defect. I very much wanted to like the Dragonfly Mk2, but mine is getting returned. Avoid this air rifle.”

            A question in the Q and A section for this gun asks if because of hard cocking a Mark III is coming. If a MKIII comes out I’ll buy that but not until then.

    • Gunfun1.
      As with yours, my 362 gets a bit harder to pump after 6 pumps; and that’s why I sighted it in with 6 pumps.
      But my Dragonfly Mk2 is MUCH easier to pump than the 362, especially now that I lubed it and wore it in.
      Hoping yours improves,

  8. My daughters FIL has the Dragonfly, I bought the Crosman C362. So far, it appears to me that my Crosman has the edge to about 40 yards. His has more reach, but it isn’t fine target shooting at that point, particularly if the wind is up at all on the range. He is shooting 8 pumps (18 grain JSB), his finding for velocity/accuracy, I have been shooting with 6 pumps and Air Arms 16 preferred (about 600 fps is what both rifles are shooting).
    I did add the steel breech so I can use a scope, which brought the cost more in line with the Dragonfly.
    We have shot up a can of ammo each in the last two weeks, and I have pinched a finger once to his no finger pinches… It is not a difficult challenge to shoot walnuts and crosscut pieces of 2×2 lumber @ 40 yards, we have success hitting spent CO2 cartridges fairly frequently.

  9. Hello!
    Remember the FEG Telly Relum ? Well I have been learning CAD and drew this up as an exercise:

    The grip is not the right size due to not being very deft with the CAD program but you get the idea. The Sten has a slide fit interface and button retainer… this is technically challenging so I am thinking of just using socket cap screws. Yet again this is for packability. Next idea is a long eye relief scope ( “scout” scope ) that mounts on the barrel/breech, not the main tube. ; – )

    We have tons of rain here in NZ if anyone wants some….

    : – )

      • Salute Romin Greco, my good man.
        Having made stocks with adjustable Lop and Cheek rest etc. I came to the conclusion that what I didn’t have was a “poachers” rifle that I could take down ( relatively painlessly ) and stuff down my trouser leg. So in looking for inspiration I fell upon the Sten. Which is a true classic design. (The side mounted magazine is great idea for laying an ambush etc…) the design is “no frills” utilitarian. and rugged. A cheek rest could be added ( cheek rests are in fact excellent.) as a “clamp on” accessory which could be hidden in a jacket pocket. Imagine that Carlos the Jackal designs a springer poaching rifle… ok it’s not going to be hidden in a crutch. and no there will be no attempted knocking off of highly placed political figures. So there you go, your advice is well received and fully understood. By the way the LoP will be dimensioned to my Off Hand stance and fixed. ( though adding butt plates could add some wiggle room). My warmest regards, RA. : – )

        • RobertA, my good friend!

          I salute your ingenuity for the modification of the Rellum. Having “messed” with Stens, your desire to K.I.S.S. is commendable. They are indeed the epitome of this principle.

          Am I correct in my assumption that you have a Sten Stock available? If so, you may wish to consider using a single knob headed screw with appropriate outside diameter washers to hold it in place to make assembly/disassembly easier. If you are making the stock, I would still follow a similar path to make it easy to assemble/disassemble.

          Of course, my suggestion is based on the ignorance of the Rellum. You have it in hand I would assume and may have a better idea of what will and will not work.

          • RR,
            No I do not have a Sten Stock on hand so I will fab one up. Maybe even in Aluminum alloy as an excuse to try out Al brazing. The big knob bolt could be a thing, or I could find and actual wind up clamp thingy. I may have one in my many boxes of saved junk. The KISS principle is in effect. I may weld on a scope rail…. is that bad? No. Yes? Oh well. I have two Jelly Relums… one will be the test subject! I have three smoke detectors and I yanked the batteries out of two. I may have to shoot them, but yeah no, the radioactive stuff will leak out. OK I will NOT shoot them. You convinced me! RA.

        • RA,

          Be cautious with welding the scope rail on. It may be easy to deform the tube by welding. That would not be fun.

          Remember to measure twice, cut once. In this case you should translate this to be “think twice before beginning any modification”. 😉

          • RR.
            I was thinking about welding to the breech block. Probably weld an adapter plate specially made for it. Now if only I had a knee mill…. and I really wold like a long eye relief scope but no dice over here ( I would prefer used to save on cost. but not even new…) the idea being the scope is attached to the barrel, which I have done before. With a long eye relief scope it’s not such a hindrance recharging. Is it possible to adapt a scope to long eye relief ??? : – )

        • RobertA,

          I do not believe it will be trivial to convert an existing scope into a long eye relief scope. Nor do I think it is possible without putting additional lenses behind the scope.


