5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
By GLH from USA on 2010-08-30 16:14:55
the targets are easy to put in and hang. its very sturdy too.
Things I would have changed:make the paper targets easier to find.
What others should know:the metal targets are easy to reuse. i simply bought some orange florescent spray paint (don't use primer or it wot chip very well when shot) and spray them until i cant see the bare metal anymore.
1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0
By nee-kevi from USA on 2012-08-20 11:01:45
Works o.k if you are shooting the iron targets. But @ 25 yards using air arms 8.44 gr. roundnose pellets, shooting a beeman x2. On paper targets this trap allready has been shot thru and I think it is supposed to be rated to withstand that kind of hits. That is why I bought this trap.
Things I would have changed:Double the gauge thickness of the rear of the trap to be able to withstand hits from most springers (1000 fps)at least
What others should know:If you purchase this trap only shoot the iron targets supplied and hope you hit them every time or know someone that is a welder, to reinforce the back of this trap
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5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
This is a nice little target/trap set up for my lower power airguns (Daisy 853 and Beeman P17). It offers all the variety I desire for my backyard, after work attempts at more formal silhouette and 10-meter target shooting. Fits 7x9 paper targets. The silhouettes are good quality.
Things I would have changed:The metal is not all that thick, which is fine for the guns I use with it, but a more powerful airgun would dent the trap.
4.0 4.0
4.0 4.0
Great little trap, esp for indoors shooting, great price.
Things I would have changed:The steel is lightweight - the back plate is already bulging from about 30 strikes at 800 fps .177 pellets. Higher velocity may penetrate the steel.
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
It's fun like it for what it is
Things I would have changed:Would make the little animals a little more durable my wife shot the weight off the bottom of the biggest animal.
What others should know:You get what you pay for not bad
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
Well made. The steel targets are actual air gun silhouette targets.
Things I would have changed:Nothing.
What others should know:The threaded bosses on the back of the steel targets strip fairly easily. Don't over tighten and use blue loctite.
4.0 4.0
4.0 4.0
Sets up literally anywhere, indoors or out. Perfect for air pistol practice and checking your guns before a silhouette match.
Things I would have changed:nothing
What others should know:I would advise setting up at least 50' away when shooting rifles at this equipment, to minimize damage and ricochets.
4.0 4.0
4.0 4.0
It's a good value for the money.
Things I would have changed:The inside of the trap should be white to help see iron sights. I did a rattle can paint job on mine and it's much easier to use with the silhouettes. I painted the animals black.
4.0 4.0
4.0 4.0
Comparatively inexpensive, and easy to store away when not in use. For target shooting, just cut up cereal boxes to use as target backers, to get clean holes. I use target backers for all my target shooting.
Things I would have changed:Not much, for what it is.
What others should know:It is a sheet metal trap, so it is NOISY when hit. You can dampen the sound with a layer of duct seal on the outside back. The duct seal will absorb the reverberation and reduce the noise.
Keep targets away from the edge of the trap. I accidentaly hit the edge of the trap, and the pellet fragments bounced back at my face, 6 meters away. So forget using multi bull targets with bulls next to the edge of the trap. For multi-bull targets I would use a larger trap.
This is a sheet metal trap, if you want a trap that can take high velocity air guns w/o damage, get the Champion Heady Duty trap.
Because this trap is not large, you need to make sure you have a good/safe backstop...just in case you miss the trap.
1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0
Works o.k if you are shooting the iron targets. But @ 25 yards using air arms 8.44 gr. roundnose pellets, shooting a beeman x2. On paper targets this trap allready has been shot thru and I think it is supposed to be rated to withstand that kind of hits. That is why I bought this trap.
Things I would have changed:Double the gauge thickness of the rear of the trap to be able to withstand hits from most springers (1000 fps)at least
What others should know:If you purchase this trap only shoot the iron targets supplied and hope you hit them every time or know someone that is a welder, to reinforce the back of this trap
3.0 3.0
2.0 2.0
Good Idea
Things I would have changed:Size, build, action
What others should know:Had this 1 season and its totally toast. Also even with light amo it sometimes returns the shot. Targets routinely fall off or twist and sometimes jam. I think a little heavyer, larger and better trap would fix things.
