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How to enable

This report covers:

  • Enabling 101
  • Wait a minute
  • Airguns
  • The Diana 27
  • So what?
  • Garand
  • The TX200 Mark III
  • How to enable? — you must like it
  • BB likes:
  • Summary

Today I want to reveal my greatest secret — how I enable people. Wanna learn? Wanna try it yourself? Grab your coffee cup and let’s get started.

Enabling 101

The secret to enabling is to like something so much that you just have to tell others about it. There — that’s all there is to it. Now go, my children, and do likewise.

Wait a minute

What do you mean, BB? How do I know if I like something enough to enable others? Ahh! That is the real question! How well do you know yourself?


Since this blog is about airguns, let’s talk about them as we answer this question. What do you like about airguns? No? That is way too broad a question, isn’t it? What it is that you like about SPECIFIC airguns? You can start answering that by asking what SPECIFICALLY you like about just one airgun.

The Diana 27

Yesterday I reported a test of four new .22 caliber pellets. I used two now-obsolete air rifle — a Hy Score 807 and a Walther LGV Challenger. The Challenger was slightly more accurate in the test, but I like the Hy Score 807 that is actually a Diana 27, better. Why?

Well for starters I like the stock better. The Diana 27 stock is thin, while the Walther LGV Challenger stock is thicker. I notice this especially in the forearm.

Both rifles are easy to cock but the Diana has a longer cocking stroke which makes it feel easier to me. Actually the Walther cocks with over 30 pounds of effort that is about ten pounds more than the Diana, but for some reason it feels lighter than that.

Both rifles now have a solid non-buzzy firing cycle. I know for a fact that the Walther powerplant was treated with Tune-in-a-Tube (which is another product I enable, by the way) and I believe the Hy Score/Diana must have been, as well. That makes both of them smooth to shoot — and THAT is why I tout Tune-in-a-Tube all the time. And for those who think I only talk about products sold by Pyramyd AIR, I have told you that Red-N-Tacky grease is just as good as TIAT. So — there!

The triggers are pretty much the same. Both have a light, positive first stage and a second stage that’s got just a hint of creep.

Hunting Guide

So what?

So, looking at what I have just said and at the reports on both rifles in the past, I have come to a conclusion. I like a thinner stock better. And, when it comes to accuracy I can mean 10-shot groups at 50 yards — but not with these two. With these two I mean hitting the target at a reasonable distance that, in their case, means 25 yards or less. You see, reader shootski, it’s not ALWAYS about accuracy to the Nth degree. Sometimes it’s just about hitting what you aim at!

Back when I tested it for The Airgun Letter I said that the Diana 350 Magnum is a rifleman’s rifle. I didn’t know what I meant at the time, but today I do. It’s a rifle that feels right to ME! And now I am going to anger many readers.


The M1 Garand is a very accurate battle rifle. But it does not “feel right” to me. It feels big and clunky in my hands. And the stock is wide and thick.

M1 Garand
M1 Garand. It’s as accurate as battle rifles get, but it feels like a club!

On the other hand the M1917 American Enfield feels right.

M1917 Enfield
M1917 “American” Enfield, is accurate, and feels close to right in the hands, though the comb is low for me. But it can’t compete with the Garand for accurate firepower.

Both rifles are chambered for the .30-06 Springfield cartridge that will kick the snot out of most shooters. In the Garand I find that the time the action takes to cycle reduces the recoil, but others I have talked to don’t feel the same.

The bottom line? I like the M1 Garand (though I acknowledge it’s too thick, clunky and clublike) and I like how the 1917 Enfield feels, though it kicks me hard.

The TX200 Mark III

Now, the TX200 Mark III is not svelte, elegant or lightweight. Yet I like it. I like it so much I can’t stop mentioning it, referring to it or comparing it with other airguns. Why?

TX200 Mark III
TX200 Mark III. No one would ever call it svelte. It’s thick and heavy. Yet I like it.

There are four reasons for that, I think. The TX200 Mark III is accurate. In fact it is supremely accurate. Many people want me to lie and say their favorite spring-piston air rifle is accurate, but with the TX200 on the planet, I can’t. Yes, other are rifles can be accurate, but don’t expect me to get excited about a one-inch group at 25 yards.