          • Siraniko,
            Well fiddle sticks. Grind my own lenses ? I watched a documentary on that once… Maybe a colminator ? I can’t see irons worth a gold darn hecking drat. : – ) Roberto.

  10. I commented on my Dragonfly M2 on one of the previous parts/posts. Here is from memory and mine is poor.
    My gun’s pump was dragging severely on both the open and closing stroke. I took the pump and linkage all apart and cleaned all of it. There was quite a bit of crud on everything. To get the piston head past the holes in the pump tube for the rear pivot pin I had to drive the piston out with a mallet, the holes in the pump tube looked like they were punched instead of drilled. I spent quite a bit of time smoothing the piston head and grinding the indented inside rims of the pivot pin holes.
    When I put it back together I discovered the linkage attached at the rear pivot pin was not aligned with the pump tube. I don’t know if the issue was the pin alignment or the sheet metal linkage. I think it was the pin not perpendicular to the pump tube.
    If I take it apart again I will do some measuring and take some pictures.
    After liberally greasing all the parts and a new pump head oring it did pump much better. Even after all that though I like the way the 362 pumps better. I need to run some more pellets through it to see if it smooths out.

    • Wow that was a lot of work to fix it. Sorry you had that happen. Mine seems to be sticking the same way. I have tightened the stock and lubed it. Ill see if it works in. Thanks for the info!

  11. BB,

    For several months now I have only received about 1/10 of the emails responding to my comments. I used to be able to count on getting an email each time someone had a question or a response. Now I seldom do. I only find the question when I reread all the comments. I like to acknowledge fellow readers when they take the time to respond to me, but this is making it difficult. Is it a problem with the site or my email service?


    • Half,
      It has been maybe a year since I have received any emails on responses to my comments. I even updated my profile twice. Guess IT needs an AI. I use Aggregator RSS to try to follow up.

      • I’m sort of the new guy here, only posting on the blog this past year or so. As far as I can recall, I am still receiving email notifications to my blog posts. Orv.

    • So far, I have received emails notifications of replies. I primarily use an android phone and the pre-installed Google Chrome to view the blog and Gmail for emails.

    • Similarly, I now fail to be notified of replies to my comments (except for very rare occasions, ie so far once. I use the default ipad internet browser, safari).
      I have yet to find a forum of sorts that operates worse than this one. Trouble is, I like the atmosphere here… 🙂

  12. Benji-Don,

    I got an email for your response. The Aggregator was overwhelming when I tried it. I don’t need to see every comment to each blog, I just don’t want any responses to MY comments to go unacknowledged. If you take the time to respond, I want you to know that it’s worth my time to answer, thank, or argue with you. I think it’s courteous and I wish it hadn’t become problematic with all the ‘Improvements” that have been made lately, if that’s the cause.


    • Thanks for the link, Roamin Greco. The reporter certainly knows to tease with his story of limited but select detail, especially about the alleged airgun. I found myself filling in the blanks in the narrative and arriving at an emotional response – clever. 🙂

      However, I did find it interesting that a pellet can puncture the chest deeply enough to cause lung collapse.. Wonder what other weak spots there are in our bodies that an airgun pellet could injure with potentially fatal consequences… 🙁

      • Yes, and the anti-gun crowd may have an emotional response too.
        As for your other question, there are soft spots in the head that would allow a pellet to penetrate, and there are plenty of major blood vessels that are close to the surface. Plus, with more and more powerful airguns, not to mention the big bores, no organ is safe. And let us not forget that damage to the eyes can be devastating to a person’s life, even if not fatal.

        • Roamin Greco,

          …and David picked up a smooth pebble and with a simple sling slew Goliath.

          But it wasn’t “…more and more powerful airguns, not to mention the big bores, no organ is safe.” It was lack of prompt First Aid and evaluation for further medical care that was causal in this death.
          Humans can easily be killed with nothing more than a finger, hand, elbow, knee or foot.

      • hihihi,

        A pen, pencil, sharpened stick and many more things can easily do the same thing.
        The emphasis should be on the Lack of PROMPT First Aid and evaluation for additional medical care which is the probable cause of death; not the pellet gun.


  13. BB

    I want to thank GF1 and all readers who commented on pumping problems they too are having. The upshot seems to be linkage quality. Some rifles like yours are okay and some are not. Will the latter gradually smooth out with use? Or will yours gradually get worse? This is a good looking rifle and there are few if any accuracy complaints. Time will tell if this one is a home run or a “mighty Casey has struck out”. The best new air rifle of the 21st century deserves closer quality inspection before the rifle reaches the customer.


