5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
By Lionel from USA on 2019-08-29 16:17:28
It simply does what it has to separate water or oils.
Things I would have changed:Nothing works just fine
What others should know:If you want clean air this is totally worth the price
2.0 2.0
3.0 3.0
By Tim from USA on 2023-01-01 19:35:11
nice, compact little filter
Things I would have changed:fitting will not connect to my fill probe
What others should know:cheap coupler
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5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
Built like a tank, holds pressure.
Things I would have changed:It can be difficult to unscrew and open the filter, this may be a byproduct of being airtight, but it requires no small amount of effort.
What others should know:A well-made product.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Compact size
Things I would have changed:N/A
5.0 5.0
3.0 3.0
fixed my problem this product should have been on my compressor not the one I got. Not your fault mine
Things I would have changed:I think your postage fee is really high. $8.99 for this was high.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
The filter is almost the same diameter as the air cylinder on the marauder it fits perfectly and is easy to grip
Things I would have changed:Nothing
What others should know:It will take about 10 seconds longer to fill if your filling to full pressure due to the filters diameter.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
The one I got did not leak and came with one filter element pre-installed, as promised. Some of the other customers/reviewers have stated they got one with bad quick-disconnect fittings or that they did not include a filter inside. I guess I lucked out because mine is perfect and I have had no trouble with it after several fills. Previously I made the mistake of ordering a cheap Chinese filter on eBay. It had metric threads, leaked, and ended up giving me so many problems that I threw it away. I should have been more careful to buy only confirmed 1/8 BSPP and 1/8 Foster Quick Disconnect fittings for my system so that everything was compatible. This is a heavy duty item, everything connected and fit tightly, and it seems to be built to last.
Things I would have changed:At this price, nothing, really. It would be great to have extra filters included, but you need to order them separately. I ordered eight of them with extra seals, which is item Air Venturi 8 Replacement Filters... here on PA. I am planning to inspect the filter after every 10 refills of my air rifle and change out the element if I see it getting dirty. I expect the extra filters I bought will last a long time.
What others should know:I have the Hill EC-3000 compressor which has a female 1/8 Foster QD on the fill hose. Hooked that hose to this filter, then I needed some way to connect the other end of the filter to my air rifle, so I also bought the Air Venturi Microbore Hose, item number Air Venturi Microbore Hose, DN2,..., and the 1/8 BSPP - male Foster QD fitting, item number Air Venturi Male Quick-Disconnect, 1/8".... I was then able to attach the microbore hose to the female end of the filter and the new hose's female QD to the rifle. Fill times did not seem to change much using the filter and extra hose length, and none of the QD fittings leaked air, even approaching 300 bar/ 4350 psi on my Avenger. I am very pleased with the whole system. For the extra protection it may give my air rifle, it's worth the cost.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Very well designed and machined. No air leaks even if the main cylinder body is only hand tightened. My order came with 8 free filter elements. I installed it on the outlet port of the AIR VENTURI G9 pump after replacing the original microbore hose with a Quick-Release fitting ... and it works well for me. See photos.
Things I would have changed:None that I can think of.
3.0 3.0
3.0 3.0
Handy little fella, cheap. Nice to have in the line to keep more expensive filters downstream from this cleaner than they would be otherwise.
Things I would have changed:This came with no filter inside and it was finger tightened. dangerous state for it to be in, good thing I checked it out but I still wound up doing some fills with no filter since I expected so ethi g called a filter to actually be a filter and not an empty cavity finger tightened...live and learn. The female adapter is wobbly and leaky compared to others in my line...not sure what kind of problem that is, probably some proprietary tolerances and dash of chinese qc.
What others should know:This is not sufficient by itself, you will need other higher quality filters in your line to properly clean your air for airgunning. typically a filter on the intake, and the output, using special dessicant beads in a tube of some kind...silica gel does not cut it for the bead filters. air venturi and tuxing both make more serious attempts at filtration.
3.0 3.0
3.0 3.0
none unusable no filter inside
Things I would have changed:Filter should come with it to be complete and usable
What others should know:seemed good quality but did not come with filter
2.0 2.0
1.0 1.0
Looks good
Things I would have changed:Put a functional female foster fitting on it and maybe test your product before shipping it. The O-ring is to far deep inside it to actually make a seal. After taking it apart, replacing the female adapter it works now. This is unacceptable.
What others should know:I shouldn't have to replace parts on an item to use it.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
I use this filter assembly along with the cotton inserts in the JTS compressor. Works great.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
This inline filter is well made and fits everything I have here in the US for my high pressure PCP stuff. I have purchased cheaper filters like this one but all three ended up leaking and/or blowing out the o-rings. You get what you pay for. I have not a problem with this one at all. I'm using it as a after filter out of my compressor going to the molecular sieve.
Things I would have changed:I can't find anything I would change on this filter.
What others should know:Many of the cheap filters out there made in China are metric and their tolerances are not the same as this one. The foster fittings don't fit as well and the body does not seal as well either. I wish I had bought this one first.
By H. F. from USA on 2022-01-19 |
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Very simple design that works really well. Easy to use, just plug and go! Filter easily changeable, and reasonable to replace. Great value for the money.
What others should know:Cheap protection for an expensive PCP.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Its size
Things I would have changed:Nothing
What others should know:Cant wait too use
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Verified Purchase
It simply does what it has to separate water or oils.
Things I would have changed:Nothing works just fine
What others should know:If you want clean air this is totally worth the price
4.0 4.0
4.0 4.0
Helps keep air out of my 480 cc tank on my fx dreamline ! Prolongs the life of my air gun by keeping water out
Things I would have changed:Nothing , it does what its supposed to!
What others should know:It adds volume to the fill line . Matters a little if you're using a hand pump but is fine if you're using a tank or compressor
2.0 2.0
2.0 2.0
Well it leaked air so...
Things I would have changed:For it not to leak air
What others should know:Mine leAked air
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By Tim
2.0 2.0
3.0 3.0
nice, compact little filter
Things I would have changed:fitting will not connect to my fill probe
What others should know:cheap coupler