The TX200 has a wonderful trigger. It’s like a Rekord but more adjustable, and the Rekord is already an epic airgun trigger. However the TX200 trigger does everything the Rekord does and some things that it can’t — at least not safely.

Third — the TX200 is smooth. And when I say smooth I mean super-smooth. You won’t find a recoiling spring-piston air rifle that is as smooth, to say nothing of being smoother.

And finally, the TX200 Mark III is easy to maintain and modify. Yep, it’s a springer that can be disassembled without using a mainspring compressor.

How to enable? — you must like it

We have just walked through my thoughts on why I like certain spring-piston air rifles. I was specific, which we have to be if we want to get down to the truth. I want none of this,  “… springer that weighs 5 pounds, is easy to cock, is accurate, shoots at 1600 f.p.s. and costs $100…” kinda stuff. Such airguns don’t exist and probably never will. But that’s the sort of stuff I hear all the time when people talk in generalities. Get specific and the field narrows quickly.

BB likes:

A spring-piston air rifle that’s thin through the stock — UNLESS it is super-accurate and has a great trigger. If it’s both those things BB will accept a thick stock.

A spring-piston air rifle that’s accurate — period. No “unless” here.

A spring-piston air rifle that disassembles easily is a bonus. As long as the accuracy is there to the extent that I consider reasonable for that type of gun, easy disassembly is a plus. To clarify, a Diana 27 is not easy to disassemble. A Weihrauch HW 80 is.

Smooth shooting is a plus, as long as the accuracy is there. I don’t mind having to work on the rifle to make it smooth, but if it arrives that way, so much the better.

Cost doesn’t matter, though I won’t be held up.


Give me a spring-piston air rifle that is accurate and I will be interested. Give me one with all that I have mentioned and I will ENABLE!

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

81 thoughts on “How to enable”

  1. B.B.,
    You have managed to enable me on many occasions, yet as nice of a rifle as the TX200 may be, I cannot be induced to buy one for one reason only: it has an Anti-Bear Trap (ABT) mechanism.
    Old curmudgeon that I am, I could say I hate ABTs, yet it would be much more accurate to say I loathe them!
    I’ll never forget the day I saw my first Beeman P1 for sale in a gun store. I asked to see it, and the owner handed it to me. I immediately cocked the pistol (note: I was young and dumb; I should have asked first!) to check the force needed, intending to hold the barrel (which I did) and pull the trigger (which I did) to uncock the pistol (just as I would do with my Webley Tempest).
    Much to my surprise, it did not work; and the owner started yelling at me:
    Owner: “What are you doing?!?!?”
    Me: “Testing the cocking force; I held the barrel open and pulled the trigger to un-cock it like I do with my Tempest, but it’s not working.”
    Owner: “THIS pistol doesn’t work that way! It has an Anti-Bear Trap device; once you cock it, you have to shoot it!”
    Me: “That’s really stupid.”
    Owner: “Oh yeah? What do you know?”
    Me: “I’m an engineer” (also young & cocky) “and THIS is a stupid design.”
    The owner had many other choice words for me, yet, as this is a family-friendly blog, they will not be repeated here. 🙂
    Hence, ever since that day, whenever I hear the words “Anti-Bear Trap mechanism” my brain kind of shuts down. When I shot Field Target, I shot against people using TX200s; I saw that they were very accurate rifles, yet I was quite happy with my chosen HW97…which, of course, had no ABT device.
    Don’t get me wrong; I’m all for safety; EVERY time I loaded my HW97, I did so by putting the butt pad against my hip (sitting, with the butt also against my upper thigh so it can’t move), cocking the rifle with my left hand, and HOLDING the cocking arm with my left hand the entire time as I loaded a pellet into the chamber with my right hand; I did not trust the sear and the safety; I held the cocking lever back each and every time.
    Also, when not in competition, but doing pesting at home, it was really nice that I could cock and load the HW97, and then un-cock it, leaving it loaded, yet with no pressure on the spring. Then when the pest showed up at night, all I had to do was cock the gun and shoot…very convenient!
    So, would I buy another HW97? Sure.
    Would I buy a TX200? Sure…just as soon as they make one without an ABT mechanism!
    Yes, they are a pet peeve of mine; whenever I hear of them, it conjures up a vision of some lawyer telling some engineer, “Well, you know, ol’ dave’s not that smart; it may be that he might forget to hold the cocking lever while he loads our rifle, and then sues us when he gets part of his thumb cut off…better design it so that can’t happen.”
    OK, rant over, LOL! (Those who disagree with me, please feel free). 🙂
    Blessings to you,
    P.S. Re-reading my rant makes me think I may need some therapy about this issue!
    Well, perhaps getting it off my chest on this blog will be sufficient. 😉

