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Archery Big Stockings to Fill

Big Stockings to Fill

with just a few days till christmas, these stocking stuffers could help fill the wish lists of the archers in your life.
Stocking stuffers should be useful.

Stuffers or Fillers? Whatever!

Whose stocking are you filling? Whoever’s stocking you’re filling, you want to be sure it’s perfect for them, don’t you? Because when you love somebody, yeah I said when you love somebody, ( let me change my wording, I’m breaking out in song). If you really don’t care and all you want to do is fill the stocking, go to the store, close your eyes and fill it up!

If you’re still reading this, I’d say it’s because you want the perfect stuffers. Let’s talk about the recipient of said stocking and stuffing. 

If the archer in your life fits any of these descriptions…

Stock up on Broadheads

  • Loves archery in it’s fastest form
  • Preferes to Stretch out the distance potential of the shot
  • Is unable to draw a compound or recurve bow string
  • Must have an optic to shoot (possible vision issues)
  • Likes the word crossbow

A Crossbow is On the List

I just gave it away, yep you got it, you’ll want a big enough stocking for something like the TenPoint Viper S400. I think I just saw your jaw drop, was that in the sense of, “OMG! What a great idea!” Or maybe it was more of, “That stocking is going to be way too big!” Either way I have more ideas that would suit both responses. 

If you think that’s a great idea, there are some accessories you’ll want to include to fill some empty spaces, let’s help your favorite archer get to the range ready to shoot. An optic is a great place to start, because it is. I would throw in the Hawke XB30 Pro 1-5×24 Crossbow Scope, (don’t really throw it). 

That’s Not All…

The Ten Point Crossbow Sling will give your archer a free hand while walking to their destination. You can argue with me if you want, but it’s always nice to have a free hand in case you need to draw a Ten Point Lighted Pro Elite 400 Arrow out of the Ten Point Six Arrow Quiver when your game unexpectedly comes into sight because convenience wins sometimes. This is you thinking of said archer and not yourself. That’s love, right?

Maybe your favorite archer already has the TenPoint Viper S400, you could certainly stuff those accessories above in their stocking along with a few more helpful items like the G5 Montec Crossbow Broadheads, that’s if they plan to hunt, if not field points are fine. 

No Canting Allowed

bubble levels help keep scopes lined up right

Keep a level head and if you want to use the next stuffer to examine that, go for it! No, I’m not curious of the results, keep that to yourself please. Another compatible gift is the Ten Point Bubble Level, to help assure your (I mean recipient’s) form is consistent and you’re not canting one way or another. Canting, (I’m not talking about the tantrum your child throws themself into while screaming, “ I CAN’T!” ) Oh, you do that too? Let’s move on. Again, canting  is easy to do and not even know it, it’s a huge help to have a reference.

Then of course the  Air Venturi Broadhead Wrench, which may save your favorite archer’s fingers from vicious cuts from the sharp blades intended for shredding through flesh. That gift really shows you care, so don’t forget it. 

I know you’re so glad you came across this blog because you weren’t sure what to get your archer and now you know! Mystery solved and you are so welcome!  

Is it You?

If this describes you in any way, just send the link to this blog to the one who’s filling your stocking to drop a whisper of a hint. You know you’re just helping them out right? If you’re filling your own stocking, well, I’d say you’re cheating, that’s not your job! The upside is, you’ll get exactly what you want. Maybe that’s not such a bad idea after all, for a back up anyways.

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The Bow Bully
The Bow Bully discusses a variety of archery topics and offers tips, advice and the occasional nudge to make you a better bowhunter. With years of experience, and an attitude to match, you'll find the Bully has something to offer both beginners and seasoned hunters.

12 thoughts on “Big Stockings to Fill”

  1. Sorry to be off topic. I understand that only the HW30S have Record triggers. also that my non S HW30 would have a “Perfect” trigger assembly.I have seen only one diagram of the Perfect unit and it showed no external adjustments. My gun has a silver screw adjustment behind the trigger. Are there more model of the Perfect? I have tried to attach photos of my gun.

    • That sure looks for all the world like you have a rekord trigger.
      The perfekt trigger unit looks different.
      It has a stamped trigger blade…. Hollow when looked at from the back.

    • Here is a photograph of a p e r f e k t
      Trigger unit. This one was worked on by D e r r i c k from another airgun blogspot.
      The screw behind the trigger may have been added by him and possibly not stock. Also notice the trigger guard is entirely different from the cast one seen on a Rekord.
      So you have one of the finest airgun triggers ever designed!

      • Having trouble loading a photograph.
        Well anyway I am quite confident in what I am telling you.
        That is a R e k o r d! Few would argue it’s the best air gun trigger you could hope for. Congratulations and enjoy it.
        FYI the perfekt trigger unit has a stamped hollow back trigger blade.
        Also it has a sheet steel trigger guard as opposed to yours which is a cast design. Enjoy it

  2. Hey Bow Bully,

    What kind of meat would you suggest stuffing in the hosiery* all hung with care on the mantle?


    knit or woven coverings for the feet and legs designed to be worn inside shoes, particularly women’s stockings and tights; also socks for men, women, and children.
    In Great Britain, hosiery includes all types of machine-knit garments.

  3. *** If you really don’t care and all you want to do is fill the stocking, go to the store, close your eyes and fill it up! ***

    …in that situation, gift certificates for McDonald’s are great stocking stuffers 😉

    Cheers and Merry Christmas!

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