Sig Super Target air pistol.
Link to Part 4 of previous reports
This report covers:
- Why should anyone care?
- What was the Super Target air pistol?
- Resembles the Sig P210 Super Target 9mm pistol
- Where does the Super Target air pistol fit?
- All-metal
- Grips
- Adjustable sights
- Adjustable trigger
- Safety
- Velocity
- Inaccurate information
Today I’m going to start something I almost never do — compare obsolete airguns and retest an air pistol that’s no longer available. I’m doing it because I’m curious and there is a lot of inaccurate or just plain bad information out there. I think you will be curious, too.
Why should anyone care?
If the pistol is no longer available, why should anyone care? Why talk about airguns that are no longer sold new? I have two good reasons. The first one is because these airguns are still available used — perhaps at a much lower price. And the second one is because, in the case of this pistol, a “marketing” decision may have been made by people who perhaps were not aware of the ramifications. This pistol could be a great buy if you know what to look for. I’m going to test it in front of you so, right or wrong, you will know what works. You and I will be learning this as we go!
What is the Super Target air pistol?
The SigAir Super Target air pistol is a single-stroke pneumatic target pistol that SigAir sold for a short time in the 2019-2020 timeframe. SigAir was a division of Sig that apparently no longer exists. Sig still sells airguns, but now under the Sig Sauer name. Their air rifles and air pistols are made offshore and most, if not all, are made in Asia. The subject pistol was produced in Italy and is no longer available, but it didn’t take much to uncover that it was actually a rebranded FAS 6004 target pistol, with some details that were specified by SigAir. That fact may be very important to know as this report proceeds.
The FAS 6004 is an updated version of the FAS 604 and many sources claim that earlier pistol is the better model. I don’t know because I’ve never handled either airgun and I don’t intend to, so it’s a moot point to me. But the 6004 seems to be closely related to the Sig Super Target and that may be important for a reason I have yet to disclose.
Resembles the Sig P210 Super Target 9mm pistol
Some of the differences Sig made to the FAS 6004 to create the Super Target air pistol made it resemble their American-made P210 Super Target 9mm firearm. That resemblance was intentional and Sig marketed the Super Target air pistol that way.
US-made Sig P210 Super Target 9mm pistol.
Where does the Super Target air pistol fit?
When it was available the Sig Super Target air pistol retailed for $350. That positioned it between the Beeman P3 that sells for $280 and the IZH 46M that was bringing close to $500 when it was removed from the US market. The Super Target came with grips and sights that are more sporter-like, so it compared more closely to the P3 more than to the IZH 46M.
One big difference between the P3 and the Super Target is the Super Target is all metal. It feels like the firearm it mimics, which makes it a lookalike or replica airgun as well as a target pistol. The pistol weighs 40 ounces, which is slightly more than the firearm it copies. The 9mm P210 Super Target comes in at 36.9 oz. unloaded.
The Super Target air pistol has genuine walnut grips. I had to remove one to examine the back because synthetics these days are so realistic. I found solid wood! They aren’t checkered or stippled and it would be nice if they were. They are smooth and a bit too thick for my taste, but since my pistol is a pre-production model I will leave them exactly the way they are.
Sig got my Super Target out to me before the production guns were in the country and mine came without an owner’s manual. I imagine the manual was being finalized as I was testing the pistol because Sig was feeding me answers to questions I had when I wrote the previous reports. Sig gave me the pistol when I finished reporting on it, so mine may not be exactly like the production model, though I think it is.
The firearm grips won’t fit the air pistol because the screw holes are in a different place, but grips that are like the checkered ones on the P210 Target would have certainly complimented this pistol.
Adjustable sights
This is a target pistol, so of course the sights are adjustable. The screw slots are wide and I find an American penny fits them just right. No doubt there are coins in every country for this. The adjustments have clicks you can feel, but I can’t always hear them.
The front sight is a squared post that fits the square notch in the rear well. The fit (post to notch) is tight, though. I will have to wear glasses to shoot, so I can see light on either side of the front post. But I always wear glasses when shooting an air pistol. There is no 11mm rail on which to mount a dot sight, so I think optics are out for this one. And it is an overlever single-stroke anyway, so you wouldn’t want optics mounted on the top of the pistol.
The top strap lifts up and rotates forward like this to charge the pistol. Optics have no place on this pistol.