    • Dave,
      I don’t know about under- or side-levers, (or magazine-fed break-barrels), but all the break-barrels I have can be loaded by breaking open the barrel enough to thumb a pellet into the breach. Then just like you said, they can be cocked and shot at a later time.
      I agree though, it would be nice to be able to de-cock guns, even if it took a tedious series of actions. One might even argue the safety merits of being able to de-cock a gun.

      Anyone remember when cars came with automatic shoulder safety belts? Bolted to the door or on a motorized track? Those were annoying too, even to people who always wear their safety belts.

      Here is a suggestion for a blog (one that would probably cause trouble), “How to disable.”


      • “Anyone remember when cars came with automatic shoulder safety belts?”
        Yep, I remember those, Mike; I never had a car with them, but I had friends who did.
        Last year, I bought a 1997 F150…no auto-safety stuff…it even has hand crank windows, yay! 🙂

    • thedavemyster, I have no photos of the pretty girl who decided to ignore strict instructions on how to safely load a Weihrauch HW97. I was at that plinking event but didn’t see it happen, just the mess after it bit her… ! 🙁
      I hope you continue to shoot safely and that your rivets may never fail (see picture)! 🙂

    • Can relate to your need to decock without shooting – had to do that yesterday when for the first time since January 1st, a reptilian invader crashed thru into our back patio; before Deadeye FM could take a shot at it, Iggy wisely went into the bushes and disappeared. It was possible to uncock the Ben Max .22 though the pellet is still in the chamber, so there is a warning note taped to it, for FM’s benefit as much as for anyone else authorized to handle it.

    • Dave,
      The HW97K’s now come with ABT’s, at least since 2012 when I bought mine. I removed the ABT on one of my HW97K’s that I shoot in Field Target, but not on the other ones that are for plinking.

      • “The HW97K’s now come with ABT’s”
        What?!?!? That’s sacrilege! #_#
        Thanks for letting me know that, Jeff.
        Was it easy to remove? I hope so. 🙂

  2. Dave
    I feel you are enabling me to buy that HW 97 I always have an eye on…
    B. B. and everyone
    One thing most important to me is absolute reliability, coming from quality built of course.

      • R. R. and Dave
        I think you’re going to hate me if I tell you that the model I am looking for is the stainless with the black thumbhole stock. And to start with, it will be the German version (7.5j).
        Now I’m going to take cover…

        • LOL! There is not need to seek shelter because of me. I myself am not crazy about stainless steel as I prefer parkerizing, but that is almost impossible to find also.

          It is true that I am not a big fan of thumbhole stocks as I prefer a more classic “sporter” type stock. I also prefer walnut, but that itself is becoming most difficult to find.

          Power levels? Many of the “old gals” here at RRHFWA would be doing good to reach 7.5 joules. At least one of them has the F mark on her. What good is gee gobs of power if you cannot hit what you are shooting at?

    • Bill, outside of being a bit heavy to carry around the woods, the HW97 is a joy to shoot; its weight makes it easy to shoot for its power level (870 fps with 7.9-grain Crosman Premiers for 13.26 fpe); it’s easy to cock, had a wonderful trigger, and the accuracy is sweet…
      …wow, now you’re re-enabling me to want to go and get mine back, hahaha! 😉

    • Bill, stainless, eh? Nice ! 🙂

      I thought it interesting when I learnt that Weihrauch also make a HW97 that includes open sights. They call it HW77. 🙂

      What calibre are you thinking of?