4.0 4.0
4.0 4.0
fun for my young son. they love shooting the sillouttes. And no need to use and throw away paper targets. Haven't used it with lead pellets yet, but used it with airsoft
Things I would have changed:Maybe some utility to add internal inserts for foam that would reduce the possibility of pellets ricocheting out of the box. Might make airsoft work better even though it technically is not designed for it
What others should know:after assembly, I cut out the box it came in on the sides so I can store it back in the box after use. Once assembled, the target support shaft ends stick out of the sides and don't allow it to slide into the box.
2.0 2.0
2.0 2.0
If one gets joy out of shooting at a hanging metal silhouette target then I guess this one will fit the bill. I was hoping that I could use it for paper targets but for that it falls far short of expectations. On cannot just slip a paper target into the slide rails. The unit comes equipped with a piece of cardboard (bent in my case) that slips into the rails in back of a paper target. Obviously, the cardboard support quickly gets destroyed through use, and the instructions direct the user to cut pieces of cardboard matching the size of the one piece supplied. I think active target shooters will spend more time cutting cardboard than shooting with this unit. I finally simply purchased the heavy duty Champion bullet/pellet trap which serves the purpose. After buying two lesser traps (one with swinging targets that are reset by shooting a larger target - it became dysfunctional within about 10 shots) including this one, I purchased what I should have gotten in the first place - the Champion model.
Things I would have changed:Obviously make it a system where paper targets can be clipped on the front of certainly can be utilized without a cardboard insert that constantly needs replacement.
What others should know:Go top-of-the-line to begin with.
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
So far it stands up well to 400 fps .177.
Things I would have changed:Paint it white (I did), I could not see the sights on my gun (iron) against a black background. I then painted the hangers white and the targets black. It's now almost perfect for me.
What others should know:I used a 1x2 across the bottom to mount it to an old camera tripod. It's fast to set up now.
2.0 2.0
2.0 2.0
Metal animal targets are strong, but some do not hang evenly. Pellets in trap can be disposed of though side ports, so one does not have to handle them. Inserting cardboard backing with targets is easy.
Things I would have changed:When using animal targets, trap often does not trap pellets. Ricochet is common after hitting targets squarely. Unacceptable and dangerous, particularly when using indoors. Trap needs to be deeper to allow better catch of projectile. Trap does catch pellets when paper targets are used.
What others should know:I'm disappointed with the versatility and design of this, although the concept is good. Paper targets only can be used when indoors, without having to deal with ricochet/rebounded pellets.
Reactive animal targets are good when this is outside.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Best one of them all, I do not use the animals because the first 2 I shot, when the pellet hit it dead center it broke them off of there hanger (there just tack welded on) And I have had pellets hit hard and bounce back out of the trap thats why I cut out a bunch of cardboard fronts, slide one in and you can put dot stickers on it or tape your targets to it..Another GOOD thing about it I used the 22 caliber Condor AND the 22 and 25 caliber Marauders on this target also YES THEY WILL SHOOT THREW IT, SOOOO before you shoot go to the local hardware store buy 2- 4x4" (4 inch by 4 inch) STEAL electrical box covers ducktape them to the back BEFORE you shoot and dent it up or shoot threw it lol and your ready to shoot some heavy lead at it! Also what works perfect is to stick 2 or double it and use 4 bricks of (duck seal putty) in it they will stop ANY pellet from ANY 177,22,25 caliber airgun!
Things I would have changed:Wider maybe...
What others should know:DUCKTAPE the seams and holes in the bottom and sides BEFORE you shoot or you will have lead dust and shavings EVERY WHERE! I also put a strip across the bottom front of the trap to keep in dust and little pieces of lead..Sounds like a lot of work but its not and it is the best target you can buy for the price and its steal NOT plastic like the new ones are!!!!
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
First off, I see two products listed at two different prices but that's the only difference...I'll describe mine for (redundant perhaps) clarity. A black metal pellet trap, with 4 critter targets (Orange). Also included was hanging hardware for critters, two types of paper targets about 4 or 6 each (and you've ( scan them and print them off and you've got a buzillion of each) and cardboard target-back for insertion. I shoot 40-80 rounds per day 5 days a week avg. I've had no trouble with it after about 1 month, except that the critter metal targets have flat plates for standing up instead of hanging and I've shot those off the feet of two of them. I don't know why that feature is there (other than a thoughtful bonus from the maker) I never intend to use them except from the hanging position... that's why I bought a trap anyway, not a gallery type. After alI..I did deliberately shoot @ the feet anyway for extra challenge.
