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Air Guns What a difference a stock makes: Part One

What a difference a stock makes: Part One

HW-30S and old stock
The HW 30S over the old-style HW 30 stock.

What BB did

This report covers:

  • A deal
  • Installed
  • Shouldered the rifle
  • What about the custom stock?
  • One more thing
  • Summary

Today we look at something simple, yet important to our shooting success. Today I replace the HW 30S stock with an old-style HW 30 stock. Then I will report on what the old stock does to  the ability to use the open sights that come with the rifle.

A deal

Reader AlanMcD told me about an old-style HW 30 stock that had been taken off and was for sale on the Airgun Nation website. The seller wanted $95 and from the picture I could see that the stock was in like-new condition. With Alan’s help I linked up with the seller and bought the stock that’s shown in the picture above. It arrived in perfect condition last week. I put it on the barreled action today.

HW-30S in old stock
The HW 30S barreled action is installed in the old-style stock.

I could not visually tell the difference between the comb height of the old-style stock and the new one. One of our readers, I think RidgeRunner, said his old-style HW 30 comes up to his shoulder perfectly, aligning his sighting eye with the front and rear sight in a natural way. That was what I wanted, as well.


The stock swap took all of 10 minutes. Everything fit as it should, and then I photographed the barreled action mounted in the old-style stock. Perhaps for the first time after examining the new/old stock and comparing it with the new-style stock, I saw something that may have made the difference. Look at the very back on the new-style stock. Do you see that it swoops up by a few degrees?

HW-30S butts
The newer HW 30S stock at the bottom swoops up at the very back. Could that small swoop lift the comb of the stock so high that the open sights no longer work for many people?

Shouldered the rifle

I shouldered the rifle mounted in the old-style stock and was rewarded with a perfect sight picture. I didn’t believe it. After all, I am Gumby when it comes to adapting to weird rifle stocks. So I tried it again and again and again. No matter when I tried it, this old-style stock fit me perfectly! With just this small investment I now have an HW 30S that fits me well enough to use the open sights.

What about the custom stock?

I still have a custom stock ordered with Steve Corcoran. What do I do about that? My plan is to leave that order in place and to also test the rifle with that stock when it comes in. The bottom line here is to make a good pest rifle, which I think I’ve already done, but as long as we are on track, why stop? This cheek weld/sighting eye placement stuff has fascinated me and I want to ride it as far as I can.

Stock up on Air Gun Ammo

One more thing

Yes, I still need to test the rifle for accuracy with its new/old stock. We know this rifle is accurate. But can BB be accurate when shooting it offhand? That will be the real test.


Today was a shorty report, but it took a long time to write. I hope I got the reason right about why the new HW stock isn’t well-suited (for me and for others) to shoot offhand. I don’t mean to impugn Weihrauch, but that new-style stock just doesn’t work for me when I want to shoot with open sights.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

45 thoughts on “What a difference a stock makes: Part One”

  1. Yes Tom,
    But 80% or more airgun shooters want to mount a scope. Pick one or the other. Unless you have a adjustable comb you can never get the right cheek weld for both open sights and a scope. Maybe a thick cheek cushion would help the lower peep sighted stock be usable with a scope.
    Since you no longer need a stock to shoot your HW 30 with peeps, maybe you should ask Mr. Corcoran to make a stock for the Omnia ZRS, now THAT NEEDS A CUSTOM STOCK!!! FWIW-I am now pounding the table. do it!


  2. BB,
    The old-style stock you just received for your HW 30S is identical to the stock that came new on my HW 30S…new as in nearly 6 years ago, LOL! And yes, the old-style stock worked great with the stock open-iron sights.
    Your custom stock may be even better; yet I’m happy that you were able to get the old-style stock, and that it appears that it will work out well for you; it looks like AlanMcD hooked you up…that’s what I really like about this community that you started here: people help each other out…very cool. 🙂
    I look forward to seeing your new groups with your old stock.
    Blessings to you,

  3. The new style HW77 stock is also a real pain to use with open sights, which is ironic because the only reason to get a HW77 over a HW97 is the open sights.

    Airgun manufacturers need to stop Minelli running wild with their arty-farty designs and insist on stocks that are practical and help, rather than hinder, the shooter.

  4. BB,

    It was indeed I who commented on how well my grandson’s HW30 fits so wonderfully. I shot it some this past Sunday. What a pleasure! I did as Kirsten said, I closed my eyes, brought the air rifle to my shoulder, set my cheek weld and opened my eyes. I was looking through both the rear peep and the front globe.

    Sitting at the top of the stairs of the back porch, leaning back against the railing post, I almost had to try to miss my 3/8-inch spinner at ten yards. This thing is so easy and smooth to cock and shoot. It is a true pleasure to shoot.

    A few have been trying to find the Williams peep I have on this HW30S. The sticker that comes with it says it is a FP-GR-TK. The FP stands for Fool Proof, which is an especially good thing for me. The GR is the model. The TK stands for Target Knobs. They are nice, but not really necessary.

    With a front globe sight, these are awesome!

  5. Here is a peek at the TruGlo front globe sight. I know, it is a glowy, thingy sight, but you can adjust the glow level of this thing. Oh, by the way, good luck in finding one. They are no longer made, but there are a few out there. I think Hector Medina may have a couple. 😉

    • RidgeRunner,

      Anything (almost) can be made to “fit” lostnationrd.com
      Check out what can be done for a standard rimfire rifle to make it a BIATHLON capable rifle. If Tom had a stock like these he could spend a month of Sundays adjusting it….
      I do wish they had a bit more CRAFTSMANSHIP as opposed to just the functional/specification perfection they strive for. But that would just cost way more money!


  6. Tom,

    You could say that now you have a NOSS, or a New Old Stock Stock! ;^)

    Does this mean that if you wished to scope the rifle some day, you would need to go back to the old/new/original (dark brown) stock?


      • FM lucked out – the Minelli stock works fine for his needs so, since it ain’t broke, won’t fix it. It was good to learn more things to look out for when making a decision on a future purchase, however.

  7. Tom,
    When looking at the stocks, it appears to me the grip on the older design sweeps a little lower than the newer design. The difference looks small but an 1/8 of an inch will make a huge difference when trying to get a consistent cheek weld. If both stocks were empty of the action you could measure the difference on any large flat surface. But it could also be shown with two photos overlayed with the top photo made transparent to allow the bottom one to show through. The view in both the photos the stock with the action installed is canted relative to the empty stock so its hard to compare with the current photos.


  8. The History Bug bit FM and just wanted to remember and remind today marks another anniversary of the D-Day landings; going to pray for the souls lost that day and for the well-being of the few remaining veterans of that Longest Day. Sadly, seems 79 years on, the lessons of History have not been learned and it is deja vu, all over again.

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