      • Hi3
        Unfortunately the stl 77 would have to be a special assembly product, that means really expensive. But the stl 97 is standard option, either in 4.5 or 5.5.
        If it would stay in the 7.5j level the 4.5 would be my choice. With “export” spring the 5.5 for ease of handling.

  3. B.B.

    Enablers are like drug dealers, they want to get you hooked on something that they want. They do this so that they have future clients. Like you do, so you have future readers…..
    Stop it right now and get back to testing pellets.


  4. You enable us more ways than you know.

    Thanks to your enabling, I now write guest blogs instead of just reading them.

    I have always liked bolt guns with dog leg bolts, don’t know why, I just like the look.
    So the 1917 has always been a favorite, as well as the Remington 600, and Winchester 51.

    And my all time favorite, the Mossberg M44US.
    It’s boxy, heavy for a .22 rimfire, but man, can they shoot!

    Airgun wise, because of you, I have an AirArms Prosport, my one and only springer.
    Do I like the Tx200?
    Yes I do, but after a while my fingers start to hurt from separating the cocking lever from the barrel.
    So I put up with the harder to cock Prosport because of the short hidden cocking lever, that doesn’t hurt my fingers.

    Because of you, I have owned, restored and sold more Crosman MKI’s than I can count. (But I currently own 5 at the moment, and 3 Mac1 LD’s in various configurations.)

    And trying not to think of the S&W 78/79 rabbit hole…

    But I am thankful for the opportunities you have presented me in more ways than you could ever know.

    Keep up the enabling!


      • If you search the blog, I have written several guest blogs about them, and have delved into their history more than the Crosman guns.

        I didn’t wan to start talking about them because I can’t stop…..


    • 45Bravo, I too found separating the underlever from the barrel, tiresome on my fingertips. Also, the edge of that little cushioning button on the barrel underside kind of dug into my fingertip. 🙁

      My solution: I simply squeeze my thumb lengthways between those two tubes and just below that button. This unstows the cocking lever just as well and never becomes unpleasant. Then, the gap is easily large enough, not just for my fingers, but my hand to rotate in and over the top of the cocking lever. 🙂

    • Ian,

      I lucked into a trade where for an Walther AR-20 PCP with a custom stock I got a TX200 that had been totally tricked-out for FT competition. A Gin-B stock, several spring kits, scope riser, the original (unused) beech stock, Rowan Engineering butt plate and trigger were included.

      The accessories included a grip for the cocking arm so they are available.


  5. BB,

    ROTFWL! Boy have you “enabled” me. It is because of you that RidgeRunner’s Home For Wayward Airguns even exists! When I bought my first air rifle, it was your article on the Gamo CFX that convinced me to buy it. It took me a while, but before it went to a new home I was able to shoot a gnat’s eye out at 25 yards. Well, that is a little bit of an exaggeration, but I could completely cover a ten shot group with a dime.

    I am an old vet and curmudgeon. You are not making me mad. I used to own a Garand. I would really have liked to owned one of those Enfields or an 03A3 for that matter. My favorite rifle growing up was a Savage Springfield chambered in .223 that my Dad and I had slimmed the stock way down on.

    Yes, I like them slim. Almost all of my favorite air rifles are long, slim things. Many of them do not even have a fore stock. You cannot get much slimmer than that.

  6. *** I mean hitting the target at a reasonable distance ***

    A couple of thoughts…

    – Every rifle is a tack-driver up to a certain distance – that distance may be measured in inches, feet or yards. Choose the rifle with the appropriate capability.

    – Accuracy is defined by application – 1-MER (1 inch groups at the Maximum Effective Range) accuracy is needed for small game; 6-MER (6 inch group) is suitable for big game. Choose the rifle with the appropriate capability.

    I agree BB, a rifle has to feel/fit right to shoot best with me. Guess that’s the reason I prefer “real” stocks – you can always rasp the wood to right shape. 😉

    Hear you about enabling, you have to be passionate (and knowledgeable) about the item to be able to enable it.

    Enabling has its hazards though. To me, the most important thing about enabling is for the enabler to be sure that the item being enabled is what the enablie actually needs or wants. Failure to make to correct match is what I call “hyping” and results in buyers remorse …not good.