  14. FM still does not get the concept of a manufacturer introducing a flawed product into the market thinking it will sell because it is “cheap” and assuming that is all the customer base is looking for; we’ve become too conditioned to the “Wallymart And Big-Box Syndrome.” No matter, happy enough with sproingers and PCPs and will likely kick the bucket on that hill.

    Maybe FM will find another airgun friend to take home at the NC show which he’s 99% sure he’s gonna spring into; be nice if able to meet any of the B.B. blog family members attending. FM has ulterior motives about that – as in tapping into the knowledge and expertise base of this clan of airgunners. 😉 Anyone who cares to meet up with FM – make sure you’re looking down when looking for him – send your missive here: kubelkobold. Gee, it’s gmail.

    May the force be with you and your Dragonfly.

      • Funny thing, wife is being somewhat of an enabler. She said, “you know, you might want to go to the show both days.” Whar!? You ok, Mrs. FM? Think it best to write down a couple of “must have if found” items so as not to be overwhelmed. Of course, everything subject to the available budget.

      • We might still meet up some time – have family in Chicago, a daughter in MI…might be in the neighborhood at some point. May have to look for a local up there to fix a leak in the .177 Maximus; gonna try Ridgerunner’s silicone chamber oil fix first. Don’t wanna tear into it and tear it up and then punch myself in the nose for doing it. Here’s a link to their Facebook page – unfortunately seems nothing has been updated since 2021 but at least there are some pictures.


    • I think bicycling to the event from NZ would be an even in itself… but not a terrible one! What I would really like to see is a large collection of antique springers etc . That would be very cool. BSA’s etc. and possibly a modern take on that style ? Are you going to post pictures of your experience? : – )

        • FM,
          Hot air balloon would be in keeping with old world air rifles indeed. May have to follow the trade winds and that means possibly being very early, on time, or very late…. The very real possibility of going around in circles is also a disadvantage. At least with a bicycle you can go against the wind! or failing that duck into a cafe/forest/pub and put ones feet up. : – ) Hope you are in pleasant company! RA.

  15. Ok I just replied to RG and Beserkeley Mike.
    I got the Dragonfly 2 out this morning to make sure it was all there and shooting.

    Well this is where Gunfun1 opens his mouth too soon again. Now I don’t know if I want to let it go after I found some thing with the pump handle and linkage clearance.

    There was several spots on the wood handle hitting the linkage when the handleis almost closed. Yep old Gunfun1 got out the Dremel tool. Now the gun opens and closes nice. It definitely helped reduce the cocking force.

    Probably not the best pictures but I think you will see where I removed some material.

      • RG
        I’m sorry but I am going to keep it. I shot it yesterday after the Dremel work.

        It did get better as I shot. And to say I was using the Crosman Premiere hollow points and hitting a Lysol can every shot at around 30 yards standing unsupported and bench resting.

        I should of looked more into the gun when I got it. I mean it’s what I always do when I get a new gun. So in a sense bad on me. It seems they all need a little tweaking one way or another. I gave up before I even tried. Hope you ain’t mad that I’m keeping it.

        • GunFun1, I’m very happy you improved your Dragonfly and want to keep it. It sounds as if you lost your mojo for a spell and found it again. And I’m happy for that too. Keep on shootin’! And let us know how the Dragonfly breaks in with your mods.

      • Mike
        Read my reply right above to RG.

        Sorry but going to keep it. After you read my comment to RG I think you will see I gave up before even trying.

        Been having a few crazy last couple of weeks. Just didn’t feel like giving any extra effort on anything. And yes I know you got to keep rolling on even when it feels useless. It always ends up showing why keep hammering on is what is usually needed.

      • Dave
        I’m thinking after shooting it yesterday its going to get a red dot. Then a scope especially after seeing BB got his scope to mount this time. Probably will need to get a scope. So at least now I got a plan. 🙂

  16. GF1,
    My gun also binds when the pump handle closes at the end of the stroke. I can see where the wood is hitting the linkage and pins. My solution was to only close the pump handle till it stopped again the wood for every stroke but the last one. That stopped the clacking on each pump. Kind of a benefit. It looks like the piston is already bottomed out at that point. I have not had a chance to compare pellet velocity each way yet though.

    I do think the Dragonfly mk2 is a very good design. Too bad about the poor quality control on the gun. I do not think I will get rid of mine, I really like the gun and think I can work out the kinks.


    • Benji-Don,

      Your comment concerning quality control is one of the major reasons that I stay away from Chinese airguns. They have proven time and again they have difficulty maintaining a tight quality control throughout the time span of production, most especially since it does have an effect on profit margin. GE learned that lesson and so did TCFKAC.