Adjustable trigger
The two-stage trigger adjusts for pull weight, trigger blade location (length) and the length of stages one and two. I find the trigger to be mushy, with no clear stop at the end of stage one. To me this isn’t a target trigger.
In the last series I adjusted the trigger and found the range of adjustment was very narrow. I also adjusted the trigger too far and spent a lot of time putting one of the adjustment screws back in the pistol so it would work.
There is no safety nor should there be one. This is a target pistol and safeties have no business on target pistols. You only load this gun when you are preparing to shoot. But what if the range is called cold right after you have loaded the gun? That happens all the time. What do you do then to make the pistol safe?
The manual says to fire the pistol to unload it, but in this situation, since the range is cold that can’t be done. I would just open the top strap as if to pump and load the pistol again, but be careful. The strap will be pushed up by the compressed air stored inside, so keep your hand over the top strap to contain it. Once the top strap is open there will still be a pellet in the breech, but the pistol cannot fire.
Velocity is where there may be an eye-opening revelation. I found a reference in a discussion on the Airgun Nation forum about an incorrect breech seal being installed on the FAS 6004 pistol, and that is why it’s good to know this pistol is closely related to that one. The guy who posted said that the velocity of an FAS 6004 should be around 400 f.p.s. with lighter pellets, but the wrong breech seal was installed in his 6004 and the velocity topped out at 330 f.p.s. Sig sent literature with the test pistol that agreed with 330 f.p.s. being the top and I got very close to that when I tested mine. The guy posted which seal from McMaster-Carr worked best to increase the velocity by 50 f.p.s. That will be something I do for you next time.
Inaccurate information
If you look at websites, hoping to purchase a Sig Super Target air pistol, many of them will say the pistol is backordered. It is nothing of the kind. The pistol is no longer being made and the FAS 6004 pistol that this pistol is derived from is also obsolete. Don’t waste your time looking for a new one.
I’m holding the information about the breech seal in abeyance until I test it and determine that it either works or it doesn’t. I will post the results and if it does work I’ll post the part number you need to get from McMaster-Carr. There is actually a choice of two parts, but I’m getting ahead of myself. Next time.
“…. listed as backorder…..”
No worse than Crosman listing the Maximus “Out of Stock” years after they stopped making it.
Really. Maybe they are holding out with the hopes of an increase in demand? I personally would like to have one.
The Weihrauch model to compare to is the HW75, which also has the automatic-like metal frame and wood target grips, and look like they’re currently still being sold by Pyramyd Air.
I don’t think changing out the breech seal will change the velocity much. Unless Sig really made a mistake in sourcing the seal. Wouldn’t a comparison with the P3 be sufficient? Albeit the P3 is more plastic than metal compare to this new “oldie”. Maybe the P1 is a better historical unit to compare it to.
At this point I’m just reading what the guy said and following him. We all get to see together.
As Nathan said the full metal HW75 is the one competitor, FAS 6004 being the other since it’s still made and sold, at least in Europe.
Please tell me where in Europe the FAS 6004 is available.
I hope you find what you are looking for.
My best wishes for your health issue.
Now there’s a blast from the past – they don’t sell to the UK any more (tax issues after leaving the EU) but when they did I recall the SIG was priced somewhere between the ambidextrous and match grip FAS 6004, and rather more than the HW75.
As has been said, the 75 is really the better comparison – a nicely made pistol, recoilless as well to boot, that you sort-of could use for 10m shooting but really isn’t an out-and-out match pistol. And that front sight blade – really?
I think the HW75 is too nice to leave the Sig an opening. It wasn’t that much more than the Sig, but if you wanted to target shoot, it has the target grips, the sights, the accuracy, and that amazing trigger.
And if you just wanted to plink, it had the manual safety (I prefer to have it on when charging it or before handing it to a new shooter, especially with that 1.5lb trigger), dovetail grooves for an optic, and the fully functioning hammer has to be my favourite feature on any air gun.
Add to that Weihrauch’s distribution network, spares availability, and mature design, and Sig really had an up-hill battle.
Thank for that link.
They also have the Gamo.
They do, don’t they? Anyway I have a small crash for Wheirauch pistols so I wouldn’t have a use for it. HW75, HW40, HW45 STL 5.5 and HW45 BLK 4.5 would make a long waiting queue… Not to mention the Tau 7 which is a league of its own.
I love reports like this. Getting a good deal on a oldie but goodie is one of my favorite things.
You like it? I am an oldie but goodie. 😉
Good deal!
