TenPoint Bubble Level, Fits Weaver/Picatinny Rails
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The TenPoint Dovetail Bubble Level ensures precision by adding a way to check that the crossbow is level before shooting. It attaches to Weaver/Picatinny optics rails, and is especially useful for long-range shooting.
TenPoint Dovetail Bubble Level
- Compatible with a standard 22mm (Weaver/Picatinny) optics rail
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6 of 6 TenPoint Bubble Level, Fits Weaver/Picatinny Reviews

It was an exercise in frustration mounting this on the rail under the scope and get anywhere near level. I took off my scope (was just sighted in... ughh!) and attempted to re-mount. No matter how hard I tried I could not get this to actually stay "level" on my bow, as soon as you tighten it down it tweaks out of level and refuses to remain flush against the rail, Complete waste of $$.
Fits perfectly on rifle tail and when rifle sitting in the FX Impact case, it help keeps the rifle level for mounting scope or long distance shooting
Things I Would Have ChangedNone
What Others Should KnowPut FX Impact on Deadeye tripod combine with bubble leveler its deadly combination

The bubble level is a great accessory to have, especially since accuracy of your shot relies on a level crossbow. These particular bubble levels are difficult to install because it 'teeters' between the picatinny rail slots. It took me 4 mounts/re-mounts of this level to get it somewhat level with the crossbow without moving when slightly bumped. Again, this is a great idea, but I will be getting a different, more reliable and accurate level.

Really like this compact level. Fits under my scope nicely.

It’s a level!!! Seems pretty nice but I do have issues seeing it. Maybe just take some time adjusting to find the perfect spot
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Dec 18, 2023
By LCJaymes
While sighting in my 2018 Horton Vortec RDX, I realized how important staying close to level was - especially at longer ranges. I saw this level, ordered it, it fit perfectly. I'm not versed in scope mount differences, but there was no issue with it fitting the factory mount on this model. And it mounted level to the rail. I shot a few bolts to try to develop memory in regard to where level is with my hold. It is a good quick reference to help retain proper positioning.