    • Don
      I tried that only close and stop before it closed all the way. It worked. But now I just pump. It practically closes the pump handle closed itself. And it stays closed still no problem. I’m glad I clearenced the pump handle. It is a solid gun. I got to go forward now and see how it goes is the best I can say.

  17. After going over mine a bit more I noticed the joint where the three blades come together has a lot of slop in it – like the pin is too small or the hole is too big. It’s about 1/16 worth of motion. Same for joint from blade to center of the stock. Could that be causing the trouble at the forward part of the stroke? Seems like it is catching. Anyone else see this? Or is this a design feature? Thanks…

    • ict815,
      I noticed the slop also. I think it is a design feature, shifting the pivot leverage on the pump handle between opening and closing.
      It would be great to hear the design features in this unique multi-pump gun. I imagine they are under patents.

    • Shootski
      So it say’s Airgun Depot will go forward to market that it has 5000% reduced pumping effort.

      I guess the question is 5000% rudeced pumping effort compared to what?

      • Mike in Atl,

        As RG correctly pointed out above it was an AD April Fools joke post…but mine about a Seneca Drag-On-Fly Mk-10 isn’t.
        I don’t have one to measure but mensuration of the photographs says the thickness of the metal pump arm parts are a step above flashing sheet metal and flat with No apparent stiffening by forming technique. I believe it is a combination of weight and production economy measures. If the percentage of complaints on the airgun sites is any indication of the actual average purchaser failure/disatisfaction experience this airgun will parallel the plight of the Dodo bird.
        I personally am of the opinion it is a sad predictor for future chances for a high quality multi pump.


        • Shootski,

          Well here I am holding a Dragonfly and it at first did seem rather hard to use but it is working in, some of the comments show just how to do that faster. The accuracy of the unit makes me want to hold on to it but we will see.


  18. BB,
    I am late to the party and I see there are a lot of posts to read… so let me dive in with an obvious question:

    How can all the pumps be the same ? I shan’t explain all the theories in my mind at the moment but yes, it sounds like balderdash to me. A pressure gauge on the pressure vessel side would reveal some interesting data and a strain guage on the pump…

    Is it magic?

    My warmest regards from rainy NZ. : – ) R.A.

      • BB,
        Ah… I see. Very good. I wonder which one of the 1500 mechanical movements this one is ? I should post a picture of my 16 ton jack which would probably pump a silly amount of air pressure in a reasonably short time ( if connected to an air pump) but you don’t want to carry it around for more than about 60 seconds…. so there are obvious trade offs with mechanisms! My warmest regards! RA. : – )

    • RobertA,

      From Part 1 of the B.B. Pelletier blog about this miracle:
      “This modification reduces the effort of all pump strokes to an identical 12 lbs. Resistance on the first stroke begins when the pump handle is nearly closed, and it starts progressively farther out with every stroke. The effort is always 12 lbs., but the length of time you are applying it becomes longer and longer. That’s how the modification works.” Length of time is a factor to be considered but i believe; Increase in number of degrees of arc covered by the pump arm AT 12 pounds of effort with each additional pumpstroke might be a more accurate description.


      • Shootski,
        ah… or increasing the length of the lever as the pumping gets harder? I am pretty sure there is a special name for this type of mathematical system but I lost if I know what it is. It is very cool though. Is there an over pressure valve? and riddle me this: why do brand new smoke alarms go off at 0200 hrs for about six piercing beeps then stop? ( there was no smoke, no flames, no reason to jump out of bed like a maniac…). Hope you are well and things are good! RA. : – )

        • RobertA,
          “ah… or increasing the length of the lever as the pumping gets harder?”
          As you probably know some spring piston guns use that kind of concept for the Weaker Among Us….
          “Is there an over pressure valve?” You jest. At this price! See alternative answer next:
          Certainly! It is called Valve Lock…LOL! Takes all the pressure off the shooter.
          Final answer: To let the consumer know it really works and how it sounds from a dead sleep…
          The Question: riddle me this: why do brand new smoke alarms go off at 0200 hrs for about six piercing beeps then stop?

          Sleep well tonight Robert; you know it worked??????
          Dead battery Indicator! Alternate answer…LOL!


    • RR,

      Your Webley Senior with the straight grip certainly has a single stage trigger and so did my Beeman C1 that was made by Webley. I have a slant grip Senior coming and I will report on it when I get it.


  19. I never met a multi-pump that I didn’t like. The only one I didn’t tinker with was my Benjimin 312, my first one, it survived all my abuse; till Dad ran into it leaning against a cabinet in the garage. Well I guess my abuse could be called tinkering or with a stretch tuning.

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