I recently won a bid for a Diana 27 that was described as a 42! Now if only I could find a Winchester 427 and a 450 to complete the collection. They would all have good homes at Roamin Greco’s Institute for Airgun Appreciation, or RoGrIFAGA.
I personally would prefer RGIAA, but who am I?
Certainly the first,, the second we’ll have to ask Mrs. RR about.
I know there has been just too much water flowing under the bridge, but it would be nice if SigAir would come back into existence. This is another of them there airguns I had hoped to pick up. If’n I had known SigAir would fall apart as quickly as it did, I would have likely picked up a couple of their products. I do have some of their pellets.
I personally am glad you are revisiting this air pistol. I wonder if something can be done with that trigger?
I know CO2 power and the ability to make very good copies make this less worthwhile nowadays, but I wonder if something more of a P3/HW40 competitor might have done better. Obviously the top half has to be bulky to get a decent powerplant in, but duplicating the grip/trigger guard and lower frame (to get the actual feel, and accessory compatibility) of a polymer frame SIG auto might have been possible.
That, of course, would probably have been something completely new (and expensive to develop) and on the US market at least would have the bargain P17 to compete against.
There is the Chameleon CO2 target pistol that BB used to use. I personally am not much of a fan of CO2 guns, though that may change in the near future.
I was thinking of something along the lines of the Snowpeak LP400, which in overlever SSP format tries to mimic the Colt 1911 (viewed from the side, at least). Now if SIG had wanted an SSP in their airgun line, instead of styling it after the P210 and making an expensive plinker and not really a target pistol, something synthetic-framed but still with definite SIG handling in the grip shape.
Or is that what CO2 is for?
Who knows with those people? Right now they are hung up on that US government contract. One day they may once again pull the proverbial head out and take another good look around. Life is way too short to wait for that.
Such a good looking pistola there. I know it is nicer in every way than the P17, especially the light cocking weight, but looking back at the accuracy results for both, it still surprises me how the little $40 banger can hang with a gun like this.
Looking forward to you revisiting this beauty again.
Me too! If that guy on Airgun Nation is right about the breech seal, this is a BIG deal!
This looks like a training pistol for the Sig Sauer 9mm Target pistol, not a 10m pistol. Air Venturi appears to be the only one making a dedicated 10m SSP. That would also be an interesting comparison.
Praying an uneventful and successful surgery!
I let this one slip away as well. Probably because I already had a P17 and Webley Alecto Ultra in .22. Must have missed the all metal part. I would get it if it is reissued.
Picked up a second Ultra in a second issue run in .177 marked as a Zoraki HP 01-2 Ultra and plan to keep it a pistol. The first is now a carbine conversion.
There was a third issue but evidently it’s sold out now as well and there is no pre-order box to check this time.
The P17 probably took over the market with its low price.
So what happened to pulverizing those stones with Ultrasound? I recall telling someone to stay away from porcelain urinals until it is removed. Is this a repeat problem or long postponed?
God be with you.
Bob M,
If the stone is larger than 2cm (>3/4″) in diameter it is too big to be crushed by Extracorporeal ShockWave Lithotripsy (ESWL). My brother in law had his stones removed 15 years ago by that method unfortunately he didn’t watch his diet and didn’t drink often enough and pee frequently enough that his stones reformed so big that it caused an obstruction and had to be removed surgically. Fortunately he did not lode his kidney.
Thanks. I was going to answer him but you beat me to the punch. Also, because you work in the medical field, I reckon you are the better guy to answer.
I fired my urologist who wanted to take this thing out the front door. That could work but he admitted it would take more than one operation.
And Bob, I had a Lithotripsy stone removal in 2016. That one was only 7mm and I had to return to the hospital four times to get the pieces out.
I had my 1st bout with kidney stones in 1981, during a road trip from Virginia to Central NY. Made it home (barely), and have had episodes since; the last was about 10 years ago. Mine are clumps of crystals, not hard stones.
So you have an opportunity I don’t.
Have your surgeon remove the stone whole, if possible.
Take it home with you.
Once you are fully recovered, take your most accurate gun to the range.
Set the stone at 100 yards (1 inch more or less is 1 MOA is it not?).
Just think of the satisfaction when you blast that sucker to smithereens.
I asked for the stone, but they have to break it up to get it out.
Sounds like you are having a Laparoscopic procedure through the back. Back in the early 1980s i had a stone attack during an instrument approach to Helenikon Airbase in Greece. I was flown to the Weisbaden Hospital where they were going to do an open surgery (6 months in a no fly status) removal. I got myself out of there to the Bethesda Naval Hospital where it was determined that i had passed the stone along the way. It was my fault too much coffee and beach ops dehydration. Since then i have a low dose diuretic and drink quarts of water laced with the juice of fresh lemons as recommended by my Flight Surgeon/Urologist and now lifelong flying friend.
Glad you found a good doctor!
Prayers will be offered until you are all better.
PS: I have a SIG Super Target and will run the LabRADAR to get some numbers. Interesting on the barrel seal (mine is STILL the original) appears to stand SLIGHTLY proud of the breech end of the barrel. I wonder if the owner read the part about not locking the over lever during storage in the Owners Manual?
My OM does give, up to 330fps as the MV, but no projectile information in conjunction to make it an actually worthwhile number.
The OM also says to dry fire 3-5 shots before use.
Roger, If Tom kept the whole stone, It would be on display, and one of his visitors would ask “caliber is that?”
Ian as i recall they start referring to ROCKets in inches rather than caliber once they get that big!
The Sig is great looking pistol. I have a Beeman P1 I picked up used some years ago. It’s great, but proportions not exactly as the Colt. I have the P3, cocking effort on high side on mine. Have had no issues with either.
I have one of these. I’ve enjoyed shooting it, don’t think I have ever chronied it. It’s reasonably accurate. Will follow and try to get some velocity and groups.
Going off subject a bit here but still airgun related. Was going to post this the other day but it slipped my mind for some reason.
Probably about a month or so ago I got a Barra 400e. Most of the reader’s on the blog know I like accurate guns and also long range shooting and the (spray n pray guns) as some call the (full auto guns).
But got to say I love it. I can hit a 12oz. can at 50 yards in semi-auto mode and keep the can dancing. And of course full auto mode. 🙂 And that’s standing unsupported with a dot sight.
What I like about it also is my rc airplane batteries and charger will work for it. A 2200 mah battery is getting 1200 shots.
And just to say absolutely no mis fires or jams since I have got it. It’s kind of nice not having to fill it with air or use up co2 cartridges. I shoot it throughout the day with my other gun’s.
Oh and one last thing it is a very solid well made gun. If anyone is interested in this type of gun I believe you will like it if you get one.
Thanks for that. I have the Panther Arms (think Crosman DPMS) C02 bb gun. I too love being about to roll cans in semi auto. I have been shocked at how accurate it is (got it for rock and roll full auto and expected no real accuracy kind of like the old freon powered bb guns). That said I’ve been curious if the new wave electric bb guns were really any good. I’m also keeping my eye out for the new Umarex AER16.
I handled the AER-16 at shot show, it was the only one in existence at that time.
Once they get it into production it would be interesting to compare it to the 400E in the accuracy department at extended ranges.
I thought BB had done a review of the 400E but I searched the blog, but couldn’t find an entry.
I know others have reviewed them, and a friend has one and he raves about the accuracy.
But he doesn’t like the electric motor noise.
When the AER16 comes to market I will borrow a friends 400E and see if I can get Umarex to send one for a test.
I too thought BB reviewed it but can’t find it. I know Hard Air Magazine did and got good accuracy.
Yes I will probably get one of the Umarex AER16’s also.
Why not. What’s wrong with having a couple of full auto guns. Double the fun.
That would be great (head to head challenge). On paper the Umarex is way cheaper. Rated just a lil higher fps. Most reviews I seen, the Barra only got just under 400 fps but very accurate for what it is.
I haven’t chronyed my 400 but I’m plenty happy with the power it makes. It will go through both sides of a aluminum can at 50 yards with the can just laying on the ground, not up against a back stop or anything. So it’s making pretty good power.
I have the Evanix Speed, an electric select fire PCP. One thing I definitely don’t care for is the motor/gear whine cycling the action. How is it with the Barra 400?
In hind sight, the entire setup is out of place in a wood stocked rifle. Plan to transfer action parts to the GTK-290 Semi, one day!
I had one of those also. Back when I had it I didn’t like the sound of the electric motor cycling. After having the 400e it makes me want one of those Evanix Speed. I have actually been looking for one.
But the cycling of the electric motor with the 400e kind of adds to the fun of shooting it. It’s cool to hear how fast it cycles in full auto.