    I have to confess that I typically self-enable. I’m not one to impulse-buy though. I see something that interests me and go off the deep end researching it. If the item meets my scrutiny and I can justify the purchase then I’ll save, sell and trade to make it happen.

    If I do discover something impressive, and it meet or exceeds my expectations then I’ll become an enabler and share with people of similar interests. (Right shootski? 😉 )


    • The enablee has to put skin in the game for sure – no excuse for not researching what you want to be enabled into methodically and thoroughly before one pulls the trigger – excuse the pun, or not – on the object desired. With the wealth of information available for just about everything today, there is no excuse to not become a learned enablee. Of course, you should also cultivate the skill of discernment so you can cut through the useless pseudo-information, hype and just plain old propaganda.

      • FawltyManual,

        Targets YOU shot don’t lie!
        How it feels in YOUR hands alone is the Real Deal; be it wood, metal, or Synthetic.
        Beauty is in the eye of the beholder…YOU are the only Beholder that maters!

        Enabler might just be another term for INFLUENCER…. :^P


    • “Enabling has its hazards though. To me, the most important thing about enabling is for the enabler to be sure that the item being enabled is what the enablie actually needs or wants. Failure to make to correct match is what I call “hyping” and results in buyers remorse …not good.”

      Hank, you are a considerate man, who thinks much before he speaks…very cool…
      …here’s hoping I learn from your example. 😉

      B.B., I should have started this set of comments on your report off on a better note.
      My pesky pet peeves are my own issue (actually, I have many issues, Lord help me!).
      Please feel free to edit or totally delete my first comment. Thank you! 🙂

      • Dave,

        You go right ahead and say what you want. My only concern is for the propriety of this site and you have never caused any worry there! 🙂


        • Thanks, B.B., you run an awesome site here; we all may have differing opinions on some aspects of airgunning, but at least we agree to disagree in a loving and respectful manner.

          My pet peeves aside, I thought people smile my youthful arrogance in the gun store.
          Actually, one day, on an appropriate report, I may chime in with a comment on “stupid things not to do in a gun store;” I could write about my friend, Steve…we walked into a store together, but when he went into crazy mode, I swiftly moved far away, sending the nonverbal cue to the owner, “No, I am NOT with this guy!” LOL! 😉
          Blessings to you,

    • Hank,

      Today is our HIIT Workout day with our PT.
      I got to do 3 rounds of 10 left and right side Bulgarians with a 30 pound dumbbell to Knee Raises (lifting Dumbbell on thigh) on the weight side, followed by 12 Squats to Overhead Press with a pair of 25 Lb Dumbbells, and finally Stability Ball one leg Planks to a knee-up with other leg extended straight back; 10 per side. My spouse does a mostly matching routine with lighter weights or fewer reps.
      I don’t feel much like being enabled at this time or commenting about your new 1/2 MOA SHOOTER at 200 and beyond air rifle.
      All i will say is: I’ll bet in no time at all you will be clearing a 300 meter shooting lane and populating it with your most excellent wind flags! Oh! It won’t be for your Stick Bows or wonderful Catapults (Sling Shots) either ;^)


  7. B.B.
    As many have said You have enabled us… Now if the Purveyors would read and heed our Enabler, We’d have a pretty sweet air rifle to take to the range, plink in the backyard, be backyard friendly, be Accurate, with knockdown power, and aesthetically pleasing as you have described.
    Are the Purveyors listening to the shooters?

  8. My motivators to buy have mainly been:
    the look (eg We-Tech WE712 CO₂ Broomhandle airsoft pistol),
    potential for accuracy (eg Weihrauch HW44 precharged pneumatic pellet pistol),
    uniqueness, including obsolete status (eg Giffard CO₂ bulk-fill lead round ball rifle)
    and/ or the urge to have answers to questions (eg Saunders Wrist Rocket Pro slingshot)
    And those ‘enablers’ I often get from, what I hope to be, honest reviews. 🙂

    I’m now troubled by the luxurious problem of too many shooters to shoot and a storage space shortage. 🙁

    Pictured below is one of my most favourite airguns, an old Weihrauch HW55T, 10 metre target rifle. Yes, it’s a bit of a looker, which is one reason why I bought it. But I now like it so very much more than that, because it fits me! 🙂

      • Vana2, first of all, I am feeling ashamed and sorry that I made you ask! 🙁

        And the answer is, yes. I watched those two videos and am now avoiding the ‘speed bumps’ to good effect. Holding the pouch, no longer in front of-, but on top of the clay balls, has them disintegrate much closer to where I’m aiming! 🙂

        Also, my thumb is now being used to protect my poor knuckle! 🙂
        Having it kinda push on the side of the frame facing me, instead of wrapping around it, has made a very welcome (!) difference. 🙂

        Thanks Vana2 !

        pictured below is my most ugly, but current favourite slingshot 🙂

        • Glad to help hihihi!

          I only asked because it is often enough that I don’t get notified if someone replies to a Reply. Though you might have missed it and were still hitting your thumb -ouch!

          And that’s a beautiful slingshot! I’ve had many similar ones that I enjoyed immensely!

          My current favorite is that ugly little frame wrapped with jute cord that I dashed together (30 minute start to shoot build) for the DIY blog. We shoot well together and I have flash-backs to my (first) childhood every time I pick it up 🙂


  9. Tom,

    You wrote, “I want none of this, ‘… springer that weighs 5 pounds, is easy to cock, is accurate, shoots at 1600 f.p.s. and costs $100…'” You have written about the same thing many times before, and I nod my head in agreement every time I sit in front of my computer and read it. I’m with ya, Man.

    My opinion is that folks who want all of those things have not done enough learning about air guns to dive in yet. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not suggesting one must learn an extraordinary amount of information to get into the hobby. But that statement of expectations demonstrates a lack of almost any understanding of a springer airgun.

    Just a few modifications to the requirements of the fictitious consumer above would make the standards reasonable. “Weighs 5 pounds” is unreasonable given the other desires. Six pounds, however, is reasonable. “Is easy to cock”? You bet, but have a realistic, specific maximum difficulty, say, 30 pounds. “Is accurate”? Of course. “Shoots at 1600 f.p.s.” Here we have a big problem. Divide that figure by two, and it might be possible. Finally, “Costs $100…” is ridiculous. Air gunning does not have to be for the well-heeled, but a bargain-basement price means the standards must be lowered. To purchase a springer air rifle that is roughly 6 pounds, cocks at about 30 pounds, is accurate and shoots lead pellets at around 800 fps, one is looking at several hundred dollars at least, more if one would like a wood stock.

    And if the consumer wants to use the air rifle for target practice and plinking, but not pesting, a cocking effort of only 25 or so pounds and a weight of 5 1/2 pounds is easy if the velocity with lead pellets can be under 650 fps. Accuracy, of course, can be a tough one. High quality, accurate air rifles that are lower-powered are few and tend to be expensive (think HW30s). Are there current production Crosman and Gamo air rifles that are all of these things, including accurate, for under $200? I ask sincerely, because I do not know. I would not be surprised either way.

    But a lack of basic knowledge is what leads to the unrealistic lists of desires would be air gunners send Tom. I read those when Tom writes them, and I want to slap my head and exclaim, “For cryin’ out loud, read a few blogs first!”


      • Tom,

        You know me. Why write 100 words when 400 will do? :^)

        Incidentally, when I say, “For cryin’ out loud!” in real life, it is always with a thick Scottish highlands accent, a la Shrek or Mike Myers’ father character in “So I Married an Axe Murderer”: “Look at that boy’s head. It’s huge! I’m not kidding — it’s like an orange on a toothpick.” ;^)


  10. BB I think the 1917 is the worst rifle I ever shouldered. it is as long as a civil war musket action is muddy and cocks on closing. the Garand to me is much better but each guy has their own likes and dislikes

  11. B.B.,

    “You see, reader shootski, it’s not ALWAYS about accuracy to the Nth degree. Sometimes it’s just about hitting what you aim at!”

    Well now i know what to say!

    I have a complete RIGHT to want accuracy to the Nth in my airguns IF I WANT IT!

    Especially since you told me so:
    “Enabling 101
    The secret to enabling is to like something so much that you just have to tell others about it. There — that’s all there is to it. Now go, my children, and do likewise.

    Wait a minute
    What do you mean, BB? How do I know if I like something enough to enable others? Ahh! That is the real question! How well do you know yourself?”

    So I have always been TRUE to myself!
    If it isn’t Nth degree accuracy (within the type or class) or at least lets me modify it to get that degree of ACCURACY i don’t like it enough to enable others or WANT IT FOR MYSELF!

    IF IT ISN’T Precise and Repeatable no mater what my personal skill level as a shooter it isn’t accurate enough for me.
    I work my 74 year old body, mind, and skill in everything i do…WHY WOULD I SETTLE FOR LESS!
    As a i told the davemeister yesterday; i’m enough of a Libertarian that i have no truck with anything anyone else wants to do with their shooting and shooting irons when it comes to precision and consistency of their choice of arms nor do i denigrate folks who have accuracy issues in my personal estimation.

    Shoot what you got with whatever degree of skill brings you contentment!


  12. B.B.,

    I was on a Drill Team back in the day: Springfield M1903 is the best piece I ever got to drill with. Best balance even with fixed bayonet!

    As far as shooting they were all good enough.
    But the Stoner Rifles are the better arm!


    PS: My preference is the Naval Officers Sword for The Drill

    • Personally I preferred the Marine NCO sword and learned how to drill with it at the SNCO academy in Quantico. It took a while to learn, but I still have my sword. Like my shooting discipline it takes time and practice as you make one mistake and everyone knows.

      • Banjoman,

        Thank you for your Naval Service as a Proud Marine!

        I’m certain you know this fact about the USMC NCO Sword but many of our fellow readers won’t: the USMC NCO Sword is in fact the longest continuously in service arm in the US Military and probably in the top five in militaries World-wide.
        You should be very proud of it and your ability to use it on Parade and hopefully you also learned how to use a sword or other long blade as a weapon.
        Folks talk about the 21′ rule in a confrontation with a knife wielding assailant and a holstered gun toter as being advantage to the knife. But a sword well used (or a broom handle for that matter) can completely incapacitate a gun user even quicker.


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    During busy holidays, we step our efforts to ship all orders as fast as possible, but you may experience an additional 1-2 day delay before your order ships. This may also happen if you change your order during processing.

    View Shipping Times

  • Shipping Restrictions

    It's important to know that due to state and local laws, there are certain restrictions for various products. It's up to you to research and comply with the laws in your state, county, and city. If you live in a state or city where air guns are treated as firearms you may be able to take advantage of our FFL special program.

    U.S. federal law requires that all airsoft guns are sold with a 1/4-inch blaze orange muzzle or an orange flash hider to avoid the guns being mistaken for firearms.

    View Shipping Restrictions

  • Expert Service and Repair

    Get the most out of your equipment when you work with the expert technicians at Pyramyd AIR. With over 25 years of combined experience, we offer a range of comprehensive in-house services tailored to kickstart your next adventure.

    If you're picking up a new air gun, our team can test and tune the equipment before it leaves the warehouse. We can even set up an optic or other equipment so you can get out shooting without the hassle. For bowhunters, our certified master bow technicians provide services such as assembly, optics zeroing, and full equipment setup, which can maximize the potential of your purchase.

    By leveraging our expertise and precision, we ensure that your equipment is finely tuned to meet your specific needs and get you ready for your outdoor pursuits. So look out for our services when shopping for something new, and let our experts help you get the most from your outdoor adventures.

    View Service Info

  • Warranty Info

    Shop and purchase with confidence knowing that all of our air guns (except airsoft) are protected by a minimum 1-year manufacturer's warranty from the date of purchase unless otherwise noted on the product page.

    A warranty is provided by each manufacturer to ensure that your product is free of defect in both materials and workmanship.

    View Warranty Details

  • Exchanges / Refunds

    Didn't get what you wanted or have a problem? We understand that sometimes things aren't right and our team is serious about resolving these issues quickly. We can often help you fix small to medium issues over the phone or email.

    If you need to return an item please read our return policy.

    Learn About Returns

Get FREE shipping on qualifying orders! Any order $150+ with a shipping address in the contiguous US will receive the option for free ground shipping on items sold & shipped by Pyramyd AIR during checkout. Certain restrictions apply.

Free shipping may not be combined with a coupon unless stated otherwise.

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