Things I would have changed:Maybe stronger steel for the main structure... a minor issue since the pellets will never bust through.The pellets in my .22 cal (air gun) do make a real dent; which pops paint chips a bit. But I bought a two cans of paint (B&W) @ $1.19 ea.: so each session I spray a schpritz of white (white was cheaper than orange) on the hanging targets just like the big boys at competitions and then on the main unit w/ black. Just my Idiosyncrasy...not important.
What others should know:Nothing else to mention, its a simple and straight forward product that does its job. My range is 30 ft w/.22cal. pellets @ appx 550 fps. Its all good.
By JPM from USA on 2010-12-30 |
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
the targets are easy to put in and hang. its very sturdy too.
Things I would have changed:make the paper targets easier to find.
What others should know:the metal targets are easy to reuse. i simply bought some orange florescent spray paint (don't use primer or it wot chip very well when shot) and spray them until i cant see the bare metal anymore.
4.0 4.0
4.0 4.0
Hanging targets are a fun change of pace.
Things I would have changed:Build it thicker - I'll pay for the extra steel. Package it with more targets. Make the targets out of thicker material (replace paper targets with cardboard).
What others should know:This trap is a great trap. But, mind the pellet specifications. And don't go shooting kodiaks at it with the max fps rating, either. My marauder tore this thing in half - LOL. It split the trap where the 45 degree steel on the back meets the 90 degree steel. It's no ones fault but my own, and my 4 star rating has nothing to do with the fact that I didn't follow instructions. The 4 star is because it's a good pellet trap, but you can get more for your money if you buy the Gamo trap. It is every bit as strong as this one, and it comes with 100, quality cardboard targets that fit perfectly in their trap. Go with the Gamo.
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
Animal silhouettes are a fun change, and can be used as many times as necessary.
Things I would have changed:From 10 meters, pellets seem to dent the back of the trap petty badly. I'm not sure it matters, but I wouldn't shoot any closer than that. I'm using domed .177 pellets at 1000FPS with a Ruger AirHawk.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
strong , easy to set-up , and use. A lot of fun to shoot at. I really like paper target shooting / practice, but sometimes ya just need to mix it up a little. I had a blast using this trap for the first time. I hung the two middle size targets up at the same time, and just had tons of fun. I didn't have much trouble with the targets moving around too much. Yes they did shift , but I always had enough space to hit the intended target.
Things I would have changed:make it large enough to hang all 4 targets at the same time.
What others should know:I shot at the steel trap / targets from 26 feet away. I was using my Crosman 2300T pistol, and had ZERO damage done to this well made trap. I had 3-5 rounds at most bounce out of the trap. The rounds that didn't get trapped, only bounced a foot or so. I fired about 60 rounds at the targets my first ues, so 3-5 bounced rounds is NOT BAD at all. I used Crosman wadcutters & they did a great job. Since I was not at the distance I should have been, I did knock some paint off the pig & bird targets. I have VERY RELIABLE back stops , and ask that you do not chance getting hurt firing at steel target too close. I wear eye protection , and track the distance of any un-trapped pellets. As I stated, the few pellets that did bounce out , didn't travel much more then 12". The way this trap is built & designed is perfect.
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By James
Verified Purchase
I was looking for a versatile, portable, low cost trap for indoor and outdoor shooting. This fits the bill perfectly. The combination between the swingers and paper helps keep my son's interest up, too. The NRA silhouettes are really nice. Although an occasional miss hits and bends the hanger rod, it is easily straightened. I keep a can of orange spray paint handy. I cut sheets of cardboard to back up the paper targets when we use those. So far, it has taken a few hundred rounds. Mostly, we've used CO2 177 pellets and BBs from rifles and pistols. It is really priced right, though.
Things I would have changed:The back plate is getting distorted. Another gauge or two thicker sheet metal would help. I will probably make an insert for it. We've only shot it a few times with gas piston break barrels. I don't think it is tough enough to withstand too many shots from those. I would also put putty in the bottom if I want to use it in our unfinished basement. These are minor complaints considering the low cost and high value. It is really priced right.
What others should know:Keep track of the rubber stops on the ends of the main rod. They hold it in place. Without them, it won't stay put. I always have the opinion that something should do what it says it is supposed to do, even if the price is low. This trap has done just that. There may be higher quality out there, but this is a good overall value as long as you don't use